977 resultados para temperature-dependent sex determination


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There is considerable interest in hydrogen adsorption on carbon nanotubes and porous carbons as a method of storage for transport and related energy applications. This investigation has involved a systematic investigation of the role of functional groups and porous structure characteristics in determining the hydrogen adsorption characteristics of porous carbons. Suites of carbons were prepared with a wide range of nitrogen and oxygen contents and types of functional groups to investigate their effect on hydrogen adsorption. The porous structures of the carbons were characterized by nitrogen (77 K) and carbon dioxide (273 K) adsorption methods. Hydrogen adsorption isotherms were studied at 77 K and pressure up to 100 kPa. All the isotherms were Type I in the IUPAC classification scheme. Hydrogen isobars indicated that the adsorption of hydrogen is very temperature dependent with little or no hydrogen adsorption above 195 K. The isosteric enthalpies of adsorption at zero surface coverage were obtained using a virial equation, while the values at various surface coverages were obtained from the van't Hoff isochore. The values were in the range 3.9-5.2 kJ mol(-1) for the carbons studied. The thermodynamics of the adsorption process are discussed in relation to temperature limitations for hydrogen storage applications. The maximum amounts of hydrogen adsorbed correlated with the micropore volume obtained from extrapolation of the Dubinin-Radushkevich equation for carbon dioxide adsorption. Functional groups have a small detrimental effect on hydrogen adsorption, and this is related to decreased adsorbate-adsorbent and increased adsorbate-adsorbate interactions.


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Among microporous systems metal organic frameworks are considered promising materials for molecular adsorption. In this contribution infrared spectroscopy is successfully applied to highlight the positive role played by coordinatively unsaturated Cu2+ ions in HKUST-1, acting as specific interaction sites. A properly activated material, obtained after solvent removal, is characterized by a high fraction of coordinatively unsaturated Cu2+ ions acting as preferential adsorption sites that show specific activities towards some of the most common gaseous species (NO, CO2, CO, N-2 and H-2). From a temperature dependent IR study, it has been estimated that the H-2 adsorption energy is as high as 10 kJ mol(-1). A very complex spectral evolution has been observed upon lowering the temperature. A further peculiarity of this material is the fact that it promotes ortho-para conversion of the adsorbed H-2 species.


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Herein we report the intra- and inter-molecular assembly of a {V5O9} subunit. This mixed-valent structural motif can be stabilised as [V5O9(L1–3)4]5−/9− (1–3) by a range of organoarsonate ligands (L1–L3) whose secondary functionalities influence its packing arrangement within the crystal structures. Variation of the reaction conditions results in the dodecanuclear cage structure [V12O14(OH)4(L1)10]4− (4) where two modified convex building units are linked via two dimeric {O4VIV(OH)2VIVO4} moieties. Bi-functional phosphonate ligands, L4–L6 allow the intramolecular connectivity of the {V5O9} subunit to give hybrid capsules [V10O18(L4–6)4]10− (5–7). The dimensions of the electrophilic cavities of the capsular entities are determined by the incorporated ligand type. Mass spectrometry experiments confirm the stability of the complexes in solution. We investigate and model the temperature-dependent magnetic properties of representative complexes 1, 4, 6 and 7 and provide preliminary cell-viability studies of three different cancer cell lines with respect to Na8H2[6]·36H2O and Na8H2[7]·2DMF·29H2O.


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Fungal growth inhibition by ethanol was compared with that caused by five other agents of water stress (at 25, 40 and 42.5°C), using Aspergillus oryzae. Ethanol, KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol 400 were incorporated into media at concentrations corresponding to water activity (a(w)) values in the range 1 to 0.75. Generally, as temperature increased there was a decrease in the a(w) value at which optimum growth occurred. The a(w) limit for growth on KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, or polyethylene glycol 400 media was about 0.85, regardless of temperature. However, the a(w) limit for growth on ethanol media varied between 0.97 and 0.99 a(w) and was temperature-dependent. Water stress accounted for up to 31, 18 and 6% of growth inhibition by ethanol at 25, 40, and 42.5°C, respectively. For media containing ethanol, the decrease in growth rate per unit of a(w) reduction was greater as temperature increased. However, ethanol-induced water stress remained constant regardless of temperature, suggesting that other inhibitory effects of ethanol are closely temperature- dependent. Water stress may account for considerably more than 30% of growth inhibition by ethanol in cells that remain metabolically active at higher ethanol concentrations.


