981 resultados para disco alveolado horizontal e pneumático
Cálculo y diseño de una grúa torre desmontable con brazo horizontal giratorio destinada a la elevación y transporte de material de construcción en edificios de viviendas
Una de las primeras bases de datos públicas que estuvo a disposición en CD-ROM fue ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos; actualmente, grandes bases de datos como MEDLINE, BRS y DIALOG están a disposición en CD-ROM. Las aplicaciones han ido creciendo desde entonces.
La aplicación del uso de la tecnología láser para la unión de materiales se ha incrementado sustancialmente en la industria metal-mecánica, esto se atribuye principalmente a las diferentes ventajas que tiene este proceso sobre los procesos de soldadura convencionales, como son la reducción en el costo de procesamiento, aumento de la productividad, incremento de la calidad del producto, la reducción de las zonas afectadas por el calor, la reducción de la distorsión en la piezas soldadas y además la versatilidad que representa la soldadura láser por ser un proceso sin contacto. No obstante el uso del láser para la unión de materiales en México se considera todavía una tecnología emergente, son muy pocas las industrias que han migrado de los procesos de soldadura convencionales al proceso de unión de materiales por rayo láser. Una de las industrias que ha empezado a utilizar el proceso de soldadura por láser en México, es la automotriz, en la cual constantemente se está buscado evitar un rezago tecnológico en los procesos de conformado y soldadura de piezas metálicas. Sin embargo en la actualidad, en la industria automotriz mexicana existe una gran dependencia de expertos de otros países para la supervisión, atención y el control de los procesos avanzados, como lo es el de la soldadura láser.En este trabajo, para lograr una mayor comprensión del proceso y del efecto de sus variables, se propuso aplicar una metodología de optimización en dos casos de estudio, en los cuales se utilizó una configuración de unión de soldadura a traslape con el modo de soldadura de ojo de cerradura o penetración completa, que es más bien conocida como “Keyhole welding”.
Doutoramento em Gestão
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Doutoramento em Economia.
This paper generalizes the model of Salant et al. (1983; Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 98, pp. 185–199) to a successive oligopoly model with product differentiation. Upstream firms produce differentiated goods, retailers compete in quantities, and supply contracts are linear. We show that if retailers buy from all producers, downstream mergers do not affect wholesale prices. Our result replicates that of Salant's, where mergers are not profitable unless the size of the merged firm exceeds 80 per cent of the industry. This result is robust to the type of competition.
Se cuestiona la abstención de registro de un libro de actas de un consejo de copropietarios.
Current pear pruning making use of pneumatic shears still is a very labour intensive operation. The Proder project “Avaliação da poda mecânica em pomares de pera” was designed to contribute to solutions that would reduce the present dependence in labour and therefore to promote a reduction in pruning costs. This paper shows the results of a trial made to evaluate the influence of mechanical topping in manual pruning complement field work and pear yield. Topping was performed using a Reynolds 6DT 3.0m cutting bar with six hydraulic-driven circular disc-saws mounted in the three point tractor linkage system. The field trial was performed in a commercial orchard with 20 years, planted in an array of 4m x 2m with tree lines oriented in North-South direction. Trees were trained as the central leader system. In this trial, in a randomised complete block design with four replications, two treatments are being compared leading to 8 plots with one line of 14 trees per plot. The treatments tests were: T1 - manual pruning performed by workers using pneumatic shears, in each year; T2 - Topping the canopy parallel to the ground, using a discs-saw pruning machine mounted in a front loader of an agricultural tractor, followed by manual pruning complement performed by workers with pneumatic shears. Tree height and width was measured, before and after pruning. Work was timed and pear yields evaluated. Mechanical topping seems to be effective in the control of tree height, which can contribute to increase 14% of work rates on manual pruning complement. No significant differences in pear yield were found between treatments.
A presente pesquisa tem como tema central de análise a importância econômica e social da cultura de seringueira na Microrregião Geográfica de São José do Rio Preto. Diante do sistemático processo de exclusão social no campo, em especial após a modernização agrícola, a qual privilegiou a grande exploração em detrimento da pequena, o estudo se propõe analisar em que medida a heveicultura se apresenta como alternativa de geração de renda e fixação do homem na terra. Constatou-se que na Microrregião Geográfica de São José do Rio Preto a cultura da seringueira sempre se apresentou vantajosa ao produtor, sobretudo pelo seu baixo custo de manutenção e por ser menos susceptível ao prejuízo em caso de crise no setor. Outra constatação refere-se a escassez da matéria-prima no mercado nacional, fator o qual somado à baixa dependência do segmento agrícola de insumos e maquinários, proporciona ao setor agroindustrial da borracha algumas peculiaridades. Entre essas se destaca a menor subordinação do segmento agrícola a capital industrial e, a menor diferenciação entre pequenos e grandes produtores no que se refere à produtividade e à qualidade da matéria-prima.
Avaliou-se, sob condições controladas, a resistência de genótipos de seringueira ao mal-das-folhas.
Airborne Particulate Matter (PM), can get removed from the atmosphere through wet and dry mechanisms, and physically/chemically interact with materials and induce premature decay. The effect of dry depositions is a complex issue, especially for outdoor materials, because of the difficulties to collect atmospheric deposits repeatable in terms of mass and homogeneously distributed on the entire investigated substrate. In this work, to overcome these problems by eliminating the variability induced by outdoor removal mechanisms (e.g. winds and rainfalls), a new sampling system called ‘Deposition Box’, was used for PM sampling. Four surrogate materials (Cellulose Acetate, Regenerated Cellulose, Cellulose Nitrate and Aluminum) with different surfaces features were exposed in the urban-marine site of Rimini (Italy), in vertical and horizontal orientations. Homogeneous and reproducible PM deposits were obtained and different analytical techniques (IC, AAS, TOC, VP-SEM-EDX, Vis-Spectrophotometry) were employed to characterize their mass, dimension and composition. Results allowed to discriminate the mechanisms responsible of the dry deposition of atmospheric particles on surfaces with different nature and orientation and to determine which chemical species, and in which amount, tend to preferentially deposit on them. This work demonstrated that “Deposition Box” can represent an affordable tool to study dry deposition fluxes on materials and results obtained will be fundamental in order to extend this kind of exposure to actual building and heritage materials, to investigate the PM contribution in their decay.
My thesis falls within the framework of physics education and teaching of mathematics. The objective of this report was made possible by using geometrical (in mathematics) and qualitative (in physics) problems. We have prepared four (resp. three) open answer exercises for mathematics (resp. physics). The test batch has been selected across two different school phases: end of the middle school (third year, 8\textsuperscript{th} grade) and beginning of high school (second and third year, 10\textsuperscript{th} and 11\textsuperscript{th} grades respectively). High school students achieved the best results in almost every problem, but 10\textsuperscript{th} grade students got the best overall results. Moreover, a clear tendency to not even try qualitative problems resolution has emerged from the first collection of graphs, regardless of subject and grade. In order to improve students' problem-solving skills, it is worth to invest on vertical learning and spiral curricula. It would make sense to establish a stronger and clearer connection between physics and mathematical knowledge through an interdisciplinary approach.