829 resultados para coping, world assumptions, post-traumatic stress, post-traumatic growth, demographic differences
Focusing on The Act of Killing, this chapter examines how an “ethics of realism” operates on three key cinematic arenas: genre, authorship and spectatorship. As far as genre is concerned, the film’s realist commitment emerges from where it is least expected, namely from Hollywood genres, such as the musical, the film noir and the western, which are used as documentary, that is to say, as a fantasy realm where perpetrators can confess to their crimes without restraints or fear of punishment, but which nonetheless retains the evidentiary weight of the audiovisual medium. Authorship, in turn, translates as Oppenheimer’s unmistakable auteur signature through his role of self-confessed “infiltrator” who disguises as a sympathiser of the criminals in order to gain first-hand access to the full picture of their acts. One of them, the protagonist Anwar Congo, is clearly affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, and his repetitive reliving of his killings is made to flare up in front of the camera so as to bring back the dead to the present time in their material reality, through his own body, including a harrowing scene of the actor’s unpredictable and uncontrollable retching as he re-enacts the killing of his victims through strangulation. Finally, in the realm of spectatorship, the usual process of illusionistic identification on the part of the spectator is turned onto its head by means of disguising these criminals as amateur filmmakers, led to shoot, act within, and then watch their own film within the film so as to force them to experience beyond any illusion the suffering they had caused.
In this study, we investigated the oxidative stress influence in some prosurvival and proapoptotic proteins after myocardial infarction (MI). Male Wistar rats were divided in two groups: Sham-operated (control) and MI. MI was induced by left coronary artery occlusion. 28-days after surgery, echocardiographic, morphometric, and hemodynamic parameters were evaluated. Redox status (reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio, GSH/GSSG) and hydrogen peroxide levels (H(2)O(2)) were measured in heart tissue. The p-ERK/ERK, p-Akt/Akt, p-mTOR/mTOR and p-GSK-3 beta/GSK-3 beta ratios, as well as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) myocardial protein expression were quantified by Western blot. MI group showed an increase in cardiac hypertrophy (23%) associated with a decrease in ejection fraction (38%) and increase in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (82%) when compared to control, characterizing ventricular dysfunction. Redox status imbalance was seen in MI animals, as evidenced by the decrease in the GSH/GSSG ratio (30%) and increased levels of H(2)O(2) (45%). This group also showed an increase in the ERK phosphorylation and a reduction of Akt and mTOR phosphorylation when compared to control. Moreover, we showed a reduction in the GSK-3 beta phosphorylation and an increase in AIF protein expression in MI group. Taken together, our results show increased H(2)O(2) levels and cellular redox imbalance associated to a higher p-ERK and AIF immunocontent, which would contribute to a maladaptive hypertrophy phenotype.
Stratigraphic intervals characterized by varied and complex styles of soft-sediment deformation structures are well preserved in Miocene and Late Pleistocene to Holocene deposits of a sedimentary basin located in Northeastern Brazil. The Miocene strata, represented by the Barreiras Formation, record only brittle structures, including numerous faults and fractures with straight and high angle-dipping planes that are often filled with sands derived from overlying beds. Folds consisting of broad anticlines and synclines are also present in this unit. The late Pleistocene to Holocene deposits, named Post-Barreiras Sediments, contain an indurated sandy package with a large variety of ductile and brittle deformation structures (i.e., massive sandstones with isolated sand fragments and breccias, undulatory strata, sand dykes and diapirs, sinks and bowls, pebbly pockets, plunged sediment mixtures, fitted sand masses, cone-shaped cracks, fault grading and sedimentary enclaves). These features, confined to sharp-based stratigraphic horizons that progressively grade downward into undisturbed deposits, are related to seismic shocks of high surface-wave magnitude (i.e., Ms>5 or 6). Amalgamated seismites suggest that previously formed seismites were affected by subsequent seismic-wave propagation. Seismic waves caused by activity along one, or most likely, several tectonic structures would have propagated throughout the depositional environment, producing laterally extensive seismites. The close proximity to earthquake epicenters would have promoted pervasive re-sedimentation due to pore overpressure, resulting high volumes of massive sandstones and breccia. The similarity between deposits with correlatable strata from many other areas along the Brazilian coast allows raise the hypothesis that the seismic episodes might have affected sedimentation patterns in a large (i.e., extension of several hundreds of kilometers) geographic area. Thus, the modern seismicity recorded along Northeastern Brazil was recurrent during the Quaternary and, perhaps, also in the Pliocene. The estimated high magnitude of the seismic events and the great regional extent of the affected area demonstrate that the Brazilian coast experienced tectonic stress through the last geological episodes of its evolution, which would have favored sediment accumulation and penecontemporaneous re-sedimentation. This geological context is unexpected in a passive margin, inducing to revisit the debate on how active is a passive margin. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa ämnet barn och katastrofer, som hur barn reagerar efter traumatiska händelser, hur de utvecklar Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), hur PTSD behandlas samt hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa barn på bästa sätt. Studien var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteraturen söktes via Elin@dalarna, Pub Med och DOAJ. Sökord som användes för att få fram relevanta artiklar var: ”adaption”, ”care”, ”catastrophe”, ”children”, ”child”, ”disasters”, ”help”, ”natural disaster”, ”PTSD”, ”react”, ”trauma”. Dessa ord användes ett och ett samt i kombination med varandra. De vetenskapliga artiklarna som användes kvalitetsbedömdes med en kombinerad granskningsmall av Forsberg och Wengström (2003) samt Willman och Stoltz (2002) granskningsmallar för kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Denna granskning resulterade i ett urval av 16 vetenskapliga artiklar som var publicerade mellan1990 och 2006 och var skrivna på svenska eller engelska. Sökorden fanns med i artikelns titel eller abstract, samt att dess innehåll skulle besvara frågeställningarna som fanns. De studier som granskades i denna uppsats visade att barn reagerar väldigt olika beroende på deras sociala liv och levnadsstandard, samt hur svårt drabbade de blivit av naturkatastrofen. Barns första reaktioner efter en naturkatastrof var ofta ilska och aggressioner över det inträffade, barnen anklagade ofta sig själva för det inträffade. Barn som levde under sociala missförhållande, utan föräldrar, hem och vänner löpte högre risk att få symtom på PTSD, och det var vanligare att flickor fick symtom än pojkar. De vanligaste behandlingsmetoderna för symtom av PTSD var kognitiv beteendeterapi och läkemedel. Den viktigaste hjälpen för barn som upplevt en naturkatastrof var att hjälpa dem tillbaka till det vardagliga livet.
