895 resultados para Educação superior e globalização
This thesis aims to build a panoramic analysis with the intention of providing the theoretical initial a thought articulated educational of podcast, a technology orality distributed demand. This joint search considering the various spheres that educational technology in Brazilian use, both in school and non-school contexts, including scenarios and distance. This study unites questions addressed piecemeal in the area to new perspectives about the podcast, in order to characterize its nature, examining such technology from a perspective of educational technology itself, as well as unveiling its main potentials and implications. The survey was conducted from the combined use of quantitative and qualitative categories, with emphasis on the last one. The method of participant observation was followed by immersion of the researcher in the audience groups of Brazilians podcasts. Data collection with sources held in non-school contexts, from a look at targeted interactions given the blogs of Brazilian productions, as well as from open-ended interviews with producers - made online - besides giving themselves from the hearing itself about five hundred podcasts of Brazil. In the school context, the research focused on a literature review of the literature of the study area. Were added to the corpus described statistics derived mainly from "Podpesquisa 2009," Numerical major survey on the use of podcasts in Brazil. The articulation and analysis of the collected data, we used the concept of Education Paulo Freire (1971, 1987), so that, understanding it as synonymous to communication - understood this concept in Freire - were able to reveal the various ramifications educational podcast Brazilian atmosphere permeated by a dialogic between its participants. Moreover, the ideas of Célestin Freinet (1998) about the cooperation, while education practice, conducted the analyzes productive technology addressed in this work. The philosophical thought of Andrew Feenberg (2003) on the notion of "technologies" buoyed technological design elaborate. Such consideration provided the foundation for the reflections and proposals offered in this study, which, in the characterization of the oral nature of the podcast - especially their version for the deaf - appropriated the placements Luis Antonio Marcuschi (2001) about the relationship between orality and writing. In addition to these references, several other authors were considered, dealing with issues that pervade the theme here delimited, contemplating discussions on topics such as educational interest, online production, inclusive education, among other aspects. At the end, there was the podcast as a technology, while still reproducing social asymmetries Brazilian fairly directed at promoting mitigations hierarchical and open production in digital orality promotes. In view of its technical and educational implications in national use, the technology study has revealed potential relevant to the sophistication of teaching practices with orality, in various contexts, and proved adequate to serve as a motto to the revision of school practices, to even the very role of the school. This, by the prospects unveiled here, can, through the podcast, mitigate their questions reproductivist to constitute themselves as under privileged communication, boosted by critical rescue and sophistication of management through the most basic education component: speech
On the beginnings of the XXI century the brazilian universities was claimed by the Government and by the society to rebuild your ways of selecting students. Many questions are behind this theme, that goes since the concernings of the higher education institutions about select and graduate students, and now also students from disadvantaged sectors of the society; but also about personal issues, like concerns of the everyday of millions of youngs that integrates the brazilian society and that need to decide about your professional future after the finish of the Basic Education. The present thesis has as objective analyse the processes of the transition between the Basic Education and Higher Education on the point of view of students that achieved a place on the public university. This study was accomplished on the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [UFRN on the original language], that implemented an Access and Social Inclusion Policy (PAIS [on the original language]) on the year of 2003, and since than a series of social actions had been developed. Among the main, we highlight the Inclusion Score action, an adicional score [on the entrance selection exam] for graduated students from public schools, which considers social and economic criteria and the academic development of these candidates on your Basic Education. Through quizzes and interviews with the graduated university students from public network, we could know the social, economic and academic profile of the students that entered on the UFRN by the time of the development of your PAIS, your schools and university trajectories, revealing some of the dilemmas, strategies, difficulties and personal cost of those that try to remain on the educational system besides the adversity conditions of schooling. For the theory foundation, we use authors like Bourdieu (1992, 1996, 2003); Coulon (1993, 2008); Ramalho (2004, 2007, 2008, 2010); Ramalho, et al (2011); Charlot (2001, 2003, 2005); Zago (2011); Nogueira, Romanelli e Zago (2011), among others, that contributed for a better analysis and understanding of thought and actions of the students in your own formative trajectories. Although we know that the educational inequalities are many, we found that the UFRN policy brought and is bringing many significant results, on the perspective of contribute with the increase of access for graduated students from the public network, and with the inclusion of these on the university
