733 resultados para pneumatic dilatation


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A percepção de presença (PP), evolução do conceito de telepresença, pode ser definida como ilusão perceptiva de não mediação e/ou a percepção ilusória da realidade. O método mais utilizado para a avaliação da PP faz uso de questionários aplicados aos sujeitos, após sua participação numa experiência. Além de não fornecer informações em tempo real esse método sofre muitas interferências advindas tanto dos sujeitos submetidos ao experimento como dos avaliadores dos questionários. Os métodos que poderiam ser mais efetivos para a avaliação da PP, em tempo real, fazem uso de sinais fisiológicos que variam independentemente da vontade dos sujeitos, como batimento cardíaco, eletrocardiograma, eletroencefalograma, resistividade e umidade da pele. Os sinais fisiológicos, no entanto, só variam de forma significativa em situações de estresse, inviabilizando sua utilização em atividades normais, sem estresse. Outra forma de avaliar a PP é utilizar sistemas de rastreamento do olhar. Estudados e desenvolvidos desde o século 19, os sistemas de rastreamento do olhar fornecem um mapeamento do movimento dos olhos. Além de indicar para onde os sujeitos estão olhando, podem também monitorar a dilatação da pupila e as piscadas. Atualmente existem sistemas de rastreamento do olhar comerciais de baixo custo, que apesar de terem menos precisão e frequência que os equipamentos de alto custo são mais práticos e possuem software de plataforma aberta. No futuro serão tão comuns e simples de usar como são hoje as câmeras em dispositivos móveis e computadores, o que viabilizará a aplicação das técnicas e métodos aqui propostos em larga escala, principalmente para monitorar a atenção e envolvimento de atividades mediadas por vídeo. É apresentada uma ferramenta que faz uso do rastreamento do olhar para avaliar a percepção de presença em atividades mediadas por vídeo (com estímulos sonoros). Dois experimentos foram realizados para validar as hipóteses da pesquisa e a ferramenta. Um terceiro experimento foi executado para verificar a capacidade da ferramenta em avaliar a percepção de presença em atividades não estressantes mediadas por vídeo.


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Soil vapor extraction (SVE)systems can be used to remediate enviornmental sites that have been contaminated with petroleum products. However, SVE systems rely on pore space in soils to draw the vapors through the soil, creating a vacuum. Therefore, SVE systems are not as effective when used in low permeability soils. This study aims to determine whether SVE systems can be used on low permeability soils in conjunction with companion technologies. The results indicate that SVE systems can be utilized in low permeability soils if used in conjunction with companion technologies that increase soil permeability and cantaminant volatilization. The promising companion technology is six-phase soil heating, based on contamination removal rate and cost estimates.


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The influence of the sample introduction system on the signals obtained with different tin compounds in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) based techniques, i.e., ICP atomic emission spectrometry (ICP–AES) and ICP mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) has been studied. Signals for test solutions prepared from four different tin compounds (i.e., tin tetrachloride, monobutyltin, dibutyltin and di-tert-butyltin) in different solvents (methanol 0.8% (w/w), i-propanol 0.8% (w/w) and various acid matrices) have been measured by ICP–AES and ICP–MS. The results demonstrate a noticeable influence of the volatility of the tin compounds on their signals measured with both techniques. Thus, in agreement with the compound volatility, the highest signals are obtained for tin tetrachloride followed by di-tert-butyltin/monobutyltin and dibutyltin. The sample introduction system exerts an important effect on the amount of solution loading the plasma and, hence, on the relative signals afforded by the tin compounds in ICP–based techniques. Thus, when working with a pneumatic concentric nebulizer, the use of spray chambers affording high solvent transport efficiency to the plasma (such as cyclonic and single pass) or high spray chamber temperatures is recommended to minimize the influence of the tin chemical compound. Nevertheless, even when using the conventional pneumatic nebulizer coupled to the best spray chamber design (i.e., a single pass spray chamber), signals obtained for di-tert-butyltin/monobutyltin and dibutyltin are still around 10% and 30% lower than the corresponding signal for tin tetrachloride, respectively. When operating with a pneumatic microconcentric nebulizer coupled to a 50 °C-thermostated cinnabar spray chamber, all studied organotin compounds provided similar emission signals although about 60% lower than those obtained for tin tetrachloride. The use of an ultrasonic nebulizer coupled to a desolvation device provides the largest differences in the emission signals, among all tested systems.


