904 resultados para 3d virtual world
“Responsabilidade Financeira e Criminal § Direitos Constitucionais Sociais, Dinheiros Públicos e Recuperação de Activos”, com Prefácio do Sr. Prof. Associado com Agregação, da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Doutor Jónatas E.M. Machado, é o título e tema do nosso último livro jurídico dado à estampa pela chancela da Editora Juruá, Curitiba e Lisboa, 2015. Livro o qual está disponível em Portugal nas livrarias Almedina ou em inúmeras livrarias do Brasil. Ou ainda através da loja virtual daquela que é uma das maiores editoras do mundo em língua portuguesa, a Editora Juruá que tem mais de 46 anos de vida: www.jurua.com.br § "Financial Responsibility and Criminal § Constitutional Social Rights, Public Moneys and Assets Recovery" with Prof. Mr. Preface Associated with aggregation, the Law Faculty of the University of Coimbra, Doctor Jónatas E.M. Machado is the title and theme of our last legal book given to the press by the seal of Editora Jurua, Curitiba and Lisbon, 2015. Book which is available in Portugal Almedina in bookstores or in several bookstores in Brazil. Or through the online store of what is one of the largest publishers in the world in English, Editora Jurua which has more than 46 years: www.jurua.com.br
One of the current frontiers in the clinical management of Pectus Excavatum (PE) patients is the prediction of the surgical outcome prior to the intervention. This can be done through computerized simulation of the Nuss procedure, which requires an anatomically correct representation of the costal cartilage. To this end, we take advantage of the costal cartilage tubular structure to detect it through multi-scale vesselness filtering. This information is then used in an interactive 2D initialization procedure which uses anatomical maximum intensity projections of 3D vesselness feature images to efficiently initialize the 3D segmentation process. We identify the cartilage tissue centerlines in these projected 2D images using a livewire approach. We finally refine the 3D cartilage surface through region-based sparse field level-sets. We have tested the proposed algorithm in 6 noncontrast CT datasets from PE patients. A good segmentation performance was found against reference manual contouring, with an average Dice coefficient of 0.75±0.04 and an average mean surface distance of 1.69±0.30mm. The proposed method requires roughly 1 minute for the interactive initialization step, which can positively contribute to an extended use of this tool in clinical practice, since current manual delineation of the costal cartilage can take up to an hour.
Introduction and Objectives. Laparoscopic surgery has undeniable advantages, such as reduced postoperative pain, smaller incisions, and faster recovery. However, to improve surgeons’ performance, ergonomic adaptations of the laparoscopic instruments and introduction of robotic technology are needed. The aim of this study was to ascertain the influence of a new hand-held robotic device for laparoscopy (HHRDL) and 3D vision on laparoscopic skills performance of 2 different groups, naïve and expert. Materials and Methods. Each participant performed 3 laparoscopic tasks—Peg transfer, Wire chaser, Knot—in 4 different ways. With random sequencing we assigned the execution order of the tasks based on the first type of visualization and laparoscopic instrument. Time to complete each laparoscopic task was recorded and analyzed with one-way analysis of variance. Results. Eleven experts and 15 naïve participants were included. Three-dimensional video helps the naïve group to get better performance in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 2 hands, and Knot; the new device improved the execution of all laparoscopic tasks (P < .05). For expert group, the 3D video system benefited them in Peg transfer and Wire chaser 1 hand, and the robotic device in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 1 hand, and Wire chaser 2 hands (P < .05). Conclusion. The HHRDL helps the execution of difficult laparoscopic tasks, such as Knot, in the naïve group. Three-dimensional vision makes the laparoscopic performance of the participants without laparoscopic experience easier, unlike those with experience in laparoscopic procedures.
A competitividade das nações é assunto relevante aos tomadores de decisão quando se trata da escolha do país que poderá render melhores resultados aos investimentos. Nessa linha, busca-se analisar a métrica de competitividade dos países utilizando conceitos da estatística multivariada, a fim de simplificar e evitar resultados dúbios quanto ao tema. Para isso, utilizaram-se as bases de dados de 2010 publicadas pelo World Economic Forum (WEF), que utiliza 12 pilares para estabelecer a condição competitiva de 133 países. Verificou-se que a métrica utilizada pelo WEF é redundante, já que utiliza pilares que representam o mesmo constructo. Verificou-se, ainda, que a prontidão tecnológica explica a competitividade do país em 86,5% e que a combinação entre estabilidade macroeconômica, qualidade do ensino superior e sofisticação dos negócios eleva esse percentual para 95,7%.
In this article we argue that digital simulations promote and explore complex relations between the player and the machines cybernetic system with which it relates through gameplay, that is, the real application of tactics and strategies used by participants as they play the game. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars. In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the games scenario. Many of the conventional functions of the human eye are being replaced by techniques where images do not position themselves in the traditional manner that we observe them (Crary, 1998), or in the way we perceive the real world. The digitalization of the real world to a new informational layer over objects, people or environments, needs to be processed and mediated by tools that amplify the natural human senses.
In this text, we intend to explore augmented reality as a means to visualise interactive communication projects. With ARToolkit, Virtools and 3ds Max applications, we aim to show how to create a portable interactive platform that resorts to the environment and markers for constructing the game’s scenario. We plan to show that the realism of simulation, together with the merger of artificial objects with the real world, can generate interactive empathy between players and their avatars.
Escultura virtual, escultura digital ou ciberescultura emergem na actualidade da arte digital como o novo e promissor impacto que a técnica obteve na escultura contemporânea. Sendo a valência tradicional da escultura deduzida do espaço, do factor presença e da sua iminente fisicalidade, o digital vem apresentando-a num suporte que, em última análise, é apenas numérico, matemático e luminoso. Tal articulação digital introduz a escultura no imatérico, no evanescente e na actualização temporal permanente. Consideradas as vantagens que o novo medium traz em termos de libertação para o próprio fazer artístico (ausência da gravidade, da resistência dos sólidos, da dependência dos materiais, etc.), resta-nos uma reflexão em termos das suas novas articulações com a matéria, das suas potencialidades interactivas e estéticas, assim como uma análise atenta daquele que parece vir a ser o seu maior aproveitamento: a esteticização do mundo virtual. Cabe-nos cada vez mais o papel de reconhecer a importância da presença da estética (e das suas diferentes artes) na programação de um mundo virtual. A par do sucesso das cibergalerias de escultura digital, das Bienais de escultura virtual (Intersculpt, etc.), e das novas técnicas de modelação 3D que se vêm afirmando no abrangente quadro da ciberestética, acresce a necessidade de uma integração do corpo do utilizador neste novo ambiente, e nomeadamente dos seus sentidos através de uma denominada «tactilidade artificial». Esta vem sendo prometida pelas vias do tacto e da modelação manual, do sentido de peso, do som, entre outros, devolvendo à escultura uma dimensão extra-visual, prevendo-se com isso uma libertação da sua condição modernista.