989 resultados para 3C 273


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本文研究了Armco铁在盐酸溶液中的腐蚀电化学行为,探讨了ψ~-离子和PH值对铁的阳极溶解过程的影响,并进而讨论了ψ~-离子浓度和PH值对铁的腐蚀电化学行为的影响之间是否存在交互效应。在本工作中,作者提出了两个新的研究方法:(a) 从单支弱极化曲线测定腐蚀电流和阴、阳极反应的Tafep斜率;(b)根据交流方波电流扰动的响应函数方程测定极化电阻Rp和界面电容C。设I_c、I_(2c)、I_(3c)及I_(4c)分别为对应于弱极化区内极化电位为ΔE、2ΔE、3ΔE和4ΔE的极化电流,且令a = I_(2c)/I_c, b = I_(3c)/I_c, c = I_(4c)/I_(2c), 而(4b-3a~2)~(1/2)、(3c-2b)~(1/2)、(2c-a~2)~(1/2)则以S_j表示之,则可得到:I_(corr) = I_c/S_j b_c = ΔE/lg((a+s_j)/2) b_a = -ΔE/lg((a-s_j)/2)为了方便,准确地求出动力学参数,可选用一系列的ΔE值,得出相应的极化电流I_λ,求出S_λ,应用统计方法处理数据,可得:I_(corr) = ∑ from i=1 to n I_λ/∑ from i=1 ton S_λ b_c = ∑ form λ to n ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ+S_λ)/2) b_a = ∑ form i=1 ton ΔE_λ/∑ form i=1 to n lg ((a_λ-S_λ)/2)在线性极化区间内向腐蚀金属电极体系施加一交流方波电流扰动讯号时,通过Laplace变换分析,得到相应的响应函数方程为:E_1(t) = λ_o(R_s+R_p) - 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (o<τ<λ) E_2(t) = -λ_o(R_s+R_p) + 2λ_oR_p (e~(-(τ-λ)/RpC))/(1+e~(λ/RpC)) (λ<τ<2λ)由此方程可知,它们在E~λ坐标系统中的轨迹为对称兴致勃勃原点的两条直线。由此方程可进一步得到:ΔE = 2λ_oR_p (e~(λ/RpC)-1)/(e~(λ/RpC)+1) = 2λ_oR_p t_(anh)(λ/(2RpC)) Δh = 2λ_o Rs式中ΔE为单支响应直线的长度,Δh则为两条直线最高点之间的距离。上述公式可进一步简化为:Rp =(ΔE)/(2λ_o) λ>>RpC (λ_o)/(ΔE) = C/λ + 1/(2Rp) λ<


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本工作对环形聚苯乙烯的溶液性质作了系统研究。工作中运用了各种溶液性质的研究方法如激光光散射、凝胶色谱和溶液粘度。对不同分子量(1 * 10~4 ~ 2.3 * 10~5)的窄分布环形聚苯乙烯样品在良溶剂甲苯,不良溶剂丁酮以及不同温度的环已烷中第二维利系数的测定发现,在良溶剂中环形聚苯乙烯的第二维利系数小于线形聚苯乙烯,在不良溶剂中两者第二维利系数相近,而环形聚苯乙烯在环已烷中的θ温度为30 ℃,比线形聚苯乙烯的θ温度低4.5 ℃。这些结果表明环形聚苯乙烯分子间排斥体积效应小于线形分子,而分子内排斥体积效应略大于线形分子。环形聚苯乙烯在甲苯(25 ℃)和丁酮(25 ℃)中的第二维利系数与分子量的关系分别为甲苯 A_(2r) = 1.28 * 10~(-2) (M-bar)_w~(-0.283)丁酮 A_Z(2r) = 5.06 * 10~(-3) (M-bar)_w~(-0.273)通过测定环形聚苯乙烯系列样品在θ溶剂,良溶剂和不良溶剂中的特性粘数,确定了环形聚苯乙烯在多种溶剂中的Mark-Houwink方程,在θ溶剂中的Mark-Houwink方程为[η]_r = 5.102 * 10~(-2) (M-bar)_w~(0.508) 环已烷30 ℃应用粘度结果讨论了环形聚苯乙烯的粘度扩展因子、等效球半径,均方回转半径以及穿流效应,并与线形聚苯乙烯作了比较。


