967 resultados para Captive portal
In captive common marmoset groups, the reproductive inhibition observed in subordinate female seems to be a result of olfactory, visual and behavioral cues from the dominant female. However, few studies have examined the relationship among adult males living in the same social group. These studies have shown that reproductive failure among peer males seems to be based on hormonal and behavioral mechanisms. New insights on sexual strategies in primates have been shown using fecal steroids, but so far no information is available for common marmoset males. In the present study, we evaluated the influence of light-dark cycle, age and reproductive condition on the profile of fecal androgens in males living in the same family group. Feces were collected from six fathers and six sons for androgen determination during the light phase of the 24-h cycle for eight days randomly distributed over a 4-week period. Androgen levels were determined by enzyme immunoassay technique. Adult sons showed higher androgen levels (166.97 ± 22.95 ng/g) than fathers (80.69 ± 44.38 ng/g) and juveniles (49.06 ± 23.15 ng/g; P < 0.05). No diurnal variation (P > 0.05) in fecal androgen profile was observed in adults or juveniles. No indication of androgen-mediated social competition between fathers and adult sons was demonstrable. These results provide basic information on fecal androgen profile useful to investigate the socioendocrinology of free-ranging common marmoset males and verify that, in contrast to daughters, the reproductive suppression of sons is not based on physiological inhibition of their gonads
Scent-marking behavior is associated with different behavioral contexts in callitrichids, including signalizing a territory, location of feeding resources, and social rank. In marmosets and tamarins it is also associated with intersexual communication. Though it appears very important for the daily routine of the individuals, very few researchers have investigated distribution through the 24-h cycle. In a preliminary report, we described a preferential incidence of this behavior 2 h before nocturnal rest in families of common marmosets. We expand the data using 8 family groups (28 subjects), 8 fathers, 6 mothers, 8 nonreproductive adults (4 sons and 4 daughters), and 6 juvenile (3 sons and 3 daughters) offspring that we kept in outdoor cages under natural environmental conditions. We recorded the frequency of anogenital scent marking for each group during the light phase, twice a wk, for 4 consecutive wks, from March 1998 to September 1999. Cosinor test detected 24- and 8-h variations in 89.3% and 85.7% of the subjects, respectively, regardless of sex or reproductive status. The 8-h component is a consequence of the 2 peaks for the behavior, at the beginning and end of the light phase. Daily distribution of scent marking is similar to that others described previously for motor activity in marmosets. The coincident rhythmical patterns for both behaviors seem to be associated with feeding behavior, as described for callitrichids in free-ranging conditions, involving an increase in foraging activities early in the morning and shortly before nocturnal rest
ABSTRACT Title of Document: AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AND PERCEIVED EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SCHOOLMAX FAMILY PORTAL Warren Wesley Watts, Doctor of Education, 2015 Directed By: Margaret J. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education School districts have spent millions of dollars implementing student information systems that offer family portals with web-based access to parents and students. One of the main purposes of these systems is to improve school-to-home communication. Research has shown that when school-to-home communication is implemented effectively, parent involvement improves and student achievement increases (Epstein, 2001). The purpose of the study was to (a) understand why parents used or refrained from using the family portal and (b) determine what barriers to use might exist. To this end, this descriptive study identified the information parent users accessed in the SchoolMAX family portal, determined how frequently parents accessed the portal, and ascertained whether parents perceived an increase in communication with their children about academic matters after they began accessing the portal. Finally, the study sought to identify whether barriers existed that prevented parents from using the family portal. The inquiry employed three data sources to answer the aforementioned queries. These sources included (a) a survey sent electronically to 19,108 parents who registered online for the SchoolMAX family portal; (b) SchoolMAX portal usage data from the student information system for system usage between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015; and (c) a paper survey sent to 691 parents of students that had never used the SchoolMAX family portal in one