1000 resultados para Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Cuando se aprueba la Constitución Española en 1978, España se convierte en un Estado aconfesional, reconociendo por primera vez un verdadero derecho de libertad religiosa de todos los individuos. Precisamente, el ejercicio de esta libertad en una situación de igualdad ha originado diversas polémicas desde que se instauró la democracia. Una de las controversias que más repercusión ha tenido en los últimos años viene determinada por la presencia de los crucifijos u otros símbolos en las aulas de algunos colegios públicos, cuestión que ha sido abordada por los tribunales españoles, así como por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.
Tras mi reciente edición de los pseudo-aristotélicos Pepli Epitaphia, el presente trabajo se centra en los apochrypha a dichos epitafios que compuso Juan Tzetzes en el siglo xii, un conjunto de ocho dísticos elegíacos para los héroes que consideró meritorios de tal tarea, y para quienes no pudo encontrar un epitafio conservado en las fuentes manuscritas a las que tuvo acceso. Para lograr dicho propósito, también se investiga el grado de conocimiento y la transmisión de ese corpus epigramático en la literatura bizantina, además de considerar las lecciones y el sentido mismo de dos códices guardados en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (M y Md). En ellos, Constantino Láscaris copió, directamente a partir de Tzetzes, dos breves antologías de dichos componentes.
The first occasion on which British copyright law provided protection for a medium other than print. The legislation conferred exclusive rights lasting 14 years on persons who created new models or casts of human or animal figures.
The commentary describes the background to the Act, in particular the lobbying efforts of the artist and sculptor George Garrard, as well as the subsequent case-law, highlighting flaws in the drafting that lead to a further act in 1814. The commentary argues that while the 1798 Act is pre-modern, in the sense of having a reactive and subject-specific remit, by severing copyright from its print basis, the Act paved the way for the emergence of the modern image of copyright as concerned with the promotion of ‘art and literature'.
Case in which the King's Bench decided that a plaintiff could recover damages at common law for copyright infringement even though his work had not been registered with the Stationers' Company in accordance with the formalities set out in the Statute of Anne 1710 (uk_1710).
The case provides the first occasion on which the judiciary revisited and reconsidered the meaning of the House of Lords' decision in Donaldson v. Becket (uk_1774). The commentary explores the substance and significance of the decision and, in particular, the influence it had upon the manner in which the decision in Donaldson was subsequently understood throughout the early nineteenth century. The commentary also details the impact the decision had upon the extent to which publishers would adhere to the library deposit provision within the copyright legislation.
A desigualdade era um dos elementos estruturantes da sociedade do Antigo Regime. Partindo desta ideia central, propõe-se neste trabalho determinar a desigualdade de rendimento dos contribuintes dos concelhos de Arraiolos, de Avis e de Portalegre, todos na província do Alentejo, integrando-os na problemática da variabilidade de rendimento das sociedades europeias pré-industriais. As fontes nucleares para este trabalho são os registos de pagamento do imposto da décima, contribuição direta e universal talhada para fazer face às despesas da Guerra da Restauração e que perdurou até ao final do Antigo Regime, sendo profundamente alterado durante a monarquia constitucional. Incidindo sobre diversos tipos de rendimento, consubstancia uma fonte de grande importância para o estudo da economia pré-industrial.
Monitoring gonadmaturation for protandrous and functional hermaphrodite species such as the giant clamTridacna maxima is difficult due to the juxtaposition and relative proportion ofmale and female tissues in the gonad [gonadal sex ratio (GSR)]. Here, the relevance of the widely used gonadosomatic index (GSI) as proxy of giant clam gonad maturation is tested with a large dataset (n = 265). Gonadosomatic index is compared with other indices, namely the proportion of the male part harboring spermatozoids, the proportion of empty oocyte follicles, the mean oocyte diameter, and the oocyte elongation. At gonad scale, high index variability highlighted partial spawning. At individual scale, male and female maturation proxies were contrasted, showing either asynchronous emissions of male and female gametes or contrasted spermatogenesis and oogenesis duration. The GSI was mostly driven by the number and diameter of oocytes and therefore it is recommended here as primary proxy for female maturity. Except for the oocyte elongation, all indices were affected by the GSR, which ruled out drawing conclusions at population scale. These results highlight the need for maturation stage proxies that are optimized for functional hermaphrodite species.
IntroducciónHace tiempo ha venido fortaleciéndose un movimiento entre historiadores y sociólogos, para lograr una mejor apreciación del fenómeno de la criminalidad en diversos contextos sociales y políticos. Dentro de nuestro campo de estudio, la historia latinoamericana, la publicación del novedoso estudio del Dr. Richard Greenleaf, basado en al documentación de la Inquisición mexicana bajo Zumárraga, marcó un punto importante en la creciente convicción de que el delito y los delincuentes forman una parte digna de estudio de cualquier sociedad y mas aun en una como la colonial española, con sus pretensiones absolutistas tanto en la esfera secular como en la religiosa. Esta tendencia a considerar fuentes no convencionales ha sido de mayor utilidad par todos aquellos investigadores creadores de una historia menos elitista, oficialista y estrechamente política, es decir, para la nueva historia social, sean cuales fuesen los temas específicos dentro de este contexto.
