997 resultados para Atrina vexillum, shell height


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The population dynamics of the infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba was investigated at three sites situated within close proximity to the mouth of the Hopkins River estuary. The initial study design was planned to examine the importance of winter flooding to the persistence of this bivalve mollusc within the Hopkins estuary, since mass mortalities have been observed during previous years coincident with periods of winter flooding. Unfortunately, the climatic conditions experienced during this study were atypical compared to the long-term average, so detailed sampling was limited to two, unanticipated, non-flood years rather than two, highly anticipated, flood years. This hampered my ability to conduct complete tests of the importance of winter flooding. Patterns of river discharge and the frequency and duration of mouth opening and closing differed greatly from that expected. Unexpectedly, periods of mouth closure were not always associated with periods of minimal river discharge; low salinities were another unexpected result during an extended period of mouth closure during 1998. As expected, salinities varied considerably with increasing water depth when the estuary mouth was open. Mouth closure lead to salinities becoming more uniform between water depths but hypoxic and anoxic conditions became evident via stratification in the water column at 1 m below the Australian Height Datum (AHD). Other than trends associated with increased water depth, significant variation was not evident between measurements of salinity taken from three sites within close proximity of the estuary mouth (approximately 500 m), or during changes in tide. The most pertinent anomaly was the absence of winter flooding. The distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult S. alba was variable across all Dates, Sites and Channel elevations (i.e. water depths) sampled during this study. An experimental test comparing the recruitment of juveniles at different channel elevations and in sediments of varying particle size was conducted during an exceptionally successful period of recruitment during 1999. The results of these tests showed that recruitment was greatest at the shallowest channel elevation used, and there was little evidence that sediment particle size influenced recruitment. In contrast to 1999, recruitment during 1997 or 1998 was extremely poor. Growth rates were monitored using tagged individuals held in caged and uncaged plots, which revealed that growth was highly variable among individuals, but not between Sites. These tests also revealed that growth was negligible during the colder, winter months, and that the fastest growing individuals were capable of growing 0.2 mm/day. Mixed results were obtained for tests of potential cage artifacts and the influence of handling. Caging and differing amounts of handling did not appear to influence growth, but there was evidence that cages and handling influenced bivalve condition and number of mortalities. These direct tests appeared to be the most appropriate method for determining growth rates of this species, since attempts to analyse length-frequency data were made difficult by the apparent convergence of cohorts, and shell aging is difficult due to the thin, fragile nature of the shell. As expected, mass mortalities were observed during the flood of 1996, but not during the two non-flood years of 1997 and 1998. There were, however, some considerable declines in abundances at some channel elevations during the two non-flood years. However, these declines were attributable to the complete disappearance of individuals, rather than the sudden presence of numerous, recently dead individuals that typify observed declines during winter flooding. The complete disappearance of individuals suggest that S. alba may be capable of post-settlement emigration, or that they were consumed by an unknown predator. Salinity tolerance tests showed that bivalves exposed to low salinities (≤6 ppt), exhibited poorer condition and took longer to re-burrow into sediments than those exposed to greater salinities (≥14 ppt), while death of bivalves exposed to salinities ≤1 ppt occurred after 8 days of exposure. These tests provide evidence that low salinities are probably the principal cause of mass mortalities during winter flooding, although the interaction between salinity, temperature and turbidity also deserve consideration. The results of this study indicate that certain aspects of winter flooding, especially salinity, are responsible for the mass mortalities of S. alba rather than the result of a short-lived life history. I hypothesise that the survival of very young juveniles (between 0.5 and 1 mm shell length) and rapid growth rates are important features of the life history of S. alba that explain its successful persistence within the Hopkins River estuary. The rapid rates of growth suggest that it may be possible for juveniles that survive winter flooding to grow, reach sexual maturity, and reproduce before the onset of the next flood event. Unfortunately, the increased survivorship of juveniles during periods of winter flooding was not demonstrated by this study because of the absence of winter flooding and also relatively poor recruitment. It is highly likely that this species is capable of completing it entire life cycle within the estuary since the absence of other nearby populations, together with periods of mouth closure, are likely to greatly limit the potential contribution made by larvae entering from the surrounding marine environment. This study has added considerably to our knowledge of how infauna cope with life in the intermittently closing estuaries that typify semi-arid coastlines in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Monodispersed SiO2-shell/ZnO-core composite nanospheres have been prepared in an oil-in-water microemulsion system. By using cyclohexane as the oil phase and Triton X-100 as the surfactant, composite nanospheres with high core loading levels and tunable shell thickness were obtained. Utilization of PVP capping agent on ZnO allowed the synthesis of composite nanospheres without forming any coreless SiO2 spheres or shell-less ZnO particles. The photoactivity of ZnO nanoparticles was greatly reduced by SiO2-coating, which enables their applications as durable, safe, and nonreactive UV blockers in plastics, coating, and other products.


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This thesis uses textual analysis to examine how language use by global multinationals in social/environmental reports contributes to maintaining economically-based understandings of corporate responsibility. The findings suggest that such reporting does not just discharge accountability for social/environmental impacts; it also has implications for how these responsibilities are understood and accepted.


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Initial findings indicated that the curved relationships of height-cost of residential buildings in Shanghai and Hong Kong exhibit different profiles. The differences suggest that, Hong Kong contractors have more expertise in multi-story and high-rise construction than contractors in Shanghai. The dissimilarities also imply that different sets of criteria should be applied in the judgement of height affects on cost in different locations.