elementary school, one middle school and one high school that were representative of other schools in the district. Survey results indicated that parents at all grade levels used the family portal. Usage data also confirmed that approximately 19% of the students had parents who monitored their progress through the family portal. Usage data also showed that parents were monitoring approximately 25% of students in secondary schools (6th – 12th grade) and 16% of students in elementary schools. Of the wide menu of resources available through the SchoolMAX family portal, parents used three areas most frequently: attendance, daily grades, and report cards. Approximately 70% of parents responded that their communication had improved with their children about academic matters since they started using the SchoolMAX family portal, and 90% of parents responded that the SchoolMAX family portal was an effective or somewhat effective tool. Parents also expressed interest in the addition of additional information to the SchoolMAX family portal. Specifically, the top three additions parents wanted to see included homework assignments, high stakes test scores, and graduation requirements. Parents also reported that 92% of them spoke to their children at least 2 to 3 times per week about academics. Due to the low response rate of the parent non-user survey, potential barriers to using the SchoolMAX family portal could not be addressed in this study. However, this issue may be a useful research topic in a future study. Keywords: school to home communication, student information systems, family portal, parent portal
Tesis (Ingeniero(a) Eléctrico).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ingeniería. Programa de Ingeniería Eléctrica
BACKGROUND AND AIM: The effects of portal hypertension in the small bowel are largely unknown. The aim of the study was to prospectively assess portal hypertension manifestations in the small bowel. METHODS: We compared, by performing enteroscopy with capsule endoscopy, the endoscopic findings of 36 patients with portal hypertension, 25 cirrhotic and 11 non-cirrhotic, with 30 controls. RESULTS: Varices, defined as distended, tortuous, or saccular veins, and areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern were significantly more frequent in patients with PTH. These two findings were detected in 26 of the 66 patients (39%), 25 from the group with PTH (69%) and one from the control group (3%) (P < 0.0001). Among the 25 patients with PTH exhibiting these patterns, 17 were cirrhotic and 8 were non-cirrhotic (P = 0.551). The presence of these endoscopic changes was not related to age, gender, presence of cirrhosis, esophageal or gastric varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy, portal hypertensive colopathy, prior esophageal endoscopic treatment, current administration of beta-blockers, or Child-Pugh Class C. More patients with these endoscopic patterns had a previous history of acute digestive bleeding (72% vs. 36%) (P = 0.05). Active bleeding was found in two patients (5.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The presence of varices or areas of mucosa with a reticulate pattern are manifestations of portal hypertension in the small bowel, found in both cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients. The clinical implications of these findings, as regards digestive bleeding, are uncertain, although we documented acute bleeding from the small bowel in two patients (5.5%).
GeoVariscoPT é um portal de utilização aberta concebido para permitir a discussão em torno de afloramentos que, pelas suas características, são chave para a compreensão da evolução prémesozóica de Portugal. Para cada afloramento, existe disponível para consulta uma série de dados de índole diversa (e.g. litoestratigráfica, estrutural ou geoquímica), podendo os utilizadores adicionarem em tempo real e sem qualquer controlo, os seus comentários sobre a interpretação dos afloramentos. Embora se trate de um portal concebido essencialmente para investigação pelas suas características pode igualmente ser utilizado em contexto pedagógico.
"Ciência e cultura mas que mistura” tem como principal objetivo dar a conhecer a TCA, promover a sua utilização como uma ferramenta acessível e desta forma contribuir para melhorar os hábitos alimentares dos cidadãos. A TCA é um documento de referência nacional para a composição dos alimentos consumidos em Portugal, que reúne informação sobre o teor de 42 componentes/nutrientes (Energia, Macroconstituintes, Ácidos Gordos, Colesterol, Vitaminas e Minerais). A versão atual da TCA inclui 1094 alimentos (crus, cozinhados e processados). É uma iniciativa do Instituto Ricardo Jorge, através do seu Departamento de Alimentação e Nutrição, em colaboração com a Associação dos Armadores de Pesca Local e Artesanal do Centro Sul e a Docapesca. Nesta primeira edição da iniciativa será apresentado o grupo do pescado, alimento-chave no padrão de alimentação mediterrânico.