La presente ricerca prende avvio dalla ricostruzione della biografia di Giovanni Giacomo Leonardi (1498-1562), pesarese, architetto militare, ambasciatore e cavaliere al servizio dei duchi d’Urbino Francesco Maria I (1490-1538) e Guidobaldo II (1514-1574) della Rovere. Attraverso lo spoglio delle fonti tra Pesaro, Firenze e Venezia, se ne è fornita una collocazione nel panorama politico-culturale dell’Italia cinquecentesca, al fine di evidenziare l’importanza del suo trattato in trentadue libri, intitolato "Il Principe Cavalliero", dedicato ai precetti dell’arte militare, diplomatica e cavalleresca necessari a formare il perfetto principe del tardo Rinascimento. Dell’opera, rimasta inedita, sono state trascritte e studiate le parti dedicate alla scienza dell’onore e all’arte dell’ambasceria, al fine di dimostrare come i dettami della ‘religione di cavalleria’ influenzassero ogni ambito delle relazioni tra gentiluomini, comprese quelle interstatuali.
L'artivismo di Giacomo Verde: come l'arte in video può cambiare le prospettive individuali e sociali
Ho deciso di approfondire la figura di Giacomo Verde. Nel primo capitolo s’intende inquadrare il periodo storico nel quale Verde si è inserito e le correnti storiche che ha attraversato. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato all’arte ludica e in particolare, all’invenzione del Teleracconto (1989) per il gruppo Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro. Dalla Storia di Hansel e Gretel a Bit il burattino ai racconti illustrati con gli ologrammi, ad altri progetti in video, Verde sposta l’attenzione dell’arte dall’oggetto al soggetto. Nel terzo capitolo, si farà riferimento a ciò che ha segnato nel profondo la sua carriera: l’Artivismo. Il suo significato e come viene applicato alla vita pratica. Con questo percorso si ha l’auspicio che la voglia di battersi per un valore, per un cambiamento sociale non sia solo simbolico. Concretizzare può essere un atto difficile da perseguire ed è per questo che ci vengono incontro gli strumenti e le persone; con l’arte in video si scatena un po' lo stesso meccanismo: arte fatta di dispositivi tecnologi che coniugano più aspetti della vita umana: primo fra tutti quello emozionale. Alla luce di queste premesse e per concludere l’excursus su un artista poliedrico, ho deciso di somministrare un sondaggio a campione parziale. Ispirata dalle esperienze passate e dalla prefazione di Antonio Caronia in Artivismo tecnologico. Scritti e interviste su arte, politica, teatro e tecnologie (2007), mi sono chiesta cosa ne pensassero gli altri circa il rapporto tra arte e politica, quanto questi si sentano influenzati da una società che comunica quasi esclusivamente attraverso le immagini. Verde, in fondo, con la sua poetica, insegna che l’arte, per essere incline alla condivisione e accessibile a tutti, deve essere anche fatta dalle persone.
Fingolimod is a new and efficient treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). The drug administration requires special attention to the first dose, since cardiovascular adverse events can be observed during the initial six hours of fingolimod ingestion. The present study consisted of a review of cardiovascular data on 180 patients with MS receiving the first dose of fingolimod. The rate of bradycardia in these patients was higher than that observed in clinical trials with very strict inclusion criteria for patients. There were less than 10% of cases requiring special attention, but no fatal cases. All but one patient continued the treatment after this initial dose. This is the first report on real-life administration of fingolimod to Brazilian patients with MS, and one of the few studies with these characteristics in the world.
American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is an emerging disease in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Its geographical expansion and the increase in the number of human cases has been linked to dispersion of Lutzomyia longipalpis into urban areas. To produce more accurate risk maps we investigated the geographic distribution and routes of expansion of the disease as well as chemotype populations of the vector. A database, containing the annual records of municipalities which had notified human and canine AVL cases as well as the presence of the vector, was compiled. The chemotypes of L. longipalpis populations from municipalities in different regions of São Paulo State were determined by Coupled Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. From 1997 to June 2014, L. longipalpis has been reported in 166 municipalities, 148 of them in the Western region. A total of 106 municipalities were identified with transmission and 99 were located in the Western region, where all 2,204 autochthonous human cases occurred. Both the vector and the occurrence of human cases have expanded in a South-easterly direction, from the Western to central region, and from there, a further expansion to the North and the South. The (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B population of L. longipalpis is widely distributed in the Western region and the cembrene-1 population is restricted to the Eastern region. The maps in the present study show that there are two distinct epidemiological patterns of AVL in São Paulo State and that the expansion of human and canine AVL cases through the Western region has followed the same dispersion route of only one of the two species of the L. longipalpis complex, (S)-9-methylgermacrene-B. Entomological vigilance based on the routes of dispersion and identification of the chemotype population could be used to identify at-risk areas and consequently define the priorities for control measures.
The survival, absolute population size, gonotrophic cycle duration, and temporal and spatial abundance of Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) were studied in a rural area endemic for American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in Conchal, Sõo Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, using mark-release-recapture techniques and by monitoring population fluctuation. The monthly abundance exhibited a unimodal pattern, with forest and domicile habitats having the highest relative abundances. A total of 1,873 males and 3,557 females were marked and released during the six experiments, of which 4.1-13.0 per cent of males and 4.1-11.8 per cent of females were recaptured. Daily survivorship estimated from the decline in recaptures per day was 0.681 for males and 0.667 for females. Gonotrophic cycle duration was estimated to be 4.0 d. Absolute population size was calculated using the Lincoln Index and ranged from 861 to 4,612 males and from 2,187 to 19,739 females. The low proportion of females that reach the age when they are potentially infective suggests that N. neivai has a low biological capacity to serve as a vector and that factors such as high biting rates and opportunistic feeding behavior would be needed to enable Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis Vianna transmission. This agreed with the epidemiological pattern of ACL in southeastern Brazil that is characterized by low incidence, with isolated cases acquired principally within domiciliary habitats