Lucas (1987) has shown the surprising result that the welfare cost of business cycles is quite small. Using standard assumptions on preferences and a fully-áedged econometric model we computed the welfare costs of macroeconomic uncertainty for the post-WWII era using the multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition for trends and cycles, which considers not only business-cycle uncertainty but also uncertainty from the stochastic trend in consumption. The post-WWII period is relatively quiet, with the welfare costs of uncertainty being about 0:9% of per-capita consumption. Although changing the decomposition method changed substantially initial results, the welfare cost of uncertainty is qualitatively small in the post-WWII era - about $175.00 a year per-capita in the U.S. We also computed the marginal welfare cost of macroeconomic uncertainty using this same technique. It is about twice as large as the welfare cost ñ$350.00 a year per-capita.
With standard assumptions on preferences and a fully-fledged econometric model we computed the welfare costs of macroeconomic uncertainty for post-war U.S. using the BeveridgeNelson decomposition. Welfare costs are about 0.9% per-capita consumption ($175.00) and marginal welfare costs are about twice as large.
Several lines of evidence converge to the idea that rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) is a good model to foster our understanding of psychosis. Both REMS and psychosis course with internally generated perceptions and lack of rational judgment, which is attributed to a hyperlimbic activity along with hypofrontality. Interestingly, some individuals can become aware of dreaming during REMS, a particular experience known as lucid dreaming (LD), whose neurobiological basis is still controversial. Since the frontal lobe plays a role in self-consciousness, working memory and attention, here we hypothesize that LD is associated with increased frontal activity during REMS. A possible way to test this hypothesis is to check whether transcranial magnetic or electric stimulation of the frontal region during REMS triggers LD. We further suggest that psychosis and LD are opposite phenomena: LD as a physiological awakening while dreaming due to frontal activity, and psychosis as a pathological intrusion of dream features during wake state due to hypofrontality. We further suggest that LD research may have three main clinical implications. First, LD could be important to the study of consciousness, including its pathologies and other altered states. Second, LD could be used as a therapy for recurrent nightmares, a common symptom of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, LD may allow for motor imagery during dreaming with possible improvement of physical rehabilitation. In all, we believe that LD research may clarify multiple aspects of brain functioning in its physiological, altered and pathological states.
