708 resultados para Demography
En este artculo se presenta una visin panormica de la situacin actual del judasmo as como de los principales problemas y desafos que afronta en la actualidad. De manera especial se reflexiona sobre el concepto de identidad juda, pues son muchas y diferentes las respuestas a las preguntas quin es judo? y qu significa ser judo?
Bajo el paradigma de modernizacin y desarrollo norteamericano -y en un contexto de Guerra Fra-, durante la dcada de 1960 se adecuaron a la realidad chilena programas de control de natalidad que no slo buscaron disminuir las altas tasas de mortalidad materno infantil, sino que adems respondieron al proyecto de seguridad hemisfrica norteamericana de contencin a posibles revoluciones populares en pases del Tercer Mundo.
Le but de cette thse a consist comprendre les facteurs de la persvrance et de labandon scolaire des nouveaux arrivants hatiens au Qubec et New York. La recension dcrits a rvl une sous-documentation de la thmatique en question. Toutefois, llaboration du cadre conceptuel nous a permis de mieux cerner la problmatique, danalyser et de synthtiser plusieurs approches thoriques dont les thories du rendement scolaire des immigrants (Rong et Brown, 2001 ; Warikoo et Carter, 2009 ; Xie et Greenman, 2011), lapproche bourdieusienne des capitaux (1979a, 1979b, 1980), le structuro-fonctionnalisme de Merton (1965) et le courant effets-coles/ effets-enseignants (Crahay, 2000 ; Bressoux, 1994a). Nous avons galement mis en vidence deux approches comprhensives savoir linteractionnisme (Weber, 1959 ; Boudon, 1979, 1994 ; Goffman, 1998 ; Garfinkel, 1967) et lapproche du rapport au savoir de lquipe ESCOL (Rochex, 2002 ; Charlot, 2003) dans lobjectif de faire valoir le caractre relatif des conclusions dune recherche qualitative qui priorise la subjectivit des participants dans lanalyse des faits sociaux. Dans cette recherche, nous avons interview onze participants Montral et Brooklyn, parmi lesquels sept hommes et quatre femmes. Ils ont tous une exprience dabandon scolaire au secondaire ou au secteur des adultes. Nous avons utilis lentretien semi-dirig comme mthode de collecte dinformation et lanalyse thmatique est celle de lanalyse des donnes. Lanalyse des donnes nous a permis de classer les informations fournies par les participants en cinq rubriques : capital conomique, capital culturel, capital social, encadrement institutionnel et facteurs spcifiques. Ces cinq rubriques regroupent les facteurs de la persvrance et du dcrochage scolaire voqus par les participants de la recherche. La ralisation de cette thse nous apporte un bon clairage quant notre tentative de comprendre la dynamique de labandon scolaire des jeunes et des jeunes adultes immigrants hatiens de premire gnration au Qubec et New York, au secondaire et au secteur de lducation des adultes. Nous avons mis en relation les rsultats de la recherche avec ceux des travaux que nous avons recenss dans la problmatique et dans le cadre conceptuel de cette thse. La synthse de ces rsultats nous a amen faire une proposition dlments dun modle danalyse que nous qualifions de relance scolaire des nouveaux arrivants hatiens au Qubec et New York . Lanalyse et la synthse des facteurs mergents de la recherche, plus prcisment des six thmes qui composent la rubrique des facteurs spcifiques : facteurs dmographiques, motivation personnelle, lacunes de base, facteurs affectifs, traits de personnalit et problmes de comportement, nous ont permis dlaborer un autre concept qui peut reprsenter une grande contribution la persvrance scolaire des nouveaux arrivants hatiens. Il sagit de lencadrement psycho-intgrationnel qui est une forme daccompagnement dont les jeunes et les jeunes adultes nouveaux arrivants hatiens pourront tre bnficiaires au dbut en vue dun bon dmarrage sur le plan socioducatif et de leur persvrance scolaire au pays daccueil. Lencadrement psycho-intgrationnel, consistera mettre en relation certains faits psychologiques qui ont marqu la vie pr-migratoire des lves jeunes et jeunes adultes dorigine hatienne avec les faits sociaux qui peuvent influencer leur vie au pays daccueil. Cest une forme dassistance individuelle dont ltat, les institutions sociales dintgration et lcole constitueront les principales structures de matrialisation. Les principaux intervenants, notamment les psychologues, les travailleurs sociaux et les anthropo-sociologues se chargeront de comprendre et dorienter les nouveaux arrivants quant au nouveau comportement adopter pour une meilleure volution sur les plans socio-culturel, professionnel et conomique. Mots cls : Persvrance scolaire, relance scolaire, immigrants hatiens, premire gnration, nouveaux arrivants.