750 resultados para Árvore geradora multiobjetivo


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The National School Feeding Programme (PNAE) is a public policy in Brazil for over 60 years and represents one of the most important programs of feeding and nutrition in the world. The role of family farming as a source of employment in rural areas, food provider and for ensuring much of the Brazil’s food security is constantly present at the government's and social movement’s agendas. Law 11.947 of 2009 marked its integration in the food supply for the National School Feeding Programme. Article 14 of aforementioned law highlights that a minimum of 30% (thirty percent) of the funds transferred by the National Development Fund Education (FNDE) to the Programme must be used for the purchase of food directly from family farmers or their organizations. The national school feeding policy under the responsibility of the FNDE and is subjected to agencies of internal control, such as the General Controllership of the Union (CGU), of external control, such as the Audit Courts of the Union and the of the states, and to the social control of the school feeding councils. Those funds are transferred to the implementing agencies, which are the education offices of the states, municipalities and of the Federal District. These entities must annually present their accountings to the School Feeding Councils, which analyze them and then issue a conclusive report to the FNDE, approving with or without reservations, or rejecting them. In this sense, this research aims to propose parameters that should contribute to the improvement of the social control over purchases from family farming for the National School Feeding Programme. The study was conducted by non parametric sampling alongside the managers of the implementing entities, school feeding councils and Family Farming Organizations all across Brazil, from the databases provided by FNDE and by the National Union of Cooperatives of Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economy (Unicafes). The study points out that the legal framework of PNAE seeks to ensure the participation of family farming in the food supply for the Programme, despite allowing the executing agencies to justify the non-compliance of the minimum required in a number of ways. The survey also signalizes that the school feeding councils follow the implementation of the Programme very shyly, and points out that there is room to expand and enhance the participation of these councils and organizations of family farming in the execution of PNAE. Its effectiveness requires a constant and effective process of training of the agents involved in the Programme.


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Os avanços e a disseminação do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) descortinam novas perspetivas para a educação com suporte em ambientes digitais de aprendizagem usados via internet (Fiolhais & Trindade, 2003). A plataforma usada no Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE) da Universidade de Aveiro (UA) é uma das ferramentas informáticas que suporta esses ambientes através da avaliação baseada no Modelo Gerador de Questões (MGQ), possibilitando a obtenção da imagem do progresso feito pelos alunos (Vieira, Carvalho & Oliveira, 2004). Reconhecendo a importância didática desta ferramenta, já demonstrada noutras investigações (por exemplo, Carvalho, 2011; Pais de Aquino, 2013; Peixoto, 2009), o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral desenvolver material didático digital de Física, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe, para alunos e professores sobre radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna. Pretendeu-se, ainda, propor estratégias de trabalho com recurso às TIC para a melhoria da qualidade das aprendizagens nesta disciplina. O estudo assentou nas três seguintes questões de investigação: (a) Como conceber instrumentos de avaliação das aprendizagens baseadas no modelo gerador de questões para o estudo das radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe? (b) Que potencialidades e constrangimentos apresentam esses instrumentos quando implementados com alunos e professores? (c) De que forma o conhecimento construído pode ser mobilizado para outros temas da Física e para o ensino das ciências em geral? O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de Estudos de Desenvolvimento, de natureza mista, que compreendeu as fases da Análise, Design, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação, seguindo como paradigma um estudo de cariz exploratório, com uma vertente de estudo de caso. Assim, na Análise, foi discutido o contexto da educação em Moçambique e a problemática da abordagem das radiações e conteúdos de Física Moderna no ensino secundário no quadro desafiante que se coloca atualmente à educação científica. No Design foram avaliadas as abordagens dasTIC no ensino e aprendizagem da Física e das ciências em geral e construída a árvore de objetivos nos conteúdos referidos na fase anterior. Na fase do Desenvolvimento foram construídos os instrumentos de recolha de dados, elaborados os protótipos de MGQ e sua posterior programação, validação e testagem em formato impresso no estudo exploratório. Na Avaliação, foi conduzido o estudo principal com a aplicação dos modelos no formato digital e feita sua avaliação, o que incluiu a administração de inquéritos por questionário a alunos e professores. Os resultados indicam que na conceção de MGQ, a definição dos objetivos de aprendizagem em termos comportamentais é fundamental na formulação de questões e na análise dos resultados da avaliação com o objetivo de reajustar as estratégias didáticas. Apontam também que a plataforma do PmatE que suporta os MGQ, embora possua constrangimentos devido a sua dependência da internet e limitações de ordem didática, contribui positivamente na aprendizagem e na identificação das dificuldades e principais erros dos alunos, por um lado. Por outro, estimula através da avaliação os processos de assimilação e acomodação do conhecimento. O estudo recomenda a necessidade de mudanças nas práticas de ensino e de aprendizagem para que seja possível a utilização de conteúdos digitais como complemento à abordagem didática de conteúdos.


