965 resultados para Adaptative projection


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Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre a representação do discurso ficcional embasado na gramática sistêmico - funcional proposta por Halliday e na Lingüística de Corpus, utilizando-se o software WordSmith Tools. A análise focaliza a metafunção ideacional, realizada pelo sistema de transitividade, focalizando os processos mentais e a relação lógico - semântica da projeção. O objetivo da pesquisa foi observar como os pensamentos das personagens de um corpus ficcional são representados através dos verbos de elocução THINK e PENSAR, buscando descrever padrões textuais nos três romances que compõem o corpus.


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O presente trabalho de projeto tem como tema Comunicação e Relações Públicas na internacionalização da banda Cambatango. Os Cambatango são uma orquestra típica de tango argentino que deseja consolidar a sua presença no mercado musical europeu. Assim, a pergunta de partida desta investigação é: como é que uma banda musical de origem argentina consegue promover o seu trabalho em território ibérico? O objetivo principal da investigação é associar as atividades de Relações Públicas à indústria da música. Para este fim, foi escolhido um objeto de estudo real, a orquestra Cambatango e proposto um Plano de Relações Públicas que ajude a: fortalecer a gestão e a imagem do grupo; fomentar a visibilidade da banda na indústria musical internacional; conquistar novos públicos e dinamizar a relação com os stakeholders de forma a impulsionar a presença do grupo em território ibérico. Esta investigação tem uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, nesse sentido, os métodos de pesquisa utilizados foram: análise SWOT; análise PEST; mapeamento de stakeholders; entrevistas (e respetiva análise categorial temática); pesquisa documental; auditoria em comunicação e pesquisa informal. As principais conclusões foram: existe uma vertente de Relações Públicas para a música, mas que ainda não é muito explorada pelos artistas independentes; um plano de Relações Públicas elaborado com base nas necessidades e objetivos dos artistas pode ajudar a projetar a sua carreira internacional; a indústria da música tem vindo a mudar face às novas tecnologias e os artistas precisam de acompanhar estas tendências; a comunicação é fundamental para estabelecer o diálogo com os diferentes públicos e ganhar maior projeção e visibilidade internacional.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização. Os orientadores: Prof. Doutor José de Freitas Santos Profª. Doutora Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro


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RESUMO - A migração transnacional de pessoas tem-se afirmado como um fenómeno global e crescente, provocando, nos diversos contextos nacionais implicados, mudança social e desafios adaptativos das sociedades e instituições. O universo da saúde poderá contudo constituir uma esfera privilegiada de interacção senão de inclusão e coesão social, requestionando os conceitos de cidadania. A sustentação de bons indicadores de saúde, nomeadamente materna e infantil, decorre de estratégias abrangentes de saúde pública e de políticas visionárias que contemplem sempre e também os mais necessitados. Procurando conhecer melhor os contextos em que ocorre o nascimento de recém-nascidos de muito baixo peso, este projecto corresponde a um estudo exploratório na maior maternidade do país, procurando entender a eventual associação de factores de índole social e familiar, nomeadamente ser de origem migrante. --------------------------- ABSTRACT - Transnational migration of people has clearly become a global and growing issue causing, on different national grounds, social change and adaptative challenges to society and its institutions. The health universe may, however, be a privileged scenery for integration and social cohesion making one re-think the concept of citizenship. Keeping up good health statistics, including maternal and child health results from wide public health strategies and fore seeking health policies not disregarding the underprivileged or the less visible fringes of society. Aiming to clarify on what context very low birth weight happens this project consists mainly in an explorative study on the biggest maternity in Portugal. Social and familiar factors are screened for possible association with migrant origin in ver


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A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial da Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão, de Vila do Conde. O projeto desenvolvido tem como tema principal a Otimização de processos de Logística in-house baseado num projeto, em contexto empresarial da empresa cliente, Continental Mabor S.A., da Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A. Este projeto tem como objetivo a “aglomeração” de dois armazéns do cliente, devido à necessidade de ocupação do armazém de produto acabado interno, para aumento da área de produção. Inicialmente foi feita uma revisão de literatura sobre os temas mais relevantes de suporte para o projeto, nomeadamente na otimização e melhoria contínua. Seguidamente é apresentado o Grupo Rangel, bem como a Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A., onde se enquadra o projeto e para se perceber o enquadramento e objetivo. A metodologia usada, caso de estudo, permitiu a aplicação de conceitos e ferramentas usados na literatura neste contexto, como ferramentas de otimização e melhoria continua como as melhores práticas de Kaizen-Lean. Na fase de diagnóstico do atual sistema, foi realizado um mapeamento de fluxo de processos e uma descrição detalhada do layout dos dois armazéns: Armazém de Produto Acabado (APA) e Armazém de Produto Acabado Externo (APAE), bem como todos os recursos, quer técnicos quer humanos necessários. Verificamos ao longo deste projeto várias limitações, inclusive limitações impostas pelo cliente, tal como não aprovar um estudo para um novo layout do armazém. Foi aprovado apenas a replicação do já existente. Com isto, depararam-se constrangimentos na gestão deste projeto. Os custos aumentaram significativamente, embora estes não sejam apresentados por questões de confidencialidade, principalmente com a necessidade de aquisição de novos equipamentos retráteis, e mais baterias para os mesmos, devido às grandes distâncias que irão ser percorridas. Finalmente foi projetado o sistema futuro, de acordo com as necessidades reais do cliente tendo em consideração a otimização de recursos e uma gestão magra (Lean Management). Foi desenvolvida a implementação da metodologia “Kaizen diário”, a dar início em 2016 juntamente com o novo projeto APAE. Com esta projeção foram identificados problemas e implicações no projeto, bem como possíveis melhorias.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica, Especialidade em Engenharia Bioquímica