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Co-electrolysis of carbon dioxide and steam has been shown to be an efficient way to produce syngas, however further optimisation requires detailed understanding of the complex reactions, transport processes and degradation mechanisms occurring in the solid oxide cell (SOC) during operation. Whilst electrochemical measurements are currently conducted in situ, many analytical techniques can only be used ex situ and may even be destructive to the cell (e.g. SEM imaging of microstructure). In order to fully understand and characterise co-electrolysis, in situ monitoring of the reactants, products and SOC is necessary. Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) is ideal for in situ monitoring of co-electrolysis as both gaseous and adsorbed CO and CO2 species can be detected, however it has previously not been used for this purpose. The challenges of designing an experimental rig which allows optical access alongside electrochemical measurements at high temperature and operates in a dual atmosphere are discussed. The rig developed has thus far been used for symmetric cell testing at temperatures from 450[degree]C to 600[degree]C. Under a CO atmosphere, significant changes in spectra were observed even over a simple Au|10Sc1CeSZ|Au SOC. The changes relate to a combination of CO oxidation, the water gas shift reaction and carbonate formation and decomposition processes, with the dominant process being both potential and temperature dependent.


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Two mechanisms of conduction were identified from temperature dependent (120 K-340 K) DC electrical resistivity measurements of composites of poly(c-caprolactone) (PCL) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Activation of variable range hopping (VRH) occurred at lower temperatures than that for temperature fluctuation induced tunneling (TFIT). Experimental data was in good agreement with the VRH model in contrast to the TFIT model, where broadening of tunnel junctions and increasing electrical resistivity at T > T-g is a consequence of a large difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of PCL and MWCNTs. A numerical model was developed to explain this behavior accounting for a thermal expansion effect by supposing the large increase in electrical resistivity corresponds to the larger relative deformation due to thermal expansion associated with disintegration of the conductive MWCNT network. MWCNTs had a significant nucleating effect on PCL resulting in increased PCL crystallinity and an electrically insulating layer between MWCNTs. The onset of rheological percolation at similar to 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was clearly evident as storage modulus, G' and complex viscosity, vertical bar eta*vertical bar increased by several orders of magnitude. From Cole-Cole and Van Gurp-Palmen plots, and extraction of crossover points (G(c)) from overlaying plots of G' and G '' as a function of frequency, the onset of rheological percolation at 0.18 vol% MWCNTs was confirmed, a similar MWCNT loading to that determined for electrical percolation. 


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Temperature-dependent switching of paramagnetism of a cobalt(ii) complex is observed in an ionic liquid solution. Paramagnetic and thermochromic switching occur simultaneously due to a reversible change in coordination. This reversible switching is possible in the ionic liquid solution, which enables mobility of thiocyanate anions by remaining mobile at low temperatures and acts as an anion reservoir.


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Chromosome structure and behaviour in both meiosis of the germ cells and mitosis of the embryo from fertilisation to the two-cell stage in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus were examined by DAPI staining and three-dimensional reconstruction of serial-section images from confocal laser-scanning microscopy. By this method, each chromosome’s shape and behaviour were clearly visible in early embryogenesis from fertilisation through the formation and fusion of the male and female pronuclei to the first mitotic division. The male pronucleus was bigger than that of the female, although the oocyte is larger and richer in nutrients than the sperm. From the shape of the separating chromosomes at anaphase, the mitotic chromosomes appeared to be polycentric or holocentric rather than monocentric. Each chromosome was clearly distinguishable in the male and female germ cells, pronuclei of the one-cell stage embryo, and the early embryonic nuclei. The haploid number of chromosomes (N) was six (2n = 12), and all chromosomes appeared similar. The chromosome pair containing the ribosomal RNA-coding site was visualised by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Unlike the sex determination system in Caenorhabditis elegans (XX in hermaphrodite and XO in male), the system for B. xylophilus may consist of an XX female and an XY male.


