906 resultados para CATIONIC SURFACTANT
In the theory part the membrane emulsification was studied. Emulsions are used in many industrial areas. Traditionally emulsions are prepared by using high shear in rotor-stator systems or in high pressure homogenizer systems. In membrane emulsification two immiscible liquids are mixed by pressuring one liquid through the membrane into the other liquid. With this technique energy could be saved, more homogeneous droplets could be formed and the amount of surfactant could be decreased. Ziegler-Natta and single-site catalysts are used in olefin polymerization processes. Nowadays, these catalysts are prepared according to traditional mixing emulsification. More homogeneous catalyst particles that have narrower particle size distribution might be prepared with membrane emulsification. The aim of the experimental part was to examine the possibility to prepare single site polypropylene catalyst using membrane emulsification technique. Different membrane materials and solidification techniques of the emulsion were examined. Also the toluene-PFC phase diagram was successfully measured during this thesis work. This phase diagram was used for process optimization. The polytetrafluoroethylene membranes had the largest contact angles with toluene and also the biggest difference between the contact angles measured with PFC and toluene. Despite of the contact angle measurement results no significant difference was noticed between particles prepared using PTFE membrane or metal sinter. The particle size distributions of catalyst prepared in these tests were quite wide. This would probably be fixed by using a membrane with a more homogeneous pore size distribution. It is also possible that the solidification rate has an effect on the particle sizes and particle morphology. When polymeric membranes are compared PTFE is probably still the best material for the process as it had the best chemical durability.
Two series of alkanediyl-a,w-bis (dimethylalkylammonium bromide (n-2-n and n-6-n; n=8, 10,12, and 16) have been synthesized and their micelles properties studied in aqueous solution using pyrene, pyrenecarboxaldehyde (PCA) and 1,8 anilinonaphtalene sulfonic acid sodium salt (ANS) as fluorescent probes. The micelles from these surfactants have been characterized on the basis of the information provided by micelle-solubilized fluorescent probes. The obtained results indicated that the surfactant concentration at which a marked decrease in l max parameter of pyrenecarboxaldehyde (PCA) occurs corresponds to the CMC determined by conductimetric measurements. Changes in the emission spectra of ANS and PCA observed in the submicellar range for both surfactants series (n-2-n and n-6-n) were interpreted as formation of pre-aggregates. It was found that the dimeric surfactants with long spacer (s= 6) form more hydrated aggregates when compared with those formed by the n-2-n and CnTAB surfactants series. This was attributed to a more difficult packing of n-6-n surfactant molecules to form micelles.
The objective of this thesis was to identify the effects of different factors on the tension and tension relaxation of wet paper web after high-speed straining. The study was motivated by the plausible connection between wet web mechanical properties and wet web runnability on paper machines shown by previous studies. The mechanical properties of wet paper were examined using a fast tensile test rig with a strain rate of 1000%/s. Most of the tests were carried out with laboratory handsheets, but samples from a pilot paper machine were also used. The tension relaxation of paper was evaluated as the tension remaining after 0.475 s of relaxation (residual tension). The tensile and relaxation properties of wet webs were found to be strongly dependent on the quality and amount of fines. With low fines content, the tensile strength and residual tension of wet paper was mainly determined by the mechanical interactions between fibres at their contact points. As the fines strengthen the mechanical interaction in the network, the fibre properties also become important. Fibre deformations caused by the mechanical treatment of pulp were shown to reduce the mechanical properties of both dry and wet paper. However, the effect was significantly higher for wet paper. An increase of filler content from 10% to 25% greatly reduced the tensile strength of dry paper, but did not significantly impair wet web tensile strength or residual tension. Increased filler content in wet web was shown to increase the dryness of the wet web after the press section, which partly compensates for the reduction of fibrous material in the web. It is also presumable that fillers increase entanglement friction between fibres, which is beneficial for wet web strength. Different contaminants present in white water during sheet formation resulted in lowered surface tension and increased dryness after wet pressing. The addition of different contaminants reduced the tensile strength of the dry paper. The reduction of dry paper tensile strength could not be explained by the reduced surface tension, but rather on the tendency of different contaminants to interfere with the inter-fibre bonding. Additionally, wet web strength was not affected by the changes in the surface tension of white water or possible changes in the hydrophilicity of fibres caused by the addition of different contaminants. The spraying of different polymers on wet paper before wet pressing had a significant effect on both dry and wet web tensile strength, whereas wet web elastic modulus and residual tension were basically not affected. We suggest that the increase of dry and wet paper strength could be affected by the molecular level interactions between these chemicals and fibres. The most significant increases in dry and wet paper strength were achieved with a dual application of anionic and cationic polymers. Furthermore, selectively adding papermaking chemicals to different fibre fractions (as opposed to adding chemicals to the whole pulp) improved the wet web mechanical properties and the drainage of the pulp suspension.