The aims of this dissertation is to study formation of the Dutch view seeing the colonial scenery in screens by Frans Post, as well as, to perceive a colonial world constitution through landscape paintings by him with his natural and human representation. The artist was the first to portray South American views, after he landed in Pernambuco with retinue of Dutch governor of colony, John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen. Post, by his 24 years old, was designated to represent for Dutch people their colony. The text reflects on visual construction of natural and human aspects in landscapes by Dutchman and how that aspects were included in colonizer imaginary about the strange world of America. European (Dutch) look about their conquered possessions in the New World was charged with exoticism and imagination. In order to understand that view, it`s paramount to study imaginary pictures reared by Frans Post, on his return to the Netherlands, and notions of landscape and exotic, wild and unspoiled nature which the Dutch people had when they thought about the Dutch colony in America. Our principal (visual) sources of research are six paintings: Vista da Sé de Olinda (1662), Vista das ruínas de Olinda (undated), Engenho (undated), Engenho (1660), Vista da cidade Maurícia e do Recife (1653), e Paisagem com rio e tamanduá (1649), all these canvases were painted when Frans Post returned to Europe. We seek to work through a methodology that focuses on investigation of primary visual and textual material, because these textual and pictorial representations reflect the 17th-century colonial view of colonial history themes of the - here called - Dutch America
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has clinical features that overlap in various degrees with many other mental disorders. As a result, the differential diagnosis sometimes can be difficult. This review briefly summarizes the phenomenologic similarities and differences between OCD and the following disorders: depression, phobias, hypochondriasis and body dysmorphic disorder, Tourette syndrome and tic disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, impulse control and eating disorders, generalized anxiety, panic and post-traumatic stress disorders, and delusional and schizophrenic disorders. The accurate diagnosis is essential for adequate treatment planning and management.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives: The objective of the present study was to evaluate a prefabricated intraradicular threaded pure titanium post, designed and developed at the Sao Jose dos Campos School of Dentistry - UNESP, Brazil. This new post was designed to minimize stresses observed with prefabricated post systems and to improve cost-benefits. Materials and and methods: Fracture resistance testing of the post/core/root complex, fracture analysis by microscopy and stress analysis by the finite element method were used for post evaluation. The following four prefabricated metal post systems were analyzed: group 1, experimental post; group 2, modification of the experimental post; group 3, Flexi Post, and group 4, Para Post. For the analysis of fracture resistance, 40 bovine teeth were randomly assigned to the four groups (n=10) and used for the fabrication of test specimens simulating the situation in the mouth. The test specimens were subjected to compressive strength testing until fracture in an EMIC universal testing machine. After fracture of the test specimens, their roots were sectioned and analyzed by microscopy. For the finite element method, specimens of the fracture resistance test were simulated by computer modeling to determine the stress distribution pattern in the post systems studied. Results: The fracture test presented the following averages and standard deviation: G1 (45.63 +/- 8.77), G2 (49.98 +/- 7.08), G3 (43.84 +/- 5.52), G4 (47.61 +/- 7.23). Stress was homogenously distributed along the body of the intraradicular post in group 1, whereas high stress concentrations in certain regions were observed in the other groups. These stress concentrations in the body of the post induced the same stress concentration in root dentin. Conclusions: The experimental post (original and modified versions) presented similar fracture resistance and better results in the stress analysis when compared with the commercial post systems tested (08/2008PA/CEP).
What can we learn from solar neutrino observations? Is there any solution to the solar neutrino anomaly which is favored by the present experimental panorama? After SNO results, is it possible to affirm that neutrinos have mass? In order to answer such questions we analyze the current available data from the solar neutrino experiments, including the recent SNO result, in view of many acceptable solutions to the solar neutrino problem based on different conversion mechanisms, for the first time using the same statistical procedure. This allows us to do a direct comparison of the goodness of the fit among different solutions, from which we can discuss and conclude on the current status of each proposed dynamical mechanism. These solutions are based on different assumptions: (a) neutrino mass and mixing, (b) a nonvanishing neutrino magnetic moment, (c) the existence of nonstandard flavor-changing and nonuniversal neutrino interactions, and (d) a tiny violation of the equivalence principle. We investigate the quality of the fit provided by each one of these solutions not only to the total rate measured by all the solar neutrino experiments but also to the recoil electron energy spectrum measured at different zenith angles by the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration. We conclude that several nonstandard neutrino flavor conversion mechanisms provide a very good fit to the experimental data which is comparable with (or even slightly better than) the most famous solution to the solar neutrino anomaly based on the neutrino oscillation induced by mass.
O tapir ou anta, descrito como o maior mamífero terrestre brasileiro, pertence à ordem Perissodactila, subordem Hippomorfa, superfamília Tapiroidea e família Tapiridae. Na floresta úmida está envolvido com a dispersão de sementes em função das características do tubo digestivo. O acompanhamento do ciclo estral permite avaliar e compreender a atividade reprodutiva nas espécies animais. Nos animais silvestres, o estresse da contenção pode interferir na própria ciclicidade gonadal, uma das alternativas é o acompanhamento dos hormônios gonadais nas excretas. Buscamos neste trabalho o acompanhamento periódico da atividade gonadal através da quantificação de progesterona no leite. Utilizamos uma fêmea recém-parida no Zoológico de Araçatuba, da qual colhemos leite, esfregaço vaginal e temperatura retal. A progesterona foi quantificada por radioimunoensaio de fase sólida (Coat-a-Count, DPC®) com curva padrão fornecida pela F.A.O. O ensaio mostrou sensibilidade de 1,25 nmol/l com coeficiente de variação intra-ensaio de 15,36%. Durante a fase de lactação, a fêmea não apresentou níveis detectáveis de progesterona por 158 dias (de novembro a abril). O primeiro pico de produção foi de 2,3 nmol/l e apresentou duração de 5 dias. O segundo pico de 3,54 nmol/l teve uma duração de 23 dias. Setenta e quatro dias após o aparecimento da progesterona no leite a lactação cessou. Podemos concluir que a fêmea de tapir apresentou um período de anestro lactacional de aproximadamente 5 meses e voltou a ciclar no outono (abril) sugerindo pouca influência do fotoperíodo. A quantificação da progesterona no leite mostrou-se útil para o acompanhamento do ciclo estral na espécie, porém a variação da citologia vaginal e temperatura retal não apresentaram correlação com os níveis hormonais.