970 resultados para Blast injuries.


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Objective: Experimental study idealized to investigate the mechanical properties of deep flexor tendons of rabbits that underwent the tenotomy followed by tenorrhaphy and early application of therapeutic ultrasound with different intensities, in comparison to tendons submitted to tenorrhaphy only. Material and Method: Forty-four rabbits were divided into four experimental groups according to the ultrasound application. They were all submitted to a section of deep flexor tendon in zone 2 and immobilized with an orthosis maintained throughout the experiment. Group A received ultrasonic treatment with an intensity of 1.4 W/cm(2), group B with 0.6 W/cm(2), both in continuous mode, group C with 0.6 W/cm(2) SATA, in pulsated mode at 50% and group D did not receive any ultrasonic treatment. The ultrasonic frequency employed was 1 MHz. After euthanasia, the tendons were dissected and submitted to the mechanical test of traction and qualitative histological analysis. The evaluated mechanical properties were: maximum force, deformation in maximum force and stiffness. Results: There were no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. Conclusion: Therapeutic ultrasound did not improve the mechanical properties of the flexor tendons after repair.


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The Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) is a quite useful tool for the evaluation of functional recovery of the sciatic nerve of rats in a number of experimental injuries and treatments. Although it is an objective method, it depends on the examiner`s ability to adequately recognize and mark the previously established footprint key points, which is an entirely subjective step, thus potentially interfering with the calculations according to the mathematical formulae proposed by different authors. Thus, an interpersonal evaluation of the reproducibility of an SFI computer-aided method was carried out here to study data variability. A severe crush injury was produced on a 5 mm-long segment of the right sciatic nerve of 20 Wistar rats (a 5000 g load directly applied for 10 min) and the SH was measured by four different examiners (an experienced one and three newcomers) preoperatively and at weekly intervals from the 1st to the 8th postoperative week. Three measurements were made for each print and the average was calculated and used for statistical analysis. The results showed that interpersonal correlation was high (0.82) in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th weeks, with an unexpected but significant (p < 0.01) drop in the 6th week. There was virtually no interpersonal correlation (correlation index close to 0) on the 1st and 2nd weeks, a period during which the variability between animals and examiners (p =0.24 and 0.32, respectively) was similar, certainly due to a poor definition of the footprints. The authors conclude that the SFI method studied here is only reliable from the 3rd week on after a severe lesion of the sciatic nerve of rats. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A polyclonal antibody (C4), raised against the head domain of chicken myosin Va, reacted strongly towards a 65 kDa polypeptide (p65) on Western blots of extracts from squid optic lobes but did not recognize the heavy chain of squid myosin V. This peptide was not recognized by other myosin Va antibodies, nor by an antibody specific for squid myosin V. In an attempt to identify it, p65 was purified from optic lobes of Loligo plei by cationic exchange and reverse phase chromatography. Several peptide sequences were obtained by mass spectroscopy from p65 cut from sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gels. BLAST analysis and partial matching with expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a Loligo pealei data bank indicated that p65 contains consensus signatures for the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A/B family of RNA-binding proteins. Centrifugation of post mitochondrial extracts from optic lobes on sucrose gradients after treatment with RNase gave biochemical evidence that p65 associates with cytoplasmic RNP complexes in an RNA-dependent manner. Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence studies using the C4 antibody showed partial co-labeling with an antibody against squid synaptotagmin in bands within the outer plexiform layer of the optic lobes and at the presynaptic zone of the stellate ganglion. Also, punctate labeling by the C4 antibody was observed within isolated optic lobe synaptosomes. The data indicate that p65 is a novel RNA-binding protein located to the presynaptic terminal within squid neurons and may have a role in synaptic localization of RNA and its translation or processing. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hepatic ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) results in mild to severe remote organ injury. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide (NO) seem to be involved in the IR injury. Our aim was to investigate the effects of liver I/R on hepatic function and lipid peroxidation, leukocyte infiltration and NO synthase (NOS) immunostaining in the lung and the kidney. We randomized 24 male Wistar rats into 3 groups: 1) control; 2) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver 1 and 2 hours of global liver R; and 3) 60 minutes of partial (70%) liver I and 6 hours of global liver R. Groups 2 and 3 showed significant increases in plasma alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels and in tissue malondialdehyde and myeloperoxidase contents. In the kidney, positive endothelial NOS (eNOS) staining was significantly decreased in group 3 compared with group 1. However, staining for inducible NOS (iNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) did not differ among the groups. In the lung, the staining for eNOS and iNOS did not show significant differences among the groups; no positive nNOS staining was observed in any group. These results suggested that partial liver I followed by global liver R induced liver, kidney, and lung injuries characterized by neutrophil sequestration and increased oxidative stress. In addition, we supposed that the reduced NO formation via eNOS may be implicated in the moderate impairment of renal function, observed by others at 24 hours after liver I/R.


