991 resultados para Aspect orientation


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Introduction: A workplace orientation program is a core requirement of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards in Australia. This is particularly important within healthcare as patient safety and the patient experience are at risk if the healthcare workforce is not supported with an effective orientation and induction program. Aim: This study aimed to review the literature and map the requirements of the NSQHS Standards in relation to orientation and induction. Method: This study utilised online databases to search for literature pertaining to orientation and induction within healthcare. Inclusion criteria included relevance to research questions, and originating in a country with a comparative health system to Australia. Results: The search identified a total of 202 articles of potential relevance with 42 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Articles were ranked according to hierarchy of evidence criteria for both qualitative and quantitative studies. The importance of using orientation to detail safety and quality roles, the organisations' risk management system, governance structure, operational processes and procedures was highlighted. Patient-centred care, antimicrobial stewardship, clinical handover and mechanisms for escalation of care and emergency assistance should also be covered within the orientation process. Conclusion: There is a dearth of studies in relation to orientation and induction in the healthcare literature. Orientation content is now clearly prescribed, what is lacking within healthcare is a standardised framework. Concept mapping, educational theory and adult learning methods have been shown to enhance workforce problem solving and engagement with orientation, however further research is needed to enhance practice


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Objective. We have developed an image analysis methodology for quantifying the anisotropy of neuronal projections on patterned substrates. Approach. Our method is based on the fitting of smoothing splines to the digital traces produced using a non-maximum suppression technique. This enables precise estimates of the local tangents uniformly along the neurite length, and leads to unbiased orientation distributions suitable for objectively assessing the anisotropy induced by tailored surfaces. Main results. In our application, we demonstrate that carbon nanotubes arrayed in parallel bundles over gold surfaces induce a considerable neurite anisotropy; a result which is relevant for regenerative medicine. Significance. Our pipeline is generally applicable to the study of fibrous materials on 2D surfaces and should also find applications in the study of DNA, microtubules, and other polymeric materials.


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Guided by the literature on institutional theory and entrepreneurial orientation (EO), this study examines the impact of the institutional environment on EO and performance of microenterprises at the subnational, city level in an emerging economy in contrast to most studies conducted at the national level in developed markets. The results of the study show that four types of formal institutions and two types of informal institutions are significantly associated with EO and that the latter is positively associated with higher levels of microenterprise performance. Implications of the results and future research directions are discussed.


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 The thesis found that that personal homonegativity/binegativity and discrimination are important when considering risk for depression and anxiety in gay men, lesbian women, bisexual men and bisexual women. The thesis also highlights the important role intrapersonal resilience can have in partially protecting sexual minority groups against these stressors.


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AbstractPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider the potential of an organisational orientation,namely the electronic marketing orientation (EMO) to address implementation issues inbusiness-to-business (B2B) social media implementation. Previous research has demonstrateddifferences between B2B and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing.Design/methodology/approach – The paper draws on existing B2B marketing, social media andorganisational orientation literature, both academic and practitioner. This facilitates the developmentof a conceptual model and research proposition as a basis of further research into addressingcontemporary barriers to B2B social media implementation.Findings – The paper contends that each of the four components of the EMO addresses differentimplementation issues faced in implementing social media and, more specifically, the unique issuesfaced by B2B marketers.Research limitations/implications – The paper is conceptual in nature; however, it providesdirections for future empirical research.Practical implications – The differences in promotional and sales channels and messages requiredin B2B context are addressed in the research propositions. The paper highlights implementationchallenges and how a particular organisational orientation can facilitate the decision-making in dealingwith them.Originality/value – The paper provides a unique theoretical contribution by introducing the EMOconceptual model in a specific context of B2B social media marketing.


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 This thesis contains fundamental studies of the deformation mechanisms of the third generation steel at different deformation temperatures. To analyse the microstructure of the steel a unique characterisation technique was implemented for the first time. These analyses provided with vital parameters for modelling the stress-strain behaviour of the steel at different deformation temperatures.