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Abdominal Aortic Aneurism is a disease related to a weakening in the aortic wall that can cause a break in the aorta and the death. The detection of an unusual dilatation of a section of the aorta is an indicative of this disease. However, it is difficult to diagnose because it is necessary image diagnosis using computed tomography or magnetic resonance. An automatic diagnosis system would allow to analyze abdominal magnetic resonance images and to warn doctors if any anomaly is detected. We focus our research in magnetic resonance images because of the absence of ionizing radiation. Although there are proposals to identify this disease in magnetic resonance images, they need an intervention from clinicians to be precise and some of them are computationally hard. In this paper we develop a novel approach to analyze magnetic resonance abdominal images and detect the lumen and the aortic wall. The method combines different algorithms in two stages to improve the detection and the segmentation so it can be applied to similar problems with other type of images or structures. In a first stage, we use a spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm with morphological image analysis to detect and segment the lumen; and subsequently, in a second stage, we apply a graph cut algorithm to segment the aortic wall. The obtained results in the analyzed images are pretty successful obtaining an average of 79% of overlapping between the automatic segmentation provided by our method and the aortic wall identified by a medical specialist. The main impact of the proposed method is that it works in a completely automatic way with a low computational cost, which is of great significance for any expert and intelligent system.


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The Ross operation remains a controversially discussed procedure when performed in the full root technique because concern exists regarding late dilatation of the pulmonary autograft and regurgitation of the neo-aortic valve. In 2008, we published our short-term experience when using external reinforcement of the autograft, which was inserted into a prosthetic Dacron graft. This detail was thought to prevent neoaortic root dilatation. Since 2006, 22 adult patients have undergone a Ross procedure using this technique. Indications were aortic regurgitation (n = 2), aortic stenosis (n = 15), and combined aortic stenosis and insufficiency (n = 5). A bicuspid aortic valve was present in 10 patients. Prior balloon valvuloplasty had been performed in seven patients. No early or late deaths occurred in this small series. One patient required aortic valve replacement early postoperatively, but freedom from late reoperation is 100% in the 21 remaining patients. Echocardiography confirmed the absence of more than trivial aortic insufficiency in 15 patients after a mean of 70 months (range, 14 to 108 months). No autograft dilatation was observed during follow-up and all patients are in New York Heart Association Class I. Autograft reinforcement is a simple and reproducible technical adjunct that may be especially useful in situations known for late autograft dilatation, namely, bicuspid aortic valve, predominant aortic insufficiency, and ascending aortic enlargement. The mid- to long-term results are encouraging because no late aortic root enlargement has been observed and the autograft valve is well functioning in all cases.


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est associée à un taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisations élevé causant un fardeau économique important. Les deux causes majeures de décès de l’IC sont les arythmies ventriculaires létales et les sidérations myocardiques. Il est maintenant reconnu que l’angiotensine II (ANGII) est l'un des principaux médiateurs de l’IC. Ses effets délétères découlent de l’activation du récepteur de type 1 de l’ANGII (AT1) et entraînent le développement d’hypertrophie. Toutefois, son rôle dans la genèse d’arythmies demeure incompris. De ce fait, l'étude des mécanismes électriques et contractiles sous-jacents aux effets pathologiques de l’ANGII s’avère essentielle afin de mieux comprendre et soigner cette pathologie. Il est souvent perçu que les femmes sont protégées envers les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, le nombre total de femmes décédant d’IC est plus grand que le nombre d’hommes. Également, l’impact des facteurs de risque diffère entre chaque sexe. Ces différences existent, mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore peu connus. De plus, les femmes reçoivent fréquemment un diagnostic ou un traitement inapproprié en raison d’un manque d’information sur les différences entre les sexes dans la manifestation d’une pathologie. Ce manque de données peut découler du fait que les sujets de sexe féminin sont souvent sous-représentés dans les essais cliniques ou la recherche fondamentale ce qui a grandement limité l’avancement de nos connaissances sur ~50 % de la population. Ainsi, il semble plus que nécessaire d’approfondir notre compréhension des différences entre les sexes, notamment dans la progression de l’IC. L’utilisation d’un modèle de souris transgénique surexprimant le récepteur AT1 (souris AT1R) a permis d’étudier les changements électriques, structurels et contractiles avant et après le développement d’hypertrophie. Premièrement, chez les souris AT1R mâles, un ralentissement de la conduction ventriculaire a été observé indépendamment de l’hypertrophie. Ce résultat était expliqué par une réduction de la densité du courant Na+, mais pas de l’expression du canal. Ensuite, le rôle des protéines kinases C (PKC) dans la régulation du canal Na+ par l’ANGII a été exploré. Les évidences ont suggéré que la PKCα était responsable de la modulation de la diminution du courant Na+ chez les souris AT1R mâles et dans les cardiomyocytes humains dérivés de cellules souches induites pluripotentes (hiPSC-CM) en réponse à un traitement chronique à l’ANGII. Ensuite, les différences entre les sexes ont été comparées chez la souris AT1R. Une plus grande mortalité a été constatée chez les femelles AT1R suggérant qu’elles sont plus sensibles à la surexpression de AT1R. Le remodelage électrique ventriculaire a donc été comparé entre les souris AT1R des deux sexes. Les courants ioniques étaient altérés de façon similaire entre les sexes excluant ainsi leur implication dans la mortalité plus élevée chez les femelles. Ensuite, l’homéostasie calcique et la fonction cardiaque ont été étudiées. Il a été démontré que les femelles développaient une hypertrophie et une dilatation ventriculaire plus sévère que les mâles. De plus, les femelles AT1R avaient de petits transitoires calciques, une extrusion du Ca2+ plus lente ainsi qu’une augmentation de la fréquence des étincelles Ca2+ pouvant participer à des troubles contractiles et à la venue de post-dépolarisations précoces. En conclusion, l’ANGII est impliquée dans le remodelage électrique, structurel et calcique associé à l'émergence de l’IC. De surcroît, ces altérations affectent plus sévèrement les femelles soulignant la présence de différences entre les sexes dans le développement de l’IC.


