828 resultados para Dança na educação física


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Este trabalho tem como objetivos principais identificar se a prática da atividade física produz uma sensação de bem-estar; analisar os elementos psicofisiológicos que conduzam a esta sensação de bem-estar e verificar a existência de indicadores psicofisiológicos que apontem uma dosagem ideal para a prática saudável de atividade física para a dita sensação de bem-estar. Este tema foi escolhido, pois não existem muitos estudos com resultados concretos nesta área e a preocupação com o bem-estar e com a saúde tem sido cada dia mais freqüente graças ao aumento de doenças e sintomas do stress, depressão, dentre outros. Na literatura encontramos muitos autores e estudos que se preocupam em abordar tanto o tema de atividade física quanto o de bem-estar, mas quando juntamos estes dois assuntos os estudos ficam mais difíceis de ser encontrados, o que nos motiva a abordar estes dois temas em conjunto. (PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS) Pesquisa qualiquantitativa, com uso de instrumento do tipo questionário, sendo 11 perguntas abertas, além de 5 perguntas com o caráter de identificação. O público foi composto por 30 pessoas da cidade de Rio Claro/SP com idades entre 17 e 29 anos, sendo 11 do sexo masculino e 19 do sexo feminino; 28 estavam cursando o ensino superior, enquanto 2 já haviam completado o ensino superior e estavam fazendo pós-graduação. Os dados serão analisados através de categorização e os resultados deverão ser publicados em artigos ou similares.


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Este estudo procura problematizar as compreensões e explicações à cerca da “(re)construção da identidade cultural”. Questionamos se o termo crise é apropriado para refletir sobre identidades já que elas jamais foram fixas e, assim, não podem entrar em crise. As diferentes crises que afetam o sujeito contemporâneo – econômicas, políticas, sociais, ambientais e culturais – insere em nós feixes de mal-estares, nos inquietando. E, diante de um processo de criação cultural, em permanente construção e transformação, em seu exercício direto e indireto na produção dos sujeitos e na valoração e interpretação dos significados das culturas populares, somos forçados a procurar novos caminhos e identificações da própria existência na constituição do sujeito. Neste caos existencial contemporâneo é possível observar a dificuldade de sustentar “identidades culturais”, justamente pelas características das transformações culturais dinâmicas, presente na sociedade globalizada. Tais mudanças provocam confusões no sujeito, principalmente quando este se questiona sobre sua “identidade cultural”. São muitos abalos internos e socioculturais, as denominadas “crises de identidade”. O fluxo rápido de informações e a facilidade de troca de experiências disponíveis nos dias de hoje trazem à tona a falta de referência, que desestabiliza e fragmenta a idéia de identidade do próprio indivíduo. As crenças que envolvem questões de sentido cultural estão sofrendo abalos pela velocidade das transformações que sofre o homem contemporâneo. Desta forma, as expressões livres, diversas e criativas, estão a caminho da homogeneização, sendo assim, aparenta ser impossível para alguma “identidade” resistir intacta ao massacre da cultura de massa globalizada, tida pelas políticas de subjetivação e pelas forças da indústria cultural. Neste exercício... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Mood States are feelings auto regulation deliver to individual better quality of life and healthy aging. The declines of the aging process can be minimized with the regular practice of physical activity and systematized. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a dance program in mood states, depressive symptoms and functional capacity in elderly participants of PROFIT. METHOD: The sample was composed of 20 elderly people. The Training Group was formed by 15 elders who participated in a protocol of dance with duration of 1 hour, three times per week, for 12 weeks and the Control Group, composed of 5 elderly, did not attend any program of physical activity. The participants were evaluated by the List of States of Mind Reduced and Illustrated, Geriatric Depression Scale and the battery of tests of AAHPERD. For the mood states was used non-parametric analysis, according to the technique of Binomial Analysis. To compare the components of functional capacity between the groups was used analysis of variance for repeated measures two-way ANOVA and the level of significance was set at 5 %. RESULTS: The functional components remained favorable, highlighting Agility (pre = 21.03 ± 1.64 sec./ post = 18.63 ± 2.26 sec.) And aerobic endurance (pre = 495.94 ± 46.48 sec. / post = 448.01 ± 12.27 sec.). In the comparison between positive and negative functional levels and mood states showed no relationship between these variables, dealing with different aspects and has influence one another. The state post-dancing sessions mood in GT were more positive even for elderly patients with depressive symptoms even unproven statistically, depressive symptoms were maintained or reduced mostly. CONCLUSION: The dance practice maintains the functionality of components; modifies mood states to positive levels and reduces or prevents the onset of depressive symptoms and complications in elderly


