852 resultados para Discurso político brasileiro
La heterogeneidad de las estrategias para influir en el espacio público y sobre los actores legalmente autorizados a tomar decisiones vinculantes, puede representar un obstáculo para señalar la existencia de un fenómeno único llamado movimiento "piquetero". La hipótesis que guía a la presente ponencia es que la unidad está dada por el tipo de conflicto que plantean, a pesar de la competencia y fragmentación entre las diversas organizaciones. Para explicar cuál es el alcance y el tipo de conflicto se analizarán tres dimensiones, en primer lugar, la relación entre demandas discretas y el exceso metafórico de las mismas que dan paso a la construcción de un sentido compartido de "injusticia social". En segundo lugar, la elaboración de la identidad a partir de un posicionamiento antagónico con el "modelo neoliberal". Finalmente, el intento de institución de un público que se constituye en objeto de disputa y que se lo interpela a través de la categoría de "pueblo". La apelación a un sujeto que aún siendo inhallable (las diferencias sociales hacen impensable la unidad orgánica, subjetiva y objetiva) e indeseable (por las consecuencias totalitarias que puede tener que alguien se atribuya la soberanía popular), produce efectos sobre el espacio público, abriendo una brecha que se denominará "el espectro del pueblo". Estas tres dimensiones señalan la existencia de un movimiento social que, a través del tratamiento de la exclusión social como injusticia realizada al pueblo, dislocó ciertos sentidos sedimentados en el sistema político argentino y revivió la tensión constitutiva de la democracia entre la dimensión redentora y la dimensión pragmática. La metodología aplicada fue el análisis de discurso basado en entrevistas en profundidad administradas a militantes, adherentes y dirigentes de diferentes organizaciones piqueteras, documentos elaborados por las mismas, diarios y revistas
El diseño curricular de la Provincia de Córdoba para la educación física de la enseñanza primaria, establece categorías para significar los cuerpos de sus alumnos, en un horizonte epistemológico en el que coexisten distintas corrientes de la educación física que históricamente han justificado sus prácticas y que en la actualidad, se ofrecen como un discurso aparentemente renovador y crítico en relación al sujeto que se educa. Las prescripciones curriculares en general, en tanto dispositivos socio-históricos, operan desde la corporalidad que enuncian discursivamente, estableciendo restricciones normativas desde una tradición selectiva del saber, en relación al poder político y su intencionalidad formativa. Se los inquiere desde este escrito, como los discursos oficiales de la educación del cuerpo, que inscriben las prácticas en un orden simbólico, y se materializan en el cuerpo de los sujetos de la educación
La heterogeneidad de las estrategias para influir en el espacio público y sobre los actores legalmente autorizados a tomar decisiones vinculantes, puede representar un obstáculo para señalar la existencia de un fenómeno único llamado movimiento "piquetero". La hipótesis que guía a la presente ponencia es que la unidad está dada por el tipo de conflicto que plantean, a pesar de la competencia y fragmentación entre las diversas organizaciones. Para explicar cuál es el alcance y el tipo de conflicto se analizarán tres dimensiones, en primer lugar, la relación entre demandas discretas y el exceso metafórico de las mismas que dan paso a la construcción de un sentido compartido de "injusticia social". En segundo lugar, la elaboración de la identidad a partir de un posicionamiento antagónico con el "modelo neoliberal". Finalmente, el intento de institución de un público que se constituye en objeto de disputa y que se lo interpela a través de la categoría de "pueblo". La apelación a un sujeto que aún siendo inhallable (las diferencias sociales hacen impensable la unidad orgánica, subjetiva y objetiva) e indeseable (por las consecuencias totalitarias que puede tener que alguien se atribuya la soberanía popular), produce efectos sobre el espacio público, abriendo una brecha que se denominará "el espectro del pueblo". Estas tres dimensiones señalan la existencia de un movimiento social que, a través del tratamiento de la exclusión social como injusticia realizada al pueblo, dislocó ciertos sentidos sedimentados en el sistema político argentino y revivió la tensión constitutiva de la democracia entre la dimensión redentora y la dimensión pragmática. La metodología aplicada fue el análisis de discurso basado en entrevistas en profundidad administradas a militantes, adherentes y dirigentes de diferentes organizaciones piqueteras, documentos elaborados por las mismas, diarios y revistas