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A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements to the degree of Master in Computer Science and Computer Engineering


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 25 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 24 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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The morphometric relations allow describing dimensions of trees without prior knowledge of the age, it help the forest planning and implementation of silvicultural treatments, especially when needs to make sustainable use of forests. For this purpose, the aim of this study was to model and comparising the morphometric relations araucaria trees in social position dominant, codominant and dominated in native forest remnant, located in Lages, SC. A total of 294 trees distributed in dbh classes were intentionally selected inside of forest. In each tree was measured dbh, total height, bole height, crown diameter by eight radius, as well as the classification of social position. Simple and multiple linear regression models were used to describe the relation h/d, the proportion of the crown and formal crown in function of diameter at breast height with simple transformation, quadratic, cubic, inverse and logarithmic form. The analysis of covariance with dummy variables were used to describe the social position and tested the parallelism and slope of regression indicating need or not of the use independent regressions. The results indicated that even with great variability in the shape and size of the crown due to growth and competition process, the morphometric relations of araucaria can be accurately estimated by regression models. The relation h/d, proportion of the crown and formal crown can be described by individual model for social position dominant, codominant and dominant, or alternatively a single model with the use of dummy variables that differentiate trees group dominated for the relation h/d and formal crown. The proportion of crown presented difference in dimensions of the trees, being necessary to use dummy variable for each social stratus or use the individual models.


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O presente trabalho avaliou características dendrométricas, químicas e a densidade básica da madeira de cinco híbridos de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla , com 2,25 anos de idade. O experimento foi implantando no espaçamento 3,5 x 2 m, com 35 repetições e parcelas de uma planta. Quatro repetições do experimento foram cortadas avaliando-se o diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP, a 1,3 m do solo), altura total e comercial, biomassa seca de folhas, galhos, madeira e casca, volume com e sem casca e volume de casca. Das árvores abatidas foram retirados discos de 5 cm de espessura no DAP e a 0 (base), 25, 50, 75 e 100% da altura comercial, para determinação da densidade básica e caracterização química da madeira. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Os clones de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla diferiram quanto ao volume e biomassa com destaque para o C5 com valores superiores aos demais clones. A densidade básica da madeira foi maior na base da árvore; nas demais posições de amostragem, os valores de densidade foram semelhantes entre si; dentre os clones, o C5 apresentou densidade básica da madeira superior ao C3 e ao C4, assim como o C2 superou o C3. As características químicas da madeira foram semelhantes entre os clones e, apesar da avaliação ter sido realizada em plantas jovens, os clones demonstraram bom potencial em Jaboticabal - SP.