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The practice of regular physical activity has been considered a protective factor against the degenerative processes of the body, acting as a promoter of health, especially for risk groups such as obese and resistant groups exercise adherence as among the intellectually disabled (ID) . This study involved the administration of a training protocol and the physical parameters of longitudinal health in a subject about 43 years, intellectually deficient, hypertensive, obese and with a strong predisposition to develop diabetes and heart disease. The main objective of long-term program was to reduce body weight and normalize blood pressure (BP) after the student's physical activity and preferentially interfere with BP values at rest (ie before the daily schedule). The other objective was to improve general physical fitness. The protocol involved four meetings per week lasting one hour, in addition to participation in the program PROEFA (twice a week with sessions of one hour each), totaling 57 sessions spread over five months. The evaluation protocol included in each session the following tests: blood pressure measurements and heart rate, and amount of physical activity recorded via pedometer. Tests applied before and after the training included: anthropometric assessment, agility test, flexibility test, test drive through vertical and horizontal jumps and endurance to the test bench. The mass (kg) and BMI corresponded to the initial values of 127.7 kg and 42.05 kg m-2, and 5 months after 113.2 kg and 37.48 kg m-2, respectively. The waist-hip ratio was close to 1 after the intervention and this value corresponded to 0.98. For the test of agility (shuttle run) was not found improvement in performance. To test the values of the horizontal jump in pre-test were 52 cm and 56 cm post-test, vertical jump has been improved and...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas sensoriais e do controle postural de idosos diabéticos e investigar a relação entre as alterações destes sistemas e do controle postural desta população. Participaram deste estudo dez idosos diabéticos ativos (62±4,4 anos) (GDA), 10 diabéticos sedentários (65,5±7,4 anos) (GDS) e 10 idosos saudáveis ativos (63,2±4.5anos) (GCA) foram submetidos a avaliações sensoriais e de controle postural. As avaliações sensoriais foram compostas por avaliação somatossensorial (sensibilidade cutânea e sensibilidade ao movimento passivo). Para avaliar o controle postural foram analisadas medidas de oscilação corporal durante manutenção da postura ereta (em tandem stance e bipodal). Os resultados indicaram pior desempenho do GDS na avaliação do movimento passivo e de controle postural. Nas avaliações de controle postural, o GDS apresentou uma maior amplitude média de oscilação (AMO) (cm) nas condições de manutenção da postura ereta na posição tandem stance na direção médio-lateral. No teste de sensibilidade ao movimento passivo, o GDS precisou, em média, de um maior deslocamento angular para perceber o movimento das articulações do joelho e tornozelo. Estes resultados indicam, portanto, que as alterações estruturais e fisiológicas decorrentes do diabetes, resultam em piora do desempenho dos sistemas sensoriais e de controle postural. Além disso, a maior deterioração do sistema proprioceptivo em idosos diabéticos pode interferir negativamente no desempenho de controle postural dos mesmos. Desta forma, a atividade física minimiza a perda sensorial e ainda ajuda no controle postural dos diabéticos.