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This study focuses on the temperature field observed in boreholes drilled as part of interdisciplinary scientific campaign targeting the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake in NE Russia. Temperature data are available from two sites: the lake borehole 5011-1 located near the center of the lake reaching 400 m depth, and the land borehole 5011-3 at the rim of the lake, with a depth of 140 m. Constraints on permafrost depth and past climate changes are derived from numerical simulation of the thermal regime associated with the lake-related talik structure. The thermal properties of the subsurface needed for these simulations are based on laboratory measurements of representative cores from the quaternary sediments and the underlying impact-affected rock, complemented by further information from geophysical logs and data from published literature. The temperature observations in the lake borehole 5011-1 are dominated by thermal perturbations related to the drilling process, and thus only give reliable values for the lowermost value in the borehole. Undisturbed temperature data recorded over more than two years are available in the 140 m deep land-based borehole 5011-3. The analysis of these observations allows determination of not only the recent mean annual ground surface temperature, but also the ground surface temperature history, though with large uncertainties. Although the depth of this borehole is by far too insufficient for a complete reconstruction of past temperatures back to the Last Glacial Maximum, it still affects the thermal regime, and thus permafrost depth. This effect is constrained by numerical modeling: assuming that the lake borehole observations are hardly influenced by the past changes in surface air temperature, an estimate of steady-state conditions is possible, leading to a meaningful value of 14 ± 5 K for the post-glacial warming. The strong curvature of the temperature data in shallower depths around 60 m can be explained by a comparatively large amplitude of the Little Ice Age (up to 4 K), with low temperatures prevailing far into the 20th century. Other mechanisms, like varying porosity, may also have an influence on the temperature profile, however, our modeling studies imply a major contribution from recent climate changes.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass.


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Two different slug test field methods are conducted in wells completed in a Puget Lowland aquifer and are examined for systematic error resulting from water column displacement techniques. Slug tests using the standard slug rod and the pneumatic method were repeated on the same wells and hydraulic conductivity estimates were calculated according to Bouwer & Rice and Hvorslev before using a non-parametric statistical test for analysis. Practical considerations of performing the tests in real life settings are also considered in the method comparison. Statistical analysis indicates that the slug rod method results in up to 90% larger hydraulic conductivity values than the pneumatic method, with at least a 95% certainty that the error is method related. This confirms the existence of a slug-rod bias in a real world scenario which has previously been demonstrated by others in synthetic aquifers. In addition to more accurate values, the pneumatic method requires less field labor, less decontamination, and provides the ability to control the magnitudes of the initial displacement, making it the superior slug test procedure.


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The importance of sticky behaviour of amorphous food powders has been recognized over many decades in the food industry due to its influence on process and handling abilities and quality of the powders. This paper emphasizes the role of stickiness in the food powder industry as well as reviews the stickiness characterization techniques developed to date. This paper also attempts to correlate the stickiness behaviour of food powders to the instrumental analysis such as glass transition temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Background: Relationships between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients have yet to be investigated. Furthermore, current reporting of endothelial function data using flow-mediated dilatation has recognised limitations. The aims of the study were to determine the relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients and to investigate the validity of determining the area under the curve for data collected during the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Methods: Brachial artery responses to reactive hyperemia (endothelial-dependent) and glyceryl trinitrate (endothelial-independent) were assessed in 19 hemodialysis patients using high-resolution ultrasound. Lipid profiles and other factors known to effect brachial artery reactivity were also measured prior to the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Results: There were no significant relationships between serum low-density lipoproteins and endothelial-dependent or -independent vasodilation using absolute change (mm), relative change (%), time to peak change (s) or area under the curve (mm(.)s). In hemodialysis patients with atherosclerosis, area under the curve analysis showed a significantly (p < 0.05) decreased endothelial-dependent response (mean +/- S.D.: 19.2 +/- 17.4) compared to non-atherosclerotic patients (42.3 +/- 28.6). However, when analysing these data using absolute change, relative change or time to peak dilatation, there were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusions: In summary, there was no relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients. In addition, area under the curve analysis of flow-mediated vasodilatation data may be a useful method of determining the temporal vascular response during the procedure. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.