El diseño curricular de la Provincia de Córdoba para la educación física de la enseñanza primaria, establece categorías para significar los cuerpos de sus alumnos, en un horizonte epistemológico en el que coexisten distintas corrientes de la educación física que históricamente han justificado sus prácticas y que en la actualidad, se ofrecen como un discurso aparentemente renovador y crítico en relación al sujeto que se educa. Las prescripciones curriculares en general, en tanto dispositivos socio-históricos, operan desde la corporalidad que enuncian discursivamente, estableciendo restricciones normativas desde una tradición selectiva del saber, en relación al poder político y su intencionalidad formativa. Se los inquiere desde este escrito, como los discursos oficiales de la educación del cuerpo, que inscriben las prácticas en un orden simbólico, y se materializan en el cuerpo de los sujetos de la educación
Este artículo reconstruye la evolución del debate político alemán durante la primera edad moderna, poniendo atención en particular en la manera en la que tal debate se fue elaborando y transmitiendo dentro de la comunidad de discurso universitaria que lo produjo. El análisis de las características formales y de las modalidades en las que se desarrolló este debate permite demonstrar que el aristotelismo político no fue sólo una doctrina política, sino también, y sobre todo, un código común que más allá de diferencias específicas, caracterizó todas las experiencias universitarias del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico desde finales del siglo xvi y durante todo el siglo xvii. Las características esenciales de este código se pondrán de relieve en particular a través del caso de los escritos políticos de Iohannes Althusius, en los que la forma y el contenido de su doctrina política terminan coincidiendo.
From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
This work aims to investigate the historical narratives in which the graphic designer Alexandre Wollner assembled about the development of its own profession in Brazil, focusing the ways in which his discourse points relations among design (with greater emphasis in graphic design) and visual arts, the industrial development and notions about technology. Firstly, the theoretical setup searched for dialogues with design historians, with Mikhail Bakhtin, specially his concepts about “ideology” and “discourse’, and the theory of Field Autonomy by Pierre Bourdieu applied in the artistic practice. Following, the relation between Wollner’s own journey and the Brazilian industrial development is shown, and, at last, three of his historical texts are studied, which are written in different moments (1964; 1983; 1998), being those in which the analyzed author wished to point out the origens, events and names that are more remarkable. Throughout the work, it is pointed the importance of Wollner’s contact with the modernist european ideologies that share an abstract and rationalist matrix found at Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG Ulm), the german design school from the city of Ulm, in the 1950s. Such modernist discourse understood the practice of design as a method with scientific character, being then different of some other more recurring artistic professional practices in some productive sectors. Wollner aimed to apply such ideals in his professional practice, being the foundation of the paulista office forminform, in 1958, one of his first expressions of such posture, and in his academic practice, helping the foundation of the Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial (ESDI), in Rio de Janeiro, in 1963. Such modernist ideals went along with moments of the Brazilian industrial development during the government of Juscelino Kubitschek (1956–1961) and the “Economical Miracle” from the military government (1968–1973). Wollner argued about the need for the development of national design as a technological and productive differential that would help the growth of national industry, based on Ulm’s project model concept. It is defended that Wollner’s professional and intelectual path, in his efforts of thinking a history of Brazilian design through the choice of pioneers in the area, was founded on an “ideal model” of design, leaving aside the modernist experiences from the 1950s. Such posture would indicate a search for validation of his own profession that was beginning to become more evident in Brazilian productive means, aiming the creation of a differential space in comparison with pre-established practices, usually link to graphic artists from the time.
