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Phallobrycon adenacanthus, is described as a new genus and species belonging to Clade A characids of Malabarba & Weitzman (2003). The new taxon is the only characid possessing two developed spines on unbranched portions of fifth, sixth and seventh anal-fin rays associated with intumescent glandular tissue on the anterior portion of the anal fin of sexually mature males. Other non-exclusive diagnostic features of the new genus (observed in male specimens) are: urogenital papilla modified into a copulatory organ, absence of pelvic-fin hooks and glandular tissue not organized into an organ. The presence of these features in members of Clade A and other characids is discussed in order to hypothesize the relationships of Phallobrycon.
Pseudolithoxus kelsorum is described as a new species based on type material from the upper Orinoco in Amazonas State, Venezuela. Pseudolithoxus kelsorum is diagnosed from all other Pseudolithoxus by having dark brown to black base color with eight to 11 (usually nine) light yellow vertical or oblique transversal bands between orbits and caudal fin, bands wide and rarely but sometimes incomplete or contorted as swirls (vs. dark brown to black base color with 18 or more thin, light yellow, frequently contorted transversal bands between orbits and caudal fin in P. tigris; black base color with small white spots in P. anthrax and P. nicoi; and light brown base color with dark brown to black spots in P. dumus). Distributions of P. kelsorum and other Ancistrini taxa support the presence of a zoogeographic filter limiting fish distributions across a reach of the Orinoco River between the Ventuari-Orinoco confluence and the Maipures rapids.
Extant Doras are newly diagnosed among Doradidae by the unique combination of maxillary barbels long and fimbriate; mesethmoid with anterior lateral margins converging towards narrow tip; single anterior cranial fontanel contained largely within frontals and anteriorly by mesethmoid (posterior cranial fontanel occluded); anterior nuchal plate wide, pentaganol or roughly hexagonal, sharing distinct lateral suture with epioccipital and isolating supraoccipital from middle nuchal plate; nuchal foramina absent; coracoid process short, posterior tip falling well short of that of postcleithral process; dentary with acicular teeth; and skin immediately ventral to postcleithral process perforated with conspicuous pores. One fossil species, dagger D. dioneae, and two nominal extant species, D. carinatus and D. micropoeus, are recognized as valid and the latter two redescribed. Three additional extant species, D. phlyzakion, D. higuchii and D. zuanoni, are newly described from the middle Amazon and tributaries, lower Amazon tributaries and rio Araguaia (Tocantins drainage), respectively. Doras phlyzakion and D. zuanoni form a monophyletic group that is found in lowland, lentic habitats, and is characterized by multiple conspicuous pores in skin on breast and abdomen, a trait unique among doradids and rare if not unique among all catfishes. The remaining extant species, D. carinatus, D. higuchii and D. micropoeus, with uncertain relationships, are found in upland, lotic habitats. The occurrence of D. carinatus in the Orinoco basin suggests a historical link between right-bank tributaries of the lower Orinoco (e.g., Caroni) draining the western Guiana Shield and more eastern rivers (e.g., Cuyuni-Essequibo) that drain the Shield directly into the Atlantic Ocean. A key to extant species is provided, a neotype is designated for Silurtis carinatus Linnaeus 1766, and Mormyropsis Miranda Ribeiro, 1911, is placed in the synonymy of Doras Lacepede, 1803.
A revision of the deep-water verticordiid genus Spinosipella is provided, based on conchological and anatomical characters. The genus is considered distinct from Verticordia (of which it was considered a subgenus) based on the strong ribs, prickly surface, reduction of lunula, relative large size, weakly spiral valve shape, and other characters. The following species are considered in the genus: (1) Spinosipella agnes new species, ranging from Florida, USA, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and also including the Porcupine Abyssal Plain in the North Atlantic; (2) S. tinga new species, occurring from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; (3) S. acuticostata (Philippi, 1844), a Pliocene fossil from southern Italy; (4) S. deshayesiana (Fischer, 1862), from south and central Indo-Pacific (S. ericia Hedley, 1911, the type species of the genus, was revealed to be a new synonym of S. deshayesiana); and (5) S. costeminens (Poutiers, 1981), from the tropical west Pacific. The five species differ mainly in conchological details of the number and size of ribs, of the prickly sculpture, shape of the shell, of the hinge and the degree of convexity. Anatomical description is also provided for the two Pacific species, which differ among themselves mainly by the size of the pair of renal folds. From the standpoint of anatomical characters, the more significant are: the wide lithodesma; the elongation of the auricles, crossing the roof of pallial cavity; a tall digital fold in posterior region of supraseptal chamber; the low but wide palps; the muscular, gizzard-like stomach; the complete separation of both constituents of the hermaphroditic gonad (a ventro-posterior testicle and a centro-dorsal ovary), and a complete fusion of the visceral ganglia.
A new species of Leptodactylus from Bertioga municipality, Sao Paulo State, Brazil is described. Leptodactylus ajurauna sp. nov. differs from others species in the L. marmoratus group by its dark brown throat and the advertisement call. The taxonomy of other species in the group and the status of the population of Leptodactylus marmoratus sympatric with the new species are discussed. The advertisement call is also described.
Three new species of Triplonychus Candeze, T. cruspinosus sp. nov., T. crassifemoris sp. nov. and T. tibialatus sp. nov., and a new species of Globothorax Fleutiaux, G. latidens sp. nov., from Brazil are described. Illustrations, photographic and SEM images are presented. A review of the diagnostic generic characters and a key to the species of Triplonychus and Globothorax from Brazil are also given.
