891 resultados para Characters and characteristics.


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A two year, comprehensive, quantitative investigation was conducted to analyze and identify the spatial distribution of petrogenic and biogenic hydrocarbons in sediments, surface waters, fish and shellfish of Biscayne Bay, Florida. The goal for the first year of the project was to establish baseline information to support oil spill impact assessment and clean-up. One hundred fifty-five sediment and eleven biota samples were collected. The areas sampled included the Miami River, Intracoastal Waterway, tidal flats, access canals and environmentally sensitive shorelines. The second year of the study centered on areas exhibiting petroleum contamination. These areas included the Miami River, Little River, Goulds Canal, Black Creek and Military Canal. Surface and subsurface sediment, biota and surface water were collected. Sample collection, analyses, and data handling for the two year project were conducted so that all information was court-competent and scientifically accurate. Chain of custody was maintained for all samples. Total hydrocarbon content of surface sediments ranged from below detection limits to a high of 2663.44 pg/g. Several sample stations contained petroleum contamination. The majority of biota samples exhibited hydrocarbon concentrations and characteristics that indicated little, if any, petroleum contamination. Surface water samples ranged from 0.78 to 64.47 μg/L and several samples contained petroleum hydrocarbons. Our results indicate several areas of petroleum contamination. These areas are characterized by industrial complexes, port facilities, marinas, major boating routes and many of the major tributaries emptying into Biscayne Bay.


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This disclosure brochure prepared by the IIP Aquaculture Department is an adaptation of the manual "Freshwater fish farming: how to begin" published by FAO in 1979. Written in simple language and provided with numerous diagrams, the text has been set according to conditions and characteristics of Mozambique.


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本论文对草地群落地上/地下生物量构成、根冠比特征及其影响因子以及土壤呼吸测定方法比较等的国内外研究进展和主要成果进行了综述,在此基础之上对地处我国北方农牧交错带中段的内蒙古多伦县境内的18种草地群落(包括天然草地和人工草地群落)进行了相关内容的研究工作。 在2002年生长季期间,对这18个植物群落中选取的16个进行了群落学调查,测定了其地上、地下生物量,同时测定了土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤全氮含量和土壤有机质含量。分别分析了地上、地下生物量以及根冠比(root to shoot ratio)与这些立地因子间的相关关系。同期,从18个群落中选定10个代表性群落测定其土壤呼吸速率,测定方法选用了动态红外气体分析法 (Infra red gas analysis, abbreviated as IRGA)和碱液吸收法(Alkali absorption, abbreviated as AA)。对这两种方法的测定结果进行了比较分析,同时分析了不同群落间土壤呼吸变化与土壤水分和养分状况等的相关关系。主要结论如下: ①16种植物群落的地上和地下生物量差异明显,地上生物量变化范围在80~500 g•m-2之间;相比之下,地下生物量的变化范围要大得多,16个群落中地下生物量最小的为猪毛菜群落,最大的为拂子茅群落,分别为533 g•m-2和2590 g•m-2。群落的根冠比在1.5~11.21之间,平均根冠比为 5.69。 ②土壤含水量对地上和地下生物量有着重要的影响,土壤含水量高的样地(羊草样地)较含水量低(小米蒿样地)的样地地上生物量高,反之亦然。但含水量与地下生物量之间的这种关系却不明显,即土壤含水量高的样地其地下生物量并不一定比含水量低的样地地下生物量高;根冠比与土壤含水量之间基本上呈负相关。土壤全氮含量和有机质含量与地上、地下生物量也存在着一定的正相关关系,而土壤容重却与生物量存有负相关关系;根冠比与土壤全氮、有机质和容重的关系正好与此相反,即根冠比与全氮和有机质含量呈负相关,与容重为正相关。 ③10种植物群落土壤呼吸的昼夜变化比较明显,均为单峰型曲线,主要受土壤温度的驱动,但同时也受到当日降水情况和云量、风速等气象因子的较大影响。因此,影响到这些群落土壤呼吸日动态的一致性,使得规律性并不明显。 ④用碱液吸收法和动态密闭气室法测定的10个群落的土壤呼吸速率变化范围分别为394~894mg C•m-2•d-1和313~2043 mg C•m-2•d-1,其中碱液吸收法测定结果平均为动态气室法的67.5%,明显低于动态密闭气室法。 ⑤两种测定方法具有很好的相关性,R2为0.8739。本研究中发现,在土壤呼吸速率低的情况下,两种方法的测定结果十分接近,甚至碱液吸收法的测定结果稍大于动态密闭气室法;而在土壤呼吸速率较高的情况下,动态密闭气室法测定结果则显著高于碱液吸收法。上述结果与国内外同类研究的结果高度一致,从而为校正我们以往采用碱液吸收法在该区域的测定结果提供了可靠依据。 ⑥各个群落间的土壤呼吸变化与立地土壤水分和土壤养分之间存有一定的相关关系,但并不显著,可能与这些群落土壤呼吸测定不是在同一天进行有关。


