972 resultados para Accoramboni, Vittoria, 1557-1585.
Purpose: In vivo bone response was assessed by removal torque, hystological and histometrical analysis on a recently developed biomedical Ti-15Mo alloy, after surface modification by laser beam irradiation, installed in the tibia of rabbits. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 wide cylindrical Ti-15Mo dental implants were obtained (10mm × 3.75mm). The implants were divided into two groups: 1) control samples (Machined surface - MS) and 2) implants with their surface modified by Laser beam-irradiation (Test samples - LS). Six implants of each surface were used for removal torque test and 10 of each surface for histological and histometrical analysis. The implants were placed in the tibial metaphyses of rabbits. Results: Average removal torque was 51.5Ncm to MS and >90Ncm to LS. Bone-to-implant-contact percentage was significantly higher for LS implants both in the cortical and marrow regions. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for biomedical application. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The understanding and control of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconducting oxides (DMO) is a special challenge in solid-state physics and materials science due to its impact in magneto-optical devices and spintronics. Several studies and mechanisms have been proposed to explain intrinsic ferromagnetism in DMO compounds since the theoretical prediction of room-temperature ferromagnetism. However, genuine and intrinsic ferromagnetism in 3d-transition metal-doped n-type ZnO semiconductors is still a controversial issue. Furthermore, for DMO nanoparticles, some special physical and chemical effects may also play a role. In this contribution, structural and magnetic properties of sonochemically prepared cobalt-doped ZnO nanoparticles were investigated. A set of ZnO samples was prepared varying cobalt molar concentration and time of ultrasonic exposure. The obtained results showed that single phase samples can be obtained by the sonochemical method. However, cobalt nanoclusters can be detected depending on synthesis conditions. Magnetic measurements indicated a possible ferromagnetic response, associated to defects and cobalt substitutions at the zinc site by cobalt. However, ferromagnetism is depleted at higher magnetic fields. Also, an antiferromagnetic response is detected due to cobalt oxide cluster at high cobalt molar concentrations. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
Surface defects are extremely important in mechanical characterization of several different materials. Therefore, the analysis of surface finishing is essential for a further simulation of surface mechanical properties in a customized project in materials science and technology. One of the methods commonly employed for such purpose is the statistical mapping of different sample surface regions using the depth from focus technique. The analysis is usually performed directly from the elevation maps which are obtained from the digital image processing. In this paper, the possibility of quantifying the surface heterogeneity of Silicon Carbide porous ceramics by elevation map histograms is presented. The advantage of this technique is that it allows the qualitative or quantitative verification of all surface image fields that cannot be done by using the Surface Plot plugin of image J™ platform commonly used in digital image processing. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
a-C:H films were grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in atmospheres composed by 30 % of acetylene and 70 % of argon. Radiofrequency signal (RF) was supplied to the sample holder to generate the depositing plasmas. Deposition time and pressure were chosen 300 s and 9.5 Pa, respectively, while the excitation power changed from 5 to 125 W. The films were exposed to a post-deposition treatment during 300 s in RF-plasmas (13.56 MHz, 70 W) excited from 13.33 Pa of SF6. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to evaluate the microstructure and chemical composition of the films. The thickness was measured by perfilometry. Hardness and friction coefficient were determined from nanoindentation and risk tests, respectively. With increasing power, the film thickness reduced, but a further shrinkage occurred upon the fluorination process. After that, the molecular structure was observed to vary with deposition power. Fluorine was detected in all samples replacing H atoms. Consistently with the elevation in the proportion of C atoms with sp3 hybridization, hardness increased from 2 to 18 GPa. Friction coefficient also increased with power due to the generation of dangling bonds during the fluorination process. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
We have prepared heavy metal oxide glasses containing metallic copper nanoparticles with promising nonlinear optical properties which were determined by Z-scan and pump-probe measurements using femtosecond laser pulses. For the wavelengths within the plasmon band, we have observed saturable absorption and response times of 2.3 ps. For the other regions of the spectrum, reverse saturable absorption and lifetimes shorter than 200 fs were verified. The nonlinear refractive index is about 2.0 × 10-19 m2/W from visible to telecom region, thus presenting an enhancement effect at wavelengths near the plasmon and Cu+2 d-d band. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Cellobiohydrolases hydrolyze cellulose releasing cellobiose units. They are very important for a number of biotechnological applications, such as, for example, production of cellulosic ethanol and cotton fiber processing. The Trichoderma cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1 or Cel7A) is an industrially important exocellulase. It exhibits a typical two domain architecture, with a small C-terminal cellulose-binding domain and a large N-terminal catalytic core domain, connected by an O-glycosylated linker peptide. The mechanism by which the linker mediates the concerted action of the two domains remains a conundrum. Here, we probe the protein shape and domain organization of the CBH1 of Trichoderma harzianum (ThCel7A) by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and structural modeling. Our SAXS data shows that ThCel7A linker is partially-extended in solution. Structural modeling suggests that this linker conformation is stabilized by inter- and intra-molecular interactions involving the linker peptide and its O-glycosylations. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