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One Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitors (PmTI) was purified from Piptadenia moniliformis seeds, a tree of the sub-family Mimosoideae, by TCA precipitation, affinity chromatography on immobilized trypsin-Sepharose, DEAE cellulose (ion exchange) and Superose 12 (molecular exclusion) column FPLC/AKTA. The inhibitor has Mr of 25 kDa by SDS-PAGE and chromatography molecular exclusion. The N-terminal sequence of this inhibitor showed high homology with other family Kunitz inhibitors. This also stable variations in temperature and pH and showed a small decrease in its activity when incubated with DDT in the concentration of 100mM for 120 minutes. The inhibition of trypsin by PmTI was competitive, with Ki of 1.57 x10-11 M. The activity of trypsin was effectively inhibited by percentage of inhibition of 100%, among enzymes tested, was not detected inhibition for the bromelain, was weak inhibitor of pancreatic elastase (3.17% of inhibition) and inhibited by 76.42% elastase of neutrophils, and inhibited in a moderate, chymotrypsin and papain with percentage of inhibition of 42.96% and 23.10% respectively. In vitro assays against digestive proteinases from Lepidoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera pests were carried out. Several degrees of inhibition were found. For Anthonomus grandis and Ceratitis capitata the inhibition was 89.93% and 70.52%, respectively, and the enzymes of Zabrotes subfasciatus and Callosobruchus maculatus were inhibited by 5.96% and 9.41%, respectively, and the enzymes of Plodia. interpunctella and Castnia licus were inhibited by 59.94% and 23.67, respectively. In vivo assays, was observed reduction in the development of larvae in 4rd instar of C. capitata, when PmTI was added to the artificial diet, getting WD50 and LD50 of 0.30% and 0.33%, respectively. These results suggest that this inhibitor could be a strong candidate to plant management programs cross transgenic


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A espécie Myrocarpus frondosus é nativa da região sul do Brasil, onde é conhecida como cabreúva. É uma árvore de grande porte, e sua madeira é utilizada como reservatório de bebidas destiladas, principalmente a cachaça. Na medicina popular a espécie é utilizada no tratamento de varizes. Neste trabalho pioneiro, o óleo essencial foi extraído das folhas de três árvores de cabreúva, mensalmente no período de um ano. A determinação da composição química foi realizada através das técnicas cromatográficas CG-DIC e GC-EM, identificando trinta e cinco compostos no óleo essencial, sendo o β-pineno, biciclogermacreno e D-germacreno os terpenos majoritários. O rendimento do óleo, extraído por hidrodestilação, foi diretamente proporcional à temperatura ambiente e à radiação solar na maioria dos períodos. A espécie M. frondosus apresentou o máximo de 66,91% de atividade antioxidante para concentração 250 µg/mL do óleo essencial, utilizando o método do DPPH, e máximo de 1660,74 µM FeSO4/g de óleo essencial pelo método FRAP, e os compostos β- cariofileno, α-humuleno, D-germacreno e biciclogermacreno apresentaram maior relação com essa atividade.


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Brazil is internationally acknowledged for its renewable sources, most notably, hydroelectric power plant projects which correspond to 65% of electricity production supply to the National Interconnected System. The main question behind this research is: what are the weights and the relative importance of the variables which have influence on the decision making process for the expansion of hydroelectric generation projects in Parana? The main objective is to propose a multi-criteria decision procedure, in association with water sources options that take into consideration the weight and relative importance of the alternatives having influence on the decision by enterprises in the generation of electricity in the state of Paraná. As far as the approach to the problem is concerned, this research can be classified as having mixed methodologies, applying Content Analysis, Delphi technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Following Delphi methodology, a group of 21 was selected for data collection, all of those linked to Paranaense hydroelectricity market. And the main result was the construction of a decision tree in which it was possible to identify the importance and relative weight of the elements associated with the four dimensions of energy. In environmental dimension, the highest relative weight was placed on the loading capacity of Parana system; the economic dimension, the amortization of investment; in social dimension, the generation of direct work places and in institutional dimension, the availability of suitable sources of financing. Policy makers and business managers make their decisions based on specific criteria related to the organization segment, market information, economic and political behavior among other indicators that guide them in dealing with the typical tradeoffs of projects in hydropower area. The results obtained in the decision tree show that the economic bias is still the main factor in making investment decisions. However, environmental impacts on the State loading capacity, income generation, providing opportunities for direct as well as indirect jobs. And at an institutional level, the absence of funding sources show that the perception of experts is focused on other issues beyond the logic behind development per se. The order of priority of variables in this study indicates that in the current environment of uncertainty in the Brazilian economy as many variables must be analyzed and compared in order to optimize the scarce resources available to expand local development in relation to Paranaense water matrix.


