999 resultados para Evolução estelar
This work proposes a model based approach for pointcut management in the presence of evolution in aspect oriented systems. The proposed approach, called conceptual visions based pointcuts, is motivated by the observation of the shortcomings in traditional approaches pointcuts definition, which generally refer directly to software structure and/or behavior, thereby creating a strong coupling between pointcut definition and the base code. This coupling causes the problem known as pointcut fragility problem and hinders the evolution of aspect-oriented systems. This problem occurs when all the pointcuts of each aspect should be reviewed due to any software changes/evolution, to ensure that they remain valid even after the changes made in the software. Our approach is focused on the pointcuts definition based on a conceptual model, which has definitions of the system's structure in a more abstract level. The conceptual model consists of classifications (called conceptual views) on entities of the business model elements based on common characteristics, and relationships between these views. Thus the pointcuts definitions are created based on the conceptual model rather than directly referencing the base model. Moreover, the conceptual model contains a set of relationships that allows it to be automatically verified if the classifications in the conceptual model remain valid even after a software change. To this end, all the development using the conceptual views based pointcuts approach is supported by a conceptual framework called CrossMDA2 and a development process based on MDA, both also proposed in this work. As proof of concept, we present two versions of a case study, setting up a scenario of evolution that shows how the use of conceptual visions based pointcuts helps detecting and minimizing the pointcuts fragility. For the proposal evaluation the Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) technique is used together with metrics for efficiency analysis in the pointcuts definition
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a technique that complements the Object- Oriented Software Development (OOSD) modularizing several concepts that OOSD approaches do not modularize appropriately. However, the current state-of-the art on AOSD suffers with software evolution, mainly because aspect definition can stop to work correctly when base elements evolve. A promising approach to deal with that problem is the definition of model-based pointcuts, where pointcuts are defined based on a conceptual model. That strategy makes pointcut less prone to software evolution than model-base elements. Based on that strategy, this work defines a conceptual model at high abstraction level where we can specify software patterns and architectures that through Model Driven Development techniques they can be instantiated and composed in architecture description language that allows aspect modeling at architecture level. Our MDD approach allows propagate concepts in architecture level to another abstraction levels (design level, for example) through MDA transformation rules. Also, this work shows a plug-in implemented to Eclipse platform called AOADLwithCM. That plug-in was created to support our development process. The AOADLwithCM plug-in was used to describe a case study based on MobileMedia System. MobileMedia case study shows step-by-step how the Conceptual Model approach could minimize Pointcut Fragile Problems, due to software evolution. MobileMedia case study was used as input to analyses evolutions on software according to software metrics proposed by KHATCHADOURIAN, GREENWOOD and RASHID. Also, we analyze how evolution in base model could affect maintenance on aspectual model with and without Conceptual Model approaches
CONTEXTO: Os fatores de risco para doença aterosclerótica, que influenciam na evolução natural dessa doença, estão bem estabelecidos, assim como o benefício do programa de exercícios para pacientes claudicantes. Entretanto, faltam informações sobre a relação entres limitações clínicas e fatores de risco, com desempenho do programa de caminhadas e suas implicações na evolução e mortalidade destes pacientes. OBJETIVO: Comparar, ao longo do tempo, a distância de claudicação e sobrevida de pacientes claudicantes em ambulatório específico, com ou sem limitação para exercícios. MÉTODOS: Foi feito um estudo tipo coorte retrospectivo de 185 pacientes e 469 retornos correspondentes, no período de 1999 a 2005, avaliando-se dados demográficos, distância média de claudicação (CI) e óbito. Os dados foram analisados nos programas Epi Info, versão 3.2, e SAS, versão 8.2. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 60,9±11,1 anos, sendo 61,1% do sexo masculino e 38,9% do sexo feminino. Oitenta e sete por cento eram brancos, e 13%, não-brancos. Os fatores de risco associados foram: hipertensão (69,7%), tabagismo (44,3%), dislipidemia (32,4%) e diabetes (28,6%). Nos claudicantes para menos de 500 m, a CI inicial em esteira foi de 154,0±107,6 m, e a CI final, de 199,8±120,5 m. Cerca de 45% dos pacientes tinham alguma limitação clínica para realizar o programa de exercícios preconizado, como: angina (26,0%), acidente vascular cerebral (4,3%), artropatia (3,8%), amputação menor ou maior com prótese (2,1%) ou doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (1,6%). Cerca de 11,4% dos pacientes tinham infarto do miocárdio prévio, e 5,4% deles usavam cardiotônico. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 16,0±14,4 meses. A distância média de CI referida pelos pacientes aumentou 100% (de 418,47 m para 817,74 m) ao longo de 2 anos, nos grupos não-limitante (p < 0,001) e não-tabagista (p < 0,001). A sobrevida dos claudicantes foi significativamente menor no grupo com limitação. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que a limitação para realização de exercícios, isoladamente, influenciou significativamente na mortalidade (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A realização correta e regular dos exercícios e o abandono do fumo melhoram a distância de claudicação, além de reduzir a mortalidade nesses casos, seja por meio de efeitos positivos próprios do exercício, seja por meio de controle dos fatores de risco e de seus efeitos adversos.
