863 resultados para temporary employment
Since ten years ago, it is intensely thought of human work and employment in developed countries as a consequence of the deep changes on the productive system. In this chapter we analyze at first place the concept of work and its evolution, based on recent researches. In second place we review the notions of activity, work and employment and also the definition and measurement of unemployment, which is not a very old notion. The third part is about the work rol in human life and finally we study the different alternatives on activity and specific work contracts, proposals that nowadays replace the notion of "full employment" in France.
Las transformaciones socio-económicas, políticas y gremiales acaecidas a fines de los '70 inauguraron un período desfavorable para las condiciones de trabajo de los obreros agrícolas. Se desarrolló una tendencia hacia la disminución de los tiempos requeridos por cada tarea, la discontinuación del proceso productivo, la estacionalización de la demanda de empleo y una mayor especialización de la fuerza de trabajo. La fragmentación extrema del proceso productivo derivó así en el astillamiento del ciclo laboral de los trabajadores en términos de ingresos y de empleadores. En este contexto, fueron logrando imponerse y naturalizarse distintas formas y niveles de remuneración para cada una de las tareas agrícolas, aun en los casos en que un trabajador las realizara todas para un mismo patrón como peón permanente, y singularmente en los casos de los obreros temporarios que se enfrentan a distintos empleadores para desarrollar cada una de las labores con las que construyen su ciclo laboral. Nos proponemos analizar el rol que la combinación de estas formas y niveles salariales ha venido cumpliendo para el abaratamiento de la fuerza de trabajo agrícola en su conjunto, así como en su estímulo a una mayor productividad y en la frustración de conflictos abiertos o a gran escala entre esta fracción de la clase obrera rural y sus patrones, a pesar de las condiciones de trabajo desfavorables que verificamos en este estudio
This paper tries to understand the current status of South African labor market, which is changing in contradictory directions, i.e. a strengthening of the rights and protection of workers at the same time as the flexibilization of employment, in the context of the characteristics of labor and social security legislation in South Africa, as well as the nature of labor and social security reforms after democratization. We put emphasis on the corporatist nature of labor policy-making as the factor influencing the course of reforms; it is argued that the apparently contradictive changes can be explained consistently by the corporatist labor policy-making process which has been practiced notwithstanding the problem of representativeness.
India's Muslim community, which accounts for 14.4 percent of India’s vast population and is thus the largest of all religious minorities, has been the subject of considerable development discourse as Muslims have the lowest level of educational attainment and standard of living among socio-religious groups in the country. This study addresses the meaning of education and career opportunities for Muslim youths in relation to their educational credentials and social position in the hierarchy of Muslim class and caste groups, with particular reference to a community in Uttar Pradesh. The author contends that the career opportunities, possibilities, and strategies of Muslim youths in Indian society depend on multiple factors: social hierarchy, opportunities to utilize economic resources, social networks, cultural capital, and the wider structural disparities within which the Muslims are situated and wherein they question the value of higher education in gaining them admission to socially recognized and established employment sectors.
The expected changes on rainfall in the next decades may cause significant changes of the hydroperiod of temporary wetlands and, consequently, shifts on plant community distributions. Predicting plant community responses to changes in the hydroperiod is a key issue for conservation and management of temporary wetlands. We present a predictive distribution model for Arthrocnemum macrostachyum communities in the Doñana wetland (Southern Spain). Logistic regression was used to fit the model using the number of days of inundation and the mean water height as predictors. The internal validation of the model yielded good performance measures. The model was applied to a set of expected scenarios of changes in the hydroperiod to anticipate the most likely shifts in the distribution of Arthrocnemum macrostachyum communities.