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The period between offspring birth and recruitment into the breeding population is considered one of the least understood components of animal life histories. Yet, examining this period is essential for studies of parental care, dispersal, demography, and life histories. Studies of the pre-reproductive period are particularly few in tropical regions, where the organization of life histories are predicted to differ compared to northern hemisphere species. For my dissertation I used radio-telemetry, mark-resighting, and field observations to study the pre-reproductive period in a Neotropical bird, the western slaty-antshrike (Thamnophilus atrinucha), in Panama. First, I found that parental care after offspring left the nest (the post-fledging period) was greater than care during the nestling period. Prolonged care resulted in a clear trade-off for parents as they did not nest again until fledglings from the first brood were independent. Parents fed offspring for a prolonged duration during the post-fledging period and higher post-fledging survival was observed compared to many northern hemisphere species. Second, I observed that offspring that remained with parents for longer periods on the natal territory had higher survival both while on the natal territory and after dispersal compared to those dispersing earlier. Parental aggression towards offspring increased with offspring age and offspring dispersed earlier when parents renested. Contrary to other family living species, only a small proportion of antshrike offspring remained on the natal territory until the following year and all dispersed to float. Floating is when juveniles wander within other breeding pairs territories. These results suggest that the benefits of delayed dispersal declined with offspring age and with renesting by parents. Third, I observed that survival during the dependent period and first year was greater in slaty antshrikes compared to that of northern hemisphere species. Pre-reproductive survival relative to adult survival was equal or greater than that observed in northern hemisphere species. The date offspring left the nest, mass, and age at dispersal influenced offspring survival, whereas offspring sex and year did not. Relatively high survival during the pre-reproductive period coupled with comparatively low annual productivity clarifies how many tropical species achieve replacement. High juvenile survival appears to obtain from extended post-fledging parental care, delayed dispersal, low costs of dispersal, and a less seasonal environment. Lastly, I experimentally manipulated begging at the nest to examine changes in parental behavior. Under elevated begging, parents increased provisioning rates and reduced the time between arrival to the nest and feeding of nestlings, potentially to reduce begging sounds. Furthermore, parents switched to preferentially feed the closest offspring during the begging treatment. This suggests parents either allowed sibling competition to influence feeding decisions, or feeding the closer nestling increased the efficiency of provisioning. In summary, I found that slaty antshrikes have delayed age at reproduction, higher post-fledging and first year survival, extended post-fledging parental care, equal or greater pre-reproductive survival relative to adult survival, and delayed dispersal compared to many northern hemisphere passerines. These results suggest that this tropical species has a strategy of high investment into few offspring. Furthermore, reproductive effort is equal or greater at least in slaty antshrikes compared to northern hemisphere species, suggesting that the latitudinal gradient in clutch size is not explained by a gradient in reproductive effort.
This thesis draws together all of the data on Roman-period leather from northern Britain and conducts a cohesive assessment of past research, current questions and future possibilities. The study area comprises Roman sites on or immediately to the south of Hadrians Wall and all sites to the north. Leather has been recovered from 52 Roman sites, totalling at least 14,215 finds comprising manufactured goods, waste leather from leatherworking and miscellaneous/unidentifiable material. This thesis explores how leather and leather goods were resourced, processed, manufactured and supplied across northern Britain. It considers the potential of inscriptions and stamps to provide insights into the leather trade. It also considers the contribution that the study of footwear might make to our understanding of the demography of Roman settlements, shedding light in particular on evidence which suggests that military communities may have been more diverse than previously thought, and that there were women and children living on the northern fringes of the empire long before the Antonine Wall and its civilian communities were established.
