995 resultados para Conscious Perception


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Given capacity limits, only a subset of stimuli 1 give rise to a conscious percept. Neurocognitive models suggest that humans have evolved mechanisms that operate without awareness and prioritize threatening stimuli over neutral stimuli in subsequent perception. In this meta analysis, we review evidence for this ‘standard hypothesis’ emanating from three widely used, but rather different experimental paradigms that have been used to manipulate awareness. We found a small pooled threat-bias effect in the masked visual probe paradigm, a medium effect in the binocular rivalry paradigm and highly inconsistent effects in the breaking continuous flash suppression paradigm. Substantial heterogeneity was explained by the stimulus type: the only threat stimuli that were robustly prioritized across all three paradigms were fearful faces. Meta regression revealed that anxiety may modulate threat biases, but only under specific presentation conditions. We also found that insufficiently rigorous awareness measures, inadequate control of response biases and low level confounds may undermine claims of genuine unconscious threat processing. Considering the data together, we suggest that uncritical acceptance of the standard hypothesis is premature: current behavioral evidence for threat-sensitive visual processing that operates without awareness is weak.


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In search of better, traditional learning universities have expanded their ways to deliver knowledge and integrate cost effective e-learning systems. Universities’ use of information and communication technologies has grown tremendously over the last decade. To ensure efficient use of the e-learning system, the Arab Open University (AOU) in Bahrain was the first to use e-learning system there, aimed to evaluate the good and bad practices, detect errors and determine areas for further improvements in usage. This study critically evaluated the students’ perception of the elearning system in Bahrain and recommended changes to improve students’ e-learning usage. Results of the study indicated that, in general, students have favourable perceptions toward using the e-learning system. This study has shown that technology acceptance is the most variable, factor that contributes to students’ perception and satisfaction of the e-learning system.


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The primary goal of this study is to examine the ability of pediatric hearing-aid listeners, with mild to moderately-severe hearing loss, to perceive emotion and to discriminate talkers. These listeners’ performance is compared to that of similarly-aged listeners with normal hearing and who use cochlear implants.


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The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate speech perception and localization abilities in children who have received sequential cochlear implants, with the first implant received before age 4 and the second implant received before age 12. Results indicate performance in the bilateral cochlear implant condition is significantly better than listening with each implant alone for the outcome measures used in this study.


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Objective. To evaluate the perception of eating practices and the stages of change among adolescents. Methods. Cross-sectional study involving a representative sample of 390 adolescents from 11 public schools in the city of Piracicaba, Brazil, in 2004. Food consumption was identified by a food frequency questionnaire and the perception of eating practices evaluation was conducted by comparing food consumption and individual classification of healthy aspects of the diet. The participants were classified within stages of change by means of a specific algorithm. A reclassification within new stages of change was proposed to identify adolescents with similar characteristics regarding food consumption and perception. Results. Low consumption of fruit and vegetables and high consumption of sweets and fats were identified. More than 44% of the adolescents had a mistaken perception of their diet. A significant relationship between the stages of change and food consumption was observed. The reclassification among stages of change, through including the pseudo-maintenance and non-reflective action stages was necessary, considering the high proportion of adolescents who erroneously classified their diets as healthy. Conclusion. Classification of the adolescents into stages of change, together with consumption and perception data, enabled identification of groups at risk, in accordance with their inadequate dietary habits and non-recognition of such habits. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Even among forest specialists, species-specific responses to anthropogenic forest fragmentation may vary considerably. Some appear to be confined to forest interiors, and perceive a fragmented landscape as a mosaic of suitable fragments and hostile matrix. Others, however, are able to make use of matrix habitats and perceive the landscape in shades of grey rather than black-and-white. We analysed data of 42 Chiroxiphia caudata (Blue Manakin), 10 Pyriglena leucoptera (White-shouldered Fire-eye) and 19 Sclerurus scansor (Rufous-breasted Leaftosser) radio-tracked in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil between 2003 and 2005. We illustrate how habitat preferences may determine how species respond to or perceive the landscape structure. We compared available with used habitat to develop a species-specific preference index for each of six habitat classes. All three species preferred old forest, but relative use of other classes differed significantly. S. scansor perceived great contrast between old forest and matrix, whereas the other two species perceived greater habitat continuity. For conservation planning, our study offers three important messages: (1) some forest specialist species are able to persist in highly fragmented landscapes; (2) some forest species may be able to make use of different anthropogenic habitat types to various degrees; whereas (3) others are restricted to the remaining forest fragments. Our study suggests species most confined to forest interiors to be considered as potential umbrella species for landscape-scale conservation planning.