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Talking about body and beauty seems fairly familiar to physical education. We understand that the body language in the area provides many meanings over the appearance, beauty and aesthetics, thus requiring the need of criticism and the need to interrogate her to realize how physical education has been re-signified. For this purpose, considering the multiplicity of meanings that surround the body and beauty, we discussed the implications that this brings to the area of Physical Education, analyzing the conception of body and beauty in the studies in this area, at the masters level, from some questions: What conceptions of body and beauty have been discussed in the studies of physical education at the masters level? What is the relationship between the meanings of body and beauty products analyzed and identified in the models of beauty outlined in Physical Education? We understand the importance of this research and its contribution to the epistemological analysis of existing studies. And, mainly because there is a lack of studies that discuss these productions. For construction of this text and for our reflections, we rely on thoughts like David Le Breton, Claude Levi- Strauss, Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ana Marcia Silva, Carmen Smith, Isabel Mendes, Karenin Porpino Nobrega and flounder. The present study is characterized as a qualitative research, and content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin (1977) for data processing. The corpus was composed of eight essays in the area of Physical Education, published in the CAPES Theses Database for the period 2004 to 2008, selected from the subject and body beauty. The initial reading allowed us to select meaningful units and guide our discussions on two main themes, which make up the two chapters of the work. In the first chapter, entitled Body, beauty and culture, as evidenced understandings of body, nature and culture that are present in the work is considered. In the second chapter, Standard Body Transformations and beauty, we present the concepts of body and beauty found in the dissertation, focusing on the mutability of representations of the models of beauty in body singularities in the relations of power-knowledge and the importance given the body in society, especially with regard to physical education professionals. We have thus found that, considering the dissertations analyzed, the understanding of body and beauty has been resignified, when dealing with other aesthetic conceptions that consider the uniqueness expressed in the human body and the culture of which the individual belongs
A partir de una concepción de la educación como una obra de arte, la disertación revela los estudios realizados en una escuela de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató, en la Laguna de Piató en Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte. Como una forma de hacer dialogar conocimientos científicos y saberes tradicionales, la investigación establece el intercambio de saberes y afectos sobre todo por intermedio del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva. Para construir un conocimiento pertinente (Edgar Morin), el que forma parte de un contexto, buscamos aquí la comprensión de una pedagogía viva e imaginativa. La disertación encontró en la Laguna un laboratorio vivo para pensar en una enseñanza educativa y para ejercer el pensamiento complejo. A partir de estudios e investigaciones anteriores, pude organizar lo que considero que se constituye como constelaciones de saberes que permiten dar continuidad a ese eje de investigación que empezó desde 1986 en el Grupo de Estudios de la Complejidad GRECOM. En la construcción de este trabajo, pude aprender valores que creo que son importantes para una educación compleja: la humildad delante de la vida; la abertura para diferentes lenguajes del mundo; el diálogo con la naturaleza; la apuesta en nuestras creencias; el sueño de resignificar a la realidad a partir del lazo entre la profundidad de nuestro ser y el mundo; el uso pleno de nuestras potencialidades imaginativas y creativas; y, finalmente, la vivencia intensa de los sentidos. Partiendo de ese aprendizaje, la investigación teórico‐práctica tuvo como elemento central el desarrollo de talleres sobre el tema del agua con alumnos de la enseñanza básicas de diversas series, y con la participación activa de dos profesoras de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató. Fueron llevadas adelante experiencias que contemplaron una visión sistémica de la naturaleza, las fotografías, los atelieres, las clases de campo, el arte de educar, la narración de historias y sobre todo las enseñanzas del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva
The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruará-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history
To think about a school that is for everyone has been a challenge for many people connected to education worldwide demanding from researchers of each level of knowledge an association to such effort. The study presented on this paper unites itself to the voices, movements and researches of these scholars, seeking to contribute on building possibilities on which mathematics can be thought and worked on schools in order for every student to learn, whether they have some sort of deficiency, disorders, syndromes or not. This essay has the goal to investigate the possibilities of inclusive pedagogical practices mediated by math games with rules, developed and used throughout the Universal Design perspective; a qualitative research took place with a collaborative methodology that involved managers, teachers and students from a public school situated on the city of Natal/Brazil. On the investigation math games with rules were developed and made according to the Universal Design concept, starting from initial studies which articulated theoretical groundings to the reality of school and the teacher s conceptions. After that, classes using these tools were planned collectively which oriented inclusive pedagogical practices of classes from the 1st to the 4th year of elementary school. Throughout the process many instruments such as: tape recording, video footages, notes from the researcher; the teachers and the students were used for constant work evaluation and also to record the research data. In the end, the data indicated effective contributions of the mediated pedagogical practices by games with rules under the perspective of Universal Design for Inclusive Mathematics Education
This paper treats confessional printings as a non formal space for the female education. It reflects on the importance of the woman s role to the diffusion of Protestantism in general, and its Presbyterian trend in particular, besides commenting on the proliferation of printings at the First Republic and its relation with education. In this study, Brazilian Northeastern is seen as a relevant space to the diffusion of Protestantism in Brazil; especially on what concerns the relations between Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. Thereby some fountains were fundamental, as the confessional printings, that is, newspapers, magazines, prospects and other materials recollected in archives located in Natal/RN and Recife/PE, and São Paulo. It was also provided a brief incursion on Portuguese confessional printings kept in Oporto, PT. New Cultural History was chosen as theoretic-methodological guide, franchising ways inside the history of book and reading with the help of concepts like Interdependence, Social Configuration (ELIAS, 1993, 1994) and Representation (CHARTIER, 1990), considering that the survey worked out culture-manufactured products that is, intentional materials. It is well known that publishing, or better, the dissemination of printed material used to be associated to Protestants missionary practices since Reform began and, as what concerns the investigated period, in Portuguese and Brazilian lands indistinctly. Printing material in general books, booklets, fragments, as well as the press itself played a central role in divulging reformed ideas, their social options and the means of being and intervening in the world. In this regard, the confessional printings established themselves as an educative, although non schooled, informal space, but, all considered, relevant, seen that they dialogue with another important demand of that social group: formal, literate education. Because it dealt with the diffusion of a printed culture supported by the written word, it required of that group a different modus operandi: formal education. The first letters schools at first, then the high schools later represented spaces established for the circulation of printing material in order that they should be read, divulged and comprehended. This survey intends at last to take a look at Protestantism which, in this context of self-affirmation, reserved a specific place to woman by working out a non formal educational proposal disseminated by printing material. Three models were highlighted in the reformed proposal: Christian education in itself, household education, whose references of motherhood and care towards the neighbor were present and, at last, education to the public space, with emphasis on the practice of teaching. This study also offers a brief dialogue between Brazil and Portugal because, when some periodic printing, book or something like that got to be published in one margin of the Atlantic Ocean, the other margin surely was affected by that feat, received it, divulged it, corroborating the argument in support of the circulation of these printings. It was not only the same language that survived in both maritime coasts; some protestant specificities also crossed out along that sea
This work detaches the importance of the continued formation of the educators in terms of the inclusive educational process, pointing as basic elements the continued formation of the educational professionals. In this direction, it points and it defends the dialogue in the perspective of David Bohm, with interfaces of the freireanas ideas, as a methodological resource of action that allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in inclusive schools, in the same time articulates the continued formation of the professionals in education. Characterized as research in a dialogical action with collective participation and collaboration, it counted with the participation of 87 educators, between professors, pedagogical, managing coordinators and specialists of special education in two schools of the state and municipal public system of Natal/RN. The results had pointed with respect to the viability of the dialogue as articulated methodological tool of the continued formation in service, when providing the establishment of personal and professional relationship between the educators, favoring the discursive enjoyment of the lived experiences, allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in the scholar environment. On the basis of these results, this work also points to some items to reflections as the reorganization of the Secretariats and the schools, in the direction to brighten up the fragmentation and the discontinuity of the pedagogical actions evidenced and to instigate a process of changes that has glimpsed the professional development of the educators through its continued formation in service and the improvement of the school in the way of the concretization of an education directed toward the acceptance, respect and attendance the diversity of its pupils, as detaches the official documents and the studies on the inclusive education
