954 resultados para Core Antigen


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NK cell self-tolerance is maintained by inhibitory receptors specific for MHC class I molecules. Inhibitory NK receptors are also expressed on memory CD8 T cells but their biological relevance on T cells is unclear. In this study, we describe the expression of the Ly49A receptor on a subset of autoreactive T cells which persist in mice double-transgenic for the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-derived peptide gp33 and a TCRalphabeta specific for the gp33. No Ly49A-expressing cells are found in TCRalphabeta single-transgenic mice, indicating that the presence of the autoantigen is required for Ly49A induction. Direct evidence for an Ag-specific initiation of Ly49A expression has been obtained in vitro after stimulation of autoreactive TCRalphabeta T cells with the cognate self-Ag. This expression of Ly49A substantially reduces Ag-specific activation of autoreactive T cells. These findings thus suggest that autoantigen-specific induction of inhibitory NK cell receptors on T cells may contribute to peripheral self-tolerance.


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Purified, [131I]-labeled goat antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen, which have been shown to localize in human carcinoma in nude mice, were injected into 27 patients with carcinoma. Patients were scanned with a scintillation camera at various intervals. In 11 patients, radioactivity was detectable in the tumor 48 hours after injection. Computerized subtraction of blood-pool radioactivity provided clearer pictures in positive cases, but in 16 patients the scans remained doubtful or negative. To study the specificity of [131I]-antibody localization, we gave some patients simultaneous injections of [125I]-labeled normal IgG. Both isotopes were measured by means of scintillation counting in tumors and normal tissues recovered after surgery. The results demonstrated that only the anti-CEA antibodies localized in tumors. However, the total antibody-derived radioactivity in the tumor was only about 0.001 of the injected dose. We conclude that, despite the present demonstration of specificity, this method of tumor detection is not yet clinically useful.


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Although being a normal part of the skin flora, yeasts of the genus Malassezia are associated with several common dermatologic conditions including pityriasis versicolour, seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD), folliculitis, atopic eczema/dermatitis (AE/AD) and dandruff. While Malassezia spp. are aetiological agents of pityriasis versicolour, a causal role of Malassezia spp. in AE/AD and SD remains to be established. Previous reports have shown that fungi such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus are able to efficiently activate the NLRP3 inflammasome leading to robust secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. To date, innate immune responses to Malassezia spp. are not well characterized. Here, we show that different Malassezia species could induce NLRP3 inflammasome activation and subsequent IL-1β secretion in human antigen-presenting cells. In contrast, keratinocytes were not able to secrete IL-1β when exposed to Malassezia spp. Moreover, we demonstrate that IL-1β secretion in antigen-presenting cells was dependent on Syk-kinase signalling. Our results identify Malassezia spp. as potential strong inducers of pro-inflammatory responses when taken up by antigen-presenting cells and identify C-type lectin receptors and the NLRP3 inflammasome as crucial actors in this process.


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Large numbers and functionally competent T cells are required to protect from diseases for which antibody-based vaccines have consistently failed (1), which is the case for many chronic viral infections and solid tumors. Therefore, therapeutic vaccines aim at the induction of strong antigen-specific T-cell responses. Novel adjuvants have considerably improved the capacity of synthetic vaccines to activate T cells, but more research is necessary to identify optimal compositions of potent vaccine formulations. Consequently, there is a great need to develop accurate methods for the efficient identification of antigen-specific T cells and the assessment of their functional characteristics directly ex vivo. In this regard, hundreds of clinical vaccination trials have been implemented during the last 15 years, and monitoring techniques become more and more standardized.