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Há muito tempo pesquisadores estudam os malefícios à saúde causados pelo sedentarismo. Atualmente a inatividade física representa um grave problema de saúde pública. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde – OMS (2009a), um estilo de vida sedentário é a principal causa de morte, doenças crônicos degenerativas e deficiências. Além disso, níveis insatisfatórios de atividade física associados a dietas hipercalóricas e com alto teor de gordura estão associados ao aumento de peso corporal, o que leva à desbalanços nos níveis lípedes circulantes, ou dislipidemia (DURSTINE, 2001). A disilipidemia está relacionada a alterações no metabolismo lipídico, incluindo níveis elevados de colesterol total, LDL colesterol, triglicerídeos e redução do HDL colesterol (DÂMASO, 2003). Em contrapartida, já é comprovado que a prática regular de atividade física aparece como uma ferramenta não medicamentosa na prevenção e tratamento de portadores de doenças crônicas. Estudos com indivíduos e grupos populacionais demonstram existir uma associação inversa entre os níveis de atividade física e a incidência de diversas doenças, como a hipertensão, a obesidade, os diabetes, a doença arterial coronariana e a depressão (NAHAS,2001). Sabe-se que a dislipidemia está associada a doenças de preocupação pública como obesidade, DM e doenças cardiovasculares. Por outro lado os benefícios da prática de atividade física já são consolidados. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar o efeito de um programa de atividade física moderado no perfil lipídico e na glicemia em mulheres acima de 50 anos através da análise do efeito de 7 meses de atividade física moderada nos seguintes parâmetros bioquímicos: colesterol, lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL), lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL), triglicerídeos (TG) e glicemia. Conclui-se que o programa de atividade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma doença neurodegenerativa que afeta principalmente o controle motor com reflexos negativos no desempenho funcional de seus pacientes. Alterações no equilíbrio podem levar à diminuição da independência e funcionalidade. Alguns estudos evidenciam os benefícios do exercício físico, como alternativa nãofarmacológica para esses pacientes. Objetivo: O presente trabalho analisou e comparou os efeitos de dois programas de atividade física sobre o risco de quedas e o equilíbrio funcional em pacientes com doença de Parkinson. O presente estudo também teve como objetivo verificar a associação entre as variáveis clínicas e comportamentais. Método: Participaram do estudo 30 pacientes com DP idiopática entre os estágios I a III na escala de estagiamento clínico de Hoehn & Yahr, sendo distribuídos em três grupos: grupo de treinamento com pesos (GTP), atividade física generalizada (GAFG) e o grupo controle (GC). O período de intervenção para o GTP e o GAFG foi de quatro meses. As avaliações foram realizadas com os participantes na fase “on” da medicação. Para avaliar o equilíbrio dinâmico juntamente com o risco de quedas foi utilizado o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e, para analisar o risco de quedas foi utilizada a Escala de Equilíbrio Funcional de Berg (EEFB). As avaliações clínicas foram realizadas por meio da Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (sub-escalas funcional e motora), escala de nível de gravidade da doença de Hohen & Yahr e Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparação das variáveis analisadas entre os três grupos separadamente por momento do treinamento. Resultados: Apenas em relação à EEFB foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, com pior desempenho para o grupo controle (GC). Conclusão: Foi possível observar que: os pacientes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research aims to cover publications related to anxiety suffered by dancers and then to compare their psychological health promotion. This study was developed according to Capes, Scilelo and Google Scholar data basis, besides Sports and Dance Psychology books .These studies state that dance leads its practitioner to increase his self-perception, combined with body and mind work ,as long as the dancer’s limits and possibilities are respected. However, the fear of frustration, exhibition nervousness and expectations can trigger anxiety growth in moments of tension, such as performances. It shows that anxiety can interfere the dancer’s performance in a positive or negative way. It is also believed that, in a general way, his best performance can be achieved when he gets to a proper level of anxiety, which varies from person to person. A lot of authors mention different ways to promote a better balance of anxiety during dance sessions, developing students’ self-confidence, motivation, breathing and recuperation, besides using the benefits from dancing to improve practitioners’ body and mind health.This area lacks more specific studies to let new techniques be created and used by directors and dance companies, to enrich more and more the work of dancers’ emotional balance


