930 resultados para triple bottom line


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A novel Littman-Metcalf external cavity laser diode array with two feedback mirrors is introduced. The line-width broadening effect caused by smile can be reduced by the novel external cavity. At the drive current of 16A, the line-width is narrowed to 0.1nm from free-running width of 1.6nm with output efficiency of 84%.


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A presente tese parte do conceito de autonomia, de Cornelius Castoriadis, com o objetivo de produzir interrogações sobre EAD on-line e seu potencial inovador, principalmente no que diz respeito ao possível fortalecimento de uma educação mais democrática e do favorecimento da construção da autonomia do aluno auxiliada pelas novas tecnologias. Para realizar os objetivos que são os seus, o presente estudo propõe-se a refletir sobre as características do modelo de formação humana que, emergindo dos documentos oficiais e da farta literatura que vem sendo produzida para introduzir a EAD on-line nos cursos superiores públicos e privados no país. A intenção manifesta é a de tentar examinar os possíveis avanços e retrocessos que muitas propostas de EAD on-line apresentam para o processo de autonomia do sujeito atualmente no Brasil. Para tentar cumprir os objetivos apresentados, foi realizado o exame de parte da vasta produção acadêmica sobre o tema, dando especial atenção aos escritos que trata do ciberespaço e da cibercultura, destacando-se nesses trabalhos as elaborações de Pierre Lévy, um dos autores mais citados pela literatura especializada. Para aprofundar as reflexões críticas sobre a questão antropológica, usamos o referencial winnicottiano da construção da singularidade, e a reflexão de Hannah Arendt sobre a dimensão política da educação.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de ontologia simples e generalista, capaz de descrever os conceitos mais básicos que permeiam o domínio de conhecimento dos jornais on-line brasileiros não especializados, fundamentado tanto na prática quanto conceitualmente, em conformidade com os princípios da Web Semântica. A partir de uma nova forma de classificação e organização do conteúdo, a ontologia proposta deve ter condições de atender as necessidades comuns de ambas as partes, jornal e leitor, que são, resumidamente, a busca e a recuperação das informações.


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Hurrengo ikerketan errugbiko line out baten jaurtiketaren abiaduraren analisia eta jaukitzaileen baloia abiadura altuan jaurtitzeko ahalmena, zehaztasunarekin ikertuko da. Hamazortzi eta hogeita bi urte tarteko errugbi jokalariak egin zituzten frogak, partaideak froga bakarra egin zuten denboraldiaren hasieran, aurre-denboraldiaren amaieran. Jokalarien arteko konparaketa egin zen. Ikertuko diren aldagarriak, eta jaurtitzaileen ahalmena neurtzen dutenak hurrengoak dira: abiadura eta zehaztasuna. bi abiadura ezberdin kalkulatu egin dira, bata helburu zehatz batekin eta bestea helburu zehatzik gabe, horrela potentzia guztia ikusi ahal izateko. Bi abiadurak konparatuz beste aldagarri bat atera da, %galera izenekoa, aldagarri onek bi abiaduraren arteko ezberdintasuna adierazten du.


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La identidad digital y la reputación online como elementos claves a la hora de relacionarse con el consumidor y generar valor


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Grinding is an advanced machining process for the manufacturing of valuable complex and accurate parts for high added value sectors such as aerospace, wind generation, etc. Due to the extremely severe conditions inside grinding machines, critical process variables such as part surface finish or grinding wheel wear cannot be easily and cheaply measured on-line. In this paper a virtual sensor for on-line monitoring of those variables is presented. The sensor is based on the modelling ability of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for stochastic and non-linear processes such as grinding; the selected architecture is the Layer-Recurrent neural network. The sensor makes use of the relation between the variables to be measured and power consumption in the wheel spindle, which can be easily measured. A sensor calibration methodology is presented, and the levels of error that can be expected are discussed. Validation of the new sensor is carried out by comparing the sensor's results with actual measurements carried out in an industrial grinding machine. Results show excellent estimation performance for both wheel wear and surface roughness. In the case of wheel wear, the absolute error is within the range of microns (average value 32 mu m). In the case of surface finish, the absolute error is well below R-a 1 mu m (average value 0.32 mu m). The present approach can be easily generalized to other grinding operations.


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The dependence of Mozambique on its marine resources is highly significant. There is a need for a plan of action for sustainable use of these important resources, for the benefit of the nation. In this document, some aspects are included, that can be important to take into consideration for a sound action plan for the lin fishery of Mozambique.


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Smart Grids are becoming a reality all over the world. Nowadays, the research efforts for the introduction and deployment of these grids are mainly focused on the development of the field of Smart Metering. This emerging application requires the use of technologies to access the significant number of points of supply (PoS) existing in the grid, covering the Low Voltage (LV) segment with the lowest possible costs. Power Line Communications (PLC) have been extensively used in electricity grids for a variety of purposes and, of late, have been the focus of renewed interest. PLC are really well suited for quick and inexpensive pervasive deployments. However, no LV grid is the same in any electricity company (utility), and the particularities of each grid evolution, architecture, circumstances and materials, makes it a challenge to deploy Smart Metering networks with PLC technologies, with the Smart Grid as an ultimate goal. This paper covers the evolution of Smart Metering networks, together with the evolution of PLC technologies until both worlds have converged to project PLC-enabled Smart Metering networks towards Smart Grid. This paper develops guidelines over a set of strategic aspects of PLC Smart Metering network deployment based on the knowledge gathered on real field; and introduces the future challenges of these networks in their evolution towards the Smart Grid.