Lanthanum based high surface area perovskite-type oxide and application in CO and propane combustion
The perovskite-type oxides using transition metals present a promising potential as catalysts in total oxidation reaction. The present work investigates the effect of synthesis by oxidant co-precipitation on the catalytic activity of perovskite-type oxides LaBO3 (B= Co, Ni, Mn) in total oxidation of propane and CO. The perovskite-type oxides were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption (BET method), thermo gravimetric and differential thermal analysis (ATG-DTA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Through a method involving the oxidant co-precipitation it's possible to obtain catalysts with different BET surface areas, of 33-44 m²/g, according the salts of metal used. The characterization results proved that catalysts have a perovskite phase as well as lanthanum oxide, except LaMnO3, that presents a cationic vacancies and generation for known oxygen excess. The results of catalytic test showed that all oxides have a specific catalytic activity for total oxidation of CO and propane even though the temperatures for total conversion change for each transition metal and substance to be oxidized.
The goal of this study was to find a new approach to modify chemically the properties of paper by improving fiber quality. This Master’s thesis includes the multiple polymer treatment in general and themeasurement methods with which the formation of multilayers and complexes can be noticed. The treatment by an oppositely charged dual polymer system is a good approach to increase paper strength. In this work, starch, a cationic polymer, and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), an anionic polymer, were used step-by-step to improve paper strength. The adsorption of cationic starch and CMC on cellulose fibers were analyzed via polyelectrolyte titration. The results showed that paper strength was enhanced slightly with a layer-by-layer assembly of the polymers. However, if the washing stage, which was required for layer-by-layer assembly, was eliminated, the starch/CMC complex was deposited on fibers more efficiently, and the paper strength was improved more significantly.
Työssä tutkittiin kahden eri pinta-aktiiviaineen A ja B käytön vaikutusta kahdella eri kuitulinjalla. Molempien pinta-aktiiviaineiden pääfunktiona oli vaikuttaa nes-teen pintajännitykseen, jolloin nesteen tunkeutumisnopeus kuitumatriisiin ja kui-tujen huokosiin paranee. Lisäksi pinta-aktiiviaineilla A ja B oli kyky stabiloida nesteeseen liuenneita uuteainekomponentteja, jolloin uudelleensaostumisen riski pienenee. Koeajoilla pyrittiin vaikuttamaan happidelignifiointivaiheen uuteainetasoihin, alkali- ja happiannoksiin sekä kappareduktioon. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin annostelun vaikutusta kuitulinjan pesurien toimintaan, uuteainetasojen kehittymiseen koko kuitulinjalla sekä valkaisun kemikaalikulutukseen. Työssä kokeiltiin myös pinta-aktiiviaineen B vaikutusta EOP-vaiheen uuteainetasoon. Työn kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin puun uuteaineisiin ja niiden käyttäytymiseen kuitulinjalla, pinta-aktiiviaineisiin, pesun teoriaan sekä kuitulinjan kemikaaliannosteluihin vaikuttaviin tekijöihin. Molemmissa koeajoissa pinta-aktiiviaineet A ja B annosteltiin massan joukkoon juuri ennen happivaihetta. EOP-vaiheeseen pinta-aktiiviaine B annostelu tehtiin D0-vaiheen pesurin jälkeiseen massaan. Asetoniuutemääritykset tehtiin massasta ennen happivaihetta, happivaiheen jälkeen ja valkaistulle massalle sekä pinta-aktiiviaine B koeajon yhteydessä EOP-vaiheen jälkeen. Pinta-aktiiviaineiden käytöllä havaittiin olevan positiivinen vaikutus kuitulinjan asetoniuutetasojen kehittymisessä. Verrattuna referenssijaksoon, oli happivaiheen alkali- ja happiannokset pienemmät pinta-aktiiviaineiden käytön aikana ilman, että saavutettu kappareduktio heikkeni. Pesurien toiminnan kannalta pinta-aktiiviaineiden käytöllä oli myönteisiä vaikutuksia pesutehokkuuden ja pesun ta-saisuuden kannalta. Lisäksi havaittiin valkaisussa merkittävä muutos D0- ja D1-vaiheiden klooridioksiveden käytössä ja EOP-vaiheen alkaliannoksessa.