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The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources.The common Mediterranean ornamental strawberry-tree (Arbutus unedo L.) produces an edible reddish sweet berry that is found to be bland and tasteless unless it is consumed overripe, otherwise it is discarded or used as basic agricultural sub residue. The bioactive properties of this fruit have been reported and related with phenolic compounds, mainly flavan-3-ols, such as catechin and procyanidins, which has opened the opportunity to exploit their extraction from alternative sources. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC. This study compares and optimizes the maceration, microwave and ultrasound extraction techniques in the recovery of a catechin extract from Arbutus unedo L. fruits and evaluate the stability of flavan-3-ols during storage and application processes. To obtain conditions that maximize the catechin extraction yield, a response surface methodology was used. Maceration and microwave extractions were found to be the most effective methods, capable of yielding 1.38±0.1 and 1.70±0.3 mg of catechin/g dry weight (dw) in the corresponding optimal extraction conditions. The optimal conditions for maceration were 93.2±3.7 min, 79.6±5.2 ºC and 23.1±3.7 % of ethanol, while for the microwave extraction were 42.2±4.1 min, 137.1±8.1 ºC and 12.1±1.1 % of ethanol. The microwave system was a quicker solution, conducting to slightly higher yields of catechin than maceration, but this one needed lower temperatures to reach similar yields. The ultrasound method was the least effective solution in terms of catechin yield extraction (0.71±0.1 mg/g at 42.4±3.6 min, 314.9±21.2 W and 40.3±3.8 %. ethanol). The stability was tested with of the catechin-enriched extract (60% flavan-3-ols and 22% catechin), obtained under the best maceration conditions, was tested. Therefore, catechin-enriched extracts were submitted to physical and chemical stability studies, considering the main affecting variables (time, temperature and pH): i) a stability study of the extracts during storage as powder system; and ii) a stability study of the extracts in simulated food environment (aqueous solution system). The measured responses were the flavan-3-ols and catechin contents, determined by HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant activity of the extracts evaluated by hydrophilic assays. Mechanistic and phenomenological equations were used to describe the responses, and the optimal conditions for flavan-3-ols (including catechin) stability as powder extract during a month were pH= 5.4 and T= -20ºC; while its stability in aqueous solution remained during the 24 h of application at pH<4 and T<30ºC.


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In this work, the relationship between diameter at breast height (d) and total height (h) of individual-tree was modeled with the aim to establish provisory height-diameter (h-d) equations for maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) stands in the Lomba ZIF, Northeast Portugal. Using data collected locally, several local and generalized h-d equations from the literature were tested and adaptations were also considered. Model fitting was conducted by using usual nonlinear least squares (nls) methods. The best local and generalized models selected, were also tested as mixed models applying a first-order conditional expectation (FOCE) approximation procedure and maximum likelihood methods to estimate fixed and random effects. For the calibration of the mixed models and in order to be consistent with the fitting procedure, the FOCE method was also used to test different sampling designs. The results showed that the local h-d equations with two parameters performed better than the analogous models with three parameters. However a unique set of parameter values for the local model can not be used to all maritime pine stands in Lomba ZIF and thus, a generalized model including covariates from the stand, in addition to d, was necessary to obtain an adequate predictive performance. No evident superiority of the generalized mixed model in comparison to the generalized model with nonlinear least squares parameters estimates was observed. On the other hand, in the case of the local model, the predictive performance greatly improved when random effects were included. The results showed that the mixed model based in the local h-d equation selected is a viable alternative for estimating h if variables from the stand are not available. Moreover, it was observed that it is possible to obtain an adequate calibrated response using only 2 to 5 additional h-d measurements in quantile (or random) trees from the distribution of d in the plot (stand). Balancing sampling effort, accuracy and straightforwardness in practical applications, the generalized model from nls fit is recommended. Examples of applications of the selected generalized equation to the forest management are presented, namely how to use it to complete missing information from forest inventory and also showing how such an equation can be incorporated in a stand-level decision support system that aims to optimize the forest management for the maximization of wood volume production in Lomba ZIF maritime pine stands.


