922 resultados para semigroups of bounded linear operators
This thesis was focused on the investigation of the linear optical properties of novel two photon absorbers for biomedical applications. Substituted imidazole and imidazopyridine derivatives, and organic dendrimers were studied as potential fluorophores for two photon bioimaging. The results obtained showed superior luminescence properties for sulphonamido imidazole derivatives compared to other substituted imidazoles. Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines exhibited an important dependence on the substitution pattern of their luminescence properties. Substitution at imidazole ring led to a higher fluorescence yield than the substitution at the pyridine one. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines of Donor-Acceptor-Donor type were examined. Bis-imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines dimerized at C3 position had better luminescence properties than those dimerized at C5, displaying high emission yields and important 2PA cross sections. Phosphazene-based dendrimers with fluorene branches and cationic charges on the periphery were also examined. Due to aggregation phenomena in polar solvents, the dendrimers registered a significant loss of luminescence with respect to fluorene chromophore model. An improved design of more rigid chromophores yields enhanced luminescence properties which, connected to large 2PA cross-sections, make this compounds valuable as fluorophores in bioimaging. The photophysical study of several ketocoumarine initiators, designed for the fabrication of small dimension prostheses by two photon polymerization (2PP) was carried out. The compounds showed low emission yields, indicative of a high population of the triplet excited state, which is the active state in producing the reactive species. Their efficiency in 2PP was proved by fabrication of microstructures and their biocompatibility was tested in the collaborator’s laboratory. In the frame of the 2PA photorelease of drugs, three fluorene-based dyads have been investigated. They were designed to release the gamma-aminobutyric acid via two photon induced electron transfer. The experimental data in polar solvents showed a fast electron transfer followed by an almost equally fast back electron transfer process, which indicate a poor optimization of the system.
The interplay of hydrodynamic and electrostatic forces is of great importance for the understanding of colloidal dispersions. Theoretical descriptions are often based on the so called standard electrokinetic model. This Mean Field approach combines the Stokes equation for the hydrodynamic flow field, the Poisson equation for electrostatics and a continuity equation describing the evolution of the ion concentration fields. In the first part of this thesis a new lattice method is presented in order to efficiently solve the set of non-linear equations for a charge-stabilized colloidal dispersion in the presence of an external electric field. Within this framework, the research is mainly focused on the calculation of the electrophoretic mobility. Since this transport coefficient is independent of the electric field only for small driving, the algorithm is based upon a linearization of the governing equations. The zeroth order is the well known Poisson-Boltzmann theory and the first order is a coupled set of linear equations. Furthermore, this set of equations is divided into several subproblems. A specialized solver for each subproblem is developed, and various tests and applications are discussed for every particular method. Finally, all solvers are combined in an iterative procedure and applied to several interesting questions, for example, the effect of the screening mechanism on the electrophoretic mobility or the charge dependence of the field-induced dipole moment and ion clouds surrounding a weakly charged sphere. In the second part a quantitative data analysis method is developed for a new experimental approach, known as "Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy" (TIR-FCCS). The TIR-FCCS setup is an optical method using fluorescent colloidal particles to analyze the flow field close to a solid-fluid interface. The interpretation of the experimental results requires a theoretical model, which is usually the solution of a convection-diffusion equation. Since an analytic solution is not available due to the form of the flow field and the boundary conditions, an alternative numerical approach is presented. It is based on stochastic methods, i. e. a combination of a Brownian Dynamics algorithm and Monte Carlo techniques. Finally, experimental measurements for a hydrophilic surface are analyzed using this new numerical approach.
