731 resultados para tabaco


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OBJECTIVE: To compare secondhand smoke exposure (SHSe) prevalence at home and inside the car between asthmatic and non-asthmatic Portuguese children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study that assessed children's SHSe in a representative sample of nine Portuguese cities. A validated self-reported questionnaire was administered to a random sample of 4th grade students during the school year of 2010/2011. The asthma prevalence was defined by the answers to three questions regarding asthma symptoms, medication and inhaler use. We performed chi-square tests and analysed frequencies, contingency tables, confidence intervals, and odd-ratios. RESULTS: The self-reported questionnaire was administered to 3187 students. Asthma prevalence was 14.8% (472 students). Results showed that 32.3% of non-asthmatic children and 32.4% of asthmatic children were exposed to secondhand smoke as at least one of their household members smoked at home. The prevalence of parental smoking, smoking among fathers and smoking among mothers at home was also similar in both groups (asthmatic and non-asthmatic children). SHSe inside the car was 18.6% among non-asthmatic children and 17.9% among asthmatic children. CONCLUSIONS: Asthmatic and non-asthmatic children were equally exposed to secondhand smoke, because no significant differences were found between the two groups concerning the prevalence of SHSe at home and inside the car. These findings highlight the need to include SHSe brief advice in paediatric asthma management.


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"Mappa da receita e despeza do Hospital de S. Lazaro no anno de 1838: Despeza ... Tabaco, e sabão, 68$400"--Table no. 10.


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En fin de texto consta: Para que en los reinos de las Indias é islas Filipinas se guarde el Real decreto inserto, en que S.M. se sirve abolir los privilegios concedidos á la factoría de tabacos de la Havana, reducir sus atribuciones, y permitir el libre cultivo, elaboracion, venta y extraccion de dicho género en la isla de Cuba, bajo las reglas que contiene.


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Epigramma in eos qui sumuunt naribus tabacum / authore ... Michaele Zejudo Kalatrabensis Oridinis, p.61-66.


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Este projeto tem como tema central o estudo da comunicação corporativa da Philip Morris Brasil, subsidiária da Philip Morris International, uma das maiores industria de tabaco do mundo. Os objetivos desta pesquisa é demonstrar como a Philip Morris Brasil se comunica e se relaciona com seus públicos de interesse, a comunidade, o varejo e os consumidores jovens e que estratégias ela utiliza para estabelecer e manter este relacionamento, garantindo assim a sua sustentabilidade. Outro fator importante é entender como a empresa divulga o seu produto e estimula o consumo do cigarro no Brasil sabendo-se que a legislação brasileira impõe uma forte restrição à propaganda do cigarro nas principais mídias nacionais.(AU)


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Systemic Arterial Hypertension – SAH – is defined as the syndrome which its main feature is the presence of high tensional levels, associated with alterations of functional or structural levels in the organs that it strikes. Its specific causes are not very well bounded and have an asymptomatic character. Due to its chronicity it requires adherence to the treatment plan in a systematic and permanent manner, implicating in lifestyle changes, combined or not with the use of medication. The personality inventories have been largely used in the lineation of indicative traits of difficulties with the adherence to the treatment. In this sense, developed by Theodore Millon, the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD is an instrument made from the consensus among healthcare professionals, aiming at identifying psychological factors that may compromise medical treatment so that they can be conducted in a way to enable a better adherence. Objective: evaluation of the evidence of validity of the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD for a public of patients with hypertension, aiming at investigating the indicators implicated in the adherence or not to the anti-hypertensive treatment. Method: there was a group of 200 participants in a university hospital in the city of Natal/RN, males and females, ranging from 20 to 70 years old. An interview protocol was administered in order to obtain information about socio-demographic data, clinical history, healthcare habits and way of conducting treatment, and after, the administration of the MBMD followed. Results: by means of Factor Analysis it was verified that the organization proposed by the factors is favorable and it adjusts to the theory, allowing the visualization of other underlying constructs to the scales, with adequate adjustment indexes and satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha indicators. Besides, the MBMD revealed itself sensitive to the intragroup differences relative to the sex, age, schooling, marital status, profession, income, SAH history, diagnostic time, medication use, comorbidity presence, hyposodic diet, social support and adherence criteria variables. The utilization of such instrument in the evaluation of the adherence to the anti-hypertensive treatment show, therefore, indicators of validity.


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Except the non-melanoma skin tumors, colorectal cancer is the second most common in the Southeastern Region of Brazil, the third most common in the Southern and Central Regions. It is also the forth most common in the Northern Region and it is the fifth one in the Northeastern. To assess pathological and clinical variables of colorectal Cancer is crucial to know the possible conclusions for the survival of patients and point out the characteristics in the progress of tumor, such as the profile of tumor invasion and its angiogenesis. This work focuses on analyzing clinically and pathologically some settings in colorectal cancer patients (CRC) in the city of Natal and its countryside through those variables as parameters of prognosis and determine the level of protein expression, for instance: E-cadherin (E-cad), beta- -catenin (β-cat), galectin-3 (gal-3), matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9 and vascular-endothelial growth factor alpha (α VEGF) in the tumor tissues. A retrospective study was done in colorectal cancer cases in the regions of Rio Grande do Norte state from 1995 to 2005, specifically in Natal city/RN/Brazil. The pathological and clinical variables, such as: age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, family history, the location of the primary tumor, level of differentiation, TDM staging, modified Dukes’, treatment and survival were analyzed. The pathological and clinical data were collected from medical records through a specific form and were filed on Excel. A total of 534 patients were selected from the Pathology Department file in this institution, however, 176 patients were excluded. 358 patients were included for Epidemiological analysis and its clinical and pathological correlations were selected. 180 patients were also selected for histological and immunohistochemical studies. The tumor progression of these selected proteins mentioned before were analyzed. The Paraffin blocks of these samples were treated by Microarray Tissue technique and its blades subjected to immunohistochemistry to test the intensity of these proteins in tumor tissues. The results of this analysis were correlated with clinicopathologic variables of patients. Statistical analysis using the chi-frame Pearson test and analysis of midlife by Kaplan-Meier curve was also utilized. P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The average age of our sample was 58.8 years and 51.7 % were female. Alcohol consumption has increased by 1.71 time the risk of death by CCR (p = 0.034) and tobacco consumption increased 2.7 times the chance of developing tumors of high TNM stage (p = 0.001). Cancer patients had a family history of 3,833 times the chance of developing the CCR (p = 0.002). The expression of MMP-2 showed a significant association with tumors of high TNM stage (p <0.046) and mortality (p = 0.041). The α VEGF expression had statistically significant correlation with high TNM stage (p <0.009), degree of cell indifferentiation (p <0.025) and mortality (p <0.035). Expressions of E-cadherin and beta-catetina demonstrated tumor linked to high TNM stage (p = 0.0001) and Dukes› modified (p = 0.05), lesions in the rectum (p = 0.03 and p = 0.007, respectively), smoking (p = 0.05) and indifferentiation (p = 0.001). The expression of Gal-3 showed statistical significance with high TNM stage of patients (p = 0.01), smokers (p = 0.01), alcohol drinking (p = 0.03), indifferentiation (p = 0.0001) and mortality (p = 0.0001). Based on the results, therefore, we could realize that lifestyle and family history had correlation in the CCR prognosis, as well as MMP-2 expression, MMP-9, VEGF alpha, E-cadherin, Beta-catenin and Galectin-3 were important prognostic markers in tumor progression in colorectal cancer.


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La Diabetes tipo 2, forma parte del clúster de componentes que integran el Síndrome metabólico, y constituye una enfermedad tremendamente prevalente en el mundo, con disfunciones metabólicas que incrementan la morbimortalidad. Objetivo. Con la finalidad de definir las características de una población amplia de pacientes diabéticos de la Comunidad de Madrid diagnosticados por el Hospital Infanta Leonor de Madrid, su contribución al síndrome metabólico, tipo de tratamiento, años de evolución y riesgo cardiovascular, se procedió a realizar un estudio transversal en una población de 735 diabéticos, seleccionados de una base de datos de 1135 diabéticos del Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital de los que se disponían de datos sobre edad, género, parámetros antropométricos, glucosa, hemoglobina glicosilada, lípidos, lipoproteínas, consumo de tabaco, alcohol y actividad física. En muchos de ellos también se disponía de marcadores emergentes de afectaciones relacionadas con la diabetes y la enfermedad cardiovascular como PCR-us, microalbuminuria y fibrinógeno. Descripción de la muestra. La selección se realizó garantizando confidencialidad y que todos tuvieran datos de edad, sexo, y de los marcadores clásicos, y de la mayoría de los nuevos marcadores emergentes. Como quiera que contar absolutamente con todos los marcadores en el mismo individuo supondría perder en tal selección un número no despreciable de pacientes, se procedió a respetar la selección de 735 en donde 716 tenía información de la mayoría de los marcadores. A partir de los datos primarios se calcularon los cocientes colesterol/total /HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c que informan del riesgo cardiovascular, el cociente molar TG/HDL-c indicativo del tamaño de las LDL, y la relación de triglicérido- glucosa como marcador de resistencia a la insulina y riesgo de síndrome metabólico. Se procedió a calcular el riesgo cardiovascular según los algoritmos del estudio Framingham...


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Los jóvenes son un colectivo muy vulnerable desde el punto de vista nutricional ya que sus necesidades de nutrientes son muy elevadas, especialmente en el colectivo femenino. Por otra parte, experimentan cambios antropométricos y dietéticos y presentan gran preocupación por el peso corporal junto con un desconocimiento importante en temas de alimentación. La dieta de la población joven, en general, es mejorable caracterizándose por un elevado aporte de lípidos y proteínas en detrimento de los hidratos de carbono, lo cual se debe a un bajo consumo de cereales y legumbres, verduras y lácteos y elevado de grasas y carnes. Asimismo, la falta de práctica de actividad física, el consumo de tabaco y alcohol también puede tener un importante impacto sobre la situación nutricional condicionando peores hábitos alimentarios y aumentando las necesidades de algunos nutrientes, haciendo que el riesgo de sufrir deficiencias nutricionales múltiples sea mayor así como el de padecer exceso de peso u otras enfermedades. Aunque es importante consumir alimentos de todos los grupos, desde el punto de vista nutricional, los lácteos son muy valiosos, por su elevado contenido en proteínas y calcio de fácil asimilación, los cuales son unos nutrientes muy importantes en etapas de crecimiento y desarrollo, así como para el mantenimiento de la masa ósea en etapas posteriores. Durante la juventud la masa ósea sigue aumentando mientras que el consumo de lácteos suele disminuir...


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En este trabajo nos ocuparemos de la frontera agraria de Misiones, considerándola desde el punto de vista de la política oficial y desde la perspectiva de los productores agrícolas allí asentados. En la primera parte consideraremos la frontera agraria de Misiones desde el punto de vista de la política oficial referida al tema. Los inicios de la década del setenta marcan la intensificación del control estatal sobre el espacio fronterizo y la mayor afluencia de población hacia el área. En la segunda parte describiremos el proceso de ocupación agrícola de uno de los departamentos del área Guaraní, centrándonos en el período 1970-1986.