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浑善达克沙地位于锡林郭勒高原中部,是我国干草原地带最大的一片沙地。由于长期过度利用,导致了草场退化、固定沙丘活化、沙地大面积沙漠化等一系列环境问题,防治沙漠化的进一步扩大已经刻不容缓。本论文的目的是了解沙地植被与环境的生态关系、沙生植物适应沙地环境的特点以及沙地植物资源特征,为在沙漠化防治中选择合适的治沙物种、制定合理的植被恢复方案提供理论依据。论文包括三方面的内容:1 浑善达克沙地丘间低地草本植物群落的分类与排序;2 沙埋对中间锦鸡儿幼苗生长发育的影响;3 浑善达克沙地植物资源分析。 对丘间低地的草本植物群落进行TWINSPAN 分类和DCA 排序结果表明,浑善达克沙地中部研究区域丘间低地植物群落可分成四个主要类型,每个类型各具不同的特点,土壤盐分以及相关的土壤水分因素对群落分布有着显著的影响。在沙地环境中,沙埋是影响植物幼苗存活的一个重要因素。中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)是浑善达克沙地和毛乌素沙地固定和半固定沙丘上常见的一种沙生灌木。为了研究沙埋对其幼苗的存活以及生长的影响,对出土后生长了一个月的中间锦鸡儿实生苗进行沙埋实验,实验处理有对照、部分沙埋和全埋,结果表明,部分沙埋对中间锦鸡儿幼苗的生长发育没有显著的影响,说明中间锦鸡儿是一个比较耐沙埋的物种,尽管全部沙埋对其幼苗的生长发育产生了显著的抑制。 浑善达克沙地的物种资源丰富,有种子植物约952 种,分布在348 属、75 科中,菊科和禾本科是最大的两个科;草本植物是主要的生活型,有828 种,占物种总数的86.97%;植物的水分生态类型以中生植物最多,有577 种,占物种总数的61.1%,其次为旱生植物291 种,占总数的30.8%;沙地中有优良牧草植物149 种,可用于固沙的植物几十种,有药用价值的植物约301 种。


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Over the past decade, a variety of user models have been proposed for user simulation-based reinforcement-learning of dialogue strategies. However, the strategies learned with these models are rarely evaluated in actual user trials and it remains unclear how the choice of user model affects the quality of the learned strategy. In particular, the degree to which strategies learned with a user model generalise to real user populations has not be investigated. This paper presents a series of experiments that qualitatively and quantitatively examine the effect of the user model on the learned strategy. Our results show that the performance and characteristics of the strategy are in fact highly dependent on the user model. Furthermore, a policy trained with a poor user model may appear to perform well when tested with the same model, but fail when tested with a more sophisticated user model. This raises significant doubts about the current practice of learning and evaluating strategies with the same user model. The paper further investigates a new technique for testing and comparing strategies directly on real human-machine dialogues, thereby avoiding any evaluation bias introduced by the user model. © 2005 IEEE.


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The industrial landscape is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic, with innovative technologies stimulating the emergence of new industries and business models. This paper presents a preliminary framework for mapping industrial emergence, based on roadmapping principles, in order to understand the nature and characteristics of such phenomena. The focus at this stage is on historical examples of industrial emergence, with the preliminary framework based on observations from 20 'quick scan' maps, one of which is used to illustrate the framework. The learning from these historical cases, combined with further industrial consultation and literature review, will be used to develop practical methods for strategy and policy application. The paper concludes by summarising key learning points and further work needed to achieve these outcomes. © 2009 PICMET.


