995 resultados para lean-production
Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, perfil de Edificações
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Manutenção
Trabalho Final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica perfil Manutenção e Produção
O presente trabalho debruça-se sobre a análise de fluxos de informação e materiais na empresa Dorel Portugal, Lda.. Mais concretamente, são analisados os fluxos de transmissão de informação e os fluxos de movimentação de materiais nos duais fornecedores/armazém e armazém/setor de montagem. O estudo referido terá como propósito a identificação de elementos, associados ao estado atual, passíveis e/ou carentes de melhoria. Identificados e nomeados os pontos de intervenção, desenvolvem-se propostas de solução, as quais assentam predominantemente nos princípios e ferramentas que se associam à filosofia Lean. A escolha desta filosofia, para fundamentação de propostas, prende-se com o facto de a mesma assentar numa lógica de criação de valor pela melhoria de processo, o que espelha bem a intensão subjacente a este exercício. Foram implementadas as sugestões apresentadas e validadas junto da entidade alvo de estudo. No seguimento das implementações realizadas foi executada uma análise que permite enaltecer o ganho, seja de forma quantitativa ou qualitativa, a fim de criar impacto e sensibilizar para a importância das ações executadas. Para finalizar, importa demarcar a criação de um plano de controlo, contemplado nas ações levadas a cabo, o qual é direcionado para a manutenção do processo e concretização de medidas de melhoria contínua.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Manutenção e Produção
In this study, the added value resultant from the incorporation of pultrusion production waste into polymer based concretes was assessed. For this purpose, different types of thermoset composite scrap material, proceeding from GFRP pultrusion manufacturing process, were mechanical shredded and milled into a fibrous-powdered material. Resultant GFRP recyclates, with two different size gradings, were added to polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at various load contents between 4% up to 12% in weight of total mass. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than those of unmodified polymer mortars. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP pultrusion waste materials as efficient and sustainable admixtures for concrete and mortar-polymer composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Proceedings of tile 1" R.C.A.N.S. Congress, Lisboa, October 1992
Four Cynara cardunculus clones, two from Portugal and two from Spain were studied for biomass production and their lignin was characterized. The clones differed in biomass partitioning: Spanish clones produced more capitula (54.5% vs. 43.9%), and Portuguese clones more stalks (37.2% vs. 25.6%). The heating values (HHV0) of the stalks were similar, ranging from 17.1 to 18.4 MJ/kg. Lignin was studied by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS(FID)), separately in depithed stalks (stalksDP) and pith. StalksDP had in average higher relative proportions of lignin derived compounds than pith (23.9% vs. 21.8%) with slightly different lignin monomeric composition: pith samples were richer in syringyl units as compared to stalksDP (64% vs. 53%), with S/G ratios of 2.1 and 1.3, respectively. The H:G:S composition was 7:40:53 in stalksDP and 7:29:64 in pith. The lignin content ranged from 18.8% to 25.5%, enabling a differentiation between clones and provenances. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes preliminary work on the generation of synthesis gas from water electrolysis using graphite electrodes without the separation of the generated gases. This is an innovative process, that has no similar work been done earlier. Preliminary tests allowed to establish correlations between the applied current to the electrolyser and flow rate and composition of the generated syngas, as well as a characterisation of generated carbon nanoparticles. The obtained syngas can further be used to produce synthetic liquid fuels, for example, methane, methanol or DME (dimethyl ether) in a catalytic reactor, in further stages of a present ongoing project, using the ELECTROFUEL® concept. The main competitive advantage of this project lies in the built-in of an innovative technology product, from RE (renewable energy) power in remote locations, for example, islands, villages in mountains as an alternative for energy storage for mobility constraints.
The proper disposal of the several types of wastes produced in industrial activities increases production costs. As a consequence, it is common to develop strategies to reuse these wastes in the same process and in different processes or to transform them for use in other processes. This work combines the needs for new synthesis methods of nanomaterials and the reduction of production cost using wastes from citrine juice (orange, lime, lemon and mandarin) to produce a new added value product, green zero-valent iron nanoparticles that can be used in several applications, including environmental remediation. The results indicate that extracts of the tested fruit wastes (peel, albedo and pulp fractions) can be used to produce zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVIs). This shows that these wastes can be an added value product. The resulting nZVIs had sizes ranging from 3 up to 300 nm and distinct reactivities (pulp > peel > albedo extracts). All the studied nanoparticles did not present a significant agglomeration/settling tendency when compared to similar nanoparticles, which indicates that they remain in suspension and retain their reactivity.
Within a large set of renewable energies being explored to tackle energy sourcing problems, bioenergy can represent an attractive solution if effectively managed. The supply chain design supported by mathematical programming can be used as a decision support tool to the successful bioenergy production systems establishment. This strategic decision problem is addressed in this paper where we intent to study the design of the residual forestry biomass to bioelectricity production in the Portuguese context. In order to contribute to attain better solutions a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed and applied in order to optimize the design and planning of the bioenergy supply chain. While minimizing the total supply chain cost the production energy facilities capacity and location are defined. The model also includes the optimal selection of biomass amounts and sources, the transportation modes selection, and links that must be established for biomass transportation and products delivers to markets. Results illustrate the positive contribution of the mathematical programming approach to achieve viable economic solutions. Sensitivity analysis on the most uncertain parameters was performed: biomass availability, transportation costs, fixed operating costs and investment costs. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Siderophore production by Bacillus megaterium was detected, in an iron-deficient culture medium, during the exponential growth phase, prior to the sporulation, in the presence of glucose; these results suggested that the onset of siderophore production did not require glucose depletion and was not related with the sporulation. The siderophore production by B. megaterium was affected by the carbon source used. The growth on glycerol promoted the very high siderophore production (1,182 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass); the opposite effect was observed in the presence of mannose (251 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). The growth in the presence of fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose or sucrose, originated similar concentrations of siderophore (546–842 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). Aeration had a positive effect on the production of siderophore. Incubation of B. megaterium under static conditions delayed and reduced the growth and the production of siderophore, compared with the incubation in stirred conditions.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
This work evaluates the possibility of using spent coffee grounds (SCG) for biodiesel production and other applications. An experimental study was conducted with different solvents showing that lipid content up to 6 wt% can be obtained from SCG. Results also show that besides biodiesel production, SCG can be used as fertilizer as it is rich in nitrogen, and as solid fuel with higher heating value (HHV) equivalent to some agriculture and wood residues. The extracted lipids were characterized for their properties of acid value, density at 15 °C, viscosity at 40 °C, iodine number, and HHV, which are negatively influenced by water content and solvents used in lipid extraction. Results suggest that for lipids with high free fatty acids (FFA), the best procedure for conversion to biodiesel would be a two-step process of acid esterification followed by alkaline transesterification, instead of a sole step of direct transesterification with acid catalyst. Biodiesel was characterized for its properties of iodine number, acid value, and ester content. Although these quality parameters were not within the limits of NP EN 14214:2009 standard, SCG lipids can be used for biodiesel, blended with higher-quality vegetable oils before transesterification, or the biodiesel produced from SCG can be blended with higher-quality biodiesel or even with fossil diesel, in order to meet the standard requirements.