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli optimoida laminaatin valmistuksessa käytettävän runkopaperin imukyky niin, että pienemmällä hartsimäärällä saavutetaan vähintään jo olemassa olevat impregointi- ja laminaatin ominaisuudet tai että nykyisellä hartsimäärällä saadaan nopeampi imeytyminen läpi paperirakenteen. Kirjallisuusosassa etsittiin ja selvitettiin erilaisten tekijöiden tai toimintatapojen vaikutukset, joilla voitaisiin muokata paperin imukyky halutulle tasolle. Kirjallisuudesta löydetyistä tekijöistä ja menetelmistä valittiin kokeelliseen osaan tutkittavaksi potentiaalisimmat sekä toteutuskelpoisimmat tavat. Diplomityön kokeellinen osuus koostui kahdesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kirjallisuudesta löydettyjä menettelyjä testattiin laboratoriomittakaavassa erilaisilla esikokeilla. Työn toisessa vaiheessa suoritettiin pilotpaperikoneella koeajo, jossa tutkittiin tarkemmin esikokeiden menetelmiä, jotka olivat antaneet lupaavia tuloksia. Lisäksi tutkittiin menetelmiä, joita ei esikokeissa kokeiltu, mutta jotka olivat teoreettisesti kiinnostavia. Tulosten perusteella paperin hartsinottokykyä pystyttiin madaltamaan nestemäisen AKD-liiman sekä erään kemikaalin avulla. Hartsin imeytymisnopeutta paperiin pystyttiin kasvattamaan kuidun entsymaattisella käsittelyllä, lämpösarveistamalla sekä käyttämällä erästä pinta-aktiivista ainetta.
The reduction of pesticide spraying drift is still one of the major challenges in Brazilian agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of different adjuvant products, such as surfactants, drift retardants, mineral oil and vegetable oil for reducing drift in agricultural spraying. The experiment consisted of quantifying drift of sprayings of 18 adjuvants dissolved in water under controlled conditions in a wind tunnel. Tests were performed in triplicates with spraying nozzles type Teejet XR8003 VK, pressure of 200kPa and medium drops. Solutions sprayed were marked with Brilliant Blue dye at 0.6% (m v-1). The drift was collected using polyethylene strips transversally fixed along the tunnel at different distances from the nozzle and different heights from the bottom part of the tunnel. Drift deposits were evaluated by spectrophotometry in order to quantify deposits. The adjuvants from chemical groups of mineral oil and drift retardant resulted in lower values of drift in comparison with surfactants and water. The results obtained in laboratory show that the selection of appropriate class and concentration of adjuvants can significantly decrease the risk of drift in agricultural spraying. However, the best results obtained in laboratory should be validated with pesticide under field conditions in the future.
The air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles directly int0erferes in transport, deposition and retention of the droplets after its impact on the target. The objective of this study was to analyze the interference of adjuvants in the amount of air included in droplets generated by spray nozzles. The treatments were composed by four spray solutions containing mineral oil, vegetable oil, surfactant and water, and three spray nozzles, two air induction type and one pre-orifice. The air included was calculated by the difference between the volume of spray mix (air plus liquid) and only the liquid, which was made by means of sprayed samples captured in a funnel and collected in a graduated cylinder. The surface tension was estimated by the gravimetric method using a precision scale and a graduated pipette. The surfactant provided the largest percentage of air included in the spray. For the surface tension, the mineral oil and the surfactant had the lowest values. It was concluded that the use of adjuvants had a direct influence on the percentage of air included. In addition, products with greater ability to reduce surface tension and to form homogeneous solutions provided the increase in the percentage of air included in the droplet.