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The transition from adolescence to young adulthood is a watershed period in development that carries risk for poor psychosocial adjustment. It also carries potential for positive transitions into the caregiving roles and responsibilities of adult life. Research to date has predominantly focused on adolescent predictors of problematic rather than positive transitions; yet predictors of the latter hold equal (if not greater) promise for informing health promoting interventions. The purpose of this study was threefold: (1) to use Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) to define patterns of psychosocial adjustment and maladjustment in young adulthood (21-years of age); (2) to examine the unique role of adolescent prosocial behaviour (e.g., volunteering and civic engagement) in promoting adjustment and reducing maladjustment in young adulthood; and, (3) to examine whether protective developmental relationships are maintained after adjustment for other covariates including socio-economic background factors and personality characteristics. Data were drawn from the Victorian cohort of the International Youth Development Study (IYDS; N = 2407), a representative sample of students in Victoria, Australia. Students were assessed in Grade 9 (Mean age = 15-years) and followed up at age 21-years. LPA identified three psychosocial adjustment classes at age 21 defined as: (1) Adjusted (24.8 %); (2) Normative (63.9 %); and, (3) Maladjusted (11.3 %). Adolescent volunteering, belief in a moral order, family opportunities for prosocial behaviour, and commitment to school were associated with enhanced adjustment and reduced maladjustment in young adulthood. Findings highlight the potential benefit of interventions designed to enhance adolescent prosocial behaviours and care orientation in promoting healthy transitions into young adult life.


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In addition to extending the empirical investigation of the relationship between transformational leadership and follower affective commitment to the Chinese hospitality industry, this study makes a theoretical contribution by investigating the influence of individually held cultural values on this relationship. Building on previous research which has examined whether collectivism moderates the transformational leadership/affective commitment relationship, this study investigates the moderating effects of two additional cultural value orientations, namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance. Hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data from 398 employees of four Chinese hotels in Zhejiang Province. In addition to finding a positive relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, data analysis revealed that followers low in power distance exhibited higher levels of affective commitment when working under a transformational leader than those high in power distance. In addition, followers high in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism exhibited greater commitment when working under a transformational leader than those low in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. These findings clearly indicate the importance of within-country cultural differences to the effectiveness of leaders in the workplace. © 2014 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Short-term international practicum experience is now a feature of many university education programs in Australia in an attempt to engage students with the growing multi-cultural aspects of Australian life. The stated purposes of such practicum experiences generally highlight intercultural learning, which is associated with the development of intercultural sensitivity, cultural identity, global citizenship and global competence. This paper tracks and documents the early and developing attitudes and dispositions of a group of pre-service teachers (PSTs) and academic staffwho were engaged with the pilot project of a pre-service placement in Malaysian secondary schools. The behaviours associated with intercultural learning are observed in association with the students' responses to changing circumstances. The paper draws attention to lessons learnt about orientation for intercultural exchanges in the development of intercultural learning and suggests ways to enhance the development of intercultural understandings and minimize cultural difference through more targeted interventions.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of market orientation on exploratory and exploitative innovation, and the moderating effects of family ownership on these relationships. Design/methodology/approach – This study utilizes multi-group path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis in LISREL on data from 228 firms in the Australian service sector. Findings – This study establishes that both customer and competitor innovation are positively related to exploitative and exploratory innovation. However, customer orientation does not lead to significantly stronger effects on exploitative innovation than on exploratory innovation, and competitor orientation does not lead to significantly stronger effects on exploratory innovation than on exploitative innovation. In addition, the study found that the relationship between customer orientation and exploratory innovation was stronger for family firms, while the relationships between competitor orientation and both exploratory and exploitative innovation were stronger for non-family firms. Research limitations/implications – The cross-sectional design is one weakness of this study. In addition, as firms in the present study came from the service sector the generalizability of the findings to other sectors of the economy need to be determined. Practical implications – These findings of this study highlight the need for managers to build a strong market orientation in order to promote innovation, and consider the effects of ownership structure on innovation strategies. Originality/value – This study is the first to measure the relative influence of customer and competitor orientation on a firm’s use of exploitative and exploratory innovation strategies.


