926 resultados para histamine liberation


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Literature on hypertension treatment has demonstrated that a healthy life style is one of the best strategies for hypertension control. In exploring the mechanisms of behavioral change for hypertension control, a comprehensive study based on the Transtheoretical Model was carried out in Taiwan during the summer of 2000 with a sample of 350 hypertensive adults living in Taipei urban and rural areas. ^ The relationships among stages of change, processes of change and demographic factors were analyzed for six health behaviors—low fat food consumption, alcohol use, smoking, physical activity, weight control, and routine blood pressure checkups. In addition, differences were assessed between urban and rural populations in changing their behavior for hypertension control. ^ The results showed that rural populations had more difficulties than urban populations in avoiding smoking and engaging in physical activity, and the processes of change being used by urban populations were significantly greater than rural populations. The study findings support a strong association between processes and stages of change. ^ Individuals who use more processes of change will be more inclined to move from precontemplation stage to maintenance stage. Counterconditioning, which is the substitution of alternatives for the problem behaviors, in this study, significantly helped people to change diet, engage in physical activity, and check blood pressure regularly. For example, counterconditioning is eating more vegetables instead of meat, or engaging in physical activity as a time to relax rather than another task to accomplish. ^ In addition, self-reevaluation was the most important process for helping people to engage in physical activity; and social liberation was the most important process for changing diet behavior. The findings in this study may be applied to improve health behaviors among rural populations with low income and low education; however, at the same time, the obesity problems among urban populations should be prevented to control hypertension in Taiwan. ^


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Mammalian retinas receive input from histaminergic neurons in the posterior hypothalamus. These neurons are most active during the waking state of the animal, but their role in retinal information processing is not known. To determine the function of these retinopetal axons, their targets in the rat and monkey retina were identified. Using antibodies to three histamine receptors, HR1, HR2, and HR3, the immunolabeling was analyzed by confocal and electron microscopy. These experiments showed that mammalian retinas possess histamine receptors. In macaques and baboons, diurnal species, HR3 receptors were found at the apex of ON-bipolar cell dendrites in cone pedicles and rod spherules, sclerad to the other neurotransmitter receptors that have been localized there. In addition, HR1 histamine receptors were localized to large puncta in the inner plexiform layer, a subset of ganglion cells and retinal blood vessels. In rats, a nocturnal species, the localization of histamine receptors in the retina was markedly different. Most HR1 receptors were localized to dopaminergic amacrine cells and on elements in the rod spherule. To determine how histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to retinal information processing, responses of retinal ganglion cells to histamine were analyzed. The effects of histamine on the maintained and light-evoked activity of retinal ganglion cells were analyzed. In monkeys, histamine and the HR3 agonist, methylhistamine, increased or decreased the maintained activity of most ganglion cells, but a few did not respond. The responses of a subset of ganglion cells to light stimuli were decreased by histamine, a finding suggesting that histaminergic retinopetal axons contribute to light adaptation during the day. In rats, histamine nearly always increased the maintained activity and produced both increases and decreases in the light responses. The effects of histamine on maintained activity of ganglion cells in the rat can be partially attributed to HR1-mediated changes in the activity of dopaminergic amacrine cells, at night. Together, these experiments provide the first indication of the function of retinopetal axons in mammalian retinas. ^


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The complement system functions as a major effector for both the innate and adaptive immune response. Activation of the complement cascade by either the classical, alternative, or lectin pathway promotes the proteolysis of C3 and C5 thereby generating C3a and C5a. Referred to as anaphylatoxins, the C3a and C5a peptides mediate biological effects upon binding to their respective receptors; C3a binds to the C3a receptor (C3aR) while C5a binds to the C5a receptor (C5aR, CD88). Both C3a and C5a are known for their broad proinflammatory effects. Elevated levels of both peptides have been isolated from patients with a variety of inflammatory diseases such as COPD, asthma, RA, SLE, and sepsis. Recent studies suggest that C5a is a critical component in the acquired neutrophil dysfunction, coagulopathy, and progressive multi-organ dysfunction characteristic of sepsis. The primary hypothesis of this dissertation was that preventing C3a-C3aR and C5a-C5aR mediated pro-inflammatory effects would improve survival in endotoxic, bacteremic and septic shock. To test this hypothesis, the murine C3aR and C5aR genes were disrupted. Following disruption of both the C3aR and C5aR genes, no abnormalities were identified other than the absence of their respective mRNA and protein. In models of both endotoxic and bacteremic shock, C3aR deficient mice suffered increased mortality when compared to their wild type littermates. C3aR deficient mice also had elevated circulating IL-1β levels. Using a model of sepsis, C3aR deficient mice had a higher circulating concentration of IL-6 and decreased peritoneal inflammatory infiltration. While these results were unexpected, they support an emerging role for C3a in immunomodulation. In contrast, following endotoxic or bacteremic shock, C5aR deficient mice experienced increased survival, less hemoconcentration and less thrombocytopenia. It was later determined that C5a mediated histamine release significantly contributes to host morbidity and mortality in bacteremic shock. These studies provide evidence that C5a functions primarily as a proinflammatory molecule in models of endotoxic and bacteremic shock. In the same models, C3a-C3aR interactions suppress the inflammatory response and protect the host. Collectively, these results present in vivo evidence that C3a and C5a have divergent biological functions. ^