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There seems to be controversy on the anorectal sphincter presentation and anatomical division, as well as on its functional representation. Evaluation of the anorectal sphincter musculature has been achieved through several methods, including anorectal manometry and computerized tomography, but to date there is no experimental model allowing a detailed manometric study of this muscle complex. In this work, we have developed such a model, which should enable the manometric and radiographic study of the anatomical features and functional mechanisms of sphincteric injuries, as well as the assessment of drug effects on the anorectal musculature upon incontinence and constipation. Twenty-two piglets (aged 25-30 days, weighing 5-7 kg) were studied by anorectal manometry (rectoanal inhibitory reflex and vector volume) and computerized tomography (anorectal angle and anal canal length). The data obtained for the rectoanal inhibitory reflex, represented here as the average and standard deviation, were the following: relaxation duration = 14.75 +/- 3.62 s, sphincter basal pressure = 41.58 +/- 8.20 mmHg, relaxation index = 87.26 +/- 11.52%, speed of relaxation = 5.90 +/- 2.10 mm/s, and speed of relaxation recovery = 4.03 +/- 1.78 mm/s. As for the vector volume, results were as follows: vector volume = 2692.32 +/- 1298.12 mmHg(2) cm, sphincter length = 11.82 +/- 2.74 mm, high pressure zone length = 5.09 +/- 1.34 mm, maximum pressure = 61.50 +/- 20.58 mmHg, and asymmetry index = 43.50 +/- 10.03%. Radiographic evaluation led to the following results: anal canal length = 9.61 +/- 2.14 mm and anorectal angle = 137.91 +/- 7.75 degrees. The experimental model designed here allows both anorectal manometry and computerized tomography to be carried out in the same way it is performed in human beings, as long as animal sedation is strictly controlled.


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Leukostasis is a relatively uncommon but potentially catastrophic complication of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Prompt leukoreduction is considered imperative to reduce the high mortality rate in this condition. Leukapheresis, usually associated with chemotherapy, is an established approach to diminish blast cell counts. We report a single center experience in managing leukostasis with leukapheresis. Fifteen patients with leukostasis of 187 patients with AML (8.02%) followed at our institution were treated with leukapheresis associated with chemotherapy. The procedures were scheduled to be performed on a daily basis until clinical improvement was achieved and WBC counts were significantly reduced. Overall and early mortalities, defined as that occurred in the first 7 days from diagnosis, were reported. A high proportion of our patients with leukostasis (46.66%) had a monocytic subtype AML (M4/M5, according to French-American-British classification). The median overall survival was 10 days, despite a significant WBC reduction after the first apheresis procedure (from 200.7 X 10(9)/L to 150.3 X 10(9)/L). Almost half of patients (7/15) had an early death. Therapeutic leukapheresis, associated or not to chemotherapy, is an effective approach to reduce WBC counts in patients with AML and leukostasis; however, this therapeutic procedure does not appear to change significantly the sombre prognosis observed in the majority of patients with this complication. Other forms of treatment must be found to reduce the high mortality rate related to leukostasis. J. Clin. Apheresis 26:181-185, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Examination of the epidemiology and timing of trauma deaths has been deemed a useful method to evaluate the quality of trauma care. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of trauma care in a regional trauma system and in a university hospital in Brazil by comparing the timing of deaths in the studied prehospital and in-hospital settings to those published for trauma systems in other areas. Methods: We analyzed the National Health Minister`s System of Deaths Information for the prehospital mortality and we retrospectively collected the demographics, timelines, and trauma severity scores of all in-hospital patients who died after admission through the Emergency Unit of Hospital das Clinicas de Ribeirao Preto between 2000 and 2001. Results. During the study period, there were 787 trauma fatalities in the city: 448 (56.9%) died in the prehospital setting and 339 (43.1%) died after being admitted to a medical facility. In 2 years, 238 trauma deaths occurred in the studied hospital, and we found a complete clinical set of data for 224 of these patients. The majority of deaths in the prehospital setting were caused by penetrating injuries (66.7%), whereas in-hospital mortality was mainly because of blunt traumas (59.1%). The largest number of in-hospital deaths occurred beyond 72 hours of stay (107 patients-47%). Conclusions: The region studied showed some deficiencies in prehospital and in-hospitals settings, in particular in the critical care and short-term follow-up of trauma patients when compared with the literature. Particularly, the late mortality may be related to training and human resources deficiency. Based on the timeline of trauma deaths, we can suggest that the studied region needs improvements in the prehospital trauma system and in hospital critical care.