Dengue is considered as the most important arthropod-borne viral disease throughout the world due to the high number of people at risk to be infected, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the planet. The etiologic agent is Dengue Virus (DENV), it is a single positive-stranded RNA virus of the family Flavivirus, genus Flaviviridae. Four serotypes are known, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. One of the most important characteristic of these viruses is the genetic variability, which demands phylogenetic and evolutionary studies to understand key aspects like: epidemiology, virulence, migration patterns and antigenic characteristics. The objective of this study is the genetic characterization of dengue viruses circulating in the state of Rio Grande does Norte from January 2010 to December 2012. The complete E gene (1485 pb) of DENV1, 2 e 4 from Brazilian (Rio Grande do Norte) patients was sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using MEGA 5.2 software, Tamura-Nei model and Neighbor-Joining trees were inferred for the datasets. In Brazil, there is just one DENV-1 genotype (genotype V), one DENV-2 genotype (Asian/American) and two DENV-4 genotypes (genotypes I and II). Brazilian strains of DENV-1 are subdivided in two different lineages (BR-I and BR-II), the Brazilian strains of DENV-2 are subdivided in four lineages (BRI-IV) and genotype II of DENV-4 is subdivided in three Brazilian lineages (BRI-III). The viruses isolated in RN belong to lineage BR-II (DENV-1), BR-IV (DENV-2) and BR-III (DENV-4).The Caribbean and near Latin American countries are the main source of these viruses to Brazil. Amino acids substitutions were detected in three domains of E protein, this makes clear the necessity of studies that associate epidemiological and molecular data to better understand the effects of these mutations. This is the first study about genetic characterization and evolution of Dengue viruses in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
This research has as objective of study the evolution of the accountancy princliple terminology which is present in the accounting conceptual framework. The scene of this research will have as target the North American School of Accounting. The choice of the searched terminology is its relevance in the study of the Accounting Theory. To understand the evolution of the accountancy thought, will be boarded: the influence of the Feudal System and the Mercantilism in the European economic conception; the importance of the Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the accounting standards and the influence of England in the formation of the North American School of Accounting. With relation to U.S.A., the development of the economic-financial scene of the American society will be evaluated, focusing the contribution in the search of the construction of an applied theoretical framework to the Accounting. The economic-financial development of U.S.A. provided the sprouting of new users with specific necessities. The necessity of the user for useful information for the decision taking, unchained the process of research directed toward the establishment of an applied Accountancy terminology. In this process, the paper exerted for the responsible accountancy organisms for the accounting standards will be boarded, as well as the professionals associations which had invested in researches, aiming at to elaborate a body of accountancy principles and to adjust the accountancy procedures to the necessities of the users. To reach the research objective, a bibliographical revision in specialized literature will be effected, adopting the historical method, in the period that understands the development of the North American School of Accounting. As result of the research, it can conclude that the evolution process of the terminology which is studied presents a structural logical problem, because the impossibility of the construction of a theoretical framework, having as bases the principle terminology. The impossibility occurred in function of the reach attributed to the term, which made a difficult in its application in the elaboration of the accountancy procedures
The lower course of Piranhas-Assu river, located in the north coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, arouses a keen interest as a study field, once it concentrates, besides petroleum and gas exploration, activities related to shrimp culture, salt and horticulture, factors that also deserve special attention. Thus, the awareness of the study field environmental stage demands studies from researchers and discernment from society, as a way of understanding the inter-relation between environment and men. Therefore, this work attempts at understanding and studying the dynamics of land use in the lower course of Piranhas-Assu river, through a multitemporal analysis of present and past, accomplishing future projections through simulation models. The work is divided in stages that include the research, analysis, interpretation of results, and the generation of simulation models, to analyze the landscape tendencies, making possible to identify indicators which cause such changes in the lower course of the river. From Geographical Database, the necessary exploratory analyses were accomplished to the following items: land use evolution, natural and environmental vulnerability, multiple geodiversity indexes, and preparation of the data to be used in the simulation model. Later, the construction of the landscape simulation model was conducted. Sequentially, simulations of future sceneries were accomplished through the execution of the model in a specific software environment. Last, the analyses of landscape tendencies in the study field were carried out. The lower course of Piranhas-Assu River didn't show any intense dynamics in landscape changing, once in the period taken into account (from 1988 to 2004) class stability proved to be superior to its transformations. Activities related to agriculture and livestock are the ones that influence, mostly, the landscape dynamics. The production of sea shrimp and petroleum also infers in the landscape, although in smaller proportion. INCRA s public policies excessively determined the dynamics of the landscape in the lower course of Piranhas-Assu River, RN. In respect to its natural vulnerability, the lower course of Piranhas-Assu River, RN, features more vulnerable than stable areas. The landscape simulation, in the first taken period (2004-2009), indicated considerable increases and decreases of antropic activities, if compared to its sequent periods (2009-2014, 2014-2019 and 2019-2024). The simulation, in a wider analysis, showed that the determining factors for the space mobility of antropic activities, in the focused area, are related to the pre-existence of communities with agricultural capability and to the existence of access routes and drainage. Considering the area that features fixed and mobile dunes, located in Porto do Mangue district, we recommend its conversion into a conservation area
This thesis aims to advance in the geological knowledge of the region comprising the Piancó-Alto Brígida (TPAB) and Alto pajeú (TAP) terranes, in the Transversal Zone Domain (Borborema Province, NE Brazil), with the main objective of understanding the geodynamic evolution and the structural framework of these units. To reach this objective, and besides field work and interpretation of traditional aerial photographs, other tools were employed like of remote sensing products (Landsat 7 ETM+, aeroradiometrics, aeromagnetics and topographical images), lithogeochemical (whole rock) analyses and geochronological dating (U-Pb in zircon), besides integration with literature data. In the area, several precambrian geological units outcrop, represented in the TAP by the paleoproterozoic Serra Talhada and Afogados da Ingazeira complexes, Riacho Gravatá Complex (metavolcano-sedimentary sequence of Stenian-Tonian age) and Cariris Velhos orthogneisses (of Tonian age). The TPAB comprises the Santana do Garrote (lower unit) and Serra do Olho d'Água (upper unit) formations of the Cachoeirinha Group (Neoproterozoic III), besides the Piancó orthogneisses and Bom Jesus paragneisses; the latter correspond to an older (basement ?) block and a possible high grade equivalent of the Cachoeirinha Group (or Seridó Group ?), respectively. Several Brasiliano-age plutons occur in both terranes.The aeromagnetic data show the continuity, at depth, of the main shear zones mapped in the region. The Patos, Pernambuco, Boqueirão dos Cochos, Serra do Caboclo, Afogados da Ingazeira/Jabitacá and Congo-Cruzeiro do Nordeste shear zones reach depths greater than to 6-16 km. The aeromagnetic signature of other shear zones, like the Juru one, suggests that these structures correspond to shallower crustal features. The satellite images (Landsat 7 ETM+) and aerogamaspectrometric images discriminate different geological units, contributing to the mapping of the structural framework of the region. The Serra do Caboclo Shear Zone was characterized as the boundary/suture between the TPAB and TAP. This structure is an outstanding, pervasive feature that separates contrasting geological units, such as the Neoproterozoic III Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB and the Riacho Gravatá Complex and the Cariris Velhos metaplutonics, of Stenian-Tonian age, in the TAP. Occupying different blocks, these units are not found in authoctonous relations, like unconformities and intrusive contacts. Concerning the Cariris Velhos (ca. 1,0 Ga old) event is recorded by radiometric ages of the Riacho Gravatá Complex metavolcanics and intrusive augen and orthogneisses, all of them displaying geochemical affinities of arc or collisional settings. A structural signature of this event was not recorded in the region, possibly due to its low grade/low strain style, obliterated by the overprinting of younger, higher grade/high strain Brasiliano-age fabrics.The first tectonic event (D1) observed in the Cariris Velhos lithotypes presents contractional kinematics with transport to the NW. Neoproterozoic III geochronologic dates, obtained in late-D1 granitoids, imply a Brasiliano age (ca. 610-600 Ma) for this deformation event. The second tectonic event (D2) characterized in the region corresponds to the Brasiliano transcurrent kinematics of the outstanding shear zones and associated granitoid plutons. The geochronological (U-Pb in zircon) data obtained during this thesis also confirms the occurrence of the Cariris Velhos magmatic suite in the TAP, as well as the Neoproterozoic III age to the Cachoeirinha Group in the TPAB. The TAP (Riacho Gravatá Complex, augen and orthogneisses) is interpreted as a continental arc possibly accreted to a microcontinent during the Cariris Velhos (Stenian-Tonian) event. Later on, this terrane collided with the TPAB at the beginning of the Brasiliano orogeny (D1 contractional deformation), and both domins were reworked by the transcurrent shear deformation of the D2 event