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RESUMO: A estrutura demográfica portuguesa é marcada por baixas taxas de natalidade e mortalidade, onde a população idosa representa uma fatia cada vez mais representativa, fruto de uma maior longevidade. A incidência do cancro, na sua generalidade, é maior precisamente nessa classe etária. A par de outras doenças igualmente lesivas (e.g. cardiovasculares, degenerativas) cuja incidência aumenta com a idade, o cancro merece relevo. Estudos epidemiológicos apresentam o cancro como líder mundial na mortalidade. Em países desenvolvidos, o seu peso representa 25% do número total de óbitos, percentagem essa que mais que duplica noutros países. A obesidade, a baixa ingestão de frutas e vegetais, o sedentarismo, o consumo de tabaco e a ingestão de álcool, configuram-se como cinco dos fatores de risco presentes em 30% das mortes diagnosticadas por cancro. A nível mundial e, em particular no Sul de Portugal, os cancros do estômago, recto e cólon apresentam elevadas taxas de incidência e de mortalidade. Do ponto de vista estritamente económico, o cancro é a doença que mais recursos consome enquanto que do ponto de vista físico e psicológico é uma doença que não limita o seu raio de ação ao doente. O cancro é, portanto, uma doença sempre atual e cada vez mais presente, pois reflete os hábitos e o ambiente de uma sociedade, não obstante as características intrínsecas a cada indivíduo. A adoção de metodologia estatística aplicada à modelação de dados oncológicos é, sobretudo, valiosa e pertinente quando a informação é oriunda de Registos de Cancro de Base Populacional (RCBP). A pertinência é justificada pelo fato destes registos permitirem aferir numa população específica, o risco desta sofrer e/ou vir a sofrer de uma dada neoplasia. O peso que as neoplasias do estômago, cólon e recto assumem foi um dos elementos que motivou o presente estudo que tem por objetivo analisar tendências, projeções, sobrevivências relativas e a distribuição espacial destas neoplasias. Foram considerados neste estudo todos os casos diagnosticados no período 1998-2006, pelo RCBP da região sul de Portugal (ROR-Sul). O estudo descritivo inicial das taxas de incidência e da tendência em cada uma das referidas neoplasias teve como base uma única variável temporal - o ano de diagnóstico - também designada por período. Todavia, uma metodologia que contemple apenas uma única variável temporal é limitativa. No cancro, para além do período, a idade à data do diagnóstico e a coorte de nascimento, são variáveis temporais que poderão prestar um contributo adicional na caracterização das taxas de incidência. A relevância assumida por estas variáveis temporais justificou a sua inclusão numaclasse de modelos designada por modelos Idade-Período-Coorte (Age-Period-Cohort models - APC), utilizada na modelação das taxas de incidência para as neoplasias em estudo. Os referidos modelos permitem ultrapassar o problema de relações não lineares e/ou de mudanças súbitas na tendência linear das taxas. Nos modelos APC foram consideradas a abordagem clássica e a abordagem com recurso a funções suavizadoras. A modelação das taxas foi estratificada por sexo. Foram ainda estudados os respectivos submodelos (apenas com uma ou duas variáveis temporais). Conhecido o comportamento das taxas de incidência, uma questão subsequente prende-se com a sua projeção em períodos futuros. Porém, o efeito de mudanças estruturais na população, ao qual Portugal não é alheio, altera substancialmente o número esperado de casos futuros com cancro. Estimativas da incidência de cancro a nível mundial obtidas a partir de projeções demográficas apontam para um aumento de 25% dos casos de cancro nas próximas duas décadas. Embora a projeção da incidência esteja associada a alguma incerteza, as projeções auxiliam no planeamento de políticas de saúde para a afetação de recursos e permitem a avaliação de cenários e de intervenções que tenham como objetivo a redução do impacto do cancro. O desconhecimento de projeções da taxa de incidência destas neoplasias na área abrangida pelo ROR-Sul, levou à utilização de modelos de projeção que diferem entre si quanto à sua estrutura, linearidade (ou não) dos seus coeficientes e comportamento das taxas na série histórica de dados (e.g. crescente, decrescente ou estável). Os referidos modelos pautaram-se por duas abordagens: (i)modelos lineares no que concerne ao tempo e (ii) extrapolação de efeitos temporais identificados pelos modelos APC para períodos futuros. Foi feita a projeção das taxas de incidência para os anos de 2007 a 2010 tendo em conta o género, idade e neoplasia. É ainda apresentada uma estimativa do impacto económico destas neoplasias no período de projeção. Uma questão pertinente e habitual no contexto clínico e a que o presente estudo pretende dar resposta, reside em saber qual a contribuição da neoplasia em si para a sobrevivência do doente. Nesse sentido, a mortalidade por causa específica é habitualmente utilizada para estimar a mortalidade atribuível apenas ao cancro em estudo. Porém, existem muitas situações em que a causa de morte é desconhecida e, mesmo que esta informação esteja disponível através dos certificados de óbito, não é fácil distinguir os casos em que a principal causa de morte é devida ao cancro. A sobrevivência relativa surge como uma medida objetiva que não necessita do conhecimento da causa específica da morte para o seu cálculo e dar-nos-á uma estimativa da probabilidade de sobrevivência caso o cancro em análise, num cenário hipotético, seja a única causa de morte. Desconhecida a principal causa de morte nos casos diagnosticados com cancro no registo ROR-Sul, foi determinada a sobrevivência relativa para cada uma das neoplasias em estudo, para um período de follow-up de 5 anos, tendo em conta o sexo, a idade e cada uma das regiões que constituem o registo. Foi adotada uma análise por período e as abordagens convencional e por modelos. No epílogo deste estudo, é analisada a influência da variabilidade espaço-temporal nas taxas de incidência. O longo período de latência das doenças oncológicas, a dificuldade em identificar mudanças súbitas no comportamento das taxas, populações com dimensão e riscos reduzidos, são alguns dos elementos que dificultam a análise da variação temporal das taxas. Nalguns casos, estas variações podem ser reflexo de flutuações aleatórias. O efeito da componente temporal aferida pelos modelos APC dá-nos um retrato incompleto da incidência do cancro. A etiologia desta doença, quando conhecida, está associada com alguma frequência a fatores de risco tais como condições socioeconómicas, hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida, atividade profissional, localização geográfica e componente genética. O “contributo”, dos fatores de risco é, por vezes, determinante e não deve ser ignorado. Surge, assim, a necessidade em complementar o estudo temporal das taxas com uma abordagem de cariz espacial. Assim, procurar-se-á aferir se as variações nas taxas de incidência observadas entre os concelhos inseridos na área do registo ROR-Sul poderiam ser explicadas quer pela variabilidade temporal e geográfica quer por fatores socioeconómicos ou, ainda, pelos desiguais estilos de vida. Foram utilizados os Modelos Bayesianos Hierárquicos Espaço-Temporais com o objetivo de identificar tendências espaço-temporais nas taxas de incidência bem como quantificar alguns fatores de risco ajustados à influência simultânea da região e do tempo. Os resultados obtidos pela implementação de todas estas metodologias considera-se ser uma mais valia para o conhecimento destas neoplasias em Portugal.