No relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients

Autoria(s): Dalton, B. S.; Fassett, R. G.; Geraghty, D. P.; De Ryke, R.; Coombes, J. S.

C. Kawai

A.J.S. Coats




Background: Relationships between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients have yet to be investigated. Furthermore, current reporting of endothelial function data using flow-mediated dilatation has recognised limitations. The aims of the study were to determine the relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients and to investigate the validity of determining the area under the curve for data collected during the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Methods: Brachial artery responses to reactive hyperemia (endothelial-dependent) and glyceryl trinitrate (endothelial-independent) were assessed in 19 hemodialysis patients using high-resolution ultrasound. Lipid profiles and other factors known to effect brachial artery reactivity were also measured prior to the flow-mediated dilatation technique. Results: There were no significant relationships between serum low-density lipoproteins and endothelial-dependent or -independent vasodilation using absolute change (mm), relative change (%), time to peak change (s) or area under the curve (mm(.)s). In hemodialysis patients with atherosclerosis, area under the curve analysis showed a significantly (p < 0.05) decreased endothelial-dependent response (mean +/- S.D.: 19.2 +/- 17.4) compared to non-atherosclerotic patients (42.3 +/- 28.6). However, when analysing these data using absolute change, relative change or time to peak dilatation, there were no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusions: In summary, there was no relationship between low-density lipoproteins and endothelial function in hemodialysis patients. In addition, area under the curve analysis of flow-mediated vasodilatation data may be a useful method of determining the temporal vascular response during the procedure. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.





Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd

Palavras-Chave #Area Under The Curve #Atherosclerosis #Endothelial Dysfunction #Flow-mediated Dilatation #Low-density Lipoproteins #Reactive Hyperemia #Forearm Resistance Vessels #Flow-mediated Vasodilation #Brachial-artery #Distensibility #Hypercholesterolemia #Cholesterol #Relaxation #Reactivity #Disease #Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems #C1 #321003 Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases) #730106 Cardiovascular system and diseases

Journal Article