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In recent years, alcohol consumption has been considered an important public health problem. Ethanol, the alcohol used in beverages, is a drug that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and impairs driving skills and co-ordination, increasing risk of deaths and injuries derived from crashes and road accidents. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is implicated with premature deaths, injuries and damages caused by motor vehicle crashes, which result in high costs to government and society. Considering that alcohol consumption is the main responsible factor for deaths and disabilities in young people, the aim of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of blood alcohol in offenders and/or fatal and non-fatal victims of traffic occurrences in the region of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, from 2005 to 2007. The results revealed that in 2134 cases investigated, blood alcohol positivity was generally found in young adults, 25-45 years old and male. The study showed the high risk of drinking and driving and the importance in establishing actions of prevention and intervention to promote the reduction in the number of traffic occurrences related to consumption of alcoholic beverages. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To assess the vestibular fold muscle after cordectomy and laryngeal reconstruction, the pattern of motor unit recruitment during sound emission, and the morphologic characteristics of motor unit action potentials. Design: Prospective analysis. Setting: Tertiary academic hospital. Patients: We evaluated 11 men (mean age, 65.7 years; age range, 53-82 years) who underwent laryngofissure, cordectomy, and laryngeal reconstruction with a vestibular fold flap. Interventions: Laryngeal electromyography with the insertion of a needle electrode for the assessment of the electrophysiologic activity of thyroartenoid muscle fibers and of the cricothyroid muscle on the operated on and nonoperated on sides. The thyroarytenoid muscle was evaluated by introducing a needle electrode through the thyroid cartilage and the cricothyroid membrane. Main Outcome Measures: Activities of needle insertion, spontaneous muscle activity during rest, and pattern of motor unit recruitment. Results: Seven patients (64%) had vestibular fold muscle fiber, all of whom showed motor unit recruitment in response to sound emission. No neurogenic muscle injuries were observed except in 1 patient with evidence of chronic injury. Conclusion: After cordectomy and laryngeal reconstruction, thyroarytenoid muscle fibers are present in the vestibular fold, with motor unit recruitment during sound emission.


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This study describes increased sarcolemmal permeability and myofilamentar damage that occur together with lipid peroxidation and protein nitration in the myocardium in severe sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Male C57BL/6 mice were submitted to moderate and severe septic injury and sham operation. Using light and laser confocal microscopy, diffuse foci of myocytolysis associated with focal disruption of the actin/myosin contractile apparatus could be seen in hearts with severe septic injury. The myocardial expressions of the sarcomeric proteins myosin and actin were downregulated by both severe and moderate injuries. The detection of albumin staining in the cytoplasm of myocytes to evaluate sarcolemmal permeability provided evidence of severe and mild injury of the plasma membrane in hearts with severe and moderate septic injury, respectively. The administration of a superoxide scavenger caused marked reduction of sarcolemmal permeability, indicating the involvement of free radicals in its genesis. On electron microscopy, these changes were seen to correspond to spread blocks of a few myocytes with fragmentation and dissolution of myofibrils, intracellular edema, and, occasionally, rupture of the sarcolemma. In addition, oxidative damage to lipids, using anti-4-hydroxynonenal, an indicator of oxidative stress and disruption of plasma membrane lipids, and to proteins, using antinitrotyrosine, a stable biomarker of peroxynitrite-mediated protein nitration, was demonstrated. These findings make plausible the hypothesis that increased sarcolemmal permeability might be a primary event in myocardial injury in severe sepsis possibly due to oxidative damage to lipids and proteins that could precede phenotypic changes that characterize a septic cardiomyopathy.