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A widely recognized theme of construction economics suggests that the cost of construction per square meter increases as building height rises. However, over a number of years, research conducted regarding the height and cost issue has established a classic relationship between the two factors which can be represented by a U-shaped curve. This paper describes the study of the height-cost relationship of high-rise residential buildings in Shanghai in terms of the total construction cost and elemental costs while considering the context and commonality of buildings. This research was developed as an extension of the previous work, which examined data for buildings in Hong Kong. Initial findings indicate that the curves illustrating the relationships between height and cost of residential buildings in Shanghai and Hong Kong exhibit different profiles. The dissimilarities indicate that different sets of criteria should be applied in the judgment of height that affects cost in different locations. In terms of elemental costs, the findings suggest that there are differences in the way these costs react to changes in the building height.


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Selenium-polypyrrole core-shell nanoparticles are fabricated by an in-situ polymerization process and functionalized with transferrin for targeting and imaging of human cervical cancer cells. The shell thickness and chemical composition of the as-synthesized particles can be manipulated by controlling the precursor concentration. The presence of the polymer layer can greatly increase the thermal stability of the selenium nanoparticles. The presence of transferrin molecules on the surface of the core-shell nanoparticles can significantly enhance their cellular uptake. The tranferrin-conjugated core-shell nanoparticles can be potentially used for the targeting and imaging of cancer cells.


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Getting intimate: A 3D interconnected Bi0.5Sr 0.5FeO3-ð (BSF)-Ag electrocatalyst is prepared from a BSF-AgNO3 core-shell precursor in one step. The nanometer-sized Ag enhances the sintering process, enabling an optimum cathode microstructure and good cathode-to-electrolyte attachment upon firing at 850°C. A solid-oxide fuel cell based on this cathode shows a near 100% peak power density enhancement at 550°C.


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Test procedures and their accuracy in determining critical fall height (CFH) on sporting grounds are paramount to player safety. The procedure currently adopted for synthetic turf in Australian football [1] consists of four consecutive drops at various drop heights at three test locations on the sample. The quantity and packing of the infill in third-generation turf and the pooling effect of the rubber particles with consecutive drops suggests that the current standard protocol may need re-assessment. Therefore, the purpose of this pilot study was to investigate whether current methods of testing for CFH are appropriate for third-generation synthetic turf or whether an alternative or adapted method needs to be developed. CFH was measured, using a HISUN Uniaxe-II Impact Tester, on 12 combinations of synthetic turf samples (four different products with three shock pad options). Three conditions were investigated on each sample; the existing protocol; an alternative 12 single-drop protocol and four single drops from the CFH determined from the existing protocol. A significant difference was found for both absolute and percentage difference between the existing and 12 single-drop protocol, with p = 0.001 and t = 4.33 and p < 0.001 and t = 6.03, respectively. There was also a significant difference between the CFH reached with and without a shock pad for both the existing protocol and the 12 single-drop protocol. The results of this pilot study demonstrate that differences do occur with alterations to the existing protocol and highlight the need for a more detailed characterisation of testing methods on third-generation synthetic turf and the response of surfaces to them.


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Purpose: Tear meniscus height (TMH) is an indirect measurement of tear film volume. This study investigated the temporal changes in the TMH during the blink interval in the morning (8–9 am) and at the end of the day (5–6 pm) in both soft contact lens (CL) and nonlens wearers (NLW).

Methods: Fifty participants (25 CL; 25 NLW) were evaluated for their subjective symptoms, TMH, noninvasive break up time, and bulbar hyperemia at the am and pm visits on the same day. The TMH was measured at set intervals between 2 and 15 sec during the blink interval, using an optical coherence tomographer.

Results: The NLW group revealed no changes in a variety of symptoms during the day, whereas the CL group reported an increase in dryness (P=0.03) and grittiness (P=0.02) over the day. For both groups, the TMH and calculated tear meniscus volume revealed lower values immediately after the blink and increased progressively afterwards, mainly due to reflex tearing. The am tear meniscus volume values tended to be higher than the pm values for both groups, but this was not significant (NLW P=0.13; CL P=0.82). Noninvasive break up time deteriorated during the day for both groups but was only significant for the CL group (P=0.002), whereas bulbar hyperemia revealed no statistically significant change for either group.

Conclusions: Reflex tearing may play a substantial role in the TMH differences observed over the blink interval. Standardization of the time when a TMH measurement is performed will be valuable in comparing tear film clinical studies.


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The performance of the new Kinetex-C18 column was investigated. Packed with a new brand of porous shell particles, this column has an outstanding efficiency. Once corrected for the contribution of the instrument extra column volume, the minimum values of the reduced plate heights for a number of low molecular weight compounds (e.g., anthracene and naphtho[2,3-a]pyrene) were between 1.0 and 1.3, breaking the legendary record set 3 years ago by Halo-C18 packed columns. The liquid-solid mass transfer of proteins (e.g., insulin and lyzozyme) is exceptionally fast on Kinetex-C18 much faster than on the Halo-C18 column. The different contributions of dispersion and mass transfer resistances to the column efficiency were determined and discussed. The possible reasons for this extremely high column efficiency are discussed.


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A polyelectrolyte/polymeric semiconductor core/shell structure is developed for organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) based on sulfonated poly(arylene ether ketone)/polyaniline core/shell nanofibers via electrospinning and solution-phase selective polymerization. The polyelectrolyte does not work as a gate dielectric, but can provide an internal modulation from the nanointerface of the 1D core/shell nanostructure. The transistor devices display very high mobilities.


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Au-doped polyacrylonitrile–polyaniline core–shell nanofibers are fabricated via electrospinning and subsequent gas-phase polymerization, providing a very high field-effect mobility of up to 11.6 cm2 V−1 s−1. This method is also suitable for other conducting polymers and may eventually lead to a new and simplified fabrication of high-performance polymer organic field-effect transistors.