This study was undertaken to understand how Lentinula edodes modulates in vivo mutagenesis induced by alkylating agents in bone marrow and peripheral blood as described in our previous article. Male Swiss mice were pretreated for 15 consecutive days with aqueous extracts prepared from L. edodes, after which, the number of circulating blood cells, normal erythroid bone marrow cell cycling, and phagocytosis of micronucleated reticulocyte (MNRET) and activation of spleen macrophages were assessed. The results indicate that the antimutagenicity seen in bone marrow and peripheral blood is exerted by distinct compounds with different actions. The antimutagenic effect in bone marrow is exerted by compounds subject to degradation at deep-freeze storage temperature of -20 C. On the other hand, compounds responsible for antimutagenicity in peripheral blood are not subject to degradation at -20 C. The results also indicate that the antimutagenic action in peripheral blood leading to the reduction of circulating MNRET occurs in the spleen primarily through a phagocytic activity due to higher macrophage numbers and probably not due to the enhanced activation state of individual cells. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
The antibody and cellular immune responses against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were evaluated at mucosal sites of chickens after immunization with various doses of an attenuated vaccine at 1 day of age. The correlation of these immune responses with protection of tracheal tissues was evaluated after experimental infection of these birds. Significantly reduced tracheal pathologic effects, measured according to ciliostasis and histology lesions, and reduced viral load were observed only in the full-dose vaccinated group at 5 days post-infection (dpi), while incomplete protection was observed for the subdose vaccinated groups. Moreover, birds of vaccinated groups, especially with full dose, developed higher levels of lachrymal IBV-specific IgG and IgA and increased the expression of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) genes, such as gamma interferon (IFNγ), CD8+ T cell marker, and granzyme homolog A more rapidly. In addition, these humoral and cellular immune responses evaluated at mucosal sites correlated significantly with tracheal protection against homologous IBV challenge in a vaccine dose-dependent manner. The results indicate that IgG, IgA and CD8+ T cell responses developed at mucosal sites after IBV vaccination of day-old chicks, could be taken as good correlates of protection against this virus. © 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
The research studies the applicability of two elastoplastic models for the collapse prediction of the lateritic soil profile from Southeastern Brazil. These tropical soils have peculiar geotechnical behavior, due to their mineralogical composition and porous structure coming from intense process of formation. Two elastoplastic models were analyzed: the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) and another one based on BBM, however developed for tropical soils. Oedometric tests with suction control were performed at three distinct depths of the soil profile. The BBM was not suitable for the upper layer of the soil profile, because BBM considers the compressible behavior of the soil in function of the reduction of the elastoplastic compressibility index with the increase of the matric suction. The model developed for tropical soils showed better suited to the compressible behavior of the soil profile, resulting in good prediction of the collapse potential, mainly by accepting increasing values of the elastoplastic compressibility index of the soil profile with the matric suction rise. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
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Relato de coletas de anofelinos realizadas em Belém, Pará, Brasil, de 1995 a 2004, comparando os dados obtidos com os de levantamentos anteriores, feitos a partir da década de 1930. Nesses, vinte espécies haviam sido identificadas: Anopheles albitarsis s.l., An. aquasalis, An. argyritarsis, An. braziliensis, An. darlingi, An. eiseni, An. evansae, An. galvaoi, An. intermedius, An. kompi, An. mediopunctatus, An. nimbus, An. nuneztovari, An. oswaldoi, An. peryassui, An. punctimacula, An. shannoni, An. strodei, An. thomasi e An. triannulatus. Sete (An. argyritarsis, An. eiseni, An. galvaoi, An. kompi, An. nimbus, An. punctimacula e An. thomasi) não são agora registradas. A permanência de tantas outras espécies provavelmente decorre da preservação de áreas de mata no âmbito urbano. Duas delas são consideradas de importância vetorial (An. darlingi e An. aquasalis). Esta última continua sendo a de maior densidade nas coletas (46,26% dos adultos e 99,21% das larvas) e é a única registrada em todos os distritos administrativos. Existe, portanto, risco potencial de transmissão de malária em todo o município.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do uso de duas doses de PGF associadas ou não à administração de hCG no início do estro sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de cabras leiteiras. Um total de 29 cabras receberam duas doses de 30 µg d-cloprostenol pela via latero-vulvar com 10 dias de intervalo (Dia 1 e Dia 10). As cabras foram alocadas para receberem o hCG (250 IU) ou salina i.m. no momento em que o estro foi detectado. Depois da realização da segunda dose de PGF, o estro foi monitorado e exames ultrassonográficos foram realizados duas vezes ao dia. Todas as fêmeas foram inseminadas 16 h após o inicio do estro. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas diariamente para determinação das concentrações plasmáticas de progesterona. O uso do hCG no momento do início do estro não afetou os parâmetros estudados e, portanto, os dados serão apresentados agrupados. A taxa de manifestação de estro foi similar (P > 0,05) na primeira (75,9% - 22/29) ou na segunda dose de PGF (79,3% - 23/29). O intervalo entre a administração de PGF e o início do estro foi maior (P < 0,05) no Dia 1 (75,8±53,9 h) que no Dia 10 (47,7±10,1 h). Duração do estro também diferiu (P < 0,05) 35,4±15,9 (Dia 1) vs 26,8±15, 0 h (Dia 10). A taxa de ovulação foi 79,3% (23/29) após a segunda dose PGF. Não foi encontrada diferença (P>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais quanto aos parâmetros reprodutivos: intervalo entre a aplicação da segunda dose e a ovulação (86,6±11,4h), intervalo do estro a ocorrência da ovulação (39,9±12,3h), diâmetro do maior folículo (7,2±1,4) e número de ovulações (1,8±0,6). No Dia 1, 52,4% (11/21) apresentavam concentrações de progesterona < 1 ng/mL. No Dia 10, 100% dos animais apresentavam concentrações >1ng/mL. O presente estudo permite concluir que o estro pode ser eficientemente sincronizado em cabras leiteiras com duas doses de PGF intervaladas em 10 dias. Novas pesquisas devem se realizadas para avaliar diferentes doses e momentos de utilização do hCG.