761 resultados para neural
This paper describes a method of identifying morphological attributes that classify wear particles in relation to the wear process from which they originate and permit the automatic identification without human expertise. The method is based on the use of Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) for analysis of specific types of microscopic wear particles. The classification of the wear particles was performed according to their morphological attributes of size and aspect ratio, among others. (C) 2010 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved.
The photo-oxidation of acid orange 52 dye was performed in the presence of H2O2, utilizing UV light, aiming the discoloration process modeling and the process variable influence characterization. The discoloration process was modeled by the use of feedforward neural network. Each sample was characterized by five independent variables (dye concentration, pH, hydrogen peroxide volume, temperature and time of operation) and a dependent variable (absorbance). The neural model has also provided, through Garson Partition coefficients and the Pertubation method, the independent variable influence order determination. The results indicated that the time of operation was the predominant variable and reaction mean temperature was the lesser influent variable. The neural model obtained presented coefficients of correlation on the order 0.98, for sets of trainability, validation and testing, indicating the power of prediction of the model and its character of generalization. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Continuous-time neural networks for solving convex nonlinear unconstrained;programming problems without using gradient information of the objective function are proposed and analyzed. Thus, the proposed networks are nonderivative optimizers. First, networks for optimizing objective functions of one variable are discussed. Then, an existing one-dimensional optimizer is analyzed, and a new line search optimizer is proposed. It is shown that the proposed optimizer network is robust in the sense that it has disturbance rejection property. The network can be implemented easily in hardware using standard circuit elements. The one-dimensional net is used as a building block in multidimensional networks for optimizing objective functions of several variables. The multidimensional nets implement a continuous version of the coordinate descent method.
This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
One objective of the feeder reconfiguration problem in distribution systems is to minimize the power losses for a specific load. For this problem, mathematical modeling is a nonlinear mixed integer problem that is generally hard to solve. This paper proposes an algorithm based on artificial neural network theory. In this context, clustering techniques to determine the best training set for a single neural network with generalization ability are also presented. The proposed methodology was employed for solving two electrical systems and presented good results. Moreover, the methodology can be employed for large-scale systems in real-time environment.
Analog neural systems that can automatically find the minimum value of the outputs of unknown analog systems, described by convex functions, are studied. When information about derivative or gradient are not used, these systems are called analog nonderivative optimizers. An electronic circuit for the analog neural nonderivative optimizer proposed by Teixeira and Zak, and its simulation with software PSPICE, is presented. With the simulation results and hardware implementation of the system, the validity of the proposed optimizer can be verified. These results are original, from the best of the authors knowledge.
This work presents a procedure for transient stability analysis and preventive control of electric power systems, which is formulated by a multilayer feedforward neural network. The neural network training is realized by using the back-propagation algorithm with fuzzy controller and adaptation of the inclination and translation parameters of the nonlinear function. These procedures provide a faster convergence and more precise results, if compared to the traditional back-propagation algorithm. The adaptation of the training rate is effectuated by using the information of the global error and global error variation. After finishing the training, the neural network is capable of estimating the security margin and the sensitivity analysis. Considering this information, it is possible to develop a method for the realization of the security correction (preventive control) for levels considered appropriate to the system, based on generation reallocation and load shedding. An application for a multimachine power system is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this work is to develop a methodology for electric load forecasting based on a neural network. Here, backpropagation algorithm is used with an adaptive process that based on fuzzy logic and using a decaying exponential function to avoid instability in the convergence process. This methodology results in fast training, when compared to the conventional formulation of backpropagation algorithm. The results are presented using data from a Brazilian Electric Company, and shows a very good performance for the proposal objective.
This work presents a neural network based on the ART architecture ( adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network, applied to the electric load-forecasting problem. The neural networks based on the ARTarchitecture have two fundamental characteristics that are extremely important for the network performance ( stability and plasticity), which allow the implementation of continuous training. The fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network aims to reduce the imprecision of the forecasting results by a mechanism that separate the analog and binary data, processing them separately. Therefore, this represents a reduction on the processing time and improved quality of the results, when compared to the Back-Propagation neural network, and better to the classical forecasting techniques (ARIMA of Box and Jenkins methods). Finished the training, the fuzzy ART& ARTMAP neural network is capable to forecast electrical loads 24 h in advance. To validate the methodology, data from a Brazilian electric company is used. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work presents a methodology to analyze electric power systems transient stability for first swing using a neural network based on adaptive resonance theory (ART) architecture, called Euclidean ARTMAP neural network. The ART architectures present plasticity and stability characteristics, which are very important for the training and to execute the analysis in a fast way. The Euclidean ARTMAP version provides more accurate and faster solutions, when compared to the fuzzy ARTMAP configuration. Three steps are necessary for the network working, training, analysis and continuous training. The training step requires much effort (processing) while the analysis is effectuated almost without computational effort. The proposed network allows approaching several topologies of the electric system at the same time; therefore it is an alternative for real time transient stability of electric power systems. To illustrate the proposed neural network an application is presented for a multi-machine electric power systems composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 buses and 73 transmission lines. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper we present the results of the use of a methodology for multinodal load forecasting through an artificial neural network-type Multilayer Perceptron, making use of radial basis functions as activation function and the Backpropagation algorithm, as an algorithm to train the network. This methodology allows you to make the prediction at various points in power system, considering different types of consumers (residential, commercial, industrial) of the electric grid, is applied to the problem short-term electric load forecasting (24 hours ahead). We use a database (Centralised Dataset - CDS) provided by the Electricity Commission de New Zealand to this work.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) based methodology is proposed for (a) solving the basic load flow, (b) solving the load flow considering the reactive power limits of generation (PV) buses, (c) determining a good quality load flow starting point for ill-conditioned systems, and (d) computing static external equivalent circuits. An analysis of the input data required as well as the ANN architecture is presented. A multilayer perceptron trained with the Levenberg-Marquardt second order method is used. The proposed methodology was tested with the IEEE 30- and 57-bus, and an ill-conditioned 11-bus system. Normal operating conditions (base case) and several contingency situations including different load and generation scenarios have been considered. Simulation results show the excellent performance of the ANN for solving problems (a)-(d). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a non-model based technique to detect, locate, and characterize structural damage by combining the impedance-based structural health monitoring technique with an artificial neural network. The impedance-based structural health monitoring technique, which utilizes the electromechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, has shown engineering feasibility in a variety of practical field applications. Relying on high frequency structural excitations (typically>30 kHz), this technique is very sensitive to minor structural changes in the near field of the piezoelectric sensors. In order to quantitatively assess the state of structures, two sets of artificial neural networks, which utilize measured electrical impedance signals for input patterns, were developed. By employing high frequency ranges and by incorporating neural network features, this technique is able to detect the damage in its early stage and to estimate the nature of damage without prior knowledge of the model of structures. The paper concludes with an experimental example, an investigation on a massive quarter scale model of a steel bridge section, in order to verify the performance of this proposed methodology.