948 resultados para nuclear magnetic resonanc spectroscopy
By means of optical pumping with laser light it is possible to enhance the nuclear spin polarization of gaseous xenon by four to five orders of magnitude. The enhanced polarization has allowed advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including polarization transfer to molecules and imaging of lungs and other void spaces. A critical issue for such applications is the delivery of xenon to the sample while maintaining the polarization. Described herein is an efficient method for the introduction of laser-polarized xenon into systems of biological and medical interest for the purpose of obtaining highly enhanced NMR/MRI signals. Using this method, we have made the first observation of the time-resolved process of xenon penetrating the red blood cells in fresh human blood—the xenon residence time constant in the red blood cells was measured to be 20.4 ± 2 ms. The potential of certain biologically compatible solvents for delivery of laser-polarized xenon to tissues for NMR/MRI is discussed in light of their respective relaxation and partitioning properties.
O estudo da microestrutura e dinâmica molecular de polímeros conjugados é de grande importância para o entendimento das propriedades físicas desta classe de materiais. No presente trabalho utilizou-se técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear em baixo e alto campo para elucidar os processos de dinâmica molecular e cristalização do polímero Poly(3-(2’-ethylhexyl)thiophene) - P3EHT. O P3EHT é um polímero modelo para tal estudo, pois apresenta temperatura de fusão bem inferior a sua temperatura de degradação. Esta característica permite acompanhar os processos de cristalização in situ utilizando RMN. Além disso, sua similaridade ao já popular P3HT o torna um importante candidato a camada ativa em dispositivos eletrônicos orgânicos. O completo assinalamento do espectro de 13C para o P3EHT foi realizado utilizando as técnicas de defasamento dipolar e HETCOR. Os processos de dinâmica molecular, por sua vez, foram sondados utilizando DIPSHIFT. Observou-se um gradiente de mobilidade na cadeia lateral do polímero. Além disso, os baixos valores de parametros de ordem obtidos em comparação a experimentos similares realizados no P3HT na literatura indicam um aparente aumento no volume livre entre cadeias consecutivas na fase cristalina. Isso indica que a presença do grupo etil adicional no P3EHT causa um completo rearranjo das moléculas e dificulta seu empacotamento. Constatou-se ainda pouca variação das curvas de DIPSHIFT para os carbonos da cadeia lateral como função do método de excitação utilizado, o que aponta para um polímero que apresenta cadeia lateral móvel mesmo em sua fase cristalina. Os dados de dinâmica molecular foram corroborados por medidas de T1, T1ρ e TCH. Utilizando filtros dipolares em baixo campo observou-se três temperaturas de transição para o P3EHT: 250 K, 325 K e 350 K. A cristalização desse material é um processo lento. Verificou-se que o mesmo pode se estender por até até 24h a temperatura ambiente. Mudanças no espectro de 13C utilizando CPMAS em alto campo indicam um ordenamento dos anéis tiofeno (empacotamento π – π) como o principal processo de cristalização para o P3EHT.
Este trabalho trata da proposta para a produção carbonato de glicerila como continuação de trabalho de Mestrado. Propõe-se estabelecer uma sequência para a obtenção e a purificação do produto, que envolve remoção e o aproveitamento de amônia e a remoção de eletrólitos, bem como a utilização de novos catalisadores. De maneira geral, análises espectrofotométricas demonstraram que o produto purificado apresentou características semelhantes às da especificação constante de produto já existente no mercado cedido para comparação (JEFFSOL®, Huntsman). Além disso, foi calculado o custo de produção tanto em escala laboratorial como em escala industrial. Análises de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e Cromatografia a Gás, aliadas à Espectrofotometria no Infravermelho permitiram avaliar tanto a evolução das reações, bem como os rendimentos reacionais. Foi demonstrada a aplicabilidade das técnicas de RMN 1H e 13C para o cálculo dos rendimentos reacionais, bem como para a elucidação dos mecanismos reacionais. A partir de análises em escala laboratorial, foi possível verificar que, para as condições reacionais estudadas foram obtidas baixas conversões da glicerina e baixas seletividades para o carbonato de glicerila. E ainda, o sulfato de zinco apresentou o melhor desempenho. É importante salientar que, mesmo para baixas conversões, sua produção ainda é economicamente viável devido ao seu elevado valor de mercado. O estudo da produção em escala industrial contemplou a síntese de fluxograma de processo e posterior simulação, incluindo o dimensionamento dos principais equipamentos de processo para fins de análise econômica, via calculo de custos de capital (CAPEX) e operacionais (OPEX). Os resultados indicaram viabilidade econômica do projeto, sendo demonstrado que a implantação de uma nova unidade de produção de carbonato de glicerila pode ser bastante rentável mesmo para baixos rendimentos. O produto obtido possui diversas e interessantes aplicações cosméticas e farmacêuticas, principalmente por ser um tensoativo não iônico, de baixa toxicidade, biodegradável e produzido a partir de fontes renováveis. Assim, o carbonato de glicerila produzido é uma interessante forma de aproveitamento da glicerina proveniente da fabricação de biodiesel.