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Na ´ultima d´ecada emergiu uma linha de investiga¸c˜ao muito activa em term´ometros n˜ao invasivos e precisos que possam determinar temperatura `a escala nanom´etrica. Esta investiga¸c˜ao foi fortemente estimulada pelas numerosas solicita¸c˜oes da nanotecnologia e da biomedicina, por exemplo. Uma das abordagens mais promissoras prop˜oe o uso de i˜oes trivalentes de lantan´ıdeos que apresenta propriedades fotoluminescentes que dependem da temperatura. Neste trabalho demonstra-se que esta t´ecnica combina as vantagens de te um limite de detec¸c˜ao de 0.5 graus com sensibilidade at´e 4.5 % · K−1. Este term´ometro molecular pode ser processado em filmes finos ou nanopart´ıculas, abrindo os campos de aplica¸c˜ao a diferentes utiliza¸c˜oes. As nanopart´ıculas de s´ılica produzidas s˜ao caracterizadas na presen¸ca e na ausˆencia de i˜oes lantan´ıdeos. Sem o metal, as nanopart´ıculas de APTES/TEOS demonstram ser luminescentes sob excita¸c˜ao UV sem necessidade de utilizar qualquer tratamento t´ermico. O rendimento quˆantico de emiss˜ao depende apenas da propor¸c˜ao dos silanos e pode atingir o valor de 0.15 ± 0.02. A co-dopagem destas nanopart´ıculas com Eu3+ e Tb3+ permite obter sondas com resposta raciom´etrica, com a possibilidade de ajustar a gama de temperaturas de opera¸c˜ao e a sensibilidade, via desenho inteligente da matriz de suporte e dos ligandos de β-dicetona que est˜ao coordenados ao i˜ao met´alico. Quando processados como filmes, este term´ometro permite o mapeamento de temperaturas com resolu¸c˜ao espacial 1.8 μm. A racionaliza¸c˜ao da dependˆencia de temperatura ´e uma ferramenta ´util para desenvolver term´ometros que operam em gamas de temperatura espec´ıficos (e.g. gama de temperatura fisiol´ogica, 290-340 K) com sensibilidade acima de 0.5 % · K−1. A combina¸c˜ao de esfor¸cos de um grande n´umero de diversas disciplinas ir´a previsivelmente permitir o surgimento de term´ometros moleculares novos e sofisticados, preenchendo os principais requisitos das nanociencias.


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O zooplâncton, particularmente os cladóceros, são organismos de água doce importantes na regulação da produção primária dos ecossistemas de água doce. No entanto, também podem adaptar-se a condições salobras. Tendo em conta as previsões no âmbito das alterações climáticas, a intrusão salina pode ocorrer a par com a subida de temperatura. As populações de água doce podem ficar vulneráveis aos efeitos interativos da salinidade e da temperatura, de acordo com os seus limites de tolerância e capacidade de adaptação ao stress ambiental. Assim, a presente tese analisou as interações resultantes das alterações destes agentes de stress em populações de cladóceros de água doce. Primeiro, comparou-se a halotolerância de diferentes genótipos de Simocephalus vetulus provenientes de populações de água doce e de água salobra de modo a avaliar a existência de uma componente genética de resistência à salinidade. A sensibilidade aguda dos genótipos variou na mesma gama de concentrações; todavia, todos os genótipos da população salobra, exceto um, foram mais tolerantes do que os de água doce, em termos de tempo à imobilização. Contudo, não foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre a performance reprodutiva em condições salobras e o contexto ambiental de origem destes genótipos. Mais, estes ensaios mostraram que as populações de água doce têm potencial para tolerar incrementos de salinidade. Como tal, pode-se concluir que a seleção a que os genótipos estão sujeitos no seu local de origem foi mais fraca do que o esperado. Segundo, investigou-se a capacidade de aclimatação de Daphnia galeata à salinidade e temperatura, de modo a avaliar a halotolerância de Daphnia a duas temperaturas num cenário de aclimatação multigeracional. O objetivo foi compreender se a pré-adaptação ao stress ambiental (20ºC e 25ºC versus 0 g/L e 1 g/L de NaCl) influenciou posteriormente as respostas a estes agentes de stress. Verificou-se uma tendência para um aumento de sensibilidade ao NaCl, a temperaturas mais elevadas. No entanto, este efeito foi anulado após nove gerações, mas apenas quando os organismos foram aclimatados aos dois agentes de stress em simultâneo (salinidade e temperatura elevada). Terceiro, demonstrou-se experimentalmente que a salinidade interferiu com a competição interespecífica, alterando a composição das comunidades zooplanctónicas. Este conjunto de evidências permitiu-nos refletir nos múltiplos impactos de agentes de stress, particularmente os relacionados com as previsões de alterações climáticas. Em paralelo aos estudos de natureza experimental, e numa perspetiva de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS), importa também promover o desenvolvimento de competências necessárias à compreensão de mudanças ambientais globais (e.g., o impacto da salinidade e da temperatura) para implementar estratégias de mitigação e adaptação. Neste contexto, foi realizada uma atividade com estudantes do ensino secundário, que se tornou uma boa oportunidade para a sua aprendizagem e aquisição de competências de interpretação de dados experimentais, assim como de sensibilização para as questões ambientais.