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The influence of heterostructure quality on transport and optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum wells with different qualities was studied. In a conventional sample-A, the transport scattering time and the quantum scattering time are small and close to each other. The interface roughness scattering is a dominant scattering mechanism. From comparison between theory and experiment, interface roughness with fluctuation height 2.5 Angstrom and the lateral size of 50-70 Angstrom were estimated. For samples introducing superlattices instead of AlGaAs layers or by utilizing growth interruption, both the transport and PL measurements showed that interfaces were rather smooth in the samples. The two scattering times are much longer. The interface roughness scattering is relegated to an unimportant position. Results demonstrated that it is important to control the formation of heterostructures in order to improve the interface quality.


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The microstructures in iron- and sulphur-doped InP crystals were studied using both electron microscopy and electron diffraction. A modulated structure has been found in S-doped InP crystal, where the commensurate modulations corresponded to periodicities of 0.68 nm and 0.7 nm in real space and were related to the reflections of the cubic lattice in [111] and [113BAR] directions; they were indexed as q111* = 1/2(a* + b* + c*) and q113BAR* = 1/4(-a* - b* + 3c*), respectively. Single atomic layers of iron precipitate were observed, with preferred orientations along which precipitates are formed. Simulated calculations by means of the dynamical theory of electron diffraction using models for the precipitate structure were in good agreement with our experimental results. The relation between the modulated structure and the precipitates is also discussed.


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Epitaxial growth on n-type 4H-SiC 8°off-oriented substrates with a size of 10 × 10 mm~2 at different tem-peratures with various gas flow rates has been performed in a horizontal hot wall CVD reactor, using trichlorosilane (TCS) as a silicon precursor source together with ethylene as a carbon precursor source. The growth rate reached 23 μm/h and the optimal epilayer was obtained at 1600 ℃ with a TCS flow rate of 12 sccm in C/Si of 0.42, which has a good surface morphology with a low RMS of 0.64 nm in an area of 10 × 10μm~2. The homoepitaxial layer was oh-tained at 1500 ℃ with low growth rate (< 5μm/h) and the 3C-SiC epilayers were obtained at 1650 ℃ with a growth rate of 60-70μm/h. It is estimated that the structural properties of the epilayers have a relationship with the growth temperature and growth rate. Silicon droplets with different sizes are observed on the surface of the homoepitaxial layer in a low C/Si ratio of 0.32.


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Mossbauer spectra for Fe atoms in the series of R3Fe29-xVx (R = Y, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy) compounds were collected at 4.2 K. The ratio of 14.5 T/mu(B) between the average hyperfine field B-hf and the average Fe magnetic moment mu(Fe)(MS), obtained from our data, in Y3Fe29-xVx is in agreement with that deduced from the RxTy alloys by Gubbens et al. The average Fe magnetic moments mu(Fe)(MS) in these compounds at 4.2 K, deduced from our Mossbauer spectroscopic studies, are in accord with the results of magnetization measurement. The average hyperfine field of the Fe sites for R3Fe29-xVx at 4.2 K increases with increasing values of the rare earth effective spin (g(J) - 1) J, which indicates that there exists a transferred spin polarization induced by the neighboring rare earth atom.


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A kind of Faraday glass with a size of 40 mm x 14 mm and 100-300 mm x 25 mm, respectively, was prepared by the melting and casting process, which had neither a Pt particulate nor a bubble or striation. The measurement results showed that the surface homogeneity of the samples was up to +/- 1 x 10-6, the laser threshold reached 10 J/cm2 (1 omega, 3 ns), and the Verdet constants of the glasses were -0.273 min/Oe/cm at 632.8 nm and -0.076 min/Oe/cm at 1064 nm, respectively.