663 resultados para publicidade
As mais recentes investigações lingüísticas colocam o texto dentro de uma nova abordagem: a linguagem como produção, isto é, um campo mais abrangente que capte a multiplicidade dos fenômenos instaurados na língua e a partir da língua. O texto, visto como um jogo dinâmico entre os interlocutores, mobiliza os elementos envolvidos no ato de produção de sentidos e as ligações da língua com o homem e a sociedade. Alinguagem está intimamente ligada à realidade da vida cotidiana, uma realidade que busca a interação dos interlocutores, sempre objetivando a consecução de um texto semanticamente satisfatório, e a linguagem da publicidade, mediante sua trama argumentativa, é o simulacro ideal para esse processo. A linguagem publicitária tem sido considerada um gênero discursivo caracterizado pela riqueza lingüística de sua elaboração, valendo-se de mecanismos pertencentes não só ao nível gramatical da língua, mas também ao nível discursivo-argumentativo que direciona os desejos do interlocutor/consumidor. Com base na Semântica Argumentativa, examinaremos determinados procedimentos responsáveis pela estrutura argumental do texto, desvendada por meio de pistas/direções que os referidos elementos lingüísticos oferecem. São eles: operadores argumentativos, figuras de repetição (anáfora, epístrofe, concatenação e paralelismo), adjetivação e homonímia.
This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the reception of advertising to children in Brazilian families. The topic of children's advertising has gained importance in recent years because of the civil movements for regulation by-law of advertising to children in Brazil. In view of the various interests at stake, the matter has been the subject of discussion and controversy. Therefore the objective of this paper is to cooperate to the debate, in order to understand the reception of children's advertising in family dynamics. We chose here the focus in the perspective of mothers and fathers. Four semi-structured interviews for the mothers and fathers of children aged between six and 10 years, conducted in two schools in the Distrito Federal, were analyzed. The category ‘appraisal’ was considered for analysis of positions, behaviors and feelings present in the discourse of the parents. The reflections were guided on Critical Discourse Analysis and reveal that advertising to children has been responsible for a determinate disharmony in the family environment, while at the same time strengthen traditional roles of social actors.
The internet has been an increasingly important support for advertising various products. We witness the proliferation of educational advertisements on youtube, aiming for membership of an audience that craves attend university. Thus, the advertising discourse uses linguistic and imagistic strategies increasingly effective. The image constructed in discourse this is a strategy. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to analyze the emerging ethos of sceneries built in educational advertising on youtube. Therefore, we analyzed five videos aimed at pre-university students, adopting as theoretical presuppositions of discourse analysis (AD) French oriented, based on Maingueneau research on the scenes of enunciation. The analysis revealed the variation of topographies and cronografias featuring sceneries, linked to the scenic framework of educational advertising discourse on youtube. Therefore, based on scenes of enunciation, we see the construction of a bold ethos, brave, challenging, among others.