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Linton Kwesi Johnson, poeta jamaiquino, fue el pionero de la poesía dub con su obra Dread Beat and Blood, su primer LP. En su búsqueda estética, la calle adquiere una relevancia primordial pues la poesía dub ha comunicado todo el resentimiento que desemboca en el disturbio. De allí que haya inspirado a las minorías a enfrentarse con las fuerzas del orden en las calles. Emparentada con el reggae, la poesía dub se yergue como estrategia de liberación. Esta investigación explora los orígenes y el desarrollo de esta poesía dentro y fuera de las Antillas, analizando algunos ejemplos concretos.


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En las sociedades modernas existen diversas posturas posibles de asumir frente a los múltiples y complejos problemas culturales, sociales, económicos y políticos. En este trabajo abordamos el problema de la demanda de reconocimiento igualitario por parte de minorías étnicas, como el caso de las comunidades indígenas en Formosa, Argentina. Para su elucidación proponemos un análisis comparado de los aportes de dos filósofos: Charles Taylor (éticas comunitaristas) y Enrique Dussel (ética de la liberación).


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Dada la grave situación mundial actual, y en vistas de la geopolítica militar norteamericana, es de gran importancia para la crítica del presente revisar el pensamiento del filósofo Enrique Dussel respecto de la argumentación lockeana (John Locke), utilizada largamente para la justificación del esclavismo y del colonialismo, teniendo vigencia aún en nuestros días como base autojustificatoria de la geopolítica militar norteamericana. Realizar una crítica desde la filosofía política de liberación de Enrique Dussel es entender a la política como horizonte de realización de su ética de liberación, posicionándose desde la perspectiva de las «víctimas».


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Este trabajo intenta realizar un análisis crítico a los contenidos teórico-epistemológicos de la entrevista, en tanto técnica fundamental en Trabajo Social. A través de los aportes de la Filosofía de la Liberación y de la Lógica de los Campos de Bourdieu, se analizan los discursos implícitos en las estrategias comunicacionales, así como las relaciones de poder inmersas en el campo. Se propone el desafío de conjugar con el Otro potencialidades, experiencias, trayectorias y estrategias para la construcción de un proyecto histórico común y emancipador. La entrevista se convierte de esta manera en una herramienta democratizadora de las relaciones sociales.


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Análisis semiótico del afiche Identidad Corporativa de la serie No Logos o Multinacionales, del diseñador Ricardo Colombano, realizado en el año 2005 como integrante del Grupo Grapo. Estudio sintáctico, semántico y pragmático que permite conocer cómo el autor usa el lenguaje del Diseño Gráfico, con un fuerte mensaje de liberación e independencia, para convencer a sus lectores de lo contrario que venden las empresas multinacionales en sus anuncios publicitarios.


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Escrito en el apogeo de la Revolución Cubana, “Tengo," que comparte el nombre del libro donde aparece, es una celebración eufórica del triunfo del hombre común y corriente. También documenta el punto de cambio de la doxa, al mostrar cómo “Juan sin nada" se convirtió en “Juan con todo". Esta investigación utiliza la teoría bourdieusiana para documentar cómo los cambios sociales deben aparecer en el nivel de habitus antes de manifestarse en el nivel físico. Este fallo tiene consecuencias muy importante para el poeta como “maestro de memes".