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The Alzheimer’s dementia represents a clinical condition inherent to many chronic and neurodegenerative diseases that are usually related to a decline in the cognitive and physical functions. The objective of this experimental design research was to analyze the effects of a regular and systemized physical activity program over the cognitive functions, balance and risk of falls of elderly with Alzheimer’s Dementia (DA). The sample was made of 16 elderly with DA, distributed in two groups: a) intervention group – GI (9 subjects that had participated in a program of physical activity, that consisted of 3 weekly sessions of 60 minutes each, in alternated days and with a duration of 6 months); b) control group – GC (7 subjects that did not participate in the program of physical activity). Both groups maintained the doctoral and pharmacological assistance routine. The subjects passed through two different evaluations (pre and post-intervention) the questionnaire (Mini-exam of Mental State for cognitive functions) and motor tests (Berg Functional Balance Scale – EEFB, Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) time (TUGs) and steps (TUGp) and the test of agility and dynamic balance (AGILEQ) of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance for elderly). The obtained results were, respectively in the pre and post-intervention moments: a) AGILEQ (GI = 39,1 ± 10,2 and 38,4 ± 8,9 and GC = 45,6 ± 16,7 and 59,9 ± 22,0 seconds) with the statistically interaction significant (ANOVA two-way; F1,14 = 32,07; p=0,01) between groups and moments; b) TUGs (GI = 9,8 ± 2,5 and 9,5 ± 3,3 and GC = 10,6 ± 4,5 and 12,7 ± 7,3 seconds) the test UMann Whitney did not appoint any significant differences between the groups in the post-intervention moment, however the analyzes of Wilcoxon evidenced a ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This research is a short article about urban dances in Brazil, about how did it came and became popular here, and also it will discuss about the different nomenclatures that exists nowadays: street dance, dances from street or urban dances. As a bibliographic reference, a research was made about the history of those dances in an international context, the creators and all the elements that consists the Hip hop culture: Break dance, grafitte, MC and DJ. The research methodology is characterized as a qualitative, it search for information that can be deeply studded, and the method used was history telling, which prize and brings up the man memory of the facts. The interview was also used as a tool in a previously elaborated script with open questions, so the interviewees could answer their own way and talk as much as they need about the issue. The analyze was made using the Bardin (2009) method. The interviewees are very important at the Hip Hop scenario because their lives were dedicated to the research about urban dances and the Hip Hop culture. During the interview they told how they started to dance and that their first contact with urban dances was made by watching movies that came to Brazil in the eighties. Michael Jackson has also contributed to spread this urban dances at that time with his videos. The main goal of this research is to tell the history of the urban dances, how did they got here, who brought it and how it has spread in Brazil. It justify itself during the fact that exists just a few researches in a scientific way that study this issue, thus the history importance that this contents is to the urban dances in Brazil. My conclusion of this article is that the history has many different ways, a lot of names, and that the urban dances in Brazil has began in many different places at the same time, by films influence that has promoted the styles that had came here in the eighties


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Childhood is a theme that has attracted many controversies and discussions, and winning approaches to the increasingly large over time: biological, psychological, educational, welfare and, more recently, sociological. It is known that the movement, play and game activities are important recurrent and integral development of children, and should be present prominently in early childhood institutions. Based on these assumptions is that this study aimed to analyze the didactic-pedagogical principles postulated by the law, official guidelines didactic teaching and literature, with regard to meeting the needs of children in early childhood education. Unveiling the expectations of the families responsible for children in relation to early childhood education, especially with regard to movement, and play games and compare to what extent these expectations turn away or close to the guidelines on teaching and pedagogical movement, games and postulated in official documents, legislation and literature. To this end, we carried out literature search, selection and analysis of texts relevant to the understanding of the theme. Fieldwork was conducted in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education Full-time (Emei) of Bauru/SP, and involved the analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the institution, semi-structured interviews with five teachers and five children in the family responsible for Garden II (ages 5 to 6 years). Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis of Bardin and triangulated by the confrontation of literature/legislation, the Pedagogical Political Project of the institution and the expectations of families/guardians. We also realize that the Pedagogical Political Project of EMEI is in routine activities with the children, movement, and play the game are covered and are worked. According to teachers interviewed they assist in learning other areas of work (Oral and Written Language, Nature and Society, etc.) learning of moral...


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Numerous studies in physical education and music's area have been conducted to improve the quality of life and health of people, all of them under physiological, psychological and social fields. Thus, when properly analyzed, both Areas are connected, because the movement itself, main subject of physical education, has a close proximity to the rhythm, an essential element of music. That's why it is important to discover the benefits of this relationship, because, in many of its practices, physical education makes use of music, for example, in aerobic gymnastic and dance classes. As a consequence, this study aims to investigate, through literature, the influence of music in physical activities and its imprinting in the states of mind and body of practitioners, as well as clarify the criteria for choice of songs that are used in such practice. This research occurred under literary explore, done through theoretical analysis of the thematic. At first place, a contextualization of the auditory system and its relationship with the music and the perception of sound were made, then the main theme was explored. The music, even before generate and influence motor and psychic movements in the human body, is already moving in space, because it is formed through vibrations of molecules. It is decoded first as a movement from the ears, and then decoded as sound, when in the brain. It is important to worry about sounds at high intensities and also with those which are outside the hearing thresholds within physical activities involving music, because they may be harmful to health and also to states of mind. As far as music and movement is concerned, they are closely linked, and the human being has an instinctive sense of rhythm that can be seen when listening to music, because the motor cortex is also activated. Therefore, it is important to work the sound and body movement together, because in practice they are inseparable and they contribute greatly to...