682 resultados para Chebyshev Polynomials


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We compute the E-polynomials of the moduli spaces of representations of the fundamental group of a complex curve of genus g = 3 into SL(2, C), and also of the moduli space of twisted representations. The case of genus g = 1, 2 has already been done in [12]. We follow the geometric technique introduced in [12], based on stratifying the space of representations, and on the analysis of the behaviour of the E-polynomial under fibrations.


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Using tools of the theory of orthogonal polynomials we obtain the generating function of the generalized Fibonacci sequence established by Petronilho for a sequence of real or complex numbers {Qn} defined by Q0 = 0, Q1 = 1, Qm = ajQm−1 + bjQm−2, m ≡ j (mod k), where k ≥ 3 is a fixed integer, and a0, a1, . . . , ak−1, b0, b1, . . . , bk−1 are 2k given real or complex numbers, with bj #0 for 0 ≤ j ≤ k−1. For this sequence some convergence proprieties are obtained.


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This thesis provides a necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic efficiency of a nonparametric estimator of the generalised autocovariance function of a Gaussian stationary random process. The generalised autocovariance function is the inverse Fourier transform of a power transformation of the spectral density, and encompasses the traditional and inverse autocovariance functions. Its nonparametric estimator is based on the inverse discrete Fourier transform of the same power transformation of the pooled periodogram. The general result is then applied to the class of Gaussian stationary ARMA processes and its implications are discussed. We illustrate that for a class of contrast functionals and spectral densities, the minimum contrast estimator of the spectral density satisfies a Yule-Walker system of equations in the generalised autocovariance estimator. Selection of the pooling parameter, which characterizes the nonparametric estimator of the generalised autocovariance, controlling its resolution, is addressed by using a multiplicative periodogram bootstrap to estimate the finite-sample distribution of the estimator. A multivariate extension of recently introduced spectral models for univariate time series is considered, and an algorithm for the coefficients of a power transformation of matrix polynomials is derived, which allows to obtain the Wold coefficients from the matrix coefficients characterizing the generalised matrix cepstral models. This algorithm also allows the definition of the matrix variance profile, providing important quantities for vector time series analysis. A nonparametric estimator based on a transformation of the smoothed periodogram is proposed for estimation of the matrix variance profile.


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Per determinare lo stato di un satellite ad ogni istante è necessario un propagatore orbitale, cioè un algoritmo che, partendo da condizioni iniziali note, calcola la traiettoria di un corpo in un intervallo di tempo arbitrario. L’orbita ottenuta è tuttavia soggetta ad errori numerici (errori di propagazione) ed incertezze. Queste ultime derivano da condizioni iniziali non precise, in quanto ricavate da osservazioni, soggette ad errori di misurazione, o ipotesi sui parametri dell’orbita e del corpo. Per questo motivo è importante utilizzare il propagatore anche per verificare l’evoluzione di tali incertezze nel tempo tramite un processo noto come analisi della covarianza. Questo processo permette di valutare l’entità dell’incertezza calcolandone la variazione rispetto allo stato iniziale a cui è generata e la rispondenza ai requisiti di missione. Lo scopo della tesi è l’incremento di precisione del propagatore orbitale esistente e lo sviluppo di strumenti per il supporto della missione LICIACube (Light Italian Cubesat for Imaging of Asteroids). In particolare, saranno implementati effetti secondari nel modello di propagazione ed uno strumento per la propagazione e conversione della rappresentazione di incertezze delle effemeridi. Questo permetterà la valutazione della precisione dell’orbita di Didymos e di LICIACube, dal suo rilascio fino al flyby. Per l’esportazione della traiettoria calcolata viene presentata una funzione che, tramite interpolazione, rappresenti l’orbita generata utilizzando un limitato spazio di memoria.


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We analyze the Waring decompositions of the powers of any quadratic form over the field of complex numbers. Our main objective is to provide detailed information about their rank and border rank. These forms are of significant importance because of the classical decomposition expressing the space of polynomials of a fixed degree as a direct sum of the spaces of harmonic polynomials multiplied by a power of the quadratic form. Using the fact that the spaces of harmonic polynomials are irreducible representations of the special orthogonal group over the field of complex numbers, we show that the apolar ideal of the s-th power of a non-degenerate quadratic form in n variables is generated by the set of harmonic polynomials of degree s+1. We also generalize and improve upon some of the results about real decompositions, provided by B. Reznick in his notes from 1992, focusing on possibly minimal decompositions and providing new ones, both real and complex. We investigate the rank of the second power of a non-degenerate quadratic form in n variables, which is equal to (n^2+n+2)/2 in most cases. We also study the border rank of any power of an arbitrary ternary non-degenerate quadratic form, which we determine explicitly using techniques of apolarity and a specific subscheme contained in its apolar ideal. Based on results about smoothability, we prove that the smoothable rank of the s-th power of such form corresponds exactly to its border rank and to the rank of its middle catalecticant matrix, which is equal to (s+1)(s+2)/2.


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In this thesis we explore the combinatorial properties of several polynomials arising in matroid theory. Our main motivation comes from the problem of computing them in an efficient way and from a collection of conjectures, mainly the real-rootedness and the monotonicity of their coefficients with respect to weak maps. Most of these polynomials can be interpreted as Hilbert--Poincaré series of graded vector spaces associated to a matroid and thus some combinatorial properties can be inferred via combinatorial algebraic geometry (non-negativity, palindromicity, unimodality); one of our goals is also to provide purely combinatorial interpretations of these properties, for example by redefining these polynomials as poset invariants (via the incidence algebra of the lattice of flats); moreover, by exploiting the bases polytopes and the valuativity of these invariants with respect to matroid decompositions, we are able to produce efficient closed formulas for every paving matroid, a class that is conjectured to be predominant among all matroids. One last goal is to extend part of our results to a higher categorical level, by proving analogous results on the original graded vector spaces via abelian categorification or on equivariant versions of these polynomials.


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In this work the fundamental ideas to study properties of QFTs with the functional Renormalization Group are presented and some examples illustrated. First the Wetterich equation for the effective average action and its flow in the local potential approximation (LPA) for a single scalar field is derived. This case is considered to illustrate some techniques used to solve the RG fixed point equation and study the properties of the critical theories in D dimensions. In particular the shooting methods for the ODE equation for the fixed point potential as well as the approach which studies a polynomial truncation with a finite number of couplings, which is convenient to study the critical exponents. We then study novel cases related to multi field scalar theories, deriving the flow equations for the LPA truncation, both without assuming any global symmetry and also specialising to cases with a given symmetry, using truncations based on polynomials of the symmetry invariants. This is used to study possible non perturbative solutions of critical theories which are extensions of known perturbative results, obtained in the epsilon expansion below the upper critical dimension.