The Xaréu Oil Field, located in the center-southern portion of the Mundaú Sub-Basin (eastern portion of the Ceará Basin), is characterized by a main Iramework of NW-trending and NE-dipping faults. The faults in the Xaréu Oil Field, among which the Xaréu Fautt stands out, are arranged according to an extensional-listriclan, rooted on a detachment surface corresponding to the Mundaú Fault, the border fautt of Mundaú Sub-Basin. During the tectonic-structural evolution of the Xaréu Oil Field and the Mundaú Sub-Basin, the Mundaú Fault played a crucial role on the control of the geometry of both compartments. The main carbonatic unit in the Xaréu Oil Field, named the Trairí Member(Paracuru Formation of Late Aptian to Early Albian age), contains the largest oil volume in the field, concentrated in structurally-controlled accumulations. The Trairí Member is composed by a variety of carbonatic rocks (massive, bedded or laminated calcilutites, ostracodites, calcarenites and carbonatic rudites, all of them presenting variable degrees of dolomitization). The carbonatic rocks are interbedded into thick packages of black shales and marls, besides local beds of siliciclastic conglomerates, sandstones, siltnes and argillites. From the spatial association and the genetic relationships between the carbonatic and siliciclastic units, it is possible to group them in three lithofacies associations (Marginal Plain, Ramp and Lacustrine Interior) that, together, were developed in a lacustrine system associated to a marginal sabkha. Structural studies based on drill coresthat sample the Trairí Member in the Xaréu Oil Field allowed to characterize two generations of meso- to microscale structures: the D1 group presents a typical hydroplastic character, being characterized by intra/interstratal to oblique-bedding shear zones. The hydroplastic character related to these structures allowed to infer their development at an early-lithilication stage of the Trairí Member, leading to infer an Early Cretaceous age to them. The second group of structures identified in the drill cores, nominated D2 and ascribed to a Neogene age, presents a strictly brttle character, being typilied by normal faults and slickenfibers of re-crystallized clayminerals, ali olthem displaying variable orientations. Although the present faults in the Xaréu Oil Field (and, consequently, in the Mundaú Sub-Basin) were classically relerred as struetures of essentially normal displacement, the kinematics analysis of the meso-to microscaie D1 struetures in the drill cores led to deline oblique displacements (normal with a clockwise strike-slip component) to these faults, indicating a main tectonic transport to ENE. These oblique movements would be responsible for the installation of a transtensive context in the Mundaú Sub-Basin, as part of the transcurrent to translormant opening of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin. The balancing of four struetural cross-sections ofthe Xaréu Oil Field indicates that the Mundaú Fault was responsible for more than 50% of the total stretching (ß factor) registered during the Early Aptian. At the initial stages of the "rifting", during Early Aptianuntil the Holocene, the Mundaú Sub-Basin (and consequently the Xaréu Oil Fleld) accumulated a total stretching between 1.21 and 1.23; in other words, the crust in this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was subjeeted to an elongation of about 20%. From estimates of oblique displacements related to the faults, it ws possible to construct diagrams that allow the determination of stretching factors related to these displacements. Using these diagrams and assuming the sense 01 dominant teetonictransport towards ENE, it was possible to calculate the real stretching lactors related to the oblique movement 0 of the faults in the Mundaú Sub-Basin. which reached actual values between 1.28 and 1.42. ln addnion to the tectonic-structural studies in the Xaréu Oil Field, the interpretation of remote sensing products, coupled wnh characterization of terrain analogues in seleeted areas along the northern Ceará State (continental margins of the Ceará and Potiguar basins), provided addnional data and constraints about the teetonic-structural evolution of the oil lield. The work at the analogue sites was particularly effective in the recognition and mapping, in semidetail scale, several generations of struetures originated under a brittle regime. Ali the obtained information (from the Xaréu Oil Field, the remote sensor data and the terrain analogues) were jointly interpreted, culminating with the proposnion of an evolutionary model lor this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin; this model that can be applied to the whole Margin, as well. This segmentof the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was delormedin an early E-W (when considered lhe present-day position of the South American Plate) transcurrent to transform regime with dextral kinematics, started Irom, at least, the Early Aptian, which left its record in several outcrops along