There is an increasing demand for detailed maps that represent in a simplified way the knowledge of the variability of a particular area or region maps. The objective was to outline precision boundaries among areas with different accuracy variability standards using magnetic susceptibility and geomorphic surfaces. The study was conducted in an area of 110 ha, which identified three compartment landscapes based on the geomorphic surfaces model. To determinate pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, the total sand and clay, 514 soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.20 m and 0.60-0.80 m. The sum of base, cationic exchange capacity and base saturation were calculated and the magnetic susceptibility was evaluated in the laboratory using a system based on a balance of analytical precision method. Geomorphic surfaces identification allowed setting specific management areas (locations with maximum homogeneity of soil attributes). The map of spatial variability of magnetic susceptibility can be used to validate the precise boundaries among geomorphic surfaces identified in the field and infer the variability of clay content and soil base saturation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microencapsulation of pequi pulp by spray drying. A central composite rotational design was used in order to evaluate the effect of the independent variables: inlet air temperature, surfactant concentration and modified starch concentration. The dependent variables were assumed as yield of the process and the product features microencapsulated. A selection of the best process condition was performed to obtain the best condition of a product with the highest vitamin C and carotenoids content. Powders showed moisture content below 2%. The experimental values of hygroscopicity, yield, water activity, total carotenoids and vitamin C powders ranged from 7.96 to 10.67 g of adsorbed water/100g of solids, 24.34 to 49.80%, 0.13 to 0.30, 145.78 to 292.11 mg of ascorbic acid/g of pequi solids and 15.51 to 123.42 mg of carotenoids/g of pequi solids, respectively. The inlet air temperature 140°C, the surfactant concentration of 2.5% and the modified starch concentration of 22.5% was recommended as the selected condition. By the scanning electron microscopy, it was observed that most of the particles had spherical shape and smooth surface.
ABSTRACT Surfactant use in spray solutions has a major advantage of reducing droplet surface tension and increasing deposition. We aimed to evaluate droplet deposition on cattail plants (Typha subulata) using food coloring (Brilliant Blue - FD & C-1) as marker added to spray solution at two different growth stages: vegetative (4 leaves) and flowering (5 leaves). The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and five plants per plot (16.2-L tanks). Treatments consisted of adding into spray solutions Brilliant Blue alone (control), Brilliant Blue + 0.5% v/v Aterbane and Brilliant Blue + 0.01% v/v Silwet. Spraying was performed by a pressurized CO2 sprayer at 220 kPa using two Teejet XR 8002 nozzles at a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. We observed that surfactant addition provided uniform deposition of spray solution on T. subulata plants at both growth stages compared to treatments without surfactant. However, this product has not increased spray deposits on cattail leaves at both stages.
Diplomityön tarkoitus oli selvittää verhopäällystyspastoille sopivia analyysimenetelmiä. Verhopäällystyksessä onnistunut päällystystapahtuma vaatii venymäviskositeetin ja pintajännityksen hyvää hallintaa. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin verhopäällystystä, verhopäällystyspastojen koostumusta, reologiaa ja pintajännitystä. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin lisäksi verhopäällystyspastojen reologian ja pintajännityksen mittaamiseen soveltuvia mittausmenetelmiä. Verhopäällystyksen luonteen vuoksi kirjallisuusosassa syvennyttiin venymäviskositeetin ja dynaamisen pintajännityksen mittaamiseen tarkoitettuihin menetelmiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin päällystyspastasarjojen reologiaa ja pintajännitystä verhopäällystystä varten. Osaan päällystyspastoista luotiin venymäviskositeettia ja osasta laskettiin pintajännitystä. Venymäviskositeetin mittaamista varten työssä käytettiin ACAV A2 -reometriin liitettyjä teräsreikälevyjä. Dynaamisen pintajännityksen mittaamista varten työssä käytettiin KSV BPA-800P -pintajännitysmittaria. ACAV A2 -reometriin liitettyjen teräsreikälevyjen (reiän sisähalkaisija 0,5 tai 0,7 mm) avulla mitattiin venymäviskositeettia kuvaavia Eulerin lukuarvoja onnistuneesti suurilla kiintoainepitoisuuksilla (50, 60 tai 65 p %). Erikoispaksuntajan määrää lisäämällä onnistuttiin luomaan huomattavaa venymäviskositeettia. Kiintoainepitoisuuden kasvaessa kasvoi myös venymäviskositeetti. Tavanomaisille paksuntajille mitattiin hieman kohonneita venymäviskositeetteja verrattuna referenssipäällystyspastaan. Pigmenttikoostumuksella (kalsiumkarbonaatti/kaoliini) ei näyttänyt olevan vaikutusta venymäviskositeettiin, tai vaikutus oli suhteellisen pieni. Dynaamisen pintajännityksen mittaamista varten käytössä ollut KSV BPA-800P -pintajännitysmittari ei toiminut luotettavasti, vaikka näytteitä laimennettiin. Kiintoainepitoisuudessa 10 p-% olleilla laimennoksilla saavutettiin analysoinnin kannalta parhaat tulokset. Tuloksista saatiin kuitenkin viitteitä, että kyseinen mittari voisi olla potentiaalinen menetelmä dynaamisen pintajännityksen mittaamiseksi.