This text thematizes the performance of the Brazilian-American Commission of Industrial Education (CBAI) since its installation at Rio de Janeiro, on 1947, and extinction in Curitiba, on 1963. The general goal consists in identifying if are there any relation between Gramsci’s Americanism and Fordism elements and the CBAI’s performance, by means of a speech analysis from de Newsletter of CBAI and other documental sources related to the organizations performance. The specifics objectives intend to contextualize the political and economic situation that Brazil was going through before and concomitant to CBAI’s performance, emphasizing some aspects of the Cold War feature that contributed to narrow the relations between United States and other countries of Latin America, especially Brazil. On the following, it intends to present the main aspects of Gramsci’s thought and the Americanism and fordism and Passive Revolution as key categories for a better understanding of the presence of an Americanization project on Brazilian’s professional education. As so, the object of this study are the Newsletters of CBAI. Finally, the speech’s analisys of the Newsletter was the methodology used to demonstrate CBAI as an Americanism diffuser. The documental research and sources served as groundwork, especially the Newsletters, were found at Departamento de Documentação Histórica of Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (DEDHIS) and at Biblioteca de Educação of Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP). The theoretical foundation has as a workline for the conception of the categories the studies of Gramsci about the of work (and the Newsletters itself), and the speech’s analysis of main concepts from Bakhtin, Voloshinov’s and the Circle of studies about language philosophy. At last, this paperwork concludes that the attempt to disseminate an amerizanization project in Brazil obtneined significant results on the industrialization of the country according to the fordism’s racionalization standarts, nevertheless, this research considers that such a project corroborates the comprehension about the consolidation of a Passive Revolution’s project.
Analisa o processo decisório legislativo de vetos presidenciais pelo Congresso Nacional, no período de 1988 a 2014, para responder às seguintes questões: O que a não decisão do Congresso diz sobre o Legislativo, o sistema político e o veto? Quando e como o Congresso decidiu sobre vetos? As hipóteses formuladas são: o Legislativo exerceria seu poder de agenda ao inovar regras e procedimentos e ao não decidir; e o veto padeceria de obsolescência para o sistema político concreto. Para tanto se consideraram os 1.160 vetos presidenciais apostos no período analisado, bem como o comportamento das sete legislaturas pós-constitucionais que os apreciaram, em 263 sessões de vetos, descrevendo-se o percurso histórico do instituto e das regras e procedimentos utilizados no processo decisório de veto.
From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education
Con el propósito de hacer un balance de los estudios del discurso en el país, la Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso, ALED, capítulo Colombia, y la Universidad de Medellín, convocaron al evento Coloquio Nacional de Estudios sobre el discurso. Este libro recoge las cuatro conferencias centrales dictadas por los profesores Adriana Bolívar, María Cristina Martínez Solís, Luis Alfonso Ramírez Peña y Eduardo Serrano Orejuela. Estas conferencias recorren analíticamente las perspectivas teóricas más gruesas que se presentan en relación con el objeto discurso. Ello es pertinente porque, además de abrir y sostener el evento desde una pretensión teórica, sirvieron para enriquecer la discusión. También están aquí diecisiete de las ponencias presentadas en las cuatro mesas de trabajo que enfrentaron el discurso en sus relaciones con lo político, lo cotidiano, lo académico y con la comunicación. Esta última relación se consideró en dos variantes: los medios y las organizaciones. Este libro es una verdadera poligrafía de perspectivas creadas por estudios del discurso desde formaciones originales diversas: psicólogos, lingüistas, educadores, teóricos de la literatura, etnólogos, comunicadores sociales, ambientalistas, etc. Todos abrieron las barreras que su propia disciplina les imponía y decidieron buscar asidero de sus tradicionales enfoques en la diversidad de perspectivas del discurso. En esa medida el texto constituye un balance, así sea parcial, de los Estudios del Discurso en Colombia.III