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The present work was aimed at a detailed investigation of the orientation dependence of the microstructure characteristics in a Fe-30Ni-Nb austenitic model steel subjected to hot uniaxial compression at 1198 K (925 °C) at a strain rate of 1 s−1 to several strain levels up to 1.0. The quantification of the substructure evolution as a function of strain was performed for the stable 〈011〉 oriented grains. Other grain orientations were also investigated in detail at a strain of 0.2. The 〈110〉 oriented grains contained self-screening arrays of “microbands” (MBs) aligned with high Schmid factor {111} slip planes. The MB crystallographic alignment was largely maintained up to a strain of 1.0, which suggests that the corresponding boundaries kept continuously rearranging themselves during straining and did not follow the sample shape change. The mean MB spacing decreased and misorientation angle increased with strain towards saturation, indicating the operation of the “repolygonization” dynamic recovery mechanism. The non-〈011〉 oriented grains displayed a strong tendency to split during deformation into deformation bands having alternating orientations and being mutually rotated by large angles. The bands were separated by transition regions comprising arrays of closely spaced, extended sub-boundaries collectively accommodating large misorientations across very small distances.


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At a time when the international momentum for sexual orientation and gender identity rights is strong it is important that scholars and activists remain vigilant to ensure that the discourses framing sexuality rights do not intentionally, or inadvertently, deepen incursions on the rights of individuals of sexual and bodily diversity. This chapter offers a critical examination of selected Australian case law and legal reform for the putative progress t offers sexual minorities. Identifying the entrenched binary determinism at the heart of the law, this chapter echoes the call of queer criminology, concluding that challenging invisibility is but part of the project. Queer scholars need also remain vigilant about the law’s constitutive power, and its role in producing sexual minorities as objects of pathology, perversion and criminality.


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O presente relatório apresenta os resultados de pesquisa sobre a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero por políticas públicas promovidas por governos subnacionais no Brasil. Analisam-se não apenas programas que se dirigem especificamente à mulher, mas também iniciativas governamentais em diversas áreas e setores, procurando verificar em que medida a questão de gênero foi integrada aos programas de governo. Utilizou-se como material empírico banco de dados do Gestão Pública e Cidadania, programa de premiação e disseminação de iniciativas inovadoras de governos subnacionais, relativo ao Ciclo de 1996, o qual inclui atividades e programas governamentais nas mais diversas áreas. A análise sugere que, no caso de iniciativas dirigidas especificamente à mulher, ao lado de programas tradicionais - sobretudo os de saúde materno-infantil - tem surgido uma série de iniciativas e respondem a demandas de movimentos de mulheres relativas a temas críticos como violência doméstica, prostituição infantil, planejamento familiar, geração de trabalho e renda, sexualidade entre outros. No caso das demais políticas, há duas observações a fazer: a)em que pese a inexistência de preocupação com a temática de gênero no início dos programas, ocorre, em algumas iniciativas, a incorporação da perspectiva de gênero, ao longo da implantação da política; b) parte significativa dos programas que incorporam gênero responde a questões postas por movimentos de gênero ou por mulheres que integram a clientela dos programas, constituindo, portanto, respostas a uma agenda formulada com a participação das mulheres.


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o tema central da presente monografia é "Para a construção do espaço geográfico na criança". Na realização deste estudo , tentou-se através da análise do conceito do espaço-tempo , da aplicação da epistemologia genética e da pesquisa realizada sobre um espaço concreto-real, aclarar o processo de construção dos conceitos ao nível da ciência e do desenvolvimento da criança, para chegar a uma concepção de espaço, objeto de estudo à Geografia. Essa concepção de espaço, em que ressalta o "aspecto construtivo" do conhecimento poderá ser utilizada nas escolas, possibilitarão ao aluno atuar como sujeito deste processo. A pesquisa quarta séries do 19 foi realizada com alunos de terceira e Grau (quarenta alunos) entre a faixa etária de nove a quatorze anos de idade , de quatro escolas, três escolas públicas municipais e uma escola particular de orientação montessoriana , situadas nos bairros de Ipanema e Copacabana , do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março a dezembro de 1980 . Para análise dos "aspectos figurativos e operatório" relacionados à construção do espaço pelo criança foram construídos instrumentos ligados às atividades escolares e experimentos de J. Piaget adotados para o espaço m::-bano escolhido. Para interpretação dos dados coletados foram empregados estudos e pesquisas realizadas por Jean Piaget. e seus colaboradores, bem como as seguintes contribuições~ de Luquet Piaget sobre o espaço gráfico; de Kelvin Lynch sobre a imagem urbana, e a de Gilberto velho para a comparação dos aspectos ideológicos na representação do bairro de Copacabana.