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In aquaculture, application of fish hybrids has increased. This technique permits improvement of the fish production by providing specimens showing better growth rate when compared to the parental species. Indeed, sterile individuals are highly demanded because quite frequently parental fish mature before they reach the market size, which impairs their growth and decrease their economic value. Throughout the last years, the commercial and scientific interest in salmonids has increased rapidly, among them, the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) are species that can be crossed to produce hybrids that might by cultured in the fish farms. In the present thesis, we have assessed chromosome numbers and evaluate gonadal sex in the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrid progenies. In our populations, the karyotype of the brook trout comprises 84 chromosomes: 16 bi-armed chromosomes (meta-submetacentric) and 68 one-armed chromosomes (telo-acrocentrics) and the chromosome arm number, NF= 100. Arctic charr karyotype shows variation related to the chromosome number (2n= 81-82) and stable chromosome arm number (NF= 100). 2n= 81 chromosomes consisted of 19 bi-armed and 62 one-armed chromosomes, while 2n= 82 karyotype was organized into 18 meta-submetacentric and 64 acrocentrics. The cytogenetic and histological analysis of the brook trout X Arctic charr hybrids (sparctics) was carried out to asses chromosome and chromosome arm number and gonadal sex of the studied specimens. Diploid chromosome number in the hybrids varied from 81 to 84 and individuals with 83 and 84 chromosomes were predominant. Most of the fish had chromosome arm number equal to 100. Robertsonian fusion in the Arctic charr and chromosome behaviour in the hybrid fish cells might lead to the observed variation in chromosome numbers in the hybrids. Among studied fish, 12 were males, 3 were females and 9 had intersex gonads. No correlation between chromosome number and disturbances in the gonadal development was found. This might suggest that intersex gonads might have been developed as a consequence of disturbances in the genetic sex determination process. Genetic sex determination acts properly in the parental species but in the hybrids this may not be as efficient.


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In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations (OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism. The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosan


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An investigation into the stability of metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) transistors based on alpha-sexithiophene is reported. In particular the kinetics of the threshold voltage shift upon application of a gate bias has been determined. The kinetics follow a stretched-hyperbola type behavior, in agreement with the formalism developed to explain metastability in amorphous-silicon thin film transistors. Using this model, quantification of device stability is possible. Temperature-dependent measurements show that there are two processes involved in the threshold voltage shift, one occurring at T approximate to 220 K and the other at T approximate to 300 K. The latter process is found to be sample dependent. This suggests a relation between device stability and alpha-sexithiophene deposition parameters. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley A Sons, Ltd.


