989 resultados para 153-920A


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EuroPES 2009


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Capítulo 6 del libro: Guisasola, Jenaro ; Garmendia, Mikel (eds.) "Aprendizaje basado en problemas, proyectos y casos: diseño e implementación de experiencias en la universidad" (ISBN: 978-84-9860-959-2)


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2004 1. Completed the second of a 3-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Escambia River, Florida. 2. Completed the first of a 2-year Gulf sturgeon population estimate on the Apalachicola River, Florida. 3. Conducted Gulf sturgeon presence-absence surveys in three other Florida river systems. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine habitat use in the near shore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. 5. Identified environmental threats to Gulf sturgeon spawning habitat in the Choctawhatchee River, Florida. 6. Initiated a study to document Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 21st Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 8. Over 86,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in Lake Seminole and the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 31 sites. 9. Drafted updates to Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Striped Bass Restoration and Evaluation Five-Year Plan with partners. 10. Fishery surveys were conducted on Tyndall Air Force Base and St. Marks and St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuges. 11. Habitat evaluations and population surveys were completed at 153 Okaloosa darter stream sites. 12. Aquatic insect biomonitoring and identification of over 39,000 individual aquatic macroinvertebrates was completed and provided to Eglin Air Force Base. 13. Ten years of fishery data from Okefenokee and Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuges was analyzed with recommendations incorporated into the refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan. 14. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in northwest Florida and southwest Georgia. 15. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 16. Worked with partners in developing the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership in the Flint River basin, Georgia. 17. Multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects were initiated or completed. A total of 6.8 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, along with 56.4 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 135 acres of wetlands and 58 acres of understory habitat were restored. 18. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, BASS ProShops event, several festivals, and school outreach.


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Seit mehreren Jahren werden im Labor für Radioökologie der Gewässer regelmäßig Fische aus der Deutschen Bucht auf die Schwermetalle Kupfer, Zink, Cadmium, Blei, Quecksilber sowie auf die Organohalogene Hexachlorbenzol, Hexachlorcyclohexan und polychlorierte Biphenole untersucht. In dieses Untersuchungsspektrum wurden 1990 Miesmuscheln (Mytilus edulis) aus der inneren Deutschen Bucht einbezogen, um im Rahmen eines deutsch-dänischen Gemeinschaftsprogramms weitergehende Informationen über Schadstoffbelastungen küstennaher Areale zu gewinnen.


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Isoprene (ISO),the most abundant non-methane VOC, is the major contributor to secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation. The mechanisms involved in such transformation, however, are not fully understood. Current mechanisms, which are based on the oxidation of ISO in the gas-phase, underestimate SOA yields. The heightened awareness that ISO is only partially processed in the gas-phase has turned attention to heterogeneous processes as alternative pathways toward SOA.

During my research project, I investigated the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in bulk water. Below, I will report on the λ > 305 nm photolysis of H2O2 in dilute ISO solutions. This process yields C10H15OH species as primary products, whose formation both requires and is inhibited by O2. Several isomers of C10H15OH were resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected as MH+ (m/z = 153) and MH+-18 (m/z = 135) signals by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This finding is consistent with the addition of ·OH to ISO, followed by HO-ISO· reactions with ISO (in competition with O2) leading to second generation HO(ISO)2· radicals that terminate as C10H15OH via β-H abstraction by O2.

It is not generally realized that chemistry on the surface of water cannot be deduced, extrapolated or translated to those in bulk gas and liquid phases. The water density drops a thousand-fold within a few Angstroms through the gas-liquid interfacial region and therefore hydrophobic VOCs such as ISO will likely remain in these relatively 'dry' interfacial water layers rather than proceed into bulk water. In previous experiments from our laboratory, it was found that gas-phase olefins can be protonated on the surface of pH < 4 water. This phenomenon increases the residence time of gases at the interface, an event that makes them increasingly susceptible to interaction with gaseous atmospheric oxidants such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals.

In order to test this hypothesis, I carried out experiments in which ISO(g) collides with the surface of aqueous microdroplets of various compositions. Herein I report that ISO(g) is oxidized into soluble species via Fenton chemistry on the surface of aqueous Fe(II)Cl2 solutions simultaneously exposed to H2O2(g). Monomer and oligomeric species (ISO)1-8H+ were detected via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) on the surface of pH ~ 2 water, and were then oxidized into a suite of products whose combined yields exceed ~ 5% of (ISO)1-8H+. MS/MS analysis revealed that products mainly consisted of alcohols, ketones, epoxides and acids. Our experiments demonstrated that olefins in ambient air may be oxidized upon impact on the surface of Fe-containing aqueous acidic media, such as those of typical to tropospheric aerosols.

Related experiments involving the reaction of ISO(g) with ·OH radicals from the photolysis of dissolved H2O2 were also carried out to test the surface oxidation of ISO(g) by photolyzing H2O2(aq) at 266 nm at various pH. The products were analyzed via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Similar to our Fenton experiments, we detected (ISO)1-7H+ at pH < 4, and new m/z+ = 271 and m/z- = 76 products at pH > 5.


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A taxa de controle da hipertensão arterial permanece subótima apesar dos amplos e intensos programas institucionais e o número das novas medicações. A combinação de drogas de diferentes mecanismos de ação vem se tornando uma alternativa para aumentar a redução na pressão arterial (PA) e aumentar seu controle, aumentar aderência ao tratamento e reduzir os eventos adversos. Um estudo fatorial 4X4 foi desenhado para determinar a eficácia e a segurança de telmisartana (T) mais anlodipino (A) em pacientes hipertensos estágios I e II. Pacientes hipertensos adultos (N=1461) estágios I e II (pressão arterial basal 153,212,1 ⁄101,74,3 mm Hg) foram randomizados para 1 de 16 grupos de tratamento com T 0, 20, 40, 80 mg e A 0, 2.5, 5, 10 mg por oito semanas. A maior redução na média das pressões sistólica e diastólica foram observadas com T 80 mg mais A10 mg (- 26,4 ⁄20,1 mm Hg; p<0,05 comparados com as monoterapias). A taxa de controle da PA foi também maior no grupo T 80mg mais A 10mg (76,5% [controle total] e 85,3% [controle da PA diastólica ]), e taxa de controle da PA >90% com esta combinação. O edema periférico maleolar foi o evento adverso mais frequente e ocorreu no grupo A 10mg (17,8%), porém, esta taxa foi marcadamente menor quando A foi usada associada com T: 11,4% (T20+A10), 6,2% (T40+ A10), e 11,3% (T80+A10). Um subestudo utilizando a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) foi realizado na fase basal e após oito semanas de tratamento. A maior redução média das pressões nas 24 horas a partir do período basal foi registrada para a combinação de telmisartana 80 mg e anlodipino 10 mg e encontrou-se queda de 22,4/14,6 mmHg, de 11,9/6,9 mmHg para anlodipino 10 mg monoterapia e de 11,0/6,9 mmHg para telmisartana 80 mg (p< 0,001). Além disso, resultados relevantes foram também constatados numa análise post hoc de subgrupos incluindo idosos, obesos, diabéticos tipo 2 e hipertensão sistólica. A resposta anti-hipertensiva da combinação foi semelhante, independente de qualquer característica de cada subgrupo. Estes dados demonstram que telmisartana e anlodipino em combinação oferecem substancial redução e controle nas 24 horas superior às respectivas monoterapias em hipertensos estágios I e II.