Plants produce a number of substances and products and primary and secondary metabolites (SM) are amongst them with many benefits but limitation as well. Usually, the fodder are not considered toxic to animals or as a source having higher SM. The Brachiaria decumbens has a considerable nutritional value, but it is considered as a toxic grass for causing photosensitization in animals, if the grass is not harvested for more than 30 days or solely. The absence of detailed information in the literature about SM in Brachiaria, metabolites production and its chemical profile enable us to focus not only on the nutritive value but to get answers in all aspects and especially on toxicity. The study was conducted in the period of december 2013 to december 2014; in greenhouse FZEA-USP. B. decumbens was used with two cutting heights (10 and 20 cm) and nitrogen doses (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1) in complete randomized block design. The bromatological analysis were carried out on near infrared spectroscopy. Generally, the application of 150 kg ha-1 N was sufficient to promote the nutritional value in B. decumbens but above it the nitrogen use efficiency decline significantly. The highest dry matter yield (99.97 g/pot) was observed in autumn and the lowest was in winter (30.20 g/pot). While, as per nitrogen dose the average highest dry matter yield was at 150 kg ha-1 (79.98 g/pot). The highest crude protein was observed in winter (11.88%) and the lowest in autumn (7.78%). By the cutting heights; the 10 cm proved to have high CP (9.51%). In respect of fibrous contents, the highest acid detergent fiber was noted in summer (36.37%) and lowest in winter (30.88%). While the neutral detergent fiber was being highest in autumn and lowest in spring (79.60%). The highest in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibilities were noted at 300 kg ha-1 N; being 68.06 and 60.57%; respectively; with the lowest observed in without N treatments (62.63% and 57.97), respectively. For determination of the classes, types and concentration of SM in B. decumbens, phytochemical tests, thin layer and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis were carried out. Height, nitrogen and seasons significantly (P <0.0001) affected the secondary metabolic profile. A new protodioscin isomer (protoneodioscin (25S-)) was identified for first time in B. decumbens and is supposed to be the probable toxicity reason. Its structure was verified by 1D and 2D NMR techniques (1H, 13C) and 1D (COSY-45, edited HSQC, HMBC, H2BC, HSQC -TOCSY, NOESY and 1 H, 1 H, J). All factors influence the metabolic profile significantly (P <0.0001). The lowest phenols were at 300 kg ha-1 while the lowest flavones were at 0 kg ha-1. Season wise the highest phenols occurred in autumn (19.65 mg/g d.wt.) and highest flavones (28.87 mg/g d.wt.) in spring. Seasons effect the saponin production significantly (P <0.0001) and the results showed significant differences in the protodioscin (17.63±4.3 - 22.57±2.2 mg/g d.wt.) and protoneodioscin (23.3±1.2 - 31.07±2.9 mg/g d.wt.) concentrations. The highest protodioscin isomers concentrations were observed in winter and spring and by N doses the highest were noted in 300 kg ha-1. Simply, all factors significantly played their role in varying concentrations of secondary metabolites.