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Polarized reflectance measurements of the quasi I-D charge-transfer salt (TMTSFh CI04 were carried out using a Martin-Puplett-type polarizing interferometer and a 3He refrigerator cryostat, at several temperatures between 0.45 K and 26 K, in the far infrared, in the 10 to 70 cm- 1 frequency range. Bis-tetramethyl-tetraselena-fulvalene perchlorate crystals, grown electrochemically and supplied by K. Behnia, of dimensions 2 to 4 by 0.4 by 0.2 mm, were assembled on a flat surface to form a mosaic of 1.5 by 3 mm. The needle shaped crystals were positioned parallel to each other along their long axis, which is the stacking direction of the planar TMTSF cations, exposing the ab plane face (parallel to which the sheets of CI04 anions are positioned). Reflectance measurements were performed with radiation polarized along the stacking direction in the sample. Measurements were carried out following either a fast (15-20 K per minute) or slow (0.1 K per minute) cooling of the sample. Slow cooling permits the anions to order near 24 K, and the sample is expected to be superconducting below 1.2 K, while fast cooling yields an insulating state at low temperatures. Upon the slow cooling the reflectance shows dependence with temperature and exhibits the 28 cm- 1 feature reported previously [1]. Thermoreflectance for both the 'slow' and 'fast' cooling of the sample calculated relative to the 26 K reflectance data indicates that the reflectance is temperature dependent, for the slow cooling case only. A low frequency edge in the absolute reflectance is assigned an electronic origin given its strong temperature dependence in the relaxed state. We attribute the peak in the absolute reflectance near 30 cm-1 to a phonon coupled to the electronic background. Both the low frequency edge and the 30 cm-1 feature are noted te shift towards higher frequcncy, upon cntering the superconducting state, by an amount of the order of the expected superconducting energy gap. Kramers-Kronig analysis was carried out to determine the optical conductivity for the slowly cooled sample from the measured reflectance. In order to do so the low frequency data was extrapolated to zero frequency using a Hagen-Ru bens behaviour, and the high frequency data was extended with the data of Cao et al. [2], and Kikuchi et al. [3]. The real part of the optical conductivity exhibits an asymmetric peak at 35 cm-1, and its background at lower frequencies seems to be losing spectral weight with lowering of the temperature, leading us to presume that a narrow peak is forming at even lower frequencies.


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The perovskite crystal structure is host to many different materials from insulating to superconducting providing a diverse range of intrinsic character and complexity. A better fundamental description of these materials in terms of their electronic, optical and magnetic properties undoubtedly precedes an effective realization of their application potential. SmTiOa, a distorted perovskite has a strongly localized electronic structure and undergoes an antiferromagnetic transition at 50 K in its nominally stoichiometric form. Sr2Ru04 is a layered perovskite superconductor (ie. Tc % 1 K) bearing the same structure as the high-tem|>erature superconductor La2_xSrrCu04. Polarized reflectance measurements were carried out on both of these materials revealing several interesting features in the far-infrared range of the spectrum. In the case of SmTiOa, although insulating, evidence indicates the presence of a finite background optical conductivity. As the temperature is lowered through the ordering temperature a resonance feature appears to narrow and strengthen near 120 cm~^ A nearby phonon mode appears to also couple to this magnetic transition as revealed by a growing asymmetry in the optica] conductivity. Experiments on a doped sample with a greater itinerant character and lower Neel temperature = 40 K also indicate the presence of this strongly temperature dependent mode even at twice the ordering temperature. Although the mode appears to be sensitive to the magnetic transition it is unclear whether a magnon assignment is appropriate. At very least, evidence suggests an interesting interaction between magnetic and electronic excitations. Although Sr2Ru04 is highly anisotropic it is metallic in three-dimensions at low temperatures and reveals its coherent transport in an inter-plane Drude-like component to the highest temperatures measured (ie. 90 K). An extended Drude analysis is used to probe the frequency dependent scattering character revealing a peak in both the mass enhancement and scattering rate near 80 cm~* and 100 cm~* respectively. All of these experimental observations appear relatively consistent with a Fermi-liquid picture of charge transport. To supplement the optical measurements a resistivity station was set up with an event driven object oriented user interface. The program controls a Keithley Current Source, HP Nano-Voltmeter and Switching Unit as well as a LakeShore Temperature Controller in order to obtain a plot of the Resistivity as a function of temperature. The system allows for resistivity measurements ranging from 4 K to 290 K using an external probe or between 0.4 K to 295 K using a Helium - 3 Cryostat. Several materials of known resistivity have confirmed the system to be robust and capable of measuring metallic samples distinguishing features of several fiQ-cm.