------------ABSTRACT: mortality rates, with the elderly being an increasingly representative sector of the population, mainly due to greater longevity. The incidence of cancer, in general, is greater precisely in that age group. Alongside with other equally damaging diseases (e.g. cardiovascular,degenerative), whose incidence rates increases with age, cancer is of special note. In epidemiological studies, cancer is the global leader in mortality. In developed countries its weight represents 25% of the total number of deaths, with this percentage being doubled in other countries. Obesity, a reduce consumption of fruit and vegetables, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol consumption, are the five risk factors present in 30% of deaths due to cancer. Globally, and in particular in the South of Portugal, the stomach, rectum and colon cancer have high incidence and mortality rates. From a strictly economic perspective, cancer is the disease that consumes more resources, while from a physical and psychological point of view, it is a disease that is not limited to the patient. Cancer is therefore na up to date disease and one of increased importance, since it reflects the habits and the environment of a society, regardless the intrinsic characteristics of each individual. The adoption of statistical methodology applied to cancer data modelling is especially valuable and relevant when the information comes from population-based cancer registries (PBCR). In such cases, these registries allow for the assessment of the risk and the suffering associated to a given neoplasm in a specific population. The weight that stomach, colon and rectum cancers assume in Portugal was one of the motivations of the present study, that focus on analyzing trends, projections, relative survival and spatial distribution of these neoplasms. The data considered in this study, are all cases diagnosed between 1998 and 2006, by the PBCR of Portugal, ROR-Sul.Only year of diagnosis, also called period, was the only time variable considered in the initial descriptive analysis of the incidence rates and trends for each of the three neoplasms considered. However, a methodology that only considers one single time variable will probably fall short on the conclusions that could be drawn from the data under study. In cancer, apart from the variable period, the age at diagnosis and the birth cohort are also temporal variables and may provide an additional contribution to the characterization of the incidence. The relevance assumed by these temporal variables justified its inclusion in a class of models called Age-Period-Cohort models (APC). This class of models was used for the analysis of the incidence rates of the three cancers under study. APC models allow to model nonlinearity and/or sudden changes in linear relationships of rate trends. Two approaches of APC models were considered: the classical and the one using smoothing functions. The models were stratified by gender and, when justified, further studies explored other sub-models where only one or two temporal variables were considered. After the analysis of the incidence rates, a subsequent goal is related to their projections in future periods. Although the effect of structural changes in the population, of which Portugal is not oblivious, may substantially change the expected number of future cancer cases, the results of these projections could help planning health policies with the proper allocation of resources, allowing for the evaluation of scenarios and interventions that aim to reduce the impact of cancer in a population. Worth noting that cancer incidence worldwide obtained from demographic projections point out to an increase of 25% of cancer cases in the next two decades. The lack of projections of incidence rates of the three cancers under study in the area covered by ROR-Sul, led us to use a variety of forecasting models that differ in the nature and structure. For example, linearity or nonlinearity in their coefficients and the trend of the incidence rates in historical data series (e.g. increasing, decreasing or stable).The models followed two approaches: (i) linear models regarding time and (ii) extrapolation of temporal effects identified by the APC models for future periods. The study provide incidence rates projections and the numbers of newly diagnosed cases for the year, 2007 to 2010, taking into account gender, age and the type of cancer. In addition, an estimate of the economic impact of these neoplasms is presented for the projection period considered. This research also try to address a relevant and common clinical question in these type of studies, regarding the contribution of the type of cancer to the patient survival. In such studies, the primary cause of death is commonly used to estimate the mortality specifically due to the cancer. However, there are many situations in which the cause of death is unknown, or, even if this information is available through the death certificates, it is not easy to distinguish the cases where the primary cause of death is the cancer. With this in mind, the relative survival is an alternative measure that does not need the knowledge of the specific cause of death to be calculated. This estimate will represent the survival probability in the hypothetical scenario of a certain cancer be the only cause of death. For the patients with unknown cause of death that were diagnosed with cancer in the ROR-Sul, the relative survival was calculated for each of the cancers under study, for a follow-up period of 5 years, considering gender, age and each one of the regions that are part the registry. A period analysis was undertaken, considering both the conventional and the model approaches. In final part of this study, we analyzed the influence of space-time variability in the incidence rates. The long latency period of oncologic diseases, the difficulty in identifying subtle changes in the rates behavior, populations of reduced size and low risk are some of the elements that can be a challenge in the analysis of temporal variations in rates, that, in some cases, can reflect simple random fluctuations. The effect of the temporal component measured by the APC models gives an incomplete picture of the cancer incidence. The etiology of this disease, when known, is frequently associated to risk factors such as socioeconomic conditions, eating habits and lifestyle, occupation, geographic location and genetic component. The "contribution"of such risk factors is sometimes decisive in the evolution of the disease and should not be ignored. Therefore, there was the need to consider an additional approach in this study, one of spatial nature, addressing the fact that changes in incidence rates observed in the ROR-Sul area, could be explained either by temporal and geographical variability or by unequal socio-economic or lifestyle factors. Thus, Bayesian hierarchical space-time models were used with the purpose of identifying space-time trends in incidence rates together with the the analysis of the effect of the risk factors considered in the study. The results obtained and the implementation of all these methodologies are considered to be an added value to the knowledge of these neoplasms in Portugal.


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The purpose of this project is to understand the outcomes of the implementation of 4 star city hotel from the Vila Galé brand in Maputo, Mozambique, and the conditions under which such project would be financially worthy. Both the tourism market in Mozambique and the Vila Galé Hotels company were studied, aligned with a projection of the operational results. The conclusions allow to infer that this is a project aligned with the overall company strategy and that the sector’s growth prospects in Mozambique would allow to achieve positive results that encourage Vila Galé to invest.


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In this thesis we propose to examine the first half of the Phaedrus (sc. until the end of the palinode) in light of the opposition between the notions of μανία and φρονεῖν, as they are explicitly and implicitly presented in the erotic speeches. These are read in dialogue with what we have designated as the “implicit speech” or “speeches”, i.e., the plurality of conceptions regarding ἔρως, μανία and φρονεῖν that were part of Ancient Greek culture. Our reading of the two speeches against ἔρως, Lysias’ and Socrates’ first speech, engages with this cultural background, and extracts a conception of μανία and φρονεῖν with which the palinode will primarily confront. Our reading of the palinode divides it into two sections: the first, the presentation of the first three kinds of beneficial μανία; the second, the mythical narrative that deals with erotic μανία. We emphasise the existence of a wide gulf between these two moments in terms of their ontological, theological and anthropological conceptions. The second section of the palinode is revolutionary not only in contrast with the “implicit speech” and the speeches against ἔρως, but also in contrast with the very beginning of the palinode – which preserves many of the conceptions and assumptions found in the previous speeches and in the cultural tradition. It is in order to explain the foundation, meaning and significance of this gulf that we explore and discuss the notion of ὑπόθεσις and its role as an implicit operator in the Phaedrus. From our reading of the second part of the palinode, it is clear how the introduction of the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος brings about a radical revision of the perspectives on the nature of reality and on human nature and condition that were implicit in the previous speeches and in the first part of the palinode. We show that the ὑπερουράνιος τόπος corresponds to the projection of a multiplicity of cognitive and desiderative requirements that our normal perspective demands, but cannot possibly satisfy. In other words, our perspective is shown to be living beyond its means, yearning for something that by far exceeds what it can get in its de facto condition: the superlative. This results in a major revision of the understanding of φρονεῖν and μανία – a revision that challenges the traditional understanding of these two notions as binary opposites, thereby revealing a much more complex landscape.


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This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal


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The global dynamics of alliances are strongly determined by the level of cooperation among states. This cooperation can be embodied in various aspects, but the level of defense and security cooperation becomes usually more doctrinal and lasting. By the nature of sovereignty that instills in the bilateral relationship, cooperation at defense and security level can leverages other forms of cooperation. The circumstances and relational balance between Brazil and Portugal seem to evolve towards distancing opportunities, despite they are culturally and institutionally untainted. The economic dynamics, the strategic projection in global sustainability terms, the scale and ambition of Brazilian regional leadership, contrasts with the actual context of Portugal, distancing himself both on the stage where they operate. On the other hand, the historical and cultural roots, the language, the affinity of the peoples of CPLP and some opportunities for economic niches, trend to attract both countries. The condition of Portugal in NATO and Europe, coupled with the ability to export technical and human resources to value-added for Brazil, seems also to become approaching factors. On the balance of these dynamics, there is a set of exogenous factors (economic, external global relations matrix, regional stability, among others), which are not always controlled by any of both countries. These factors call for strong capacity for foresight analysis and decision making, with the inherent risk. There is cooperation vectors that are not apparently penalized by geographic distance, or by the difference of realities. Among these vectors we shall highlight synergies in technological niches, highly tradable goods and, mostly, using the domain of dual technologies. The thirteen niches herein identified are: Monitoring, Navigation, Command and Control, Electronics, Optoelectronics, Communication and remote sensing, Information Technologies, Flight Simulation, Specialized Training, Fiber Optic Sensors, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology and Communications. Cumulating with identified opportunities in traditional relational framework, both countries are growing (in geography and economic terms) into the Atlantic, making it a central element in the bilateral approach. By being at the same time a growing stage of disputes and which stability tends to be threatened, it will be done an analysis of these synergistic vectors, superimposed on the impact on Atlantic securitization process.


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Résumé L'accident vasculaire cérébral sensoriel pur est un des syndromes lacunaires, dû à l'occlusion de petits vaisseaux cérébraux, souvent dans le cadre d'une lésion intéressant le noyau ventro-caudal du thalamus. Il produit un hémisyndrome sensitif pur, et parfois un syndrome douloureux se développe à distance de l'événement aigu. Afin d'étudier la récupération fonctionnelle dans le cortex somatosensoriel (SI) après une telle lésion dans le thalamus, un modèle de lésion excitotoxique a été développé dans le système somatosensoriel de la souris adulte, caractérisé par la présence de formations cytoarchitectoniques dans SI appelées "tonneaux". Chacun de ces tonneaux correspond à la représentation corticale d'une vibrisse du museau. L'activité métabolique a été mesurée dans SI à différents intervalles après la lésion, à l'aide de déoxyglucose marqué radioactivement. Dans les deux premiers jours suivant celle-ci, l'activité métabolique diminue de manière importante dans toutes les couches corticales, avec une atteinte plus marquée dans la couche IV, principale projection des axones thalamo-corticaux. Une récupération de l'activité métabolique se produit ensuite, d'autant plus marquée que le délai après la lésion est grand. Cette récupération s'observe dans toutes les couches coticales, les couches I et Vb récupérant plus rapidement que les couches II, III, IV, Va et VI. Cinq semaines après la lésion, l'absence des vibrisses correspondant à la partie déafférentée de SI diminue l'activité métabolique corticale de 32% et démontre l'activation par la périphérie de cette partie de l'écorce, malgré la perte des axones thalamo-corticaux provenant du noyau ventro-caudal. Des expériences de traçage rétrograde ont montré une augmentation des projections intracorticales sur la partie déafférentée de l'écorce, en particulier de longue distance, ainsi que des projections interhémisphériques, mais n'ont pas permis de mettre en évidence de nouvelle projection thalamique, indiquant une origine corticale à la récupération fonctionnelle observée. Abstract To study the degree and time course of the functional recovery in the somatosensory cortex (SI) after an excitotoxic lesion in the adult mouse thalamus, metabolic activity was determined in SI at various times points post lesion. Immediately after the lesion, metabolic activity in the thalamically deafferented part of SI was at its lowest value but increased progressively at subsequent time points. This was seen in all cortical layers, however, layers I and Vb recover more rapidly than layers II, III, IV, Va and VI. Removal of the mystacial whiskers corresponding to the deafferented area, 5 weeks after cortical recovery, produced a subsequent 32% drop in metabolic activity, demonstrating peripheral sensory activation of this part of the cortex. Tracing experiments revealed that the deafferented cortex did not receive a novel thalamic input, but cortico-cortical and contralateral barrel cortex projections to this area were reinforced. We conclude that the cortical functional recovery after a thalamic lesion is, at least partially, due to modified cortico-cortical and callosal projections to the deafferented cortical area.