Apresenta as políticas públicas de acesso à informação científica, destacando o insigne papel desempenhado pelo Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação Nacional de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). O estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica. Aponta o Portal como redutor das desigualdades regionais relacionadas ao acesso à Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, disponibilizando periódicos científicos veiculados aos avanços e discussões constituídas no contexto acadêmico nos diversos campos do conhecimento. Conclui que o Portal atua como importante instrumento no avanço da comunicação científica, subsidiando e promovendo o acesso à Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia em tempo real, disponibilizando aos pesquisadores grande fatia da produção científica internacional e nacional atualizada, propiciando o avanço da pós-graduação brasileira em nível stricto sensu. Contudo, por outro lado, deve existir um contínuo trabalho da CAPES de modernização da plataforma, mediante a aquisição de materiais informacionais atualizados com novos conteúdos e melhoria da interface.
The growth of three cohorts of captive reared cobia, grown in a combination of flow-though and recirculating aquaculture systems, was progressively measured to determine the existence and extent of sexually dimorphic growth in cobia. Approximately 100 fish from each cohort were individually identified and regularly weighed until the average weight of the fish was approximately 5 kg. The sex of individuals was determined through gonadal observations at the conclusion of each trial and the gender fitted retrospectively to the growth data set. Intersex gonads were observed in the first two cohorts of cobia, with 16.9% incidence in cohort 1 and 6.8% in cohort 2. Cobia is considered a gonochoristic species. This was the first reported observation of intersex gonads in cobia and the first reported occurrence of intersex gonads from a gonochoristic fish species from Australian waters. Only one fish out of the 182 examined in the third cohort was identified as intersex. There was no sexually dimorphic growth in cobia when there was a relatively high incidence of the intersex anomaly, as seen in the first two cohorts of fish. In the relative absence of the intersex condition, female cobia was significantly larger than males from 2 kg onwards. The weight of female cobia was almost 30% more than that of males at 17 months of age when average weight of the cohort was 4.6 kg. It is likely that the first two cobia cohorts were exposed to endocrine disruption in some form, and the possible sources are discussed. Statement of relevance This study demonstrated that female cobia grow significantly faster than male fish and that investigations into monosex culture could lead to significant productivity gains for cobia aquaculture. It also demonstrated that cohorts containing intersex fish did not exhibit sexually dimorphic growth. It is likely that the reproductive anomaly is the result of disruption to the endocrine system.
Presentation from the MARAC conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 14–16, 2016. S15 - The Duchamp Research Portal: Moving an Idea to Proof of Concept.
El proyecto consiste en un portal de búsqueda de vulnerabilidades web, llamado Krashr, cuyo objetivo es el de buscar si una página web introducida por un usuario contiene algún tipo de vulnerabilidad explotable, además de tratar de ayudar a este usuario a arreglar las vulnerabilidades encontradas. Se cuenta con un back-end realizado en Python con una base de datos PostreSQL, un front-end web realizado en AngularJS y una API basada en Node.js y Express que comunica los dos frentes.
Atualmente, os “novos turistas” são utilizadores experientes das novas tecnologias e estão predispostos e motivados para praticar um tipo de turismo diferente, especialmente no que diz respeito ao planeamento das suas viagens para obter novas experiências. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, através de uma revisão da literatura, um potencial segmento de turismo designado de Turismo Místico, com o propósito de criar um website de oferta de experiências turísticas em Portugal com carater inovador e sentimental. O Website foi desenvolvido e testado numa fase beta através de um questionário adaptado do Modelo WebQual de Loiacono. Os resultados obtidos, além de permitirem a avaliação da perceção da qualidade do Website, também indicam formas de melhorar ou adaptar o produto final aos objetivos planeados. A principal conclusão destaca o fator entretenimento como o mais importante na perceção da qualidade do Website e na intenção decisiva de revisita do mesmo. A era do marketing digital criou um consumidor mais proativo, o prosumidor, que participa no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços.