1000 resultados para ddc: C9921


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Purpose. To identify stroke survivors with symptoms of poststroke depression and the extent of psychiatry needs and care they have received while on physiotherapy rehabilitation. Participants. Fifty stroke survivors (22 females and 28 males) at the outpatient unit of Physiotherapy Department, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, who gave their informed consent, were randomly selected. Their age range and mean age were 26–66 years and 54.76 ± 8.79 years, respectively. Method. A multiple case study of 50 stroke survivors for symptoms of poststroke depression was done with Beck’s Depression Inventory, mini mental status examination tool, and Modified Motor Assessment Scale. The tests were performed independently by the participants except otherwise stated and scored on a scale of 0–6. Data were analyzed using -test for proportional significance and chi-square test for determining relationship between variables, at p < 0.05. Results. Twenty-one (42.0%) stroke survivors had symptoms of PSD, which was significantly dependent on duration of stroke ( = 21.680, df = 6, and p = 0.001), yet none of the participants had a psychiatry review. Conclusions. Symptoms of PSD may be common in cold compared to new cases of stroke and may need psychiatry care while on physiotherapy rehabilitation.


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The automated transfer of flight logbook information from aircrafts into aircraft maintenance systems leads to reduced ground and maintenance time and is thus desirable from an economical point of view. Until recently, flight logbooks have not been managed electronically in aircrafts or at least the data transfer from aircraft to ground maintenance system has been executed manually. Latest aircraft types such as the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 787 do support an electronic logbook and thus make an automated transfer possible. A generic flight logbook transfer system must deal with different data formats on the input side – due to different aircraft makes and models – as well as different, distributed aircraft maintenance systems for different airlines as aircraft operators. This article contributes the concept and top level distributed system architecture of such a generic system for automated flight log data transfer. It has been developed within a joint industry and applied research project. The architecture has already been successfully evaluated in a prototypical implementation.


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BACKGROUND: Despite their increasing popularity, little is known about how users perceive mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PCs in medical contexts. Available studies are often restricted to evaluating the success of specific interventions and do not adequately cover the users' basic attitudes, for example, their expectations or concerns toward using mobile devices in medical settings. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to obtain a comprehensive picture, both from the perspective of the patients, as well as the doctors, regarding the use and acceptance of mobile devices within medical contexts in general well as the perceived challenges when introducing the technology. METHODS: Doctors working at Hannover Medical School (206/1151, response 17.90%), as well as patients being admitted to this facility (213/279, utilization 76.3%) were surveyed about their acceptance and use of mobile devices in medical settings. Regarding demographics, both samples were representative of the respective study population. GNU R (version 3.1.1) was used for statistical testing. Fisher's exact test, two-sided, alpha=.05 with Monte Carlo approximation, 2000 replicates, was applied to determine dependencies between two variables. RESULTS: The majority of participants already own mobile devices (doctors, 168/206, 81.6%; patients, 110/213, 51.6%). For doctors, use in a professional context does not depend on age (P=.66), professional experience (P=.80), or function (P=.34); gender was a factor (P=.009), and use was more common among male (61/135, 45.2%) than female doctors (17/67, 25%). A correlation between use of mobile devices and age (P=.001) as well as education (P=.002) was seen for patients. Minor differences regarding how mobile devices are perceived in sensitive medical contexts mostly relate to data security, patients are more critical of the devices being used for storing and processing patient data; every fifth patient opposed this, but nevertheless, 4.8% of doctors (10/206) use their devices for this purpose. Both groups voiced only minor concerns about the credibility of the provided content or the technical reliability of the devices. While 8.3% of the doctors (17/206) avoided use during patient contact because they thought patients might be unfamiliar with the devices, (25/213) 11.7% of patients expressed concerns about the technology being too complicated to be used in a health context. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in how patients and doctors perceive the use of mobile devices can be attributed to age and level of education; these factors are often mentioned as contributors of the problems with (mobile) technologies. To fully realize the potential of mobile technologies in a health care context, the needs of both the elderly as well as those who are educationally disadvantaged need to be carefully addressed in all strategies relating to mobile technology in a health context.


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BACKGROUND: Over the past decade, physician-rating websites have been gaining attention in scientific literature and in the media. However, little knowledge is available about the awareness and the impact of using such sites on health care professionals. It also remains unclear what key predictors are associated with the knowledge and the use of physician-rating websites. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the current level of awareness and use of physician-rating websites in Germany and to determine their impact on physician choice making and the key predictors which are associated with the knowledge and the use of physician-rating websites. METHODS: This study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. An online panel was consulted in January 2013. A questionnaire was developed containing 28 questions; a pretest was carried out to assess the comprehension of the questionnaire. Several sociodemographic (eg, age, gender, health insurance status, Internet use) and 2 health-related independent variables (ie, health status and health care utilization) were included. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and t tests. Binary multivariate logistic regression models were performed for elaborating the characteristics of physician-rating website users. Results from the logistic regression are presented for both the observed and weighted sample. RESULTS: In total, 1505 respondents (mean age 43.73 years, SD 14.39; 857/1505, 57.25% female) completed our survey. Of all respondents, 32.09% (483/1505) heard of physician-rating websites and 25.32% (381/1505) already had used a website when searching for a physician. Furthermore, 11.03% (166/1505) had already posted a rating on a physician-rating website. Approximately 65.35% (249/381) consulted a particular physician based on the ratings shown on the websites; in contrast, 52.23% (199/381) had not consulted a particular physician because of the publicly reported ratings. Significantly higher likelihoods for being aware of the websites could be demonstrated for female participants (P<.001), those who were widowed (P=.01), covered by statutory health insurance (P=.02), and with higher health care utilization (P<.001). Health care utilization was significantly associated with all dependent variables in our multivariate logistic regression models (P<.001). Furthermore, significantly higher scores could be shown for health insurance status in the unweighted and Internet use in the weighted models. CONCLUSIONS: Neither health policy makers nor physicians should underestimate the influence of physician-rating websites. They already play an important role in providing information to help patients decide on an appropriate physician. Assuming there will be a rising level of public awareness, the influence of their use will increase well into the future. Future studies should assess the impact of physician-rating websites under experimental conditions and investigate whether physician-rating websites have the potential to reflect the quality of care offered by health care providers.


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BACKGROUND: Even though physician rating websites (PRWs) have been gaining in importance in both practice and research, little evidence is available on the association of patients' online ratings with the quality of care of physicians. It thus remains unclear whether patients should rely on these ratings when selecting a physician. The objective of this study was to measure the association between online ratings and structural and quality of care measures for 65 physician practices from the German Integrated Health Care Network "Quality and Efficiency" (QuE). METHODS: Online reviews from two German PRWs were included which covered a three-year period (2011 to 2013) and included 1179 and 991 ratings, respectively. Information for 65 QuE practices was obtained for the year 2012 and included 21 measures related to structural information (N = 6), process quality (N = 10), intermediate outcomes (N = 2), patient satisfaction (N = 1), and costs (N = 2). The Spearman rank coefficient of correlation was applied to measure the association between ratings and practice-related information. RESULTS: Patient satisfaction results from offline surveys and the patients per doctor ratio in a practice were shown to be significantly associated with online ratings on both PRWs. For one PRW, additional significant associations could be shown between online ratings and cost-related measures for medication, preventative examinations, and one diabetes type 2-related intermediate outcome measure. There again, results from the second PRW showed significant associations with the age of the physicians and the number of patients per practice, four process-related quality measures for diabetes type 2 and asthma, and one cost-related measure for medication. CONCLUSIONS: Several significant associations were found which varied between the PRWs. Patients interested in the satisfaction of other patients with a physician might select a physician on the basis of online ratings. Even though our results indicate associations with some diabetes and asthma measures, but not with coronary heart disease measures, there is still insufficient evidence to draw strong conclusions. The limited number of practices in our study may have weakened our findings.


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OSGi is a popular Java-based platform, which has its roots in the area of embedded systems. However, nowadays it is used more and more in enterprise systems. To fit this new application area, OSGi has recently been extended with the Remote Services specification. This specification enables distribution, which OSGi was previously lacking. However, the specification provides means for synchronous communication only and leaves out asynchronous communication. As an attempt to fill a gap in this field, we propose, implement and evaluate an approach for the integration of asynchronous messaging into OSGi.


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Pour parfaire les compétences des nouvelles directions d’école, nous constatons l’émergence de programmes de formation proposés par des universités, des districts scolaires, etc. Le but de notre étude est d’identifier les contextes de formation formel, non formel ou informel qui ont le plus aidé les nouvelles directions d’école dans le développement de leurs compétences d’une part, et ceux qui seraient mieux à même de les aider à l’avenir. Dans le cadre de cette recherche qualitative, 101 acteurs-trices de l’éducation ont été interrogé-es. Les résultats montrent que les trois contextes de formation (formel, non formel et informel) semblent avoir contribué au développement des compétences des nouvelles directions, alors que le contexte non formel, et plus particulièrement les ateliers et le soutien du district scolaire, s’avère être celui pouvant le plus aider les nouvelles directions à développer leurs compétences dans le futur. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Die Aufnahme von Computerspielen in den Bibliotheksbestand stellt viele Einrichtungen vor neue Herausforderungen, da diese Medien vermehrt nicht in physischer Form vertrieben werden. Welche grundlegenden Überlegungen kommen auf Bibliotheken und ihre Mitarbeiter zu, wenn sie Konzepte zum Einsatz digitaler Spiele erarbeiten und mit diesen Medien erfolgreich arbeiten wollen? Anhand von Best-Practice-Beispielen werden innovative Ideen aufgezeigt, die abseits eines reinen Verleihkonzepts Bibliotheken in Spiel- und Lernorte verwandeln, in denen alle Medien gleichberechtigt als Informationsträger nebeneinander eingesetzt werden. Ausgehend von der Geschichte der Computerspiele über die Beleuchtung der Zusammenhänge zwischen der Nutzung digitaler Spiele und der Steigerung von (Lern-)Kompetenzen zeigt diese Arbeit abschließend ein Konzept, wie digitale und analoge Spielstrategien verknüpft und Nutzern ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis im Bibliotheksraum geboten werden kann.


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Open Educational Resources (OER) sind offen lizensierte und frei zugängliche Lehr- und Lernmaterialien, deren Inhalte übernommen, angepasst und unter der gleichen Lizenz weiter verbreitet werden dürfen. Sie stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zum lebenslangen Lernen dar. In Zusammenhang mit dem wechselnden Rollenverständnis von Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken hin zu einem Lernort, gewinnen OER zunehmend an Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Nutzung und dem Umgang von OER in Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken. Dargestellt an ausgewählten Beispielen im Zusammenhang mit dem Studium von Flüchtlingen an der KIRON-Universität und deren Zugang zu deutschen Hochschulen. Abschließend gibt diese Arbeit einen Ausblick auf Bereiche, aus denen Bibliotheken zukünftige Dienstleistungen für Ihre Trägereinrichtungen im Bereich der OER entwickeln können. Die Arbeit basiert auf einer Prüfungsleistung vom 14.02.2016 in der Lehrveranstaltung „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Informationsmanagement“ unter Frau Dr. Ina Blümel.


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Ce travail s’inscrit dans le champ des recherches concernant les pratiques inclusives en milieu scolaire ordinaire dans l’enseignement primaire. En France, le système éducatif propose de scolariser les élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers soit en classe ordinaire, soit en classe spécialisée, bien que les gouvernements valorisent l’accueil en milieu ordinaire depuis la loi de 2005. Or, ceci questionne les pratiques des acteurs de l’école sur la prise en charge de ces élèves. Partant des travaux montrant que les enseignants utilisant l’évaluation formative gèrent mieux la diversité des élèves, nous étudions ici dans quelle mesure cette fonction de l’évaluation aiderait les élèves présentant des besoins éducatifs particuliers à acquérir des connaissances grâce aux feedbacks émis lors d’évaluations orales et de corrections collectives. L’analyse des données recueillies à l’aide d’entretiensavec des enseignants et d’observations d’élèves fait ressortir les attitudes des acteurs, les interactions et les régulations. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The dependency of word similarity in vector space models on the frequency of words has been noted in a few studies, but has received very little attention. We study the influence of word frequency in a set of 10 000 randomly selected word pairs for a number of different combinations of feature weighting schemes and similarity measures. We find that the similarity of word pairs for all methods, except for the one using singular value decomposition to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space, is determined to a large extent by the frequency of the words. In a binary classification task of pairs of synonyms and unrelated words we find that for all similarity measures the results can be improved when we correct for the frequency bias.


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Streptococcus (S.) uberis is a causative agent for clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis which significance for the udder health has increased over the last decades. Molecular diagnosis methods revealed that S. uberis may be subdivided into many different varieties with different epidemiological properties. In addition, some varieties were reclassified as Streptococcus parauberis and Globicatella sanguinis. The present paper reviews S. uberis and its role in modern dairy farming. This pathogen is ubiquitous for which it is considered as environment- associated. Straw bedding and pasture, but also the bovine skin and digestive mucosae are typical localizations inhabited by S. uberis. Due to its capacity to persist within the mammary tissue, some infections may eventually turn cow-associated. In other cases, the infection is short, but in any case, there is a high risk of re-infection. Although many varieties remain susceptible to most antimicrobial agents, the problem for the dairy farm lies in the high rate of re-infection. This paper also reviews risk factors, therapies and measures to control S. uberis at farm level.


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Multimedia objects, especially images and figures, are essential for the visualization and interpretation of research findings. The distribution and reuse of these scientific objects is significantly improved under open access conditions, for instance in Wikipedia articles, in research literature, as well as in education and knowledge dissemination, where licensing of images often represents a serious barrier. Whereas scientific publications are retrievable through library portals or other online search services due to standardized indices there is no targeted retrieval and access to the accompanying images and figures yet. Consequently there is a great demand to develop standardized indexing methods for these multimedia open access objects in order to improve the accessibility to this material. With our proposal, we hope to serve a broad audience which looks up a scientific or technical term in a web search portal first. Until now, this audience has little chance to find an openly accessible and reusable image narrowly matching their search term on first try - frustratingly so, even if there is in fact such an image included in some open access article.


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Der Beitrag betrachtet Erziehungsberatung im Kontext der anderen Hilfen zur Erziehung über den Zeitraum 2008 bis 2012. Dargestellt werden insbesondere die Inanspruchnahmeentwicklung insgesamt, das hauptsächliche Inanspruchnahmealter, die Situation in der Herkunftsfamilie und der Bezug von sozialen Transferleistungen. Die Klientel der Erziehungsberatung wird vertiefend betrachtet. Abschließend werden die neuen statistischen Daten zu Gefährdungseinschätzungen und die Verteilung von Erziehungsberatung sowie ambulanten und stationären Hilfen zur Erziehung nach Bundesländern dargestellt.


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This paper describes the latest accomplishments on the current research that is based on the master’s thesis “Ein System zur Erstellung taktiler Karten für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen” (German for “A system creating tactile maps for blind and visually impaired people”) (Hänßgen, 2012). The system consists of two parts. The first part is new software especially designed and developed for creating tactile maps addressing the needs of blind and visually impaired people on tactile information. The second is an embossing device based on a modified CNC (computer numerical control) router. By using OpenStreetMap-data, the developed system is capable of embossing tactile maps into Braille paper and writing film.