A combined chemometrics-metabolomics approach [excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS)] was used to analyse the rhizodeposition of the tritrophic system: tomato, the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne javanica and the nematode-egg parasitic fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia. Exudates from M. javanica roots were sampled at root penetration (early) and gall development (late). EMM indicated that late root exudates from M. javanica treatments contained more aromatic amino acid compounds than the rest (control, P. chlamydosporia or P. chlamydosporia and M. javanica). 1H NMR showed that organic acids (acetate, lactate, malate, succinate and formic acid) and one unassigned aromatic compound (peak no. 22) were the most relevant metabolites in root exudates. Robust principal component analysis (PCA) grouped early exudates for nematode (PC1) or fungus presence (PC3). PCA found (PC1, 73.31 %) increased acetate and reduced lactate and an unassigned peak no. 22 characteristic of M. javanica root exudates resulting from nematode invasion and feeding. An increase of peak no. 22 (PC3, 4.82 %) characteristic of P. chlamydosporia exudates could be a plant “primer” defence. In late ones in PC3 (8.73 %) the presence of the nematode grouped the samples. HPLC–MS determined rhizosphere fingerprints of 16 (early) and 25 (late exudates) m/z signals, respectively. Late signals were exclusive from M. javanica exudates confirming EEM and 1H NMR results. A 235 m/z signal reduced in M. javanica root exudates (early and late) could be a repressed plant defense. This metabolomic approach and other rhizosphere -omics studies could help to improve plant growth and reduce nematode damage sustainably.
A great deal of effort has been made at searching for alternative catalysts to replace conventional Lewis acid catalyst aluminum trichloride (AlCl3). In this paper, immobilization of AlCl3 on mesoporous MCM-41 silica with and without modification was carried out. The catalytic properties of the immobilized catalyst systems for liquid-phase isopropylation of naphthalene were studied and compared with those of H/MCM-41 and H/mordenite. The structures of the surface-immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts were studied and identified by using solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nitrogen adsorption, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The catalytic activity of the immobilized catalysts was found to be similar to that of acidic mordenite zeolite. A significant enhancement in the selectivity of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (2,6-DIPN) was observed over the immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts. Immobilization of aluminum chloride on mesoporous silica coupled with surface silylation is a promising way of developing alternative catalyst system for liquid-phase Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The structure of a novel plant defensin isolated from the flowers of Petunia hybrida has been determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. P. hybrida defensin 1 (PhD1) is a basic, cysteine-rich, antifungal protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a new subclass of plant defensins with five disulfide bonds whose structure has been determined. PhD1 has the fold of the cysteine-stabilized alphabeta motif, consisting of an alpha-helix and a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, except that it contains a fifth disulfide bond from the first loop to the alpha-helix. The additional disulfide bond is accommodated in PhD1 without any alteration of its tertiary structure with respect to other plant defensins. Comparison of its structure with those of classic, four-disulfide defensins has allowed us to identify a previously unrecognized hydrogen bond network that is integral to structure stabilization in the family.
Magnetic resonance (MR) techniques have become essential in clinical practice and a broad range of research areas. We begin with a review of the potential and limitations for resolution improvements by MR techniques. The kidney has distinct regional structural, functional and biochemical variability. The isolated perfused rat kidney (IPRK) retains renal function while eliminating movement and susceptibility boundaries which severely limit the potential of MR techniques. The IPRK, with a length of less than 20 mm in the longest axis, will be used to illustrate the potential resolution of different MR techniques and the different: biological information that can be obtained. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The water characteristics in cooked pressure-heat treated (45 degreesC for 45 min prior to pressurisation at 150 MPa for 30 min) and non-pressurised, cooked (control) samples of beef Longissimus aged for 1, 3, 8 or 16 days were studied by nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy. A multi-echo sequence was used to obtain T2 images, and independent of ageing period, the T2 values were found to be lower in pressure-heat treated meat revealing alterations in water characteristics of pressure-treated, cooked meat compared with cooked meat. With increasing ageing duration, the T2 values in both pressure-treated, cooked and cooked meat decreased indicating that the water became more tightly trapped in the protein network. In addition, independent of length of ageing period the relationship between cooking loss in the cooked meat and transverse relaxation differed between non-pressurised and pressure-treated meat. which reveals that the mechanisms changing the water properties in beef during ageing are different from those occuring during pressure-heat treatment of meat. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The polysaccharides extracted from Claviclonium ovatum were studied by a combination of compositional assays, reductive partial hydrolysis, linkage analysis, Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and C-13, H-1, and C-13/H-1 heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The chemical and spectroscopic data showed that the alkali-modified C. ovatum polysaccharides are composed of a nearly idealized repeating unit of 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate (the repeating unit of 6-O-methylated iota-earrageenan), although some minor components were also present. The C. ovatum galactans are the most highly methylated carrageenans reported. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Short peptides corresponding to two to four a-helical turns of proteins are not thermodynamically stable helices in water. Unstructured octapeptide Ac-His1*-Ala2-Ala3-His4*-His5*-Glu6-Leu7-His8*-NH2 (1) reacts with two [Pd ((NH2)-N-15(CH2)(2) (NH2)-N-15)(NO3)(2)] in water to form a kinetically stable intermediate, [{Pden}(2)-{(1,4)(5,8)-peptide}](2), in which two 19-membered metallocyclic rings stabilize two peptide turns. Slow subsequent folding to a thermodynamically more stable two-turn a-helix drives the equilibrium to [{Pden}(2)-{(1,5)(4,8)-peptide}] (3), featuring two 22-membered rings. This transformation from unstructured peptide via turns to an a-helix suggests that metal clips might be useful probes for investigating peptide folding.