Työssä tutkittiin tarrapaperikoneen pohjapaperin täyteainepitoisuuden nostamisen vaikutusta koneen ajettavuuteen ja paperin ominaisuuksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli löytää ne prosessitekniset keinot, joilla voitaisiin saavuttaa raskaiden pintapapereiden tavoitetuhkatasot. Lisäksi pyrittiin optimoimaan retentioaineiden annokset ja ajotavat korkeilla tuhkatasoilla. Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin pinta- ja kolloidikemian perusteita sekä täyteainepitoisuuden vaikutusta paperin ominaisuuksiin ja prosessoitavuuteen. Lisäk-si syvennyttiin märänpään kemiaan selvittämällä mm. kalsiumkarbonaatin vesiliuoskemiaa ja erilaisten retentioaineiden ominaisuuksia ja niiden reaktiomekanismeja. Työn kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta koeajosta. Ensimmäisessä koeajossa selvitettiin täyteainesaostumien muodostumismekanismeja ja paperikoneen ajettavuutta täyteainepitoisuutta nostettaessa yli raskaiden pintapapereiden tavoitetasojen. Saadut tulokset osoittivat, että märänpään kemiantila pysyi koeajon aikana muuttumattomana eikä mitään saostumien muodostumista havaittu. Täyteainepitoisuudessa päästiin 3 % yli lajikohtaisen tuhkatavoitteen ilman ajettavuusongelmia. Toisessa koeajossa keskityttiin erityisesti märänpään retentioaineiden määrien optimointiin ja paperin laatuominaisuuksiin. Koeajossa täyteainepitoisuutta nostettiin yli tavoitetasojen. Saadut tulokset osoittivat, että täyteainepitoisuuden nostolla ei ollut vaikutusta paperin laatuun tai paperikoneen ajettavuuteen. Massatärkkelyksen avulla pystyttiin korvaamaan kationisen polymeerin retentiovaste ja kompensoimaan täyteainepitoisuuden noston myötä tullut paperin lujuuksien lasku. Koeajoissa ja prosessin seurannassa tuli ilmi myös useita eri tekijöitä, joilla oli vaikutusta retentioon, retentioaineiden tehoon ja prosessin stabiilisuuteen. Tehdyistä yksittäisistä havainnoista on hyötyä pyrittäessä ymmärtämään märänpään prosessin tilaa ja sen vaikutusta paperikoneen ajettavuuteen. Työ saavutti sille asetetut tavoitteet ja sen ansiosta paperikoneen märänpään raaka-aineiden ja kemikaalien syöttösuhteita pystyttiin muuttamaan tavalla, joka vähensi paperinvalmistuksen kustannuksia ilman että paperin laatuominaisuudet huononivat.
The understanding and engineering of bismuth (Bi) containing semiconductor surfaces are signi cant in the development of novel semiconductor materials for electronic and optoelectronic devices such as high-e ciency solar cells, lasers and light emitting diodes. For example, a Bi surface layer can be used as a surfactant which oats on a III-V compound-semiconductor surface during the epitaxial growth of IIIV lms. This Bi surfactant layer improves the lm-growth conditions if compared to the growth without the Bi layer. Therefore, detailed knowledge of the properties of the Bi/III-V surfaces is needed. In this thesis, well-de ned surface layers containing Bi have been produced on various III-V semiconductor substrates. The properties of these Bi-induced surfaces have been measured by low-energy electron di raction (LEED), scanning-tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM), and synchrotron-radiation photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results have been compared with theoretically calculated results to resolve the atomic structures of the studied surfaces. The main ndings of this research concern the determination of the properties of an unusual Bi-containing (2×1) surface structure, the discovery and characterization of a uniform pattern of Bi nanolines, and the optimization of the preparation conditions for this Bi-nanoline pattern.