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Suomalainen metsäteollisuus on muutoksen partaalla. Uutisissa on nähty miten metsäyrityksen sulkevat tehtaita ja paperikoneita. Suomalaisessa metsäteollisuudessa keskitytään tällä hetkellä lähinnä kulujen alentamiseen ja tuottavuuden parantamiseen. Edellytyssille, että suomalainen metsäteollisuus pysyy kilpailukykyisenä, ovat kuitenkinuudet innovaatiot ja toimialojen välinen yhteistyö. Työn tavoitteena oli luoda toimintamalli UPM-Kymmene Oyj:lle, minkä avulla ydinliiketoimintaan kuulumattomat tuote- ja palveluideat saataisiin hyödynnettyä. Aihe on erittäin ajankohtainen, mikäli halutaan pitää tuotanto jatkossakin Suomessa. Luotumalli painottaa pk-sektorin roolia ja potentiaalia kehittää UPM-Kymmeneltä peräisin olevia ja heidän ydinliiketointaan kuulumattomista tuote ja palveluideoistauusia yrityksiä, tuotteita ja palveluita. Malli edustaa uudenlaista ajattelutapaa ja sen käyttöönotto vaatii perinteisen yrityskulttuurin uudistamista UPM-Kymmenessä.


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Uusi EPR-reaktorikonsepti on suunniteltu selviytymään tapauksista, joissa reaktorinsydän sulaa ja sula puhkaisee paineastian. Suojarakennuksen sisälle on suunniteltu alue, jolle sula passiivisesti kerätään, pidätetään ja jäähdytetään. Alueelle laaditaan valurautaelementeistä ns.sydänsieppari, joka tulvitetaan vedellä. Sydänsulan tuottama jälkilämpö siirtyyveteen, mistä se poistetaan suojarakennuksen jälkilämmönpoistojärjestelmän kautta. Suuri osa lämmöstä poistuu sydänsulasta sen yläpuolella olevaan veteen, mutta lämmönsiirron tehostamiseksi myös sydänsiepparin alapuolelle on sijoitettu vedellä täytettävät jäähdytyskanavat. Jotta sydänsiepparin toiminta voitaisiin todentaa, on Lappeenrannan Teknillisellä Yliopistolla rakennettu Volley-koelaitteisto tätä tarkoitusta varten. Koelaitteisto koostuu kahdesta täysimittaisesta valuraudasta tehdystä jäähdytyskanavasta. Sydänsulan tuottamaa jälkilämpöä simuloidaan koelaitteistossa sähkövastuksilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan simulaatioiden suorittaminen ja vertaillaan saatuja arvoja mittaustuloksiin. Työ keskittyy sydänsiepparista jäähdytyskanaviin tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron teoriaan jamekanismeihin. Työssä esitetään kolme erilaista korrelaatiota lämmönsiirtokertoimille allaskiehumisen tapauksessa. Nämä korrelaatiot soveltuvat erityisesti tapauksiin, joissa vain muutamia mittausparametreja on tiedossa. Työn toinen osa onVolley 04 -kokeiden simulointi. Ensin käytettyä simulointitapaa on kelpoistettuvertaamalla tuloksia Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeisiin, joissa koetta voitiin jatkaa tasapainotilaan ja joissa jäähdytteen käyttäytyminen jäähdytyskanavassa on tallennettu myös videokameralla. Näiden simulaatioiden tulokset ovat hyvin samanlaisiakuin mittaustulokset. Korkeammilla lämmitystehoilla kokeissa esiintyi vesi-iskuja, jotka rikkoivat videoinnin mahdollistavia ikkunoita. Tämän johdosta osassa Volley 04 -kokeita ikkunat peitettiin metallilevyillä. Joitakin kokeita jouduttiin keskeyttämään laitteiston suurten lämpöjännitysten johdosta. Tällaisten testien simulaatiot eivät ole yksinkertaisia suorittaa. Veden pinnan korkeudesta ei ole visuaalista havaintoa. Myöskään jäähdytteen tasapainotilanlämpötiloista ei ole tarkkaa tietoa, mutta joitakin oletuksia voidaan tehdä samoilla parametreilla tehtyjen Volley 05 -kokeiden perusteella. Mittaustulokset Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeista, jotka on videoitu ja voitu ajaa tasapainotilaan saakka, antoivat simulaatioiden kanssa hyvin samankaltaisia lämpötilojen arvoja. Keskeytettyjen kokeiden ekstrapolointi tasapainotilaan ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kokeet jouduttiin keskeyttämään niin paljon ennen termohydraulista tasapainoa, ettei tasapainotilan reunaehtoja voitu ennustaa. Videonauhoituksen puuttuessa ei veden pinnan korkeudesta saatu lisätietoa. Tuloksista voidaan lähinnä esittää arvioita siitä, mitä suuruusluokkaa mittapisteiden lämpötilat tulevat olemaan. Nämä lämpötilat ovat kuitenkin selvästi alle sydänsiepparissa käytettävän valuraudan sulamislämpötilan. Joten simulaatioiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, etteivät jäähdytyskanavien rakenteet sula, mikäli niissä on pienikin jäähdytevirtaus, eikä useampia kuin muutama vierekkäinen kanava ole täysin kuivana.