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Methionine-choline-deficient diet represents a model for the study of the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis. Male rats were divided into three groups, the first group receiving a control diet and the other two groups receiving a methionine-choline-deficient diet for 1 month (MCD1) and for 2 months (MCD2), respectively. The livers of the animals were collected for the determination of vitamin E, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), GSH concentration, DNA damages, and for histopathological evaluation. The hepatic TBARS and GSH content was higher (P < 0.05) in the groups receiving the experimental diet (MCD1 and MCD2) compared to control diet, and hepatic vitamin E concentration differed (P < 0.05) between the MCD1 and MCD2 groups, with the MCD2 group presenting a lower concentration. Damage to hepatocyte DNA was greater (P < 0.05) in the MCD2 group (262.80 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes) compared to MCD1 (136.4 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes) and control diet (115.83 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes). Liver histopathological evaluation showed that steatosis, present in experimental groups was micro- and macro-vesicular and concentrated around the centrolobular vein, zone 3, with preservation of the portal space. The inflammatory infiltrate was predominantly periductal and the steatosis and inflammatory infiltrate was similar in the MCD1 and MCD2 groups, although the presence of Mallory bodies was greater in the MCD2 group. The study describes the contribution of a methionine-choline-deficient diet to the progression of steatosis, lipid peroxidation and hepatic DNA damage in rats, serving as a point of reflection about the role of these nutrients in the western diet and the elevated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis rates in humans.


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Illegitimate V(D)J-recombination in lymphoid malignancies involves rearrangements in immunoglobulin or T-cell receptor genes, and these rearrangements may play a role in oncogenic events. High frequencies of TRGV-BJ hybrid gene (rearrangement between the TRB and TRG loci at 7q35 and 7p14-15, respectively) have been detected in lymphocytes from patients with ataxia telangiectasia (AT), and also in patients with lymphoid malignancies. Although the TRGV-BJ gene has been described only in T-lymphocytes, we previously detected the presence of TRGV-BJ hybrid gene in the genomic DNA extracted from SV40-transformed AT5BIVA fibroblasts from an AT patient. Aiming to determine whether the AT phenotype or the SV40 transformation could be responsible for the production of the hybrid gene by illegitimate V(D)J-recombination, DNA samples were extracted from primary and SV40-transformed (normal and AT) cell lines, following Nested-PCR with TRGV- and TRBJ-specific primers. The hybrid gene was only detected in SV40-transformed fibroblasts (AT-5BIVA and MRC-5). Sequence alignment of the cloned PCR products using the BLAST program confirmed that the fragments corresponded to the TRGV-BJ hybrid gene. The present results indicate that the rearrangement can be produced in nonlymphoid cells, probably as a consequence of the genomic instability caused by the SV40-transformation, and independently of ATM gene mutation.


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a rare disease in childhood which is almost exclusively associated with bcr-abl p210 (M-bcr) rearrangements. It has been suggested that co-expression of p 190 and p210 may be a pathway of CML progression in adult patients. We report two cases of pediatric patients with a diagnosis of CML who presented co-expression of the p210 and p190 transcripts during progression to the blastic phase. The present data suggest that p190 may be a secondary event in at least some cases of childhood CML, suggesting an association with progression to a blastic crisis in these patients. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Reports of iatrogenic thermal injuries during laparoscopic surgery using new generation vessel-sealing devices, as well as anecdotal reports of hand burn injuries during hand-assisted surgeries, have evoked questions about the temperature safety profile and the cooling properties of these instruments. Methods This study involved video recording of temperatures generated by different instruments (Harmonic ACE [ACE], Ligasure V [LV], and plasma trisector [PT]) applied according the manufacturers` pre-set settings (ACE setting 3; LV 3 bars, and the PT TR2 50W). The video camera used was the infrared Flex Cam Pro directed to three different types of swine tissue: (1) peritoneum (P), (2) mesenteric vessels (MV), and (3) liver (L). Activation and cooling temperature and time were measured for each instrument. Results The ACE device produced the highest temperatures (195.9 degrees +/- 14.5 degrees C) when applied against the peritoneum, and they were significantly higher than the other instruments (LV = 96.4 degrees +/- 4.1 degrees C, and PT = 87 degrees +/- 2.2 degrees C). The LV and PT consistently yielded temperatures that were < 100 degrees C independent of type of tissue or ""on""/ ""off"" mode. Conversely, the ACE reached temperatures higher than 200 degrees C, with a surprising surge after the instrument was deactivated. Moreover, temperatures were lower when the ACE was applied against thicker tissue (liver). The LV and PT cooling times were virtually equivalent, but the ACE required almost twice as long to cool. Conclusions The ACE increased the peak temperature after deactivation when applied against thick tissue (liver), and the other instruments inconsistently increased peak temperatures after they were turned off, requiring few seconds to cool down. Moreover, the ACE generated very high temperatures (234.5 degrees C) that could harm adjacent tissue or the surgeon`s hand on contact immediately after deactivation. With judicious use, burn injury from these instruments can be prevented during laparoscopic procedures. Because of the high temperatures generated by the ACE device, particular care should be taken when it is used during laparoscopy.