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Fil: Volontè, Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Este trabajo focaliza su mirada en la crisis de la Universidad Argentina en el marco del proceso de transformación que fue imponiendo la economía capitalista, a partir de las últimas décadas del siglo XX, hasta nuestros días. La "modernización" impuesta a la Universidad desde los parámetros de la eficiencia, provocaron actos de resistencia por parte de la comunidad educativa. A través de la selección de tres "acontecimientos" institucionales considerados relevantes se pretende reconstruir un fragmento de la memoria colectiva de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la U.N.R. (Univ. Nac. de Rosario). Estos "actos del recuerdo" provocan una dinámica al servicio de las acciones presentes, para no renunciar a un deseo emancipatorio. Desde ese lugar se consideran valiosas las ponencias de los distintos docentes, que junto con los autores seleccionados pretenden generar un debate para dar respuestas a la crisis socio-económica e institucional de estos "nuevos tiempos". Ante la nueva ideología que impone un "lenguaje unidimensional" se pone en escena la dimensión histórica del significado/s de los actores en este proceso que permanentemente sostiene la relación dialéctica entre educación-sociedad. Las demandas "pragmáticas" de adaptación al mundo laboral requieren que la Universidad tenga una mirada crítica cuando se propongan cambios curriculares
Fil: Ponce de León, Aldana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Con la consolidación de un modelo productivo en base a la extracción de recursos naturales no renovables y contaminación del medio ambiente, comienzan a instalarse emprendimientos mineros a cielo abierto en la región cordillerana Argentina que repercuten negativamente en las economías regionales y en los modos de vida de las poblaciones locales. Se entabla así, una disputa por la apropiación de los territorios signada por la nueva racionalidad económica extractiva y la supervivencia de los "mundos de vida" de los habitantes de estas tierras amenazadas. De esta manera, se conforman asambleas de vecinos autoconvocados a lo largo de la zona cordillerana, en las que predominan mujeres, que le otorgan un sentido particular a la lucha de todos los pobladores. Desde la resistencia, estas mujeres trascienden el lugar que se les ha asignado dentro del "sistema capitalista / colonial / patriarcal / racista" e intentan preservar su identidad territorial, sus formas de habitar, a través de la acción colectiva basada en ?la territorialidad como vida?. La intención de este trabajo es recuperar el sentido de las prácticas, nociones y relaciones sociales que entablan estas mujeres a partir de su participación en estas asambleas socio-ambientales, a través de entrevistas y trabajo etnográfico
Esta ponencia es parte de una investigación que se propone reconstruir la génesis, los componentes y las acciones desarrolladas por la alianza que promovió el golpe de 1976 y propició el aniquilamiento de aquellos sectores que impulsaban la revolución en la Argentina. En este avance de investigación nos ocuparemos de la fracción de la burguesía agraria nucleada en la Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Buenos Aires y La Pampa (CARBAP), su enfrentamiento con el gobierno peronista y su apoyo a la dictadura. CARBAP fue una de las primeras organizaciones corporativas de la burguesía en manifestar su oposición a las políticas del gobierno peronista. Desarrolló una basta acción de denuncia y boicot, y bregó por la conformación de un frente único agrario que opusiera resistencia al gobierno. En torno a ella se articuló un frente que incluía al resto de las corporaciones agrarias, que impulsaron una serie de paros que contribuyeron a la desestabilización del gobierno y allanaron el clima para el golpe. El ciclo se cierra con su apoyo abierto al gobierno encabezado por Videla, que se expresa tanto en las declaraciones públicas de apoyo como en la promoción de algunos cuadros dirigentes de la entidad a funciones de gobierno
A frase de uma educadora: maestro a música mudou a vida desse menino foi o elemento que instigou o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. Os questionamentos que se seguem a partir dessa constatação abordaram os aspectos inerentes ao ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras, angariados a partir de dados oficiais que apresentam um reduzido número de arte-educadores frente a legislação pertinente à obrigatoriedade do ensino da música em toda a educação básica a partir de 2011 através da Lei 11.769/08. A pesquisa se desenvolveu diante da suspeita que o ensino da arte nas escolas brasileiras tem se mostrado insuficiente no que diz respeito a promoção do educando em relação ao fazer artístico, culminando com o baixo interesse pela disciplina artes, refletindo posteriormente na formação de um número reduzido de arte-educadores que provavelmente tiveram sua iniciação artística fora do ambiente escolar. Sendo assim interessou a esta pesquisa aferir a relevância da disciplina artes ou educação artística na trajetória formativa dos arte-educadores em música. A pesquisa utilizou como referencial teórico os dados expostos em Barbosa (2008) e Snyders (2008) visando compreender as concepções inerentes ao ensino da arte, da música, e o processo histórico da linguagem artística no Brasil. Visando angariar elementos para a pesquisa foram desenvolvidas entrevistas com arte-educadores, tendo como referência teórica Nóvoa e Finger (2010) além de Bosi (1987). O capítulo I apresenta considerações sobre o fazer artístico, e o desenvolvimento histórico do ensino da arte no Brasil. O capítulo II trata de experiências práticas relacionadas à educação estética. O capítulo III explicita a fundamentação teórica sobre a metodologia utilizada. O capítulo IV apresenta as histórias de vida de três arte-educadores em música, enquanto o capítulo V expõe as devidas conclusões fundamentadas nas entrevistas com os arte-educadores.
