970 resultados para Enriched Librarian


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We reported diet fluctuation in isotopic composition of surface seston from two connected lakes in China, oligotrophic Lake Fuxian and eutrophic Lake Xingyun. The decrease in nighttime and the increase in daytime of isotope signatures of seston might be attributed to the light-dependent balance between the photosynthesis and the respiration of phytoplankton and to the changes in the species composition and the relative abundance of phytoplankton functional groups at the water's surface in diel growth. The relatively high isotopic signatures and the large-extent diel fluctuation of phytoplankton in the eutrophic lake could be due to utilization of heavy-isotope-enriched inorganic sources and the high primary productivity. Extent of diel fluctuation in delta C-13 and delta N-15 of phytoplankton were relatively small compared with the isotopic enrichment per trophic transfer and thus might have negligible effect on the source identification and the trophic evaluation of consumers.


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Chaetoceros muelleri (Lemn.) was cultured with nitrite (NO2-) or nitrate (NO3-) as the sole nitrogen source and aerated with air or with CO2-enriched air. Cells of C. muelleri excreted into the medium nitrite produced by reduction of nitrate when grown with 100 mu M NaNO3 as nitrogen source. Accordingly, NO2- concentration reached 10.4 mu M after 95 h at the low CO2 condition (aerated with air); while the maximum NO2- concentration was only around 2.0 mu M at the high CO2 condition (aerated with 5% CO2 in air), furthermore, after 30 h it decreased to no more than 1.0 mu M. NO2- was almost assimilated in 80 h when C. muelleri was cultured at the high CO2 condition with 100 mu M NaNO2 as sole nitrogen source. At the high CO2 condition, after 3 h the activity of nitrite reductase was as much as 50% higher than that at the low CO2 condition. It was indicated that enriched CO2 concentration could inhibit nitrite excretion and enhance nitrite assimilation by cells. Therefore, aeration with enriched CO2 might be an effective way to control nitrite content in aquaculture systems.


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A (GT)(n) enriched partial genomic library of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) was constructed by employing the (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats) FIASCO protocol. Sixteen loci exhibited polymorphism with two to seven alleles/locus (mean 3.263) in a test population and the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.100 to 0.690 (mean 0.392). Eleven of the 16 bighead carp microsatellites were found to be also polymorphic in silver carp. These polymorphic loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate population structure of bighead carp.


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Trophic patterns of omnivorous freshwater shrimps, Exopalaemon modestus and Macrobrachium nipponensis, were investigated in two shallow eutrophic lakes by using stable isotope analysis. delta N-15 and delta C-13 of M. nipponensis and E. modestus increased with increasing body weight, which might be attributed to larger individuals ingesting organisms that feed higher up the food chain and/or increased assimilation of benthic food items with enriched isotopic signatures. Of the freshwater shrimps occurring in the studied lakes, those from Lake Taihu had significantly elevated delta N-15 and delta C-13 values (4.3% and 1.8%, respectively) compared with those from the less eutrophic Lake Chaohu, indicating that the isotopic signature might partially reflect the trophic states of their habitats. Mixing model results suggested that the benthic food web provides the primary carbon source for both shrimp species, and that E. modestus assimilated relatively more pelagic food sources than M. nipponensis in these lakes.


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Fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) from the (GT)(n) microsatellite-enriched genomic library, using the fast isolation by amplified fragment length polymorphism of sequences containing repeats protocol. The polymorphism of all 15 loci ranged from two to seven alleles with observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.03 to 0.98 (mean 0.43) in one population of 40 individuals. These novel loci will be helpful for understanding the population structure at genetic level and marker-assisted breeding of this vulnerable species.