The solution structure of one of the first members of the cyclotide family of macrocyclic peptides to be discovered, circulin B has been determined and compared with that of circulin A and related cyclotides. Cyclotides are mini-proteins derived from plants that have the characteristic features of a head-to-tail cyclised peptide backbone and a knotted arrangement of their three disulfide bonds. First discovered because of their uterotonic or anti-HIV activity, they have also been reported to have activity against a range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as fungi. The aim of the current study was to develop structure-activity relationships to rationalise this antimicrobial activity. Comparison of cyclotide structures and activities suggests that the presence and location of cationic residues may be a requirement for activity against Gram negative bacteria. Understanding the topological differences associated with the antimicrobial activity of the cyclotides is of significant interest and potentially may be harnessed for pharmaceutical applications.
The extent of swelling of cross-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) and linear low-density poly(ethylene) in supercritical CO2 has been investigated using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy and microscopy. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) was cross-linked to four different cross-link densities and swollen in supercritical CO2. The Flory-Huggins interaction parameter, x, was found to be 0.62 at 300 bar and 45 degrees C, indicating that supercritical CO2 is a relatively poor solvent compared to toluene or benzene. Linear low-density poly(ethylene) was shown to exhibit negligible swelling upon exposure to supercritical CO2 up to 300 bar. The effect Of CO2 pressure on the amorphous region of the poly(ethylene) was investigated by observing changes in the H-1 T-2 relaxation times of the polymer. These relaxation times decreased with increasing pressure, which was attributed to a decrease in mobility of the polymer chains as a result of compressive pressure.
This study represents the first application of multi-way calibration by N-PLS and multi-way curve resolution by PARAFAC to 2D diffusion-edited H-1 NMR spectra. The aim of the analysis was to evaluate the potential for quantification of lipoprotein main- and subtractions in human plasma samples. Multi-way N-PLS calibrations relating the methyl and methylene peaks of lipoprotein lipids to concentrations of the four main lipoprotein fractions as well as 11 subfractions were developed with high correlations (R = 0.75-0.98). Furthermore, a PARAFAC model with four chemically meaningful components was calculated from the 2D diffusion-edited spectra of the methylene peak of lipids. Although the four extracted PARAFAC components represent molecules of sizes that correspond to the four main fractions of lipoproteins, the corresponding concentrations of the four PARAFAC components proved not to be correlated to the reference concentrations of these four fractions in the plasma samples as determined by ultracentrifugation. These results indicate that NMR provides complementary information on the classification of lipoprotein fractions compared to ultracentrifugation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Vaccinium myrtillus or bilberry fruit is a commonly used herbal product. The usual method of determining the anthocyanin content is a single-wavelength spectrophotometric assay. Using this method, anthocyanin levels of two extracts were found to be 25% as claimed by the manufacturers. When high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used, however, one extract was found to contain 9% anthocyanins probably not derived from V. myrtillus but from an adulterant. This adulterant was subsequently identified, using HPLC, mass spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance, as amaranth, that is, 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid trisodium saltsa synthetic dark red sulfonic acid based naphthylazo dye. As described in this study, if deliberate adulteration occurs in an extract, a single-wavelength spectrophotometric assay is inadequate to accurately determine the levels of compounds such as anthocyanins. Detection of deliberate adulteration in commercial samples thus requires the use of alternative, more sophisticated, methods of analysis such as HPLC with photodiode array detection as a minimum.