Este estudo, configurou uma investigação de perfil misto, procurando congregar contributos qualitativos e quantitativos, tem como principal objetivo à análise do Ensino Médio brasileiro tentando verificar se as metas que este nível de ensino preconiza estão atendendo às expectativas educacionais de um público diversificado de alunos numa escola pública de Fortaleza. Para tal, realizamos a análise de entrevistas semiestruturadas a doze professores, e aplicamos questionários a 60 professores. Procedemos, também, à análise documental do Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, das Diretrizes Curriculares e Orientações Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, do Mapa Curricular da escola, bem como, o Relatório de notas dos alunos e a classificação dos mesmos no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) referentes ao ano de 2012. O estudo evidencia a importância das estratégias de ensino, nomeadamente, a meritocracia no contexto escolar, a avaliação interna e externa nas dimensões: ensino aprendizagem e resultados do rendimento escolar, formação e prática docente, o trabalho da equipe escolar, a estrutura da escola, e ainda, a gestão e autonomia nas escolas, mas principalmente, as ideias dos participantes do estudo sobre a importância de trabalhar com uma estrutura de ensino vocacionado composto por áreas e disciplinas que atenda as intenções profissionais e acadêmicas do aluno; ABSTRACT: This study, set up a mixed profile research, looking gather qualitative and quantitative contributions, aims to analyze the Brazilian high school trying to understand if the goals that this level of education advocates are meeting the educational expectations of a diverse audience of students in public school in Fortaleza. To this end, we conducted semi-structured interviews to twelve teachers, e apply questionnaires to 60 teachers. Proceeded, too, the documentary analysis of the school Pedagogical Policy Project, the National Curriculum Guidelines and Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary Education, Curriculum Map of the school and the students' notes Report and the classification thereof in the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM) the brazilian national examination to High School graduates for the year 2012. The study highlights the importance of teaching strategies in particular meritocracy in the school context, internal and external evaluation dimensions: teaching and learning results in school performance, training and teaching practice, the work of the school team, the school structure, and also the management and autonomy in schools, but mainly the ideas of the study participants about on the importance of working with a vocationed teaching structure consists of areas and disciplines that will meet future professional and academic intentions of the student.
Droughts surfaced in 1877 as a crucial problem for the birthing Brazilian nation. Engineers, who formed the country's technical and scientific elite, took it upon themselves to study, understand and fight the problem through planned actions of intervention on space. This work, based on proposals and discussions contained in engineering magazines and reports, aims to provide elements for the comprehension of how these systematized actions against droughts, in the Iate nineteenth and early twentieth century, contributed to spatial analysis and the formation of a (then-inexistent) regional and territorial planning discipline in Brazi!. Engineers, by taking up the position of masterminds in the country's modernization, guaranteed for themselves personal economic stability, social prestige and political power. By understanding nature, either as a resource to be exploited or an adversary to national progress, they contributed to the delimitation of the region now known as the Northeast. By seeking to understand the drought phenomenon, they created knowledge about the space they sought to intervene on; by constructing their projects amid political and economical difficulty, they changed the organizational structures of cities and country in the northeast. The proposals for açudes (Iarge water reservoirs) allowed the fixation of population and the resistance against droughts; the roads - railroads and automotive roadways - connected the sertão to the capitais and the coast, speeding up help to the affected populations during droughts and allowing the circulation of goods so as to strengthen the local economies in normal rimes. The adopted practices and techniques, adapted from foreign experience and developed through trial and improvement, were consolidated as an eminently spatial intervention course, even if a theoretical body of regional or territorial planning wasn't formed in Brazil. Regional Planning proper was first applied in the country in the Northeast itself, in the 1950s, based off an economical view of reality in order to achieve development. The engineer's work prior tothat date, however, cannot be dlsconsldered. It was proved that, despite facing financial and political hurdles, engineers had a profound commitment to the problem and intended to act systematically to transform the economical and social relations in the region, in order to be victorious in their struggle against droughts
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2015.