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Accessibility has become a serious issue to be considered by various sectors of the society. However, what are the differences between the perception of accessibility by academy, government and industry? In this paper, we present an analysis of this issue based on a large survey carried out with 613 participants involved with Web development, from all of the 27 Brazilian states. The paper presents results from the data analysis for each sector, along with statistical tests regarding the main different issues related to each of the sectors, such as: government and law, industry and techniques, academy and education. The concern about accessibility law is poor even amongst people from government sector. The analyses have also pointed out that the academy has not been addressing accessibility training accordingly. The knowledge about proper techniques to produce accessible contents is better than other sectors`, but still limited in industry. Stronger investments in training and in the promotion of consciousness about the law may be pointed as the most important tools to help a more effective policy on Web accessibility in Brazil.


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Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på i vilken utsträckning och på vilket sätt lärarens undervisningspraxis styr gymnasieelevers syn på historieämnet. I samband med att vedertagna uppfattningar om kunskap och kunskapsöverföring har utmanats inom pedagogisk forskning, har historieämnet alltmer kommit att definieras som ett instrument för självinsikt och förståelse för omvärlden. Den förändrade historiesynen medför nya typer av undervisningspraxis bland enskilda lärare, där till exempel kronologi och kanon får stå tillbaka för bland annat tematisk fördjupning och flerperspektivism.Undersökningen består av intervjuer med två gymnasieklasser och deras gymnasielärare. I intervjuerna fick lärarna och eleverna var för sig definiera momentet utifrån vad det handlade om, vilka målsättningar man haft, hur undervisningen gått till och vad övningarna syftat till.Resultaten visar att lärarnas respektive historiesyn och undervisningspraxis i mycket stor utsträckning präglar elevers perception av historieämnet. Elevernas normer och målsättningar i relation till historieundervisningen följde respektive lärares undervisningspraxis, utan att andra faktorer, som läromedel, i nämnvärd utsträckning spelade in. Läraren framstår därmed som den klart viktigaste auktoriteten för elevernas förståelse av historieämnet.


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Uppsatsen handlar om den subjektivt upplevda tyngden i musik. Avsikten med arbetet har varit att härleda ljudets fysiska egenskaper ur upplevelsen av tyngd och rörelse, och på det viset klargöra samband, vilka kan underlätta för förståelse och omsättning av kunskaperna i en praktisk mixningssituation. Detta har undersökts genom en sammanställning av litteratur, genom vilken kunskap om perception, psykoakustik och teknik har ordnats. Intentionen var att knyta samman perceptionsteori och psykoakustik med ljudteknik, för att följa fenomenet från upplevelse till teknisk påverkan. Av resultaten framkommer att tonhöjd och tonstyrka är avgörande för tyngdupplevelsen, och att de i någon mån kan påverkas med samtliga processorer som behandlas i arbetet.


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An inquiring study of literature has been conducted, about the human colour perception (theimpression of colours). The colour has been examined, both as conscious and subconscious signal,and reasons for it’s influence have been exammed.The practical parts of the degree project have been carried out in active collaboration with thecustomer, The Association Hedemora Assistansservice (HASS), which offers handicapped persons astimulating spare time by personal assistance. A graphical profile-programme and an informationfolderhave been produced, easy received by both handicapped (with defective vision) and normallysighted persons. The graphical profile-programme was made in collaboration with the customer.Concerning the information-folder HASS took the main responsibility for the choice of photographswhile layout, text writing, colour-reproduction, original-production and connecting printing workswere made independently. The customer has shown engagement and interest and had a lot of opinionsabout the degree project, of which have been paid attention.