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Abstract : Invariant natural killer T lymphocytes (iNKT) are a unique subpopulation of T lymphocytes recognizing glycolipid antigens in the context of the MHC class I-like molecule CD1d. Upon activation with the high affinity ligand α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), iNKT cells rapidly produce large amounts of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and potently activate cells of the innate and adaptive immune response, such as dendritic cells (DCs), NK and T cells. In this context, iNKT cells have been shown to efficiently mediate antitumor activity, and recent research has focused on the manipulation of these cells for antitumor therapies. However, a major drawback of αGalCer as a free drug is that a single injection of this ligand leads to a short-lived iNKT cell activation followed by a long-term anergy, limiting its therapeutic use. In contrast, we demonstrate here that when αGalCer is loaded on a recombinant soluble CD1d molecule (αGalCer/sCD1d), repeated injections lead to a sustained iNKT and NK cell activation associated with IFN-γ secretion as well as with DC maturation. Most importantly, when the αGalCer/sCD1d is fused to an anti-HER2 scFv antibody fragment, potent inhibition of experimental lung metastasis and established subcutaneous tumors is obtained when systemic treatment is started two to seven days after the injection of HER2-expressing B16 melanoma cells, whereas at this time free αGalCer has no effect. The antitumor activity of the sCD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein is associated with HER2-specific tumor localization and accumulation of iNKT, NK and T cells at the tumor site. Importantly, active T cell immunization combined with the sCD1d-anti-HER2 treatment leads to the accumulation of antigen-specific CD8 T cells exclusively in HER2-expressing tumors, resulting in potent tumor inhibition. In conclusion, sustained activation and tumor targeting of iNKT cells by recombinant αGalCer/sCD1d molecules thus may promote a combined innate and adaptive immune response at the tumor site that may prove to be effective in cancer immunotherapy. RESUME : Les lymphocytes «invariant Natural Killer T » (iNKT) forment une sous-population particulière de lymphocytes T reconnaissant des antigènes glycolipidiques présentés sur la molécule non-polymorphique CD1d, analogue aux protéines du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I. Après activation avec le ligand de haute affinité α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), les cellules iNKT produisent des grandes quantités de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire interferon gamma (IFN-γ) et activent les cellules du système immunitaire inné et acquis, telles que les cellules dendritiques (DC), NK et T. En conséquence, on a montré que les cellules iNKT exercent des activités anti-tumorales et la recherche s'est intéressée à la manipulation de ces cellules pour développer des thérapies anti-tumorales. Néanmoins, le désavantage majeur de l'αGalCer, injecté seul, est qu'une seule dose de ce ligand aboutit à une activation des cellules iNKT de courte durée suivie par un état anergique prolongé, limitant l'utilisation thérapeutique de ce glycolipide. En revanche, l'étude présentée ici démontre que, si l'αGalCer est chargé sur des molécules récombinantes soluble CD1d (αGalCer/sCDld), des injections répétées aboutissent à une activation prolongée des cellules iNKT et NK associée avec la sécrétion d'IFN-γ et la maturation des cellules DC. Plus important, si on fusionne la molécule αGalCer/sCD1d avec un fragment single-chain (scFv) de l'anticorps anti-HER2, on observe une importante inhibition de métastases expérimentales aux poumons et de tumeurs sous-cutanées même lorsque le traitement systémique est commencé 2 à 7 jours après la greffe des cellules de mélanome B16 transfectées avec l'antigène HER2. Dans les mêmes conditions le traitement avec l'αGalCer seul est inefficace. L'activité anti-tumorale de la protéine sCDld-anti-HER2 est associée à son accumulation spécifique dans des tumeurs exprimant le HER2 ainsi qu'avec une accumulation des cellules iNKT, NK et T à la tumeur. De plus, une immunisation active combinée avec le traitement sCD1d-anti-HER2 aboutit à une accumulation des lymphocytes T CD8 spécifiques de l'antigène d'immunisation, ceci exclusivement dans des tumeurs qui expriment l'antigène HER2. Cette combinaison résulte dans une activité anti-tumeur accrue. En conclusion, l'activation prolongée des cellules iNKT redirigées à la tumeur par des molécules recombinantes αGalCer/sCDld conduit à l'activation de la réponse innée et adaptative au site tumoral, offrant une nouvelle stratégie prometteuse d'immunothérapie contre le cancer. RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC : Le cancer est une cause majeure de décès dans le monde. Sur un total de 58 millions de décès enregistrés au niveau mondial en 2005, 7,6 millions (soit 13%) étaient dus au cancer. Les principaux traitements de nombreux cancers sont la chirurgie, en association avec la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. Néanmoins, ces traitements nuisent aussi aux cellules normales de notre corps et parfois, ils ne suffisent pas pour éliminer définitivement une tumeur. L'immunothérapie est l'une des nouvelles approches pour la lutte contre le cancer et elle vise à exploiter la spécificité du système immunitaire qui peut distinguer des cellules normales et tumorales. Une cellule exprimant un marqueur tumoral (antigène) peut être reconnue par le système immunitaire humoral (anticorps) et/ou cellulaire, induisant une réponse spécifique contre la tumeur. L'immunothérapie peut s'appuyer alors sur la perfusion d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, par exemple les anticorps dirigés contre les protéines oncogéniques Her-2/neu dans le cancer du sein. Ces anticorps ont le grand avantage de spécifiquement se localiser à la tumeur et d'induire la lyse ou d'inhiber la prolifération des cellules tumorales exprimant l'antigène. Aujourd'hui, six anticorps monoclonaux non-conjugés sont approuvés en clinique. Cependant l'efficacité de ces anticorps contre des tumeurs solides reste limitée et les traitements sont souvent combinés avec de la chimiothérapie. L'immunothérapie spécifique peut également être cellulaire et exploiter par immunisation active le développement de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques (CTL) capables de détruire spécifiquement les cellules malignes. De telles «vaccinations »sont actuellement testées en clinique, mais jusqu'à présent elles n'ont pas abouti aux résultats satisfaisants. Pour obtenir une réponse lymphocytaire T cytotoxique