In Brazil, since the 1990, the country has been operating an extensive transformation in the education system. This situation is justified, among other reasons, the search for answers to the new demands that modern society gives to school, to new technologies and information and communication systems. To better put the Brazilian school that context, the federal government, through the Ministerial Decree No. 17/2007, created the More Education Program as a measure to combat low levels of development of basic education in the capital cities and metropolitan areas, aiming at the implementation of comprehensive education in schools. After the first year since the implementation of the program, there are advances in the permanence of students within the school. But as for the teachers, there is a gap on ownership and consequent acceptance. Considering the reality of the state system of schools of Basic Education in Natal - RN, this study investigates the training needs of teachers in institutions working with More Education Program, envisioning the educational relationship with Macrocampos contained in this national project. Answering this question allows us to absorb the concept of such needs in teachers, as well as to check priority in relation to the continuing education of teachers for this new pedagogical reality.
In this research, we have as study object the identification process with the profession of students of the Undergraduate course for preparing professors for teaching Physics of the Federal University of Piauí. We start from the following question: - What relationships can be established among the senses given by the students to the group of the experiences lived in their initial formation and the identity construction as teacher? The presupposition is that the process of identification with the profession can contain formative experiences that are impossible to be reduced to the situations of disciplines learning. We considered that, in the development of the process of professional identification, the articulations and the connections that the students established with themselves, with the others - their formative teachers, managers - and with the world - the University, the public school - they should be understood in the interdependence relationships, consubstantiated in the experiences lived during the initial stage of their formation. Therefore, our objective is to understand the process of identification of the students with the teaching profession, based in the senses given to their formative experiences. In order to get this aim, we used the methodology of the Comprehensive Interview, and we chose as methodological and theoretical principles: the multi-referential theoretical framework, 'configuration and interdependence', the relationship among 'identity and alterity', the sensitive hearing and the 'intellectual craft'. The study is organized in two parts: the first, contains two chapters, that have introductory character. The second part is unfolded in five chapters, and it constitutes the development of the thesis. In the "paths", we revealed, starting from the actions and intentions that mobilized the students, processes involved in the choice of the course, and, this way, the initial identifications with the being an university student. We looked for to identify possible dissonances among the curriculum 'instituted and instituting', as well as the implications of its management of the formative experiences of future teachers. In short, we tried to capture, through the speeches of a group of students, the signs, the images and the senses of their formative experiences, which indicate as a vision of how their teaching profession is built. With this study, we sought to contribute for the researches on the field of degrees, taking as axis the formative processes that configure those courses. Finally, that the proposition of professor formation politics should be fundamentally based in internal demands, lived in the formative processes.
Teacher training processes, initial and continuing, and professional practice of teachers who teach Mathematics in the early years are highlighted in the literature as complex, but also are regarded as the way to overcome many difficulties in teaching this component curriculum in the school stage in question. The aim of the study was to investigate how the training needs in Mathematics are represented by a group of teachers in the early years of elementary school of public health system of the city of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais. The research, qualitative approach, had as object of study the training needs, in Mathematics, of teachers in the early years. The research involved 16 teachers from two schools in the municipal public schools of that city. Data were collected through questionnaires, non-participant observations, semi-structured interviews followed by group and individual. Analyses were performed by means of thematic categories, founded by content analysis. Data interpretation allowed to understand training needs in mathematics that are presented to the collaborating group from their professional practice, considering the knowledge and skills necessary to teaching. It is understood that the teachers of the study group have major limitations in relation to the specific content and didactic knowledge of Mathematics content, however, the concern is that demonstrated not always being aware of it. Moreover, the difficulties experienced in teaching practice proven to be overcome by sources and non-formal training activities, primarily through more experienced colleagues in the profession. Thus, it becomes difficult to think the initial and continuing training courses for teachers without the training needs of the teaching practice is appreciated as an object of study.