the continental margin of the Ceará State and specilically in the Xaréu off Field. The continuous operation of the regime, through the Albian and later periods, led to the definitive separation between the South American and African plates, with the formation of oceanic lithosphere between the two continental blocks, due to the emplacement off spreading centers. This process involved the subsequent transition of the transcurrent to a translorm dextral regime, creating lhe Equatorial Atlantic Oceano With the separation between the South American and African plates already completed and the increasing separation between lhe continental masses, other tecton ic mechanisms began to act during the Cenozoic (even though the Cretaceous tectonic regime lasted until the Neogene), like an E-W compressive stress líeld (related to the spreading olthe oceanic floor along lhe M id-Atlantic Ridge and to the compression of the Andean Chain) effective Irom the Late Cretaceous, and a state of general extension olthe horizontal surface (due to the thermal uplift ofthe central portion of Borborema Province), effective during the Neogene. The overlap of these mechanisms during the Cenozoic led to the imprint of a complex tectonic framework, which apparently influenced the migration and entrapment 01 hydrocarbon in the Ceará Basin
The northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State is characterized by strong changes in coastal morphology, caused by various geological and climatic factors. In this region are installed the main socio-economic activities of the State, highlighting the oil industry, which exerts much of its activities in the coastal area studied. Erosion is a constant problem in this region because it affects the entire local populace to the destruction of houses and trade, rendering tourism, affecting the livelihood activities and industrial activities. The greatest risk is related to environmental damage that can be caused by the oil spill in this region. To understand what determines the changes in coastal morphology this Doctoral Thesis is proposed to identify the factors at local, regional and even global corroborate coastal dynamics to this coast in question. For this study, used several different products and tools for interpreting the conditions of the erosive effect that dominates the whole northern coast of the State, in an attempt to quantify and describe the causes and effects that affect the entire coastal zone monitored. The development of activities is built into the projects Rede 05 PETROMAR (CTPETRO-FINEP/PETROBRAS/CNPq), PETRORISCO, HIDROSEMA, PETROMAR e Rede 05/04 POTMAR (FNDCT/CTPETROFINEP/ CNPq), in the activities of multidisciplinary and inter-features in issues involving environmental monitoring and oil activity
The estuaries are important investigation zones of the actual morphodynamic and of depositional facies of recent geological history. They are constituted in important receptor means of the coastal area sediments, where the evolutionary processes occur quickly. They are also attractive means for the development of anthropic activities, which in a disordered way interfere in the active processes in the sedimentary balance of the coastal areas. Among the human interventions, the alterations of the depositional environment of mangroves in areas of tropical estuary is deserving relevance, whose implications for the environment estuarine and the coastal adjacent, they are still far to be known. Due to the interest of the sedimentologic component in the comprehension of the processes linked to the evolution of the environments estuarine and coastal adjacent, this work, aimed at the understanding of the morphodynamic coastal phenomena that comprise the region of estuarine influence of the River Curimataú / RN. It was also evaluated in the morphodynamic context the implications due to alterations of the depositional environment of mangrove by anthropic activity. The Curimataú Estuary, located in the south portion of the oriental coast of Rio Grande do Norte, in the last decades has been objective of the overwhelming occupation of the shrimp farm in areas of mangroves, which were implanted with perspectives of development in a short to medium period. On the other hand, the estuary and its region of coastal influence lacks enough information to subsidize the planning and reorganization more effective of the surrounding activities. Thus, it was intended with this work to give a contribution target tothe maintainable use of the coastal resources of this region. A series of studies using data of orbital and acoustic remote sensing, as of sediments sampling, were executed in the gutter of the estuary. The obtained results starting from the interpretation of bathymetric maps, echo sounder graphics and of distribution of sediments made possible the location of the estuary based in morpho-sedimentar criteria. The estuarine tidal flat was dissected in environments of intertidal mangroves, supratidal mangroves and apicuns with base in the integration of data of sensor optic and of radar following by the field control. The adjacent coast that is influenced by the Curimataú estuary, was segmented according to their geomorphologic characteristics, where each segment had a point of observation of the beach morphodynamic, during the period from january/2001 to february/2002. Once every month, beaches