La norma UNE-EN 13374 “Sistemas provisionales de protección de borde. Especificaciones del producto, métodos de ensayo” (1) clasifica los sistemas provisionales de protección de borde (SPPB) en tres clases (A, B y C), en función del ángulo de la superficie de trabajo y de la altura de caída de la persona a proteger. Los sistemas clase A son los indicados cuando la inclinación de la superficie de trabajo es menor de 10º. La norma establece los requisitos de flecha y de resistencia de los SPPB. Los requisitos se pueden comprobar tanto analítica como experimentalmente. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido la evaluación del comportamiento de los SPPB utilizados habitualmente en las obras y establecer los cambios necesarios para que cumplan con la norma UNE-EN 13374. Para ello se han evaluado analítica y experimentalmente tres SPPB clase A, fabricados con acero S235. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, el sistema empleado de forma habitual en obras no supera los requisitos de la norma ni analítica ni experimentalmente. El tercer sistema supera los requisitos con las dos metodologías de análisis. El segundo sistema supera los requisitos cuando la evaluación se realiza analíticamente pero no cuando la vía utilizada es la experimental.
The implementation of a charging policy for heavy goods vehicles in European Union (EU) member countries has been imposed to reflect costs of construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as externalities such as congestion, accidents and environmental impact. In this context, EU countries approved the Eurovignette directive (1999/62/EC) and its amending directive (2006 /38/EC) which established a legal framework to regulate the system of tolls. Even if that regulation seek s to increase the efficien cy of freight, it will trigger direct and indirect effects on Spain’s regional economies by increasing transport costs. This paper presents the development of a multiregional Input-Output methodology (MRIO) with elastic trade coefficients to predict in terregional trade, using transport attributes integrated in multinomial logit models. This method is highly useful to carry out an ex-ante evaluation of transport policies because it involves road freight transport cost sensitivity, and determine regional distributive and substitution economic effect s of countries like Spain, characterized by socio-demographic and economic attributes, differentiated region by region. It will thus be possible to determine cost-effective strategies, given different policy scenarios. MRIO mode l would then be used to determine the impact on the employment rate of imposing a charge in the Madrid-Sevilla corridor in Spain. This methodology is important for measuring the impact on the employment rate since it is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of Spain’s regional and national economic situation. A previous research developed (DESTINO) using a MRIO method estimated employment impacts of road pricing policy across Spanish regions considering a fuel tax charge (€/liter) in the entire shortest cost path network for freight transport. Actually, it found that the variation in employment is expected to be substantial for some regions, and negligible for others. For example, in this Spanish case study of regional employment has showed reductions between 16.1% (Rioja) and 1.4% (Madrid region). This variation range seems to be related to either the intensity of freight transport in each region or dependency of regions to transport intensive economic sect ors. In fact, regions with freight transport intensive sectors will lose more jobs while regions with a predominantly service economy undergo a fairly insignificant loss of employment. This paper is focused on evaluating a freight transport vehicle-kilometer charge (€/km) in a non-tolled motorway corridor (A-4) between Madrid-Sevilla (517 Km.). The consequences of the road pricing policy implementation show s that the employment reductions are not as high as the diminution stated in the previous research because this corridor does not affect the whole freight transport system of Spain.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Cochrane Work Trials Search Co-ordinators Leena Isotalo and Kaisa Neuvonen for developing the search strategy and Managing Editor Jani Ruotsalainen and Co-ordinating Editor Jos Verbeek for editing the text and providing helpful comments. We would also like to thank Richard Othieno for his contributions to the protocol.
