963 resultados para BINDING SITES
The effects of exposure to lead on endocrine function and the reproductive parameters were studied in pubertal rats treated with 1.0 g l(-1) lead acetate in drinking water for 20 days (subacute group) or 9 months (chronic group) in addition to i.v. injections of lead acetate (0.1 mg 100 g(-1) body wt.) every 10 (subacute group) or 15 days (chronic group). Although basal levels of testosterone were higher both in plasma and in testes of acutely intoxicated animals, the circulating levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) were not affected in either group, nor was the LH-releasing hormone content of the median eminence. The density of [I-125]LH/human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) binding sites in testicular homogenates was reduced by saturnism in both groups, concomitant with a significantly increased apparent affinity constant of the hormone-receptor complex. These data can be viewed as the result of a mixture of specific lead toxicity (e.g. at the enzyme level) with other more general actions (e.g. at the level of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis).
Six cattle that had earlier exposure to Dermatobia hominis were infested experimentally with first-instar larvae of the parasite. Skin biopsies taken at intervals were studied in wax and in plastic sections. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase method was used to detect the presence and localization of host immunoglobulins (Igs) G and M and antigens of first and second instar larvae of Dermatobia hominis. The larvae penetrated actively through the skin and migrated towards the subcutaneous tissues. The great numbers of eosinophils suggest that they are the most important cell in mediating damage to D.hominis larvae. The immunoglobulins bound only to dead or moulting larvae in which access to binding sites may have been altered. This could represent a morphological manifestation of a mechanism that protects larvae from the host immune response. Large amounts of soluble antigens detected along the fistulous tract may be important in the maintenance of this tract by disturbing the normal cicatrization process.
Background: Lectins are mainly described as simple carbohydrate- binding proteins. Previous studies have tried to identify other binding sites, which possible recognize plant hormones, secondary metabolites, and isolated amino acid residues. We report the crystal structure of a lectin isolated from Canavalia gladiata seeds ( CGL), describing a new binding pocket, which may be related to pathogen resistance activity in ConA- like lectins; a site where a non- protein amino- acid, aaminobutyric acid ( Abu), is bound.Results: the overall structure of native CGL and complexed with alpha- methyl- mannoside and Abu have been refined at 2.3 angstrom and 2.31 angstrom resolution, respectively. Analysis of the electron density maps of the CGL structure shows clearly the presence of Abu, which was confirmed by mass spectrometry.Conclusion: the presence of Abu in a plant lectin structure strongly indicates the ability of lectins on carrying secondary metabolites. Comparison of the amino acids composing the site with other legume lectins revealed that this site is conserved, providing an evidence of the biological relevance of this site. This new action of lectins strengthens their role in defense mechanisms in plants.
Envenomation by arachnids of the genus Loxosceles leads to local dermonecrosis and serious systemic toxicity mainly induced by sphingomyelinases D (SMase D). These enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin resulting in the formation of ceramide-phosphate and choline as well as the cleavage of lysophosphatidyl choline generating the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid. We have, previously, cloned and expressed two functional SMase D isoforms, named P1 and P2, from Loxosceles intertnedia venom and comparative protein sequence analysis revealed that they are highly homologous to SMase I from Loxosceles laeta which folds to form an (alpha/beta)(8) barrel. In order to further characterize these proteins, pH dependence kinetic experiments and chemical modification of the two active SMases D isoforms were performed. We show here that the amino acids involved in catalysis and in the metal ion binding sites are strictly conserved in the SMase D isoforms from L. intermedia. However, the kinetic studies indicate that SMase P1 hydrolyzes sphingomyelin less efficiently than P2, which can be attributed to a substitution at position 203 (Pro-Leu) and local amino acid substitutions in the hydrophobic channel that could probably play a role in the substrate recognition and binding. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crotoxin is the major component of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. In view of the presence of high-affinity specific binding sites for crotoxin in the brain, the objective of this work was to investigate whether crotoxin induces behavioral effects in the open-field and hole-board tests. Adult male Wistar rats (180-220 g) treated with crotoxin, 100, 250 and 500 mu g/kg, ip, administered 2 h before the test, presented statistically significant behavioral alterations (ANOVA for one-way classification complemented with Dunnet test, P<0.05). In the open-field test, 250 and 500 mu g/kg of crotoxin increased freezing (from 3.22 sec to 10.75 sec and 11.2 sec) and grooming (from 13.44 sec to 22.75 sec and 21.22 sec) and decreased ambulation (from 64.8 to 39.38 and 45.8). The dose of 500 mu g/kg also decreased rearing (from 24.9 to 17.5). In the hole-board test, 500 mu g/kg of crotoxin decreased head-dip count (from 6.33 to 4.00). All the crotoxin-induced behavioral effects were antagonized by an anxiolytic dose of diazepam (1.5 mg/kg, ip, 30 min before the tests). These results show that crotoxin reduced open-field activity and exploratory behavior as well. We suggest that these effects express an increased emotional state induced by this toxin.