antitumorale, la cellule T doit reconnaître un antigène associé à la tumeur, présenté sous forme de peptide dans un complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité de classe I (CHM I). Cependant les cellules tumorales sont peu efficace dans la présentation d'antigène, car souvent elles se caractérisent par une diminution ou une absence d'expression des molécules d'histocompatibilité de classe I, et expriment peu ou pas de molécules d'adhésion et de cytokines costimulatrices. C'est en partie pourquoi, malgré l'induction de fortes réponses CTL spécifiquement dirigés contre des antigènes tumoraux, les régressions tumorales obtenus grâce à ces vaccinations sont relativement rares. Les lymphocytes «invariant Natural Killer T » (iNKT) forment une sous-population particulière de lymphocytes T reconnaissant des antigènes glycolipidiques présentés sur la molécule non-polymorphique CD1d, analogue aux protéines CMH I. Après activation avec le ligand de haute affinité α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), les cellules iNKT produisent des grandes quantités de la cytokine pro-inflammatoire interferon gamma (IFN-γ) et activent les cellules du système immunitaire inné et acquis, telles que les cellules dendritiques (DC), NK et T. En conséquence, on a montré que les cellules iNKT exercent des activités anti-tumorales et la recherche s'est intéressée à la manipulation de ces cellules pour développer des thérapies anti-tumorales. Néanmoins, le désavantage majeur de l'αGalCer, injecté seul, est qu'une seule dose de ce ligand aboutit à une activation des cellules iNKT de courte durée suivie par un état anergique prolongé, limitant l'utilisation thérapeutique de ce glycolipide. Notre groupe de recherche a donc eu l'idée de développer une nouvelle approche thérapeutique où la réponse immunitaire des cellules iNKT serait prolongée et redirigée vers la tumeur par des anticorps monoclonaux. Concrètement, nous avons produit des molécules récombinantes soluble CD1d (sCD1d) qui, si elles sont chargés avec l'αGalCer (αGalCer/sCDld), aboutissent à une activation prolongée des cellules iNKT et NK associée avec la sécrétion d'IFN-γ et la maturation des cellules DC. Plus important, si la molécule αGalCer/sCD1d est fusionnée avec un fragment single-chain (scFv) de l'anticorps anti-HER2, la réponse immunitaire est redirigée à la tumeur pour autant que les cellules cancéreuses expriment l'antigène HER2. Les molécules αGalCer/sCDld ainsi présentées activent les lymphocytes iNKT. Avec cette stratégie, on observe une importante inhibition de métastases expérimentales aux poumons et de tumeurs sous-cutanées, même lorsque le traitement systémique est commencé 2 à 7 jours après la greffe des cellules de mélanome B16 transfectées avec l'antigène HER2. Dans les mêmes conditions le traitement avec l'αGalCer seul est inefficace. L'activité anti-tumorale de la protéine sCDld-anti-HER2 est associée à son accumulation spécifique dans des tumeurs exprimant le HER2 ainsi qu'avec une accumulation des cellules iNKT, NK et T à la tumeur. En conclusion, l'activation prolongée des cellules iNKT redirigées à la tumeur par des molécules récombinantes αGalCer/sCD1d conduit à l'activation de la réponse innée et adaptative au site tumoral, offrant une nouvelle stratégie prometteuse d'immunothérapie contre le cancer.


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Les thérapies du cancer, comme la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie, sont couramment utilisées mais ont de nombreux effets secondaires. Ces thérapies invasives pour le patient nécessitent d'être améliorées et de nombreuses avancées ont été faites afin d'adapter et de personnaliser le traitement du cancer. L'immunothérapie a pour but de renforcer le système immunitaire du patient et de le rediriger de manière spécifique contre la tumeur. Dans notre projet, nous activons les lymphocytes Invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) afin de mettre en place une immunothérapie innovatrice contre le cancer. Les cellules iNKT sont une unique sous-population de lymphocytes T qui ont la particularité de réunir les propriétés de l'immunité innée ainsi qu'adaptative. En effet, les cellules iNKT expriment à leur surface des molécules présentes aussi sur les cellules tueuses NK, caractéristique de l'immunité innée, ainsi qu'un récepteur de cellules T (TCR) qui représente l'immunité adaptative. Les cellules iNKT reconnaissent avec leur TCR des antigènes présentés par la molécule CD1d. Les antigènes sont des protéines, des polysaccharides ou des lipides reconnus par les cellules du système immunitaire ou les anticorps pour engendrer une réponse immunitaire. Dans le cas des cellules iNKT, l'alpha-galactosylceramide (αGC) est un antigène lipidique fréquemment utilisé dans les études cliniques comme puissant activateur. Après l'activation des cellules iNKT avec l'αGC, celles-ci produisent abondamment et rapidement des cytokines. Ces cytokines sont des molécules agissant comme des signaux activateurs d'autres cellules du système immunitaire telles que les cellules NK et les lymphocytes T. Cependant, les cellules iNKT deviennent anergiques après un seul traitement avec l'αGC c'est à dire qu'elles ne peuvent plus être réactivées, ce qui limite leur utilisation dans l'immunothérapie du cancer. Dans notre groupe, Stirnemann et al ont publié une molécule recombinante innovante, composée de la molécule CD1d soluble et chargée avec le ligand αGC (αGC/sCD1d). Cette protéine est capable d'activer les cellules iNKT tout en évitant l'anergie. Dans le système immunitaire, les anticorps sont indispensables pour combattre une infection bactérienne ou virale. En effet, les anticorps ont la capacité de reconnaître et lier spécifiquement un antigène et permettent l'élimination de la cellule qui exprime cet antigène. Dans le domaine de l'immunothérapie, les anticorps sont utilisés afin de cibler des antigènes présentés seulement par la tumeur. Ce procédé permet de réduire efficacement les effets secondaires lors du traitement du cancer. Nous avons donc fusionné la protéine recombinante αGC/CD1d à un fragment d'anticorps qui reconnaît un antigène spécifique des cellules tumorales. Dans une étude préclinique, nous avons démontré que la protéine αGC/sCD1d avec un fragment d'anticorps dirigé contre la tumeur engendre une meilleure activation des cellules iNKT et entraîne un effet anti-tumeur prolongé. Cet effet anti-tumeur est augmenté comparé à une protéine αGC/CD1d qui ne cible pas la tumeur. Nous avons aussi montré que l'activation des cellules iNKT avec la protéine αGC/sCD1d-anti-tumeur améliore l'effet anti- tumoral d'un vaccin pour le cancer. Lors d'expériences in vitro, la protéine αGC/sCD1d-anti- tumeur permet aussi d'activer