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A monoclonal antibody, LAU-A1, which selectively reacts with all cells of the T-lineage, was derived from a fusion between spleen cells of a mouse immunized with paediatric thymocytes and mouse myeloma P X 63/Ag8 cells. As shown by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay and analysis by flow microfluorometry of cells labelled by indirect immunofluorescence, the LAU-A1 antibody reacted with all six T-cell lines but not with any of the B-cell lines or myeloid cell lines tested from a panel of 17 human hematopoietic cell lines. The LAU-A1 antibody was also shown to react with the majority of thymocytes and E-rosette-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes. Among the malignant cell populations tested, the blasts from all 20 patients with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) were found to react with the LAU-A1 antibody, whereas blasts from 85 patients with common ALL and 63 patients with acute myeloid leukemias were entirely negative. Examination of frozen tissue sections from fetal and adult thymuses stained by an indirect immunoperoxidase method revealed that cells expressing the LAU-A1 antigen were localized in both the cortex and the medulla. From the very broad reactivity spectrum of LAU-A1 antibody, we conclude that this antibody is directed against a T-cell antigen expressed throughout the T-cell differentiation lineage. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates formed by LAU-A1 antibody with detergent lysates of radiolabeled T-cells showed that the LAU-A1 antigen had an apparent mol. wt of 76,000 under non-reducing conditions. Under reducing conditions a single band with an apparent mol. wt of 40,000 was observed. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that the 76,000 mol. wt component consisted of an S-S-linked dimeric complex. The surface membrane expression of LAU-A1 antigen on HSB-2 T-cells was modulated when these cells were cultured in the presence of LAU-A1 antibody. Re-expression of LAU-A1 antigen occurred within 24 hr after transfer of the modulated cells into antibody-free medium.


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The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor (BAFF) binds B cells and enhances B cell receptor-triggered proliferation. We find that B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a predicted member of the TNF receptor family expressed primarily in mature B cells, is a receptor for BAFF. Although BCMA was previously localized to the Golgi apparatus, BCMA was found to be expressed on the surface of transfected cells and tonsillar B cells. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibited the binding of BAFF to a B cell line, induced a dramatic decrease in the number of peripheral B cells when administered in vivo. Moreover, culturing splenic cells in the presence of BAFF increased survival of a percentage of the B cells. These results are consistent with a role for BAFF in maintaining homeostasis of the B cell population.


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Deficiency of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) modulates inflammation in several models of inflammatory and autoimmune disease, although the underlying mechanism(s) are not understood. PAR2 is expressed on endothelial and immune cells, and is implicated in dendritic cell (DC) differentiation. We investigated in vivo the impact of PAR2 activation on DCs and T cells in PAR2 wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice using a specific PAR2 agonist peptide (AP2). PAR2 activation significantly increased the frequency of mature CD11c(high) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after AP2 administration. Furthermore, these DCs exhibited increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and CD86. A significant increase in activated (CD44(+) CD62(-)) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell frequencies was also observed in draining lymph nodes 48 hr after AP2 injection. No detectable change in DC or T-cell activation profiles was observed in the spleen. The influence of PAR2 signalling on antigen transport to draining lymph nodes was assessed in the context of delayed-type hypersensitivity. PAR2 WT mice that were sensitized by skin-painting with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to induce delayed-type hypersensitivity possessed elevated proportion of FITC(+) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after FITC painting when compared with PAR2 KO mice (0.95% versus 0.47% of total lymph node cells). Collectively, these results demonstrate that PAR2 signalling promotes DC trafficking to the lymph nodes and subsequent T-cell activation, and thus provides an explanation for the pro-inflammatory effect of PAR2 in animal models of inflammation.