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Platycephalus indicus is a large benthic fish that inhabits temperate and tropical coastal waters of the Indo-West Pacific and found on sand or mud bottom in vary shallow area of estuary and near shore to depth of 25m. This species is dominant species of platycephalidae family, in Khuzestan, Bushehr and Hormozgan provinces and mainly is captured by bottom trawl, gillnet and moshta in Hormozgan. This study was designed to evaluate population variation and differentiation of bartail flathead (Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1785))in the Iranian waters of Persian Gulf using the morphometric and meristic characters and by AFLP marker. . A total 180 fish specimens were collected by gill net from six station(khor mosa, bahrekan, shif, motaf, charak and bandar abbas) that was 30 individual related to every station in Iranian shores of Persian Gulf . 28 morphometric factors and 11meristic specialties were measured and morphometric factors was standardized with Beacham formula. Univariate analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) revealed significant differences with varying degrees between the means for 21 standardized morphometric measurements and 6 meristic counts that showed high significant differences between the six stations sampling. Discriminate function analysis (DFA) or the overall random assignment of individuals into their original groups was for morphometric and meristic characters was 47.9% and 53.9% respectively. The data were subjected to a principle component analysis (PCA) which grouped in eight and four factors for morphometric and meristic charactersrespectively.. Genetic diversity of six populations of bartail flathead (Platycephalus indicus) was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 118 reproducible bands amplified with ten AFLP primer combinations were obtained from 42 fishes that were collected from six different locations in the northern of Persian Gulf. The percentage of polymorphic bands was 57.06%. Average of Nei’s genetic diversity was 0.200±0.008, and Average of Shannon’s index was 0.300±0.011. The results of AMOVA analysis indicated that 66% of the genetic variation contained within populations and 34% occurred among populations and gene flow was 0.6454.The estimated level of population differentiation asmeasured by average Fst value across all loci was 0.327. Plotting discriminant functions 1 and 2 and UPGMA dendrograms based on Euclidian distance and genetic distance also showed at least five separate populations of bartail flathead in the northern Persian Gulf.


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The paper provides key for the identification of the East African marine fishes. Just like in most determination keys this one is based on the "either-or" principle, i.e. there is a single alternatIve at each point. A specimen either fits all the characters recorded, or fails to conform to one or more characters and you should then proceed to the next number, keeping this up until the fish to be identified does fit all the characters.


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The distribution of vascular plant species richness along an altitudinal gradient and their relationships with environmental variables, including slope, aspect, bank (flooding) height, and river width of the Xiangxi River, Hubei Province, were examined. Total vascular plant species richness changed with elevation: it increased at lower elevations, reached a maximum in the midreaches and decreased thereafter. In particular, tree and herbaceous species richness were related to altitude. Correlation analysis (Kendall's tau) between species richness and environmental variables indicated that the change in species richness in the riparian zone was determined by riparian environmental factors and characteristics of regional vegetation distribution along the altitudinal gradient. The low species richness at lower elevations resulted from seasonal flooding and human activities - agriculture and fuel collection - and the higher. Species richness ill (he midreaches reflected transitional zones ill natural vegetation types that had had little disturbance. These results oil species distribution in the riparian community could he utilized as a reference for restoration efforts to improve water quality of the emerging reservoir resulting from the Three Gorges Hydroelectric Dam project.


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A new method for fabricating electroabsorption modulator integrated with a distributed feedback laser (EML) was proposed. With the method we fabricated a selective area growth double stack active layer EML (SAG-DSAL-EML). Through comparing with other fabrication methods of EMLs, the characters and the merits of the new method presented in this paper were discussed.


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A subretinal implant device, Micro Photo Diode Array, which can partly imitate the function of photoreceptor cells, was presented. Process to fabricate the MPDA and characteristics of the MPDA in vivo were described.


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采用小区试验研究了不同灌溉方式对津春4号黄瓜根系特性与产量的影响。结果表明,不同灌水方式之间黄瓜根系的特征值差异达到显著水平,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌处理单株根条数、根长、根体积、根冠比均高于其余五种处理,根系伤流量为19.86 mg/min,根系活力高达0.55 mg/(g.h)。灌水方式对黄瓜单果重的影响不大,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌处理的单株产量显著高于常规沟灌。因此,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌有利于黄瓜根系的发育与产量的提高。


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