In current upbringing production, children are often conceived as rightful subjects, and concrete and singular people, marked by specificities that schools must respect, mainly their personal wholeness, their care and attention needs, as well as their abilities to learn and produce culture. In the educational practices frame, routine is considered to have a definitive roll in time, space and activities structuring, as with actions and relations of subjects involved. In that perspective, this research aims to analyze routines of zero to two years old children in the upbringing context, relating to their childish specificities. Anchored in the qualitative approach, a Case Study was developed, according the procedures of daily routine observation and semi-structured interviews with six nursery teachers of CMEI Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, Natal-RN, the research field. The data analysis was based in Speech Analysis principles. The teachers utterances regarding routine and it s roll in the frame revealed significances related to control/regulation of actions theirs and students aiming to streamline tasks; learning relative to routine itself, time and school practices. Thus, prospects of discipline and exercise of power of teachers over students surges, reducing their possibilities to participate. These conceptions reflect the daily routine of the kids and their teachers. By analyzing the methods of routine operation in the time/space/activities frame of CMEI, it was possible to perceive its homogenization of actions and rhythms, not only of the group s children, but the whole institution, which creates, many times, a controlling character that contains/prevents children s initiative. However, it was also possible to observe that in routine recesses, when it s relaxed, and other spaces, times and actions are provided, kids have the opportunity to experience and create different ways of action and relation with time, materials, other kids and teachers, being, as such, respected their specificities. We highlight the importance of reflections regarding routine in upbringing context, as to comprehend it s functions and the need for it s construction to take a multiple character that respects the plurality of situations and singularities of children as persons
This study is part of the line of research on Teacher Education, circumscribed to the Graduate Program in Education of Federal University Rio Grande do Norte. In it, we have a qualitative research, whose object returned to the influence of continued education in social representation of inclusive education of Elementary School teachers. The same was done in an Elementary School of Cruzeiro do Sul city (Brasil/Acre) and performed with the participation of 11 teachers. We assume that thinking a continuing education inclusive presupposes reflect on the redefinition and resignification of practices undertaken by the teacher. Therefore, the teacher education is conceived as a continuum in which the teacher will be graduating in forming, shaping their way of being in social situations. We argue that in the context of interactions, we are going to reconstruct social representations that guide actions and attitudes about the objects that have meaning for the group. It was with the aim of identify the influence of these social representations and at the same time submit a proposal for continuing training in structured formative needs teachers who made use of collaborative action research. Since we believe that this can either meet the assumptions of a research and vocational training to enable that researcher and other teachers, collectively, problematizing situations of practice and, at the same time able to intervene in the same it. As procedures for obtaining information and analysis of the data, we performed, respectively, semi-structured interviews (individual and collective); reflective studies sessions and the analysis of content. The path of research revealed two social representations integrated one of inclusive education and another for student with disabilities. We noticed that although the teachers criticize the character sealed and limited of continued education courses that have frequented, reveal social representations of inclusive education and students with disabilities based on theories and concepts originated from such courses. As a result, represent inclusive education as an "education for all" and student with disabilities as someone "abnormal, different, but able to learn something . It is possible to state that from the moment the teachers approched theories about the principles of inclusive education and on the possibilities of student with disabilities took new discourses, and showed signs of change in the social representations before presented. In addition, we evidenced in this production that a proposal for training within the school, fomented by the needs teachers and having as methodology to collaborative action research, provides the (re)construction of collective knowledges and practices, sharing of experiences, hopes, discoveries and concerns and the development of cooperation and attitude for the (re)development of strategies to overcome the difficulties present in everyday teaching
The present work is a survey of pedagogical practices of teachers who experience the daily school with students with Intellectual Disability (ID) in their classrooms, considered inclusive. The study was conducted in academic year 2010 in a municipal school in Natal-RN, aimed at investigating the pedagogical practices developed by the participating teachers as well as its view of the front of Intellectual Disabilities students who are inserted in the initial years of Elementary School. In methodological choice, considering the nature of the phenomenon, we chose the qualitative approach and the case study method. The observation and semi-structured interview were used as procedures, which contributed to a significant collection of data in an attempt to answer the objectives. The study subjects were selected by convenience and were formed into two teachers from Elementary School I, linked to the public educational system, which volunteered to collaborate in this research. The analysis of the observations and of the speeches made possible build pedagogical considerations on the action with students with Intellectual Disabilities in a regular school. The results point to a practice covered with a traditional pedagogy, with a few adjustments, although there is an initial process of change, what we observe in the classroom and captured in the words, because, at various times, we saw an interest in developing a pedagogy of Freire. One aspect that caught our attention refers to the formative action at school for these teachers. We found its incipiency, because this does not happen in a systematic way at school. Throughout the years investigated, the teachers had no access to any form of training neither to any form of specialized monitoring. We realize that there is still a concept of Intellectual Disability that makes difficult to "see" this student as a human being having learning opportunities. The aspects that interfere in the formation hinder the development of a pedagogical practice that meets the uniqueness of its customers and promotes a truly effective school inclusion, consistent with social rights proclaimed in this century. We believe in the irreversibility of the inclusive process initiated a few decades ago and that obstacles to the practice of teaching students with ID are visible and possible to overcome if they are turned into challenges for all those who compose the school, the municipal education system and those who build public policies for inclusive education