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Penaeus monodon postlarvae were fed with different percentages (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) of the herbal appetizer Zingiber officinalis enriched Artemia. After 30 days of culture (i.e. PL-1-30), a very positive result was found in Z. officinalis-enriched Artemia-fed postlarvae. The unenriched Artemia-fed postlarvae consumed 91.0 mg/animal/30 days of feed, whereas the Z. officinalis-enriched Artemia increased their consumption to 127.9 mg/animal/30 days. A similar pattern was noticed in feed absorbed (110.2 mg), dry weight growth (26.7 mg) and feed catabolized (83.2 mg) in Z. officinalis-enriched Artemia because of enzymatic activities. The conversion efficiency of unenriched postlarva was 17.19%, whereas in 100% Z. officinalis-enriched Artemia, the maximum conversion efficiency was 20.85%. The net production efficiency increased significantly (P < 0.05) to 22% from that of the unenriched Artemia-fed postlarvae. The administration of Z. officinalis in all levels produced significantly (P < 0.05) higher weight gain and specific growth rate. The utilization efficiency of feed increased proportionately to the percentages of Z. officinalis. Digestive enzyme activity (amylase, protease and lipase) increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the 50%, 75% and 100% enrichment. Among the different percentages of enrichment, the 100% Z. officinalis-enriched Artemia-fed postlarvae performed better in the overall status.


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Wuchang bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) is an economically important fish in China. From a (GT)(13)-enriched genomic library, 20 microsatellites were developed. Nine of these 20 loci were polymorphic in a test population with allele numbers ranging from two to four, and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.2609 to 0.7826 and from 0.3739 to 0.7546, respectively. In the cross-species amplifications, six of these nine loci were also polymorphic in white amur bream (Parabramis pekinensis). These polymorphic microsatellite loci are potentially useful for population genetics of Wuchang bream and its closely related species.


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Rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) is an endangered small fish endemic to upper reach of the Yangtze River. From a (GT)n enriched genomic library, 32 microsatellites were isolated and characterized. Nineteen of these loci were polymorphic in a test population with alleles ranging from 2-7, and observed and expected heterozygosities from zero to 0.8438, and 0.2679 to 0.8264, respectively. In the cross-species amplifications, 13 out of 19 polymorphic loci were found to be also polymorphic in at least one of the 7 closely related species of the subfamily Gobioninae. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate the fine-scale population structure in rare minnow and its closely related species for the conservation purpose.


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The rice field eel (Monopterus albus) is a fish of economic importance in China and some Asian countries. From a (GT)(n)-enriched genomic library, 30 microsatellites were developed by employing the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Thirteen loci exhibited polymorphism with two to 13 alleles (mean 7.9 alleles/locus) in a test population and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.3125 to 0.9688 (mean 0.7140). These loci should provide sufficient level of genetic variation to study the fine-scale population structure and reproductive ecology of the species.


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Type I markers are useful for comparative mapping and other genetic analyses, but relatively difficult to develop. In the present study a microsatellite (SSR)-enriched cDNA library was constructed for the first time using the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) method in a small fish, Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). A total of 97.4% of the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) contained targeted CA-repeats, in which 29 unique EST-SSRs were identified. Ten out of the 28 loci for which primer pairs were designed were polymorphic with alleles ranging from three to seven (mean 4.50). Some of these EST-SSRs can be amplified in other species. These results proved that cDNA-FIASCO is an efficient way to isolate novel EST-SSRs in a fish.


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This paper reports large variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of lake anchovy (Coilia ectenes taihuensis) from Lake Chaohu, China. The lake anchovy exhibited a significant C-13- and N-15- enrichment in relation to increasing fish length, and the isotopic compositions of small lake anchovy (<= 130 mm) were significantly more enriched than those of large lake anchovy (> 130 mm). The significant differences in the isotopic compositions of small and large lake anchovy suggested that their assimilated diets differed over a period of time and reflected the size-related diet shift of this fish. Bellamya aeruginosa and Corbicula fluminea were used to establish the baseline carbon signal of benthic and pelagic food webs, and these data were used to parameterize a 2-source mixing model to estimate in consumers the contribution of carbon derived from benthic versus pelagic food webs. Mixing models showed that small lake anchovy derived only 37% of their carbon from benthic food web, indicating increased reliance on pelagic prey, whereas benthic prey contributed 71% of large lake anchovy diet, suggesting greater use of benthic sources. These data indicate that there was a change in lake anchovy feeding strategy related to their size, suggesting a role in dynamic coupling between pelagic and benthic food chains. The trophic position of small lake anchovy averaged 3.0, indicating a zooplankton-based diet, compared with 3.6 in large lake anchovy, indicative of an increase in piscivorous diet. Overlap in the isotopic compositions of small and large lake anchovy probably indicated that these fish occasionally shared common diets, as suggested by stomach content studies, and/or resulted from the differences in the rate of isotopic turnover depending on differences in growth rate and metabolic turnover between small and large anchovy during diet shift from pelagic to benthic food webs. This study presents the contributions of benthic and pelagic food webs supporting lake anchovy and indicates that the intraspecific isotopic dynamic should be considered when applying stable isotope analyses to infer trophic interactions in aquatic ecosystems.