profiles, collections of sediments in the beach zones, as measurement of hydrodynamic parameters were executed. The results of the observations of the tidal environment showed that the area of estuarine influence of the Curimataú begins to suffer negative sedimentary taxes, where in some beaches, the erosive processes are already observed. The granulometric characteristics of the beach sediments start to tend for the increase of thin sand in the erosive periods. The destruction of the depositional environments of mangroves of the Curimataú estuary, to the construction of shrimp farms, can be providing the diminution of the tidal prism of the estuary, enlarging the effects of the local increasing of the sea level, through the smaller supplying of sediments to the adjacent coast. Besides this, it was verified the possibility of the sanding of the tidal channel in the margins of the destroyed areas of mangroves, where very high taxes of sedimentation of thin materials were estimated in case of these areas were preserve
The Northeast relief was described by the Pediplanation Model. This action discards the theoretical basis of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the landscape. Through this model the Massif Pereiro - MP, Borborema Province, was established as part of the Tablelands Area Residual Sertanejos. The present work aims to establish the post- Cretaceous morphotectonic evolution of the MP by geomorphological and geological mapping using Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing and dating of sediments by Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR). The MP is contained in the core semi-arid, annual precipitation of 600-800 mm / year. The MP is NE-SW, is limited by Shear Zone Jaguaribe (ZCJ) and Portalegre Shear Zone (ZCPa), the same attitude, and crossed by several other shear zones. These shear zones show evidence of brittle Cenozoic reactivation, mostly as normal faults and shallow crustal level. The Quaternary sedimentation around the MP focuses on fault escarpments in a general pattern cascade, where ages decrease from the summits of the steep foothills. The ages of 51 sediment samples indicate a correlation with global climate following pulses: Last Interestadial-UI, the Last Glacial Maximum - LGM and the transition Pleistocene / Holocene, while the latter focus on 18 of 51 samples dated. This study also finds evidence of a new quaternary basin, here called Merejo Basin. Through these results it is concluded that no evidence of post-Cretaceous tectonic evolution of morphological MP, as their retreat along the fault scarps, invariably following the trend of the shear zones. The erosion of cliffs in large time scale is controlled by weakness zones generated by faults on the other hand the erosion of cliffs in short time, with the formation of deposits and colluvial horizons pedogenizados, has climate control. It was also found that in the study area there is a preponderance of past and current tectonic erosion processes on the morphological evolution
The projected rotational velocity together with lithium abundance and the onset of the dilution by the deepening in mass of the convective envelope provide a key tool to investigate the so far poorly understood processes at work in stellar interiors of solar-analog stars. To investigate the link between abundances, convection and rotational velocities in solar-analog G dwarf stars, we study a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf stars presenting measured lithium abundances, rotational velocities, and fundamental parameters together with computed evolutionary tracks (Toulouse-Geneva code) for a range of stellar masses around 1 M and metallicity consistent with the solar-analog range. The aim of this work is to build up an evolution of lithium and rotation as a function of stellar age, mass, effective temperature, and convection. We analyze the evolutionary status of the sample of 118 solar-analog G dwarf in the HR diagram based on Hipparcos data and using a grid of stellar models in the effective temperature and mass range of the solar-analog stars. We discuss the deepening (in mass) of the convective envelope and the influence on the Li abundances and projected rotational velocities. We determined the stellar mass and the mass of the convective envelope for a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf and checked the evolutionary link between the rotational velocity, lithium abundance, and the deepening of the convective envelope. Fast rotators (vsini 6 km s��1) are also stars with high Li content. Slow rotators present a wide range of values of log n(Li). Our results shed new light on the lithium and rotational behavior in G dwarf stars. We confirmed the presence of a large Li abundance spread among the solar-analog stars and concluded that the solar twins probably share a similar mixing history with the Sun