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The essay investigates the visual element as seen by the audience and artist to be of greatest importance to a musicalperformance. The study was conducted in the form of a field work which included doing interviews with artists, surveys of the audience and interpretive observations of live performance. The fieldwork was conducted in three different environments in which I found myself on the spot and performed the various stages included in the field work. It was done to create a surface that could be used in an essay, and through that use this material to compare and analyze my results and in the end be able to answer my questions. I started from eight different factors which all could beexperienced visually on stage. The factors were light / colors, costumes, props, effects, stage presence, attitude / image, nervousness and dance / body language. Those factors would then be examined in the various musical performances and to be answered by the audience and performers which of those factors they considered to be of great importance or small importance when it comes to visual perception in a musical context. The result was a clear statement where two factors were considered to be most crucial for a musical performance, and a clear statement in which two factors were considered by the majority to be less important. The results demonstrate a common understanding what the artist and the audience thinks is important. A result that can act as a template for what an artist should think about regarding the visual elements before an performance. My theory is my assumption that the visual elements of musical performances can play an important or decisive role, an assumption that was strengthened by my empirical experiences at a concert visit. I wanted in this essay explore and give a clear picture of what it is that artists and audiences consider to be visually crucial for a musical context


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Bakgrund: Internet används globalt inom många områden och aktuell forskning visar att gravida kvinnor använder Internet till att söka information om graviditet och förlossning. En graviditet innebär många frågor hos kvinnan och kvinnor söker efter information för att få en trygghet och försäkran om att allt är normalt med deras hälsa och barnet i magen. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka gravida kvinnors informationssökning via Internet avseende graviditet och förlossning. Metod: Beskrivande tvärsnittstudie. Datainsamling skedde via en enkätundersökning och data analyserades med deskriptiv och jämförande ansats. Resultat: Nästan alla kvinnor i undersökningen använde Internet för att söka information om graviditet och förlossning. Kvinnorna söker information om barnets utveckling, kost/näring och graviditetslängd i hög utsträckning. Högutbildade kvinnor har andra kriterier för trovärdighet på hemsidor än kvinnor med lägre utbildning. Slutsats: Barnmorskor bör vara medvetna om gravida kvinnors användning av Internet samt själva skapa sig en uppfattning om informationen som de gravida kvinnorna läser på Internet. Vår studie visar att barnmorskors rekommendation av hemsidor på Internet har stor betydelse för gravida kvinnor.  


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Foreign accent can be everything from hardly detectable to rendering the second language speech unintelligible. It is assumed that certain aspects of a specific target language contribute more to making the foreign accented speech intelligible and listener friendly, than others. The present thesis examines a teaching strategy for Swedish pronunciation in second language education. The teaching strategy “Basic prosody” or BP, gives priority to temporal aspects of Swedish prosody, which means the temporal phonological contrasts word stress and quantity, as well as the durational realizations of these contrasts. BP does not prescribe any specific tonal realizations. This standpoint is based on the great regional variety in realization and distribution of Swedish word accents. The teaching strategy consists virtually of three directives: · Stress the proper word in the sentence. · Stress proper syllables in stressed words and make them longer. · Lengthen the proper segment – vowel or subsequent consonant – in the stressed syllable. These directives reflect the view that all phonological length is stress-induced, and that vowel length and consonant length are equally important as learning goals. BP is examined in the light of existing findings in the field of second language pronunciation and with respect to the phonetic correlates of Swedish stress and quantity. Five studies examine the relation between segment durations and the categorization made by native Swedish listeners. The results indicate that the postvocalic consonant duration contributes to quantity categorization as well as giving the proper duration to stressed syllables. Furthermore, native Swedish speakers are shown to apply the complementary /V: C/ - /VC:/ pattern also when speaking English and German, by lengthening postvocalic consonants. The correctness of the priority is not directly addressed but important aspects of BP are supported by earlier findings as well as the results from the present studies.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical frame­work for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy character­ized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly co­herent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness.