973 resultados para self-organising maps
This is the fourth report from the Northern Ireland Registry of Deliberate Self-Harm since its pilot stage in 2007. The NI Registry is part of the Northern Ireland Suicide Prevention Strategy "Protect Life - A Shared Vision?. The NI Registry is a collaboration with the National Registry of Deliberate Self-harm in the Republic of Ireland which has been operating since 2000.
New 'Active Travel' Maps, funded by the Public Health Agency, for the cities and towns of Derry/ Londonderry, Enniskillen, Limavady, Omagh and Strabane have been launched to encourage local people and visitors to build physical activity into their day by walking, cycling, jogging, or using public transport.The Active Maps aim to promote health and wellbeing across the five district councils in the West and contain information on local cycle, walk and bus routes as well as useful contacts such as local cycle hire and sales outlets and walking groups, for example.
This�self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of�asthma.
The purpose of the registry is to improve understanding about self-harm and related behaviours in Northern Ireland. The information gathered will be used to monitor trends and patterns over time and, perhaps most importantly, will help shape the development of services and support to meet need. The information will also help provide trusts and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety with a more accurate understanding of the impact of self-harm on Emergency Departments.
These guidelines are for those in the media who have involvement with the reporting or portrayal of suicide and represent an important source of information to help ensure that the quality of reporting and portrayal on this important and sensitive topic is of a high standard.
En aquest document es recull i descriuen els treballs fets al Treball de Final de Carrera, en la especialitat de Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG). La finalitat del projecte es utilitzar les tecnologies SIG per crear una pagina web on es representin els jaciments arqueològics del Museu de Molins de Rei de forma visual fàcil e interactiva sobre el mateix mapa. Per això es farà una web que sigui un "Mash-Up" utilitzant les les funcionalitats que proporcionen les Api de Google Maps.
El Museu Municipal de Molins de Rei desitja posar a la disposició dels visitants, tant presencials com virtuals, el seu fons, així com disposar d'una eina que permeti visualitzar sobre un mapa la distribució dels seus jaciments.L'usuari d'aquest projecte disposarà d'una eina que li facilitarà triar els jaciments en funció del període històric que vol consultar, accedint a través d'aquests a la documentació relativa als períodes històrics del jaciment, la de les troballes corresponents a cada període històric del jaciment i a les imatges tant del jaciment com dels objectes que s'hi han trobat.També disposarà d'una eina que li donarà les indicacions adequades per tal de poder arribar des de l'adreça que desitgi fins a la seu del museu o fins als diferents jaciments.
This self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of chronic obstructory pulmonary disease (COPD).
This self-management action plan allows each patient to record and manage the symptoms of bronchiectasis.
This second annual report from the Northern Ireland Self-Harm Registry presents an analysis of the incidence of self-harm presentations to the 12 Emergency Departments across Northern Ireland.
This report is a summary report of the six-year period between 2007- 2012.
In February 2015 the Public Health Agency (PHA) launched a six year review on the incidence of self-harm in the Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) area of Northern Ireland (NI). This was the fourth report to emerge from the Northern Ireland (NI) Registry of Self-Harm and the first to report on long-term trends (2007 to 2012).
Public Health Agency Self- Harm Symposium 27 February 2015, Conference Report.