Rat osseous plate alkaline phosphatase is a metalloenzyme with two binding sites for Zn2+ (sites I and III) and one for Mg2+ (site II). This enzyme is stimulated synergistically by Zn2+ and Mg2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1992) and also by Mn2+ (Leone et al., 1995) and Co2+ (Ciancaglini et al., 1995). This study was aimed to investigate the modulation of enzyme activity by Ca2+. In the absence of Zn2+ and Mg2+, Ca2+ had no effects on the activity of Chelex-treated, Polidocanol-solubilized enzyme. However, in the presence of 10 mu M MgCl2, increasing concentration of Ca2+ were inhibitory, suggesting the displacement of Mg2+ from the magnesium-reconstituted enzyme. For calcium-reconstituted enzyme, Zn2+ concentrations Zip to 0.1 mu M were stimulatory, increasing specific activity from 130 U/mg to about 240 U/mg with a K-0.5 = 8.5 nM. Above 0.1 mu M Zn2+ exerted a strong inhibitory effect and concentrations of Ca2+ up to I mM were not enough to counteract this inhibition, indicating that Ca2+ was easily displaced by Zn2+. At fixed concentrations of Ca2+, increasing concentrations of Mg2+ increased the enzyme specific activity from 472 U/mg to about 547 U/mg, but K-0.5 values were significantly affected (from 4.4 mu M to 38.0 mu M). The synergistic effects observed for the activity of Ca2+ plus magnesium-reconstituted enzyme, suggested that these two ions bind to the different sites. A model to explain the effect of Ca2+ on the activity of the enzyme is presented. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
Glycogen synthase, an enzyme involved in glycogen biosynthesis, is regulated by phosphorylation and by the allosteric ligand glucose-6-phosphate (G6P). In addition, enzyme levels can be regulated by changes in gene expression. We recently cloned a cDNA for glycogen synthase (gsn) from Neurospora crassa, and showed that gsn transcription decreased when cells were exposed to heat shock (shifted from 30degreesC to 45degreesC). In order to understand the mechanisms that control gsn expression, we isolated the gene, including its 5' and 3' flanking regions, from the genome of N. crassa. An ORF of approximately 2.4 kb was identified, which is interrupted by four small introns (II-V). Intron I (482 bp) is located in the 5'UTR region. Three putative Transcription Initiation Sites (TISs) were mapped, one of which lies downstream of a canonical TATA-box sequence (5'-TGTATAAA-3'). Analysis of the 5'-flanking region revealed the presence of putative transcription factor-binding sites, including Heat Shock Elements (HSEs) and STress Responsive Elements (STREs). The possible involvement of these motifs in the negative regulation of gsn transcription was investigated using Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) with nuclear extracts of N. crassa mycelium obtained before and after heat shock, and DNA fragments encompassing HSE and STRE elements from the 5'-flanking region. While elements within the promoter region are involved in transcription under heat shock, elements in the 5'UTR intron may participate in transcription during vegetative growth. The results thus suggest that N. crassa possesses trans-acting elements that interact with the 5'-flanking region to regulate gsn transcription during heat shock and vegetative growth.
The ability of the conotoxin p-TIA, a 19-amino acid peptide isolated from the marine snail Conus tulipa, to antagonize contractions induced by noradrenaline through activation of alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors in rat vas deferens, alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors in rat spleen and alpha(ID)-adrenoceptors in rat aorta, and to inhibit the binding of [I-125]HEAT (2-[[beta-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]aminomethyl]-1-tetralone) to membranes of human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells expressing each of the recombinant rat alpha(1)-adrenoceptors was investigated. p-TIA (100 nM to 1 muM) antagonized the contractions of vas deferens and aorta in response to noradrenaline without affecting maximal effects and with similar potencies (pA(2)similar to7.2, n=4). This suggests that p-TIA is a competitive antagonist of alpha(1A)- and alpha(1D)-adrenoceptors with no selectivity between these subtypes. Incubation of p-TIA (30 to 300 nM) with rat spleen caused a significant reduction of the maximal response to noradrenaline, suggesting that p-TIA is a non-competitive antagonist at alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors. After receptor inactivation with phenoxybenzamine, the potency of p-TIA in inhibiting contractions was examined with similar occupancies (similar to25%) at each subtype. Its potency (pIC(50)) was 12 times higher in spleen (8.3 +/- 0.1, n=4) than in vas deferens (7.2 +/- 0.1, n=4) or aorta (7.2 0.1, n=4). In radioligand binding assays, p-TIA decreased the number of binding sites (B,,,,,,) in membranes from HEK293 cells expressing the rat alpha(1B)-adrenoceptors without affecting affinity (K-D), In contrast, in HEK293 cells expressing rat alpha(1A)- or alpha(1D)-adrenoceptors, p-TTA decreased the KD without affecting the B-max. It is concluded that p-TIA will be useful for distinguishing the role of particular alpha(1)-adrenoceptor subtypes in native tissues. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Calcium binding and charge distribution on highly branched and linear sulfated L-galactans from ascidians have been studied using a metallochromic indicator and conductimetric titrations. The distance between charged groups of the linear and highly branched galactans does not vary despite their marked differences in sulfate/total sugar molar ratios. These results indicate that the sulfated L-galactose units are concentrated in the central polysaccharide core and not intercalated among non-sulfated units. This inference is consistent with the chemical studies of these galactans. Surprisingly, calcium affinity increases with increasing amounts of non-sulfated sugar branches in the molecule. Thus, calcium binding in these polymers is not a simple function of availability of anion binding sites but a more complex calcium-polysaccharide interaction. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main pool of dissolved organic carbon in tropical aquatic environments, notably in dark-coloured streams, is concentrated in humic substances (HS). Aquatic HS are large organic molecules formed by micro-biotic degradation of biopolymers and polymerization of smaller organic molecules. From an environmental point of view, the study of metal-humic interactions is often aimed at predicting the effect of aquatic HS on the bioavailability of heavy metal ions in the environment. In the present work the aquatic humic substances (HS) isolated from a dark-brown stream (located in an environmental protection area near Cubatao city in São Paulo-State, Brazil) by means of the collector XAD-8 were investigated. FTIR studies showed that the carboxylic carbons are probably the most important binding sites for Hg(II) ions within humic molecules. C-13-NMR and H-1-NMR studies of aquatic HS showed the presence of constituents with a high degree of aromaticity (40% of carbons) and small substitution. A special five-stage tangential-flow ultrafiltration device (UF) was used for size fractionation of the aquatic HS under study and for their metal species in the molecular size range 1-100 kDa (six fractions). The fractionation patterns showed that metal traces remaining in aquatic HS after their XAD-8 isolation have different distributions. Generally, the major percentage of traces of Mn, Cd and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by molecules with relatively high molecular size. Cu was bound by fractions with low molecular size and Co showed no preferential binding site in the various humic fractions. Moreover, the species formed between aquatic HS and Hg(II), prepared by spiking (determined by CVAAS), appeared to be concentrated in the relatively high molecular size fraction F-1 (> 100 kDa).
Here, we report the crystallographic study of a lectin from Canavalia maritima seeds (ConM) and its relaxant activity on vascular smooth muscle, to provide new insights into the understanding of structure/function relationships of this class of proteins. ConM was crystallized and its structure determined by standard molecular replacement techniques. The amino acid residues, previously suggested incorrectly by manual sequencing, have now been determined as I17, I53, S129, S134, G144, S164, P165, S187, V190, S169, T196, and S202. Analysis of the structure indicated a dimer in the asymmetric unit, two metal binding sites per monomer, and loops involved in the molecular oligomerization. These confer 98% similarity between ConM and other previously described lectins, derived from Canavalia ensiformis and Canavalia brasiliensis. Our functional data indicate that ConM exerts a concentration-dependent relaxant action on isolated aortic rings that probably occurs via an interaction with a specific lectin-binding site on the endothelium, resulting in a release of nitric oxide. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Although the retrotransposon copia has been studied in the melanogaster group of Drosophila species, very little is known about copia dynamism and evolution in other groups. We analyzed the occurrence and heterogeneity of the copia 5' LTR-ULR partial sequence and their phylogenetic relationships in 24 species of the repleta group of Drosophila. PCR showed that copia occurs in 18 out of the 24 species evaluated. Sequencing was possible in only eight species. The sequences showed a low nucleotide diversity, which suggests selective constraints maintaining this regulatory region over evolutionary time. on the contrary, the low nucleotide divergence and the phylogenetic relationships between the D. willistoni/Zaprionus tuberculatus/melanogaster species subgroup suggest horizontal transfer. Sixteen transcription factor binding sites were identified in the LTR-ULR repleta and melanogaster consensus sequences. However, these motifs are not homologous, neither according to their position in the LTR-ULR sequences, nor according to their sequences. Taken together, the low motif homologies, the phylogenetic relationship and the great nucleotide divergence between the melanogaster and repleta copia sequences reinforce the hypothesis that there are two copia families.
This work reports for the first time the identification and immunolocalization, by confocal and conventional indirect immunofluorescence, of m(3)G epitopes present in ribonucleoproteins of the following trypanosomatids: Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes of three different strains, Blastocrithidia ssp., and Leishmania major promastigotes. The identity of these epitopes and hence the specificity of the anti-m(3)G monoclonal antibody were ascertained through competition reaction with 7-methylguanosine that blocks the Ig binding sites, abolishing the fluorescence in all the parasites tested and showing a specific perinuclear localization of the snRNPs, which suggests their nuclear reimport in the parasites. Using an immunoprecipitation technique, it was also possible to confirm the presence of the trimethylguanosine epitopes in trypanosomatids.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The rate removal of nickel from the airway was measured in vivo. Removal in vivo was studied by intratracheal injection of nickel chloride solutions. Regardless of time after injection, the lungs and heart retained the greatest concentration of nickel and 40 days after 1.68 mumol administration they were the organs where nickel was still significantly measurable. The slow removal of nickel may indicate the presence of high affinity binding sites in the lung. Nickel can interact with others metals, such as copper and zinc, so that nickel exposure may have public health implications.