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The dithiophene donor-acceptor copolymers that are bridged either with carbon (C-PCPDTBT) or silicon atoms (Si-PCPDTBT) belong to a promising family of materials for use in photoactive layers for organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs). In this work, we implement the non-destructive Spectroscopic Ellipsometry technique in the near infrared to the far ultraviolet spectral region in combination with advanced theoretical modeling to investigate the vertical distribution of the C-PCPDTBT and Si-PCPDTBT polymer and fullerene ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester - PC70BM) phases in the blend, as well as the effect of the polymer-to-fullerene ratio on the distribution mechanism. It was found that the C-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends have donor-enriched top regions and acceptor-enriched bottom regions, whereas the donor and acceptor phases are more homogeneously intermixed in the Si-PCPDTBT:PC70BM blends. We suggest that the chemical incompatibility of the two phases as expressed by the difference in their surface energy, may be a key element in promoting the segregation of the lower surface phase to the top region of the photoactive layer. We found that the increase of the photoactive layer thickness reduces the polymer enrichment at the cathode, producing a more homogeneous phase distribution of donor and acceptor in the bulk that leads to the increase of the OPV efficiency. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, the seasonal, vertical distribution of various phosphorus and nitrogen forms in the sediment and overlying water of Donghu Lake were investigated. The concentration of total nitrogen (TN) in overlying water was high in spring and autumn, but that of NO3--N reached its peak in autumn. From summer to autumn and from winter to spring, the concentration of phosphorus in overlying water decreased, while it increased from autumn to winter. Vertical characteristic forms of phosphorus in sediment cores are total phosphorus (TP), labile phosphorus (LP), Fe-P and Al-P, obviously enriched in the surface layer (0-10 cm), but their concentrations are observably reduced along with the depth of sediment. The research is of important theoretical and practical value to understand the status and to control the developmental trend of eutrophication in Donghu Lake.


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The brass gudgeon (Coreius heterodon) is a fish of economic importance in the Yangtze River. From a (GATA)(n)-enriched genomic library, 25 microsatellites were developed by employing the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol. Nine loci exhibited polymorphism with two to 12 alleles (mean 3.9 alleles/locus) in a test population, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.1111 to 0.9630 (mean 0.4426). Three of the nine loci showed polymorphism in a congeneric species, the largemouth bronze gudgeon Coreius guichenoti. These loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to evaluate the fine-scale population structure of C. heterodon.


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Immunological methods have been developed for the diagnosis of Myxobolus rotundus but their use has been limited for the prevention and therapy of this serious parasitic pathogen. Phage display antibody libraries are a powerful technique for the development of antibodies to molecules of interest and have advantages over traditional hybridroma approaches. In the present study, four antigen fractions related to M. rotundus were prepared and a combined phage display single-chain antibody fragments (ScFv) library was constructed against this parasite. Preliminary analysis indicated that a combined antibody library of about 2.08 X 10(5) individual clones and high diversity was generated. After four rounds of screening (bio-panning) against soluble spore protein prepared from lysed, intact, mature M rotundus spores, a strain monoclonal phage display ScFv, termed pCAN-6H9, with better affinity, was isolated. The pCAN-6H9 gene fragment was sequenced and analysed. The specificity of pCAN-6H9 was further demonstrated by dot-blot. In competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, both the original and enriched phage-displayed ScFv repertoire showed significant inhibition of mouse anti-M rotundus serum binding to coated antigen, while the inhibition rate of monoclonal pCAN-6H9 phage particles was only 11.83%.