Eine der offenen Fragen der aktuellen Physik ist das Verständnis von Systemen im Nichtgleichgewicht. Im Gegensatz zu der Gleichgewichtsphysik ist in diesem Bereich aktuell kein Formalismus bekannt der ein systematisches Beschreiben der unterschiedlichen Systeme ermöglicht. Um das Verständnis über diese Systeme zu vergrößern werden in dieser Arbeit zwei unterschiedliche Systeme studiert, die unter einem externen Feld ein starkes nichtlineares Verhalten zeigen. Hierbei handelt es sich zum einen um das Verhalten von Teilchen unter dem Einfluss einer extern angelegten Kraft und zum anderen um das Verhalten eines Systems in der Nähe des kritischen Punktes unter Scherung. Das Modellsystem in dem ersten Teil der Arbeit ist eine binäre Yukawa Mischung, die bei tiefen Temperaturen einen Glassübergang zeigt. Dies führt zu einer stark ansteigenden Relaxationszeit des Systems, so dass man auch bei kleinen Kräften relativ schnell ein nichtlineares Verhalten beobachtet. In Abhängigkeit der angelegten konstanten Kraft können in dieser Arbeit drei Regime, mit stark unterschiedlichem Teilchenverhalten, identifiziert werden. In dem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird das Ising-Modell unter Scherung betrachtet. In der Nähe des kritischen Punkts kommt es in diesem Modell zu einer Beeinflussung der Fluktuationen in dem System durch das angelegte Scherfeld. Dies hat zur Folge, dass das System stark anisotrop wird und man zwei unterschiedliche Korrelationslängen vorfindet, die mit unterschiedlichen Exponenten divergieren. Infolgedessen lässt sich der normale isotrope Formalismus des "finite-size scaling" nicht mehr auf dieses System anwenden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie dieser auf den anisotropen Fall zu verallgemeinern ist und wie damit die kritischen Punkte, sowie die dazu gehörenden kritischen Exponenten berechnet werden können.
This thesis deals with the analytic study of dynamics of Multi--Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It is conceived to give a set of mathematical instruments apt to the theoretical study and design of these flying machines. The entire work is organized in analogy with classical academic texts about airplane flight dynamics. First, the non--linear equations of motion are defined and all the external actions are modeled, with particular attention to rotors aerodynamics. All the equations are provided in a form, and with personal expedients, to be directly exploitable in a simulation environment. This has requited an answer to questions like the trim of such mathematical systems. All the treatment is developed aiming at the description of different multi--rotor configurations. Then, the linearized equations of motion are derived. The computation of the stability and control derivatives of the linear model is carried out. The study of static and dynamic stability characteristics is, thus, addressed, showing the influence of the various geometric and aerodynamic parameters of the machine and in particular of the rotors. All the theoretic results are finally utilized in two interesting cases. One concerns the design of control systems for attitude stabilization. The linear model permits the tuning of linear controllers gains and the non--linear model allows the numerical testing. The other case is the study of the performances of an innovative configuration of quad--rotor aircraft. With the non--linear model the feasibility of maneuvers impossible for a traditional quad--rotor is assessed. The linear model is applied to the controllability analysis of such an aircraft in case of actuator block.
The thesis presents a probabilistic approach to the theory of semigroups of operators, with particular attention to the Markov and Feller semigroups. The first goal of this work is the proof of the fundamental Feynman-Kac formula, which gives the solution of certain parabolic Cauchy problems, in terms of the expected value of the initial condition computed at the associated stochastic diffusion processes. The second target is the characterization of the principal eigenvalue of the generator of a semigroup with Markov transition probability function and of second order elliptic operators with real coefficients not necessarily self-adjoint. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter we study the Brownian motion and some of its main properties, the stochastic processes, the stochastic integral and the Itô formula in order to finally arrive, in the last section, at the proof of the Feynman-Kac formula. The second chapter is devoted to the probabilistic approach to the semigroups theory and it is here that we introduce Markov and Feller semigroups. Special emphasis is given to the Feller semigroup associated with the Brownian motion. The third and last chapter is divided into two sections. In the first one we present the abstract characterization of the principal eigenvalue of the infinitesimal generator of a semigroup of operators acting on continuous functions over a compact metric space. In the second section this approach is used to study the principal eigenvalue of elliptic partial differential operators with real coefficients. At the end, in the appendix, we gather some of the technical results used in the thesis in more details. Appendix A is devoted to the Sion minimax theorem, while in appendix B we prove the Chernoff product formula for not necessarily self-adjoint operators.
Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100−200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called ”frozen phonon” method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=15±5% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient αL(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of αL(T) going along with a temperature range of negative αL(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.
With the outlook of improving seismic vulnerability assessment for the city of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), the global dynamic behaviour of four nine-storey r.c. large-panel buildings in elastic regime is studied. The four buildings were built during the Soviet era within a serial production system. Since they all belong to the same series, they have very similar geometries both in plan and in height. Firstly, ambient vibration measurements are performed in the four buildings. The data analysis composed of discrete Fourier transform, modal analysis (frequency domain decomposition) and deconvolution interferometry, yields the modal characteristics and an estimate of the linear impulse response function for the structures of the four buildings. Then, finite element models are set up for all four buildings and the results of the numerical modal analysis are compared with the experimental ones. The numerical models are finally calibrated considering the first three global modes and their results match the experimental ones with an error of less then 20%.
In the present thesis we address the problem of detecting and localizing a small spherical target with characteristic electrical properties inside a volume of cylindrical shape, representing female breast, with MWI. One of the main works of this project is to properly extend the existing linear inversion algorithm from planar slice to volume reconstruction; results obtained, under the same conditions and experimental setup are reported for the two different approaches. Preliminar comparison and performance analysis of the reconstruction algorithms is performed via numerical simulations in a software-created environment: a single dipole antenna is used for illuminating the virtual breast phantom from different positions and, for each position, the corresponding scattered field value is registered. Collected data are then exploited in order to reconstruct the investigation domain, along with the scatterer position, in the form of image called pseudospectrum. During this process the tumor is modeled as a dielectric sphere of small radius and, for electromagnetic scattering purposes, it's treated as a point-like source. To improve the performance of reconstruction technique, we repeat the acquisition for a number of frequencies in a given range: the different pseudospectra, reconstructed from single frequency data, are incoherently combined with MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) method which returns an overall enhanced image. We exploit multi-frequency approach to test the performance of 3D linear inversion reconstruction algorithm while varying the source position inside the phantom and the height of antenna plane. Analysis results and reconstructed images are then reported. Finally, we perform 3D reconstruction from experimental data gathered with the acquisition system in the microwave laboratory at DIFA, University of Bologna for a recently developed breast-phantom prototype; obtained pseudospectrum and performance analysis for the real model are reported.
Comparison of monte carlo collimator transport methods for photon treatment planning in radiotherapy
The aim of this work was a Monte Carlo (MC) based investigation of the impact of different radiation transport methods in collimators of a linear accelerator on photon beam characteristics, dose distributions, and efficiency. Thereby it is investigated if it is possible to use different simplifications in the radiation transport for some clinical situations in order to save calculation time.
This work covers the synthesis of second-generation, ethylene glycol dendrons covalently linked to a surface anchor that contains two, three, or four catechol groups, the molecular assembly in aqueous buffer on titanium oxide surfaces, and the evaluation of the resistance of the monomolecular adlayers against nonspecific protein adsorption in contact with full blood serum. The results were compared to those of a linear poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) analogue with the same molecular weight. The adsorption kinetics as well as resulting surface coverages were monitored by ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), in situ optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) investigations. The expected compositions of the macromolecular films were verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results of the adsorption study, performed in a high ionic strength ("cloud-point") buffer at room temperature, demonstrate that the adsorption kinetics increase with increasing number of catechol binding moieties and exceed the values found for the linear PEG analogue. This is attributed to the comparatively smaller and more confined molecular volume of the dendritic macromolecules in solution, the improved presentation of the catechol anchor, and/or their much lower cloud-point in the chosen buffer (close to room temperature). Interestingly, in terms of mechanistic aspects of "nonfouling" surface properties, the dendron films were found to be much stiffer and considerably less hydrated in comparison to the linear PEG brush surface, closer in their physicochemical properties to oligo(ethylene glycol) alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers than to conventional brush surfaces. Despite these differences, both types of polymer architectures at saturation coverage proved to be highly resistant toward protein adsorption. Although associated with higher synthesis costs, dendritic macromolecules are considered to be an attractive alternative to linear polymers for surface (bio)functionalization in view of their spontaneous formation of ultrathin, confluent, and nonfouling monolayers at room temperature and their outstanding ability to present functional ligands (coupled to the termini of the dendritic structure) at high surface densities.
Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, n(e), or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tau(r), in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both n(e) and tau(r) have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We describe a recent offering of a linear systems and signal processing course for third-year electrical and computer engineering students. This course is a pre-requisite for our first digital signal processing course. Students have traditionally viewed linear systems courses as mathematical and extremely difficult. Without compromising the rigor of the required concepts, we strived to make the course fun, with application-based hands-on laboratory projects. These projects can be modified easily to meet specific instructors' preferences. © 2011 IEEE.(17 refs)
Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, ne, or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tr, in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both ne and tr have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes.
INTRODUCTION: Winter sports have evolved from an upper class activity to a mass industry. Especially sledging regained popularity at the start of this century, with more and more winter sports resorts offering sledge runs. This study investigated the rates of sledging injuries over the last 13 years and analysed injury patterns specific for certain age groups, enabling us to make suggestions for preventive measures. METHODS: We present a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. From 1996/1997 to 2008/2009, all patients involved in sledging injuries were recorded upon admission to a Level III trauma centre. Injuries were classified into body regions according to the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) was calculated. Patients were stratified into 7 age groups. Associations between age and injured body region were tested using the chi-squared test. The slope of the linear regression with 95% confidence intervals was calculated for the proportion of patients with different injured body regions and winter season. RESULTS: 4956 winter sports patients were recorded. 263 patients (5%) sustained sledging injuries. Sledging injury patients had a median age of 22 years (interquartile range [IQR] 14-38 years) and a median ISS of 4 (IQR 1-4). 136 (51.7%) were male. Injuries (AIS≥2) were most frequent to the lower extremities (n=91, 51.7% of all AIS≥2 injuries), followed by the upper extremities (n=48, 27.3%), the head (n=17, 9.7%), the spine (n=7, 4.0%). AIS≥2 injuries to different body regions varied from season to season, with no significant trends (p>0.19). However, the number of patients admitted with AIS≥2 injuries increased significantly over the seasons analysed (p=0.031), as did the number of patients with any kind of sledging injury (p=0.004). Mild head injuries were most frequent in the youngest age group (1-10 years old). Injuries to the lower extremities were more often seen in the age groups from 21 to 60 years (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Mild head trauma was mainly found in very young sledgers, and injuries to the lower extremities were more frequent in adults. In accordance with the current literature, we suggest that sledging should be performed in designated, obstacle-free areas that are specially prepared, and that children should always be supervised by adults. The effect of routine use of helmets and other protective devices needs further evaluation, but it seems evident that these should be obligatory on official runs.
A method for the production of macrocyclic polystyrene via ring closing of a linear !,"-dibrominated polystyrene by an Atom Transfer Radical Coupling (ATRC) reaction is described. The dibrominated polystyrene chain was produced from two simultaneous atom transfer radical polymerizations (ATRPs) originating from a dibrominated benzal bromide initiator. To ensure the retention of the halogen end groups polymerization was allowed to proceed to less than 50% conversion. Using this precursor in an intramolecular ATRC (ring closing) reaction was found to yield in excess of 90% cyclic product based on refractive index-gel permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis. The cyclic architecture of the polymer was verified by GPC, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and mass spectrometry analysis. The utility of this method has been expanded by the addition of 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane to the coupling reaction, which allows for the coupling to proceed at a faster rate and to yield macrocycles with incorporated alkoxyamine functionality. The alkoxyamine functionality allows for degradation of the cycles at high temperatures (>125° C) and we hypothesize that it may allow the macrocycles to act as a macroinitiator for a ring expansion polymerization in future studies.