Mechanically stressed cells display increased levels of fos message and protein. Although the intracellular signaling pathways responsible for FOS induction have been extensively characterized, we still do not understand the nature of the primary cell mechanotransduction event responsible for converting an externally acting mechanical stressor into an intracellular signal cascade. We now report that plasma membrane disruption (PMD) is quantitatively correlated on a cell-by-cell basis with fos protein levels expressed in mechanically injured monolayers. When the population of PMD-affected cells in injured monolayers was selectively prevented from responding to the injury, the fos response was completely ablated, demonstrating that PMD is a requisite event. This PMD-dependent expression of fos protein did not require cell exposure to cues inherent in release from cell–cell contact inhibition or presented by denuded substratum, because it also occurred in subconfluent monolayers. Fos expression also could not be explained by factors released through PMD, because cell injury conditioned medium failed to elicit fos expression. Translocation of the transcription factor NF-κB into the nucleus may also be regulated by PMD, based on a quantitative correlation similar to that found with fos. We propose that PMD, by allowing a flux of normally impermeant molecules across the plasma membrane, mediates a previously unrecognized form of cell mechanotransduction. PMD may thereby lead to cell growth or hypertrophy responses such as those that are present normally in mechanically stressed skeletal muscle and pathologically in the cardiovascular system.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo aprofundar o regime jurídico disciplinar do servidor público temporário. Analisam-se as características principais dessa espécie de agente público que o diferenciam dos demais servidores e que justificam um regime disciplinar próprio. Em uma breve investigação sobre as prováveis origens do temporário, constata-se a presença desse servidor na Administração Pública brasileira desde 1823. No direito estrangeiro (particularmente, no direito francês e no direito português), verifica-se a existência de figuras assemelhadas ao servidor público temporário brasileiro, que é uma espécie de servidor público do gênero agente público, exercendo uma função pública, mas não ocupando nem cargo, nem emprego públicos, sendo contratado por tempo determinado para atender a necessidade temporária de excepcional interesse público. A Constituição Federal, em seu artigo 37, IX, indica que a lei estabelecerá os casos de contratação por tempo determinado, mas não há uma uniformidade entre os entes da federação sobre o regime jurídico adotado para o servidor temporário. Esta análise concentra-se na Lei Federal n.º 8.745/93, que disciplina o assunto. No âmbito federal, o servidor público temporário é dotado de um regime jurídico com características mais próximas do regime jurídico administrativo, sendo recrutado por meio de contrato administrativo assemelhado ao regime estatutário. Tal contratação deve pautar-se pela observância dos princípios da continuidade do serviço público, da moralidade, da impessoalidade, da razoabilidade, da proporcionalidade e da motivação. Focaliza-se a responsabilidade do servidor público temporário no âmbito administrativo, procurando-se demonstrar que tal servidor, por um princípio de equiparação, submete-se a um processo administrativo disciplinar para apuração de suas faltas, o qual cumpre prazos especiais e condições específicas em razão do vínculo temporário com a Administração Pública, em tudo sendo respeitado o devido processo legal, a ampla defesa e o contraditório. Analisam-se as diferenças entre o processo disciplinar do servidor temporário (sindicância) e o processo do servidor público em geral, os ritos adotados, os prazos, as penalidades e os recursos, constatando-se que o servidor público temporário responde pelos atos ilícitos em todas as esferas: penal, civil, administrativa e por atos de improbidade. A transitoriedade na função não o exime de responsabilidades, por isso, com as devidas adaptações, está sujeito aos ônus e bônus do serviço público. Daí a necessidade de construir, com base nas características próprias dessa espécie de servidor público, um regime adaptado às especificações do vínculo especial a que se submete o servidor público temporário. Propõe-se aqui um miniprocesso disciplinar ou um processo disciplinar especial, ou uma minissindicância ou uma sindicância especial, sui generis.
Hiring minority coaches is a serious concern in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL's hiring practices are inconsistent, specifically for minority candidates. The author investigates why NFL teams underutilize minority coaches with research from Central Florida University and the University of Pennsylvania. Research findings suggest that minority hires positively affect the NFL, yet the hiring process remains weak. Case study examples show the poor decision-making trends of NFL personnel, implying that although minority coaches' success is better than non-minorities, the negative perception of minorities, as aspiring head coaches and leaders, is a barrier. As a result, the NFL has a unique opportunity to improve its hiring process by aligning its approach to hiring within the guidelines of federal law.