O estudo que ora se apresenta, examina a formação e aparição do discurso da educação higienista no Jornal das Moças, em 1926, ano de criação do periódico, na cidade de Caicó. Para tanto, partimos da hipótese de que ele se constituiu em um privilegiado veículo para a intervenção educativa da sociedade caicoense, no período inicial do Regime Republicano, reconhecido pelas intensas movimentações sociais. Para a execução do proposto, optou-se pela base teórica estabelecida pelo paradigma historiográfico instaurado pela Escola dos Annales, que permitiu a conjugação entre os pressupostos conceituais de Norbert Elias, Roger Chartier e Michel Foucault, com vistas a abranger um estudo da configuração social em que se formou a prática discursiva disposta no jornal em estudo, tendo como linha investigativa as proposições da história cultural. Quanto à compreensão e tratamento metodológico do discurso, contido como prática materialmente construída, aderiu-se ao enfoque analítico apresentado nas postulações foucaultianas, nas quais são considerados os conjuntos das formações enunciativas, esparsas em fontes e documentos que, coligidas, formam grupos de enunciados pertinentes à descrição de um mesmo objeto. A principal fonte de pesquisa foi a coleção dos números do Jornal das Moças, editados, apenas, em 1926, parte dela composta por peças documentais originais, a que tivemos acesso nos locais de pesquisa durante o esforço investigativo, como o Acervo da Biblioteca Central Zila Mamede, o Laboratório de Documentação Histórica do Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Desse modo, constatou-se que a prática discursiva que se examinou, na constituição desta dissertação, foi um meio para a compreensão das representações advindas do momento histórico e social das primeiras décadas do século XX, quando se tornam evidentes as articulações discursivas de uma prática pedagógica como dispositivos higienistas
The number of disabled students, who have entered the university, in Brazil, since the beginning of this century, is undergoing a speed growth. It is a change that follows a global trend that spreads an inclusive education policy and that has had a profound impact on Brazil, with import results in field researches. This subject has been highlighted due to the significant amount of disabled students enrolled in college institutions (IES), although it is still modest the number of studies about it, especially in what matters the assistance given to the candidates to a university entrance examination. The aim of this paper is to investigate how effectively Natal s IES apply the rules established in Brazilian law concerning disabled students, especially MEC/GM Circular Warning n. 277/96, in what respects the conditions given to disabled students preparing to enter a college. The investigation followed a qualitative methodological approach with support on an exploratory study. The data recollection employed questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documental analyses, and the data have been organized and assessed following Minayo s (1996) stages. What concerns the results, it was observed that none of the ten colleges inquired confirmed to possess places exclusively to disabled candidates; six of them, however, offer Special Examining Board in the selection process of disabled candidates. Among eighteen college bills, only two of them offered specific information related to services and resources offered by IES to the candidates who ask for especial assistance concerning examination. During the interviews, four managers avowed the preoccupation in offering an equal selection process, but two of them proved not dominate the subject. In conclusion, the investigated institutions managers do not still seem to respect the rule that guarantees to disabled candidates equal conditions during all the process of the university entrance examination. With this work, we hope do help changing this focus and contribute to new studies on disabled persons studying for a degree
This research reflects the relationship between Master and Disciple original from the Martial Arts, and anchors their focus on sensitive education that emerges from this relationship. The interest here is knowing how the tradition of millenarian teachings is passed through the years, and how it gives from the relationship of Master and Disciple. To that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, to that end, I lean me in that context and also reflect on my experience as a Disciple of the Martial Arts, and is from the immemorial fund that can give voice to that experience, through my body attached in the world of significations in which the experience lived is narrated by the story. Anchored from the phenomenological attitude from the philosopher french Maurice Merleau-Ponty, I think this research on three central pillars to guide our study categories, namely: the lived experience, body and liberty. Still, as a form of highlighting this sensitive work, beyond the texts of the philosopher Merleau-Ponty, we bring our dialogue of the cinema, literature and the writings of some the Masters of Martial Arts. For that, I think this research as a journey, where it, Master and Disciple march together in the ways of Martial Arts, baptizing and celebrating this sensitive education from that relationship affective and empathic