This study proposes an observing program focused on the investigation of the stellar magnetism and dynamo evolution in cool active solar-like stars. More mainly in the solar analogs and twins. Observations of stars of our base were carried out with two spectropolarimeter (ESPaDOnS@CFHT and NARVAL@TBL). The analyse of stars in stage different allows an understanding of the dependence of magnetic activity on basic stellar parameters such as rotation, mass, age and depth of the convection zone. This study provides measures necessary for testing dynamo theories. The 65 targets for this project are solar type stars with mass spanning from 0:9 M=Mfi 1:075 solar masses and at different evolutionary stages. Our two main science objectives were, (i) To determine how the magnetic field evolved from the ZAMS to the TO (turn off) for stars with 0:9 M=Mfi 1:075; (ii) To determine the impact of convective depth and rotation on magnetic of cool stars of solar type. The main result from this study was the characterization of the dependence of magnetic field intensity as function of age, Rossby number and the convective zone deepening. This context, the availability of ESPaDOnS and NARVAL opens an exceptional possibility to study the magnetic properties of Sun-like stars by means of spectropolarimetric observations
The Galaxy open clusters have a wide variety of physical properties that make them valuable laboratories for studies of stellar and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. In order to better settle these properties we investigate the abundances of a large number of chemical elements in a sample of 27 evolved stars of the open cluster M67 with different evolutionary stages (turn-off, subgiant and giant stars). For such a study we used high-resolution spectra (R 47 000) and high S/N obtained with UVES+FLAMES at VLT/UT2, covering the wavelength interval 4200-10 600 Å. Our spectral analysis is based on the MARCS models of atmosphere and Turbospectrum spectroscopic tool. The oxygen abundances were determined from the [O I] line at 6300 Å. In addition, we have also computed abundances of Si I, Na I, Mg I, Al I, Ca I, Ti I, Co I, Ni I, Zr I, La II and Cr I. The abundances investigated in this work, combined with their stellar parameters, offers an opportunity to determine the level of mixing and convective dilution of evolved stars in M67. Based on the obtained parameters, the abundances of these seem to follow a similar trend to the curve of solar abundances. Additionally, following strategies of other studies have investigated the relative abundances as a function of effective temperature and metallicity, where it was possible to observe an abundance of Na, Al and Si to the stars in the field of giants. A large dispersion from star to star, is observed in the ratios [X / Fe] for the Co, Zr and La, and the absence of Zr and La, in the stars of the turn-off. Comparisons made between our results and other studies in the literature show that values of abundances are in agreement and close to the limits of the errors
In this work, the study of some complex systems is done with use of two distinct procedures. In the first part, we have studied the usage of Wavelet transform on analysis and characterization of (multi)fractal time series. We have test the reliability of Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method (WTMM) in respect to the multifractal formalism, trough the calculation of the singularity spectrum of time series whose fractality is well known a priori. Next, we have use the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method to study the fractality of lungs crackles sounds, a biological time series. Since the crackles sounds are due to the opening of a pulmonary airway bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli which was initially closed, we can get information on the phenomenon of the airway opening cascade of the whole lung. Once this phenomenon is associated with the pulmonar tree architecture, which displays fractal geometry, the analysis and fractal characterization of this noise may provide us with important parameters for comparison between healthy lungs and those affected by disorders that affect the geometry of the tree lung, such as the obstructive and parenchymal degenerative diseases, which occurs, for example, in pulmonary emphysema. In the second part, we study a site percolation model for square lattices, where the percolating cluster grows governed by a control rule, corresponding to a method of automatic search. In this model of percolation, which have characteristics of self-organized criticality, the method does not use the automated search on Leaths algorithm. It uses the following control rule: pt+1 = pt + k(Rc − Rt), where p is the probability of percolation, k is a kinetic parameter where 0 < k < 1 and R is the fraction of percolating finite square lattices with side L, LxL. This rule provides a time series corresponding to the dynamical evolution of the system, in particular the likelihood of percolation p. We proceed an analysis of scaling of the signal obtained in this way. The model used here enables the study of the automatic search method used for site percolation in square lattices, evaluating the dynamics of their parameters when the system goes to the critical point. It shows that the scaling of , the time elapsed until the system reaches the critical point, and tcor, the time required for the system loses its correlations, are both inversely proportional to k, the kinetic parameter of the control rule. We verify yet that the system has two different time scales after: one in which the system shows noise of type 1 f , indicating to be strongly correlated. Another in which it shows white noise, indicating that the correlation is lost. For large intervals of time the dynamics of the system shows ergodicity