les cellules humaines iNKT et ainsi tuer spécifiquement les cellules tumorales humaines. La protéine αGC/sCD1d-anti-tumeur représente une alternative thérapeutique prometteuse dans l'immunothérapie du cancer. - Les cellules Invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT), dont les effets anti-tumoraux ont été démontrés, sont de puissants activateurs des cellules Natural Killer (NK), des cellules dendritiques (DC) et des lymphocytes T. Cependant, une seule injection du ligand de haute affinité alpha-galactosylceramide (αGC) n'induit une forte activation des cellules iNKT que durant une courte période. Celle-ci est alors suivie d'une longue phase d'anergie, limitant ainsi leur utilisation pour la thérapie. Comme alternative prometteuse, nous avons montré que des injections répétées d'αGC chargé sur une protéine recombinante de CD1d soluble (αGC/sCD1d) chez la souris entraînent une activation prolongée des cellules iNKT, associée à une production continue de cytokine. De plus, le maintien de la réactivité des cellules iNKT permet de prolonger l'activité anti-tumorale lorsque la protéine αGC/sCD1d est fusionnée à un fragment d'anticorps (scFv) dirigé contre la tumeur. L'inhibition de la croissance tumorale n'est optimale que lorsque les souris sont traitées avec la protéine αGC/sCD1d-scFv ciblant la tumeur, la protéine αGC/sCD1d-scFv non-appropriée étant moins efficace. Dans le système humain, les protéines recombinantes αGC/sCD1d-anti-HER2 et anti-CEA sont capables d'activer et de faire proliférer des cellules iNKT à partir de PBMCs issues de donneurs sains. De plus, la protéine αGC/sCD1d-scFv a la capacité d'activer directement des clones iNKT humains en l'absence de cellules présentatrices d'antigènes (CPA), contrairement au ligand αGC libre. Mais surtout, la lyse des cellules tumorales par les iNKT humaines n'est obtenue que lorsqu'elles sont incubées avec la protéine αGC/sCD1d-scFv anti- tumeur. En outre, la redirection de la cytotoxicité des cellules iNKT vers la tumeur est supérieure à celle obtenue avec une stimulation par des CPA chargées avec l'αGC. Afin d'augmenter les effets anti-tumoraux, nous avons exploité la capacité des cellules iNKT à activer l'immunité adaptive. Pour ce faire, nous avons combiné l'immunothérapie NKT/CD1d avec un vaccin anti-tumoral composé d'un peptide OVA. Des effets synergiques ont été obtenus lorsque les traitements avec la protéine αGC/sCD1d-anti-HER2 étaient associés avec le CpG ODN comme adjuvant pour la vaccination avec le peptide OVA. Ces effets ont été observés à travers l'activation de nombreux lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifique de la tumeur, ainsi que par la forte expansion des cellules NK. Les réponses, innée et adaptive, élevées après le traitement avec la protéine αGC/sCD1d-anti-HER2 combinée au vaccin OVA/CpG ODN étaient associées à un fort ralentissement de la croissance des tumeurs B16- OVA-HER2. Cet effet anti-tumoral corrèle avec l'enrichissement des lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques observé à la tumeur. Afin d'étendre l'application des protéines αGC/sCD1d et d'améliorer leur efficacité, nous avons développé des fusions CD1d alternatives. Premièrement, une protéine αGC/sCD1d dimérique, qui permet d'augmenter l'avidité de la molécule CD1d pour les cellules iNKT. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons fusionné la protéine αGC/sCD1d avec un scFv dirigé contre le récepteur 3 du facteur de croissance pour l'endothélium vasculaire (VEGFR-3), afin de cibler l'environnement de la tumeur. Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats démontrent que la thérapie médiée par la protéine recombinante αGC/sCD1d-scFv est une approche prometteuse pour rediriger l'immunité innée et adaptive vers le site tumoral. - Invariant Natural Killer T cells (iNKT) are potent activators of Natural Killer (NK), dendritic cells (DC) and T lymphocytes, and their anti-tumor activities have been well demonstrated. However, a single injection of the high affinity CD1d ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (αGC) leads to a strong but short-lived iNKT cell activation followed by a phase of long-term anergy, limiting the therapeutic use of this ligand. As a promising alternative, we have demonstrated that when αGC is loaded on recombinant soluble CD1d molecules (αGC/sCD1d), repeated injections in mice led to the sustained iNKT cell activation associated with continued cytokine secretion. Importantly, the retained reactivity of iNKT cell led to prolonged antitumor activity when the αGC/sCD1d was fused to an anti-tumor scFv fragments. Optimal inhibition of tumor growth was obtained only when mice were treated with the tumor-targeted αGC/CD1d-scFv fusion, whereas the irrelevant αGC/CD1d-scFv fusion was less efficient. When tested in a human system, the recombinant αGC/sCD1d-anti-HER2 and -anti-CEA fusion proteins were able to expand iNKT cells from PBMCs of healthy donors. Furthermore, the αGC/sCD1d-scFv fusion had the capacity to directly activate human iNKT cells clones without the presence of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), in contrast to the free αGC ligand. Most importantly, tumor cell killing by human iNKT cells was obtained only when co- incubated with the tumor targeted sCD1d-antitumor scFv, and their direct tumor cytotoxicity was superior to the bystander killing obtained with αGC-loaded APCs stimulation. To further enhance the anti-tumor effects, we exploited the ability of iNKT cells to transactivate the adaptive immunity, by combining the NKT/CD1d immunotherapy with a peptide cancer vaccine. Interestingly, synergistic effects were obtained when the αGC/sCD1d- anti-HER2 fusion treatment was combined with CpG ODN as adjuvant for the OVA peptide vaccine, as seen by higher numbers of activated antigen-specific CD8 T cells and NK cells, as compared to each regimen alone. The increased innate and adaptive immune responses upon combined tumor targeted sCD1d-scFv treatment and OVA/CpG vaccine were associated with a strong delay in B16-OVA-HER2 melanoma tumor growth, which correlated with an enrichment of antigen-specific CD8 cells at the tumor site. In order to extend the application of the CD1d fusion, we designed alternative CD1d fusion proteins. First, a dimeric αGC/sCD1d-Fc fusion, which permits to augment the avidity of the CD1d for iNKT cells and second, an αGC/sCD1d fused to an anti vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 (VEGFR-3) scFv, in order to target tumor stroma environment. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the iNKT-mediated immunotherapy via recombinant αGC/sCD1d-scFv fusion is a promising approach to redirect the innate and adaptive antitumor immune response to the tumor site.