33 p.
Tese de Doutoramento, Cincias do Ambiente (Ecologia), 30 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Aores.
This study consisted in the comparison of the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) present in the stomach and in saliva of a sample of Portuguese adolescents and the assessment of the association between H. pylori infection with socio-demographic variables and prevalence of dental caries.
The under-reporting of cases of infectious diseases is a substantial impediment to the control and management of infectious diseases in both epidemic and endemic contexts. Information about infectious disease dynamics can be recovered from sequence data using time-varying coalescent approaches, and phylodynamic models have been developed in order to reconstruct demographic changes of the numbers of infected hosts through time. In this study I have demonstrated the general concordance between empirically observed epidemiological incidence data and viral demography inferred through analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus VP1 coding sequences belonging to the CATHAY topotype over large temporal and spatial scales. However a more precise and robust relationship between the effective population size (
International audience
International audience
Background: The work environment of cocoa farmers exposes them to several ocular hazards that predispose them to eye diseases and injuries. However, the extent of ocular injuries and health seeking patterns following these injuries are unknown among cocoa farmers in Ghana. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of ocular injuries and health seeking behaviour following injury among cocoa farmers in Ghana. Methods: Five hundred and fifty six participants were recruited through simple random sampling using a multistage approach from four cocoa growing districts in Ghana. A structured questionnaire was used to collect relevant information such as demography, ocular hazards and injuries experienced. An ocular examination was also conducted to assess the eye health of the participants. Descriptive and regression statistics were used to analyze the data. The rate of ocular injuries was calculated by using the number of injuries reported that resulted in lost work time/days divided by the number of worker years at risk of injury (sum of years worked in cocoa farms for all the participants). Results: The rate of ocular injuries was 11.3/1000 worker years (95% CI: 9.4 - 31) which led to lost work time of 37.3/1000 worker years (95% CI: 34.1 - 40.8). The major causes of ocular injury were plants/branches (n=73, 51.1%), chemicals (n=27, 18.9%), cocoa pod/husk (n=14, 9.8%) and occurred mostly during weeding, harvesting and chemical spraying. Few (n=34, 6.1%) participants reported the use of ocular protection. Fifty-five (38.5%) participants visited the local chemical shops, while 37 (25.9%) visited hospitals/clinics for ocular treatment of their injuries. Conclusion: There is a high rate of ocular injuries among cocoa farmers who make insufficient use of appropriate eye care services. There is the need for eye health education among cocoa farmers in Ghana. Keywords:
This dissertation consists of three papers that examine the complexities in upward intergenerational support and adult childrens influence on older adults health in changing family contexts of America and China. The prevalence of gray divorce/repartnering in later life after age 55 is on the rise in the United States, yet little is known about its effect on intergenerational support. The first paper uses the life course perspective to examine whether gray divorce and repartnering affect support from biological and stepchildren differently than early divorce and repartnering, and how patterns differ by parents gender. Massive internal migration in China has led to increased geographic distance between adult children and aging parents, which may have consequences for old age support received by parents. This topic has yet to be thoroughly explored in China, as most studies of intergenerational support to older parents have focused on the role of coresident children or have not considered the interdependence of multiple parent-child dyads in the family. The second paper adopts the within-family differences approach to assess the influence of non-coresident childrens relative living proximity to parents compared to that of their siblings on their provision of support to parents in rural and urban Chinese families. The study also examines how patterns of the impact are moderated by parents living arrangement, non-coresident childrens gender, and parents provision of support to children. Taking a multigenerational network perspective, the third paper questions if and how adult childrens socioeconomic status (SES) influences older parents health in China. It further examines whether health benefits brought by adult childrens socioeconomic attainment are larger for older adults with lower SES and whether one of the mechanisms through which adult childrens SES affects older parents health is by changing their health behaviors. These questions are highly relevant in contemporary China, where adult children have experienced substantial gains in SES and play a central role in old age support for parents. In sum, these three papers take the life course, the within-family differences, and the multigenerational network perspective to address the complexities in intergenerational support and older adults health in diverse family contexts.