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The major antigen on the envelope of extracellular vaccinia virus particles is a polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 37,000 (p37K; G. Hiller and K. Weber, J. Virol. 55:651-659, 1985). The gene encoding p37K was mapped in the vaccinia virus genome by hybrid selection of RNA followed by in vitro translation. p37K was then identified among the in vitro translation products by immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody. The gene is located close to the right-hand end of the HindIII F fragment. The corresponding region of the DNA was sequenced, and an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 41,748 daltons was observed. The 5' end of the mRNA, as defined by nuclease S1 analysis, maps within only a few nucleotides of the translation initiation codon. Examination of the DNA sequence around the putative initiation site of transcription revealed a characteristic sequence, TAAATG, which includes the ATG translation initiation codon and which is conserved in all but one late gene so far analyzed. It is therefore likely that this sequence is an important regulatory signal for late gene expression in vaccinia virus.


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PURPOSE: The natural history of prostate cancer might be driven by the index lesion. We determined the percent of men in whom the index lesion could be defined using transperineal template prostate mapping biopsies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Included in study were consecutive men undergoing transperineal template prostate mapping biopsies with biopsies grouped into 20 zones. Men with clinically significant disease in only 1 prostate area were considered to have an identifiable index lesion. We evaluated the impact of using 2 definitions of clinically significant disease (Gleason grade pattern 4 and/or lesion volume 0.5 cc or greater) and 2 clustering rules (stringent and tolerant) to define the index lesion. RESULTS: Included in study were 391 men with a median age of 62 years (IQR 58-67) and a median prostate specific antigen of 6.9 ng/ml (IQR 4.8-10.0). Of the men 269 (69%) were previously diagnosed with prostate cancer. By deploying a median of 1.2 cores per ml (IQR 0.9-1.7) cancer was diagnosed in 82.9% of the men (324 of 391) with a median of 6 positive cores (IQR 2-9), a median maximum cancer core length of 5 mm (IQR 3-8) and a total cancer core length per zone of 7 mm (IQR 3-13). Insignificant disease was found in 26.3% to 42.9% of cases. When a stringent spatial relationship was used to define individual lesions, 44.4% to 54.6% of patients had 1 index lesion and 12.7% to 19.1% had more than 1 area with clinically significant disease. These proportions changed to 46.6% to 59.2% and 10.5% to 14.5%, respectively, when less stringent spatial clustering was applied. CONCLUSIONS: Transperineal template prostate mapping biopsies enable the index lesion to be localized in most men with clinically significant disease. This information may be important to select appropriate candidates for targeted therapy and to plan a tailored treatment strategy in men undergoing radical therapy.


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Our newly generated murine tumor dendritic cell (MuTuDC) lines, generated from tumors developing in transgenic mice expressing the simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40LgT) and GFP under the DC specific promoter CD11c, reproduce the phenotypic and functional properties of splenic wild type CD8α(+) conventional DCs. They have an immature phenotype with low co-stimulation molecule expression (CD40, CD70, CD80, and CD86) that is upregulated after activation with toll-like receptor ligands. We observed that after transfer into syngeneic C57BL/6 mice, MuTuDC lines were quickly rejected. Tumors grew efficiently in large T transgene-tolerant mice. To investigate the immune response toward the large T antigen that leads to rejection of the MuTuDC lines, they were genetically engineered by lentiviral transduction to express luciferase and tested for the induction of DC tumors after adoptive transfer in various gene deficient recipient mice. Here, we document that the MuTuDC line was rejected in C57BL/6 mice by a CD4 T cell help-independent, perforin-mediated CD8 T cell response to the SV40LgT without pre-activation or co-injection of adjuvants. Using depleting anti-CD8β antibodies, we were able to induce efficient tumor growth in C57BL/6 mice. These results are important for researchers who want to use the MuTuDC lines for in vivo studies.