Seven new species of the genus Corynoneura Winnertz from small streams in the Atlantic Forest are described; Corynoneura fortispicula sp. n., Corynoneura hermanni sp. n., Corynoneura mediaspicula sp. n., Corynoneura mineira sp. n., Corynoneura septadentata sp. n., Corynoneura sertaodaquina sp. n., Corynoneura unicapsulata sp. n., as male, female, pupa and larva. Diagnosis and drawings of other two morphotypes based on female, pupa and larva are given. Larvae were collected from rocks, leaves and debris near the water surface and were reared. Males here described are defined by the phallapodeme sclerotized on posterior margin, females usually have labia fused as funnel.
A new species of Megommation, M. amazonicum n. sp., is described and illustrated. An identification key for the two species of this genus is provided. Additionally, the lectotype and paralectotype of Megalopta (Megaloptella) ipomoea Schrottky are designated.
Agaone amazonica sp. nov. and Stultutragus endoluteus sp. nov. are described from Brazil, and variation in A. peruviensis Fisher, is discussed. Stultutragus nigricornis is elevated to species rank and re-described. Updated keys to Agaone and Stultutragus are provided.
Generic characters of Irundisaua Martins & Galileo, 2005 are expanded (antennal formula, width of prosternal process inferior or equal to the diameter of procoxa, protibia enlarged and flattened) and two species are transferred from Acanthoderes Audinet-Serville, 1835: I. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov from Peru and Brazil (Amazonas) and I. ucayalensis (Tippmann,1960) comb. nov from Ecuador, Peru and Brazil (Amazonas).Three new genera are described: (1) Catuana gen. nov., type species, C. spinicornis (Tippmann, 1960) comb. nov, characterized by the mesosternal tubercle; (2) Mundeu gen. nov, type species, M. maculicollis (Bates, 1861) comb. nov, with rounded sides of protorax and expanded protibiae; (3) Urangaua gen. nov, with eyes divided and finelly granulated, length of antenomeres III-IV subequal to V-XI; the genus is proposed of two species: U. analis Melzer, 1935 comb. nov, type species, and U. subanalis (Zajciw,1964) comb. nov. A key to the species of Urangaua is added.
New species described and illustrated: Adesmus nigrolineatus sp. nov from Mexico (Oaxaca). From Costa Rica: A, moruna sp. nov. (Heredia); Corcovado bezarki sp. nov. (Guanacaste); Alampyris fuscus sp. nov. (Guanacaste), Cariua gen. nov type species C. sulphurea sp. nov. (Guanacaste). From Bolivia: Phoebemima albomaculata sp. nov. (Cochabamba); Ipepo gen. nov type species I. dilatatus sp. nov. (Santa Cruz). From Brazil: Adesmus facetus sp. nov and Canarana arguta sp. nov. (Rondonia). A new record from Costa Rica of Piruanycha pitilla Galileo & Martins, 2005 is added. The three new species of Adesmus are recognized: A. nigrolineatus by the longitudinal black stripes on elytra; A. moruna by the elytra entirely black; A. facetus by the white belts behind the middle of the elytra and white maculae on apical quarter. Phoebemima albomaculata is characterized by the white macula on the elytral suture. Corcovado bezarki sp. nov is distinguished by the black antennal scape and whitish flagelomeres. Canarana arguta sp. nov has prothorax and urosternites I-IV covered by dense yellowish pubescence. Alampyris fusca sp. nov differs from A. cretaria by the antenomere III longer than scape. Cariua sulphurea sp. nov is distinguished by the urosternites covered by compact white pubescence and Ipepo dilatatus is characterized by the elytra with three carinae.
New taxa of Hemilophini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) of the Americas. The new genus Mexicoscylus is described to include: M. rosae sp. nov., type species of the genus, and M. bivittatus (Gahan, 1892), comb. nov. both from Mexico. A key to the species of Mexicoscylus is added. More three species are described: Cotycuara villosa sp. nov., from Costa Rica; Phoebe parvimacula sp. nov., from Bolivia and Adesmus beruri sp. nov., from Brazil (Amazonas). All new species are illustrated.
Details of egg, larval, and pupal morphology are described and illustrated for Calycopis bellera (Hewitson) and C. janeirica (Felder), with a special emphasis on larval chaetotaxy. Wild-caught Calycopis females laid eggs on dead leaves in the laboratory, and the caterpillars successfully completed development on an artificial agar diet to which no leaves were added. Males and females of the sexually dimorphic C. bellera had been previously placed in different genera or different species groups. Calycopis janeirica had been chronically misidentified (and misspelled C. jeneirica). Males and females of this species appear to be correctly associated for the first time. Whereas C. bellera has five larval instars-as reported previously for C. caulonia-C. janeirica has four. Morphological characters of the immatures of C. bellera and C. janeirica are summarized in a table and compared with those of other reared Calycopis species.
Microphilypnus Myers, 1927 is a genus with three nominal species (M. amazonicus and M. macrostoma from the lower Amazon basin, and M. ternetzi from Orinoco), and is among the most poorly studied groups of Neotropical fishes. In this paper, M. ternetzi and M. macrostoma are redescribed and validated and M. amazonicus is regarded as synonym of M. ternetzi. Also, a new species, M. acangaquara, is described from the lower Amazon.
We study local rigidity and multiplicity of constant scalar curvature metrics in arbitrary products of compact manifolds. Using (equivariant) bifurcation theory we determine the existence of infinitely many metrics that are accumulation points of pairwise non-homothetic solutions of the Yamabe problem. Using local rigidity and some compactness results for solutions of the Yamabe problem, we also exhibit new examples of conformal classes (with positive Yamabe constant) for which uniqueness holds. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.