Objetivos: Analizar las desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo, conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar, y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo en una muestra de la población ocupada en España en el año 2007 teniendo en cuenta la clase social y el sector de actividad. Métodos: Las desigualdades de género se analizaron mediante 25 indicadores en los 11.054 trabajadores entrevistados en la VI Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo. Se calcularon las odds ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95%) mediante modelos de regresión logística multivariados, estratificando por clase social ocupacional y sector de actividad. Resultados: Más mujeres que hombres trabajaban sin contrato (OR = 1,83; IC95%: 1,51-2,21), con alto esfuerzo o baja recompensa (1,14:1,05-1,25) y sufriendo acoso sexual (2,85:1,75-4,62), discriminación (1,60:1,26-2,03) y más dolores osteomusculares (1,38:1,19-1,59). Más hombres que mujeres trabajaban a turnos (0,86:0,79-0,94), con altos niveles de ruido (0,34:0,30-0,40), altas exigencias físicas (0,58:0,54-0,63) y sufriendo más lesiones por accidentes de trabajo (0,67:0,59-0,76). Las trabajadoras no manuales mostraron trabajar con un contrato temporal (1,34:1,09-1,63), expuestas a más riesgos psicosociales y sufriendo mayor discriminación (2,47:1,49-4,09) y enfermedades profesionales (1,91:1,28-2,83). En el sector de la industria las desigualdades de género fueron más marcadas. Conclusiones: En España existen importantes desigualdades de género en las condiciones de empleo, trabajo y en los problemas de salud relacionados con el trabajo, que se ven influenciadas por la clase social y el sector de actividad, y que sería necesario tener en consideración en las políticas públicas de salud laboral.
Introduction: Gender inequalities exist in work life, but little is known about their presence in relation to factors examined in occupation health settings. The aim of this study was to identify and summarize the working and employment conditions described as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health in studies related to occupational health published between 1999 and 2010. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken of studies available in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Sociological Abstracts, LILACS, EconLit and CINAHL between 1999 and 2010. Epidemiologic studies were selected by applying a set of inclusion criteria to the title, abstract, and complete text. The quality of the studies was also assessed. Selected studies were qualitatively analysed, resulting in a compilation of all differences between women and men in the prevalence of exposure to working and employment conditions and work-related health problems as outcomes. Results: Most of the 30 studies included were conducted in Europe (n=19) and had a cross-sectional design (n=24). The most common topic analysed was related to the exposure to work-related psychosocial hazards (n=8). Employed women had more job insecurity, lower control, worse contractual working conditions and poorer self-perceived physical and mental health than men did. Conversely, employed men had a higher degree of physically demanding work, lower support, higher levels of effort-reward imbalance, higher job status, were more exposed to noise and worked longer hours than women did. Conclusions: This systematic review has identified a set of working and employment conditions as determinants of gender inequalities in occupational health from the occupational health literature. These results may be useful to policy makers seeking to reduce gender inequalities in occupational health, and to researchers wishing to analyse these determinants in greater depth.
El objetivo es analizar las condiciones de trabajo en inmigrantes colombianos y sus problemas de salud asociados. Para tal fin, se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, en población inmigrante colombiana trabajadora activa o en paro, mediante encuesta personal, recogiendo información sobre características personales y laborales e indicadores de salud. Los resultados indican que existe un porcentaje importante de inmigrantes con contrataciones temporales o sin contrato y jornadas de trabajo semanales por encima de las 40 horas. Una quinta parte no se encuentra de alta en la seguridad social. La gran mayoría de las mujeres (92%) tienen salarios menores o iguales a los 1.200 euros. La población percibe discriminación en espacios sociales y laborales. Se reportan problemas de salud con diferencias por sexo. Casi una tercera parte no ha recibido información sobre prevención de accidentes y daños a la salud. Se evidencian así, situaciones de precariedad que exigen estrategias para garantizar mecanismos de protección social para esta población.