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En este trabajo se aborda la aplicación de SPEA2, un método para optimización multiobjetivo, al cálculo de un esquema de dosificación para el tratamiento quimioterapéutico de una masa tumoral; entiéndase por esquema de dosificación la especificación del o de los agentes cito-tóxicos, sus dosis y tiempos en que deben administrarse. El problema de optimización aquí resuelto es uno multiobjetivo, pues el esquema de dosificación a calcularse debe minimizar no solo el tamaño del tumor, sino también la toxicidad remanente al término del tratamiento, su costo, etc. El SPEA2 es un algoritmo genético que aplica el criterio de Pareto; por lo tanto, lo que calcula es una aproximación a la frontera de Pareto, soluciones de entre las cuales el usuario puede escoger la “mejor”. En el proceso de esta investigación se construyó SoT-Q, una herramienta de software que consiste de dos módulos principales: un optimizador para calcular los esquemas de dosificación óptimos, y un simulador para aplicar dichos esquemas a un paciente (simulado) con masa tumoral; el funcionamiento del simulador se basa en un modelo fármaco-dinámico que representa el tumor. El programa SoT-Q podría en el futuro -una vez extensamente probado y depurado- asistir a médicos oncólogos en la toma de decisiones respecto a tratamientos quimioterapéuticos; o podría servir también como ayuda pedagógica en el entrenamiento de nuevos profesionales de la salud. Los resultados obtenidos fueron muy buenos; en todos los casos de prueba utilizados se logró reducir de manera significativa tanto el tamaño del tumor como la toxicidad remanente al término del tratamiento; en algunos casos la reducción fue de tres órdenes de magnitud.


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O Eucalyptus grandis é uma das espécies mais cultivadas no Brasil devido à sua produtividade e qualidade da madeira. Avaliaram-se o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto tratado (0 a 40 t ha-1 base seca) e uma dose de adubo mineral nos atributos físicos e químicos da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de árvores com cinco anos de idade, no Município de Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil. O tipo de solo foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (argila = 120 g kg-1 na camada de 0-20 cm) e o clima, como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), a altura das árvores e o volume de madeira foram obtidos em todas as parcelas de oito árvores com DAP na classe de maior freqüência. As caracterizações físicas e químicas da madeira foram realizadas de acordo com as normas da ABTCP, TAPPI e ABNT. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a densidade básica da madeira, mas não afetou os teores de celulose, lignina, extrativos e o poder calorífico da madeira. O decréscimo de densidade da madeira pela adubação com lodo de esgoto foi compensado pela maior produtividade de madeira.


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This study has been presented for the Master in business of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, the objectives are evaluate the social impacts of the tourism in the community of Tibau do Sul in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research is a study of case and the analysis is qualitative and quantitative. The tourism is considerate for many people as an important source of richness, job and an important economic activity. However, for being an activity that involves as main element people, It can cause impacts, could these are beneficial or malign. To evaluate the community's perception about these impacts, it was applied a questionnaire returned to the perceptions of them about the next social indicators: health, job, security, education and life quality. Considering the advent of the tourist activity in a period fifteen year. Through the research could conclude that, of general form the population realizes the changes occurred in the municipal district of positive way. Except for some indicators that receive negative evaluation