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RESUME : La douleur neuropathique est le résultat d'une lésion ou d'un dysfonctionnement du système nerveux. Les symptômes qui suivent la douleur neuropathique sont sévères et leur traitement inefficace. Une meilleure approche thérapeutique peut être proposée en se basant sur les mécanismes pathologiques de la douleur neuropathique. Lors d'une lésion périphérique une douleur neuropathique peut se développer et affecter le territoire des nerfs lésés mais aussi les territoires adjacents des nerfs non-lésés. Une hyperexcitabilité des neurones apparaît au niveau des ganglions spinaux (DRG) et de la corne dorsale (DH) de la moelle épinière. Le but de ce travail consiste à mettre en évidence les modifications moléculaires associées aux nocicepteurs lésés et non-lésés au niveau des DRG et des laminae I et II de la corne dorsale, là où l'information nociceptive est intégrée. Pour étudier les changements moléculaires liés à la douleur neuropathique nous utilisons le modèle animal d'épargne du nerf sural (spared nerve injury model, SNI) une semaine après la lésion. Pour la sélection du tissu d'intérêt nous avons employé la technique de la microdissection au laser, afin de sélectionner une sous-population spécifique de cellules (notamment les nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés) mais également de prélever le tissu correspondant dans les laminae superficielles. Ce travail est couplé à l'analyse à large spectre du transcriptome par puce ADN (microarray). Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié les courants électriques et les propriétés biophysiques des canaux sodiques (Na,,ls) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés des DRG. Aussi bien dans le système nerveux périphérique, entre les neurones lésés et non-lésés, qu'au niveau central avec les aires recevant les projections des nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés, l'analyse du transcriptome montre des différences de profil d'expression. En effet, nous avons constaté des changements transcriptionnels importants dans les nocicepteurs lésés (1561 gènes, > 1.5x et pairwise comparaison > 77%) ainsi que dans les laminae correspondantes (618 gènes), alors que ces modifications transcriptionelles sont mineures au niveau des nocicepteurs non-lésés (60 gènes), mais important dans leurs laminae de projection (459 gènes). Au niveau des nocicepteurs, en utilisant la classification par groupes fonctionnels (Gene Ontology), nous avons observé que plusieurs processus biologiques sont modifiés. Ainsi des fonctions telles que la traduction des signaux cellulaires, l'organisation du cytosquelette ainsi que les mécanismes de réponse au stress sont affectés. Par contre dans les neurones non-lésés seuls les processus biologiques liés au métabolisme et au développement sont modifiés. Au niveau de la corne dorsale de la moelle, nous avons observé des modifications importantes des processus immuno-inflammatoires dans l'aire affectée par les nerfs lésés et des changements associés à l'organisation et la transmission synaptique au niveau de l'aire des nerfs non-lésés. L'analyse approfondie des canaux sodiques a démontré plusieurs changements d'expression, principalement dans les neurones lésés. Les analyses fonctionnelles n'indiquent aucune différence entre les densités de courant tétrodotoxine-sensible (TTX-S) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés même si les niveaux d'expression des ARNm des sous-unités TTX-S sont modifiés dans les neurones lésés. L'inactivation basale dépendante du voltage des canaux tétrodotoxine-insensible (TTX-R) est déplacée vers des potentiels positifs dans les cellules lésées et non-lésées. En revanche la vitesse de récupération des courants TTX-S et TTX-R après inactivation est accélérée dans les neurones lésés. Ces changements pourraient être à l'origine de l'altération de l'activité électrique des neurones sensoriels dans le contexte des douleurs neuropathiques. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de mécanismes différenciés affectant les neurones lésés et les neurones adjacents non-lésés lors de la mise en place la douleur neuropathique. De plus, les changements centraux au niveau de la moelle épinière qui surviennent après lésion sont probablement intégrés différemment selon la perception de signaux des neurones périphériques lésés ou non-lésés. En conclusion, ces modulations complexes et distinctes sont probablement des acteurs essentiels impliqués dans la genèse et la persistance des douleurs neuropathiques. ABSTRACT : Neuropathic pain (NP) results from damage or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system. Symptoms associated with NP are severe and difficult to treat. Targeting NP mechanisms and their translation into symptoms may offer a better therapeutic approach.Hyperexcitability of the peripheral and central nervous system occurs in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord. We aimed to identify transcriptional variations in injured and in adjacent non-injured nociceptors as well as in corresponding laminae I and II of DH receiving their inputs.We investigated changes one week after the injury induced by the spared nerve injury model of NP. We employed the laser capture microdissection (LCM) for the procurement of specific cell-types (enrichment in nociceptors of injured/non-injured neurons) and laminae in combination with transcriptional analysis by microarray. In addition, we studied functionál properties and currents of sodium channels (Nav1s) in injured and neighboring non-injured DRG neurons.Microarray analysis at the periphery between injured and non-injured DRG neurons and centrally between the area of central projections from injured and non-injured neurons show significant and differential expression patterns. We reported changes in injured nociceptors (1561 genes, > 1.5 fold, >77% pairwise comparison) and in corresponding DH laminae (618 genes), while less modifications occurred in non-injured nociceptors (60 genes) and in corresponding DH laminae (459 genes). At the periphery, we observed by Gene Ontology the involvement of multiple biological processes in injured neurons such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization or stress responses. On contrast, functional overrepresentations in non-injured neurons were noted only in metabolic or developmentally related mechanisms. At the level of superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, we reported changes of immune and inflammatory processes in injured-related DH and changes associated with synaptic organization and transmission in DH corresponding to non-injured neurons. Further transcriptional analysis of Nav1s indicated several changes in injured neurons. Functional analyses of Nav1s have established no difference in tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) current densities in both injured and non-injured neurons, despite changes in TTX-S Nav1s subunit mRNA levels. The tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) voltage dependence of steady state inactivation was shifted to more positive potentials in both injured and non-injured neurons, and the rate of recovery from inactivation of TTX-S and TTX-R currents was accelerated in injured neurons. These changes may lead to alterations in neuronal electrogenesis. Taken together, these findings suggest different mechanisms occurring in the injured neurons and the adjacent non-injured ones. Moreover, central changes after injury are probably driven in a different manner if they receive inputs from injured or non-injured neurons. Together, these distinct and complex modulations may contribute to NP.