853 resultados para cloud computing accountability


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Given the cost constraints of the European health-care systems, criteria are needed to decide which genetic services to fund from the public budgets, if not all can be covered. To ensure that high-priority services are available equitably within and across the European countries, a shared set of prioritization criteria would be desirable. A decision process following the accountability for reasonableness framework was undertaken, including a multidisciplinary EuroGentest/PPPC-ESHG workshop to develop shared prioritization criteria. Resources are currently too limited to fund all the beneficial genetic testing services available in the next decade. Ethically and economically reflected prioritization criteria are needed. Prioritization should be based on considerations of medical benefit, health need and costs. Medical benefit includes evidence of benefit in terms of clinical benefit, benefit of information for important life decisions, benefit for other people apart from the person tested and the patient-specific likelihood of being affected by the condition tested for. It may be subject to a finite time window. Health need includes the severity of the condition tested for and its progression at the time of testing. Further discussion and better evidence is needed before clearly defined recommendations can be made or a prioritization algorithm proposed. To our knowledge, this is the first time a clinical society has initiated a decision process about health-care prioritization on a European level, following the principles of accountability for reasonableness. We provide points to consider to stimulate this debate across the EU and to serve as a reference for improving patient management.


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[spa] En este trabajo se analiza con datos de España los efectos de la corrupción local sobre los resultados electorales. En base a las noticias publicadas entre 1996 y 2009, se construye una nueva base de datos que recoge los casos de corrupción y noticias relativas a cambios en los planes urbanísticos que no han seguido el procedimiento legal. La base de datos muestra que los primeros escándalos de corrupción urbanística surgieron durante el mandato electoral de 1999-2003, pero que éstos alcanzaron sus niveles máximos justo antes de las elecciones de 2007. Se estima una ecuación del porcentaje de voto obtenido por el partido en el poder en estas elecciones locales y se encuentra que la pérdida media de voto después de un caso de corrupción se sitúa alrededor del 4%. Este efecto es más elevado (del 9%) si el caso de corrupción ha recibido una amplia cobertura por los diarios. Los efectos estimados para las elecciones de 2003 son significativamente inferiores. Cuando se consideran los casos en que los políticos han tenido cargas judiciales por corrupción y amplia cobertura por los diarios, la pérdida de voto asciende hasta el 12%. No obstante, la cobertura por los diarios genera un efecto negativo en el voto incluso cuando no hay cargas judiciales.


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[spa] En este trabajo se analiza con datos de España los efectos de la corrupción local sobre los resultados electorales. En base a las noticias publicadas entre 1996 y 2009, se construye una nueva base de datos que recoge los casos de corrupción y noticias relativas a cambios en los planes urbanísticos que no han seguido el procedimiento legal. La base de datos muestra que los primeros escándalos de corrupción urbanística surgieron durante el mandato electoral de 1999-2003, pero que éstos alcanzaron sus niveles máximos justo antes de las elecciones de 2007. Se estima una ecuación del porcentaje de voto obtenido por el partido en el poder en estas elecciones locales y se encuentra que la pérdida media de voto después de un caso de corrupción se sitúa alrededor del 4%. Este efecto es más elevado (del 9%) si el caso de corrupción ha recibido una amplia cobertura por los diarios. Los efectos estimados para las elecciones de 2003 son significativamente inferiores. Cuando se consideran los casos en que los políticos han tenido cargas judiciales por corrupción y amplia cobertura por los diarios, la pérdida de voto asciende hasta el 12%. No obstante, la cobertura por los diarios genera un efecto negativo en el voto incluso cuando no hay cargas judiciales.


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In metallurgic plants a high quality metal production is always required. Nowadays soft computing applications are more often used for automation of manufacturing process and quality control instead of mechanical techniques. In this thesis an overview of soft computing methods presents. As an example of soft computing application, an effective model of fuzzy expert system for the automotive quality control of steel degassing process was developed. The purpose of this work is to describe the fuzzy relations as quality hypersurfaces by varying number of linguistic variables and fuzzy sets.


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This master’s thesis aims to study and represent from literature how evolutionary algorithms are used to solve different search and optimisation problems in the area of software engineering. Evolutionary algorithms are methods, which imitate the natural evolution process. An artificial evolution process evaluates fitness of each individual, which are solution candidates. The next population of candidate solutions is formed by using the good properties of the current population by applying different mutation and crossover operations. Different kinds of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were searched in the literature. Applications were classified and represented. Also the necessary basics about evolutionary algorithms were presented. It was concluded, that majority of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were about software design or testing. For example, there were applications about classifying software production data, project scheduling, static task scheduling related to parallel computing, allocating modules to subsystems, N-version programming, test data generation and generating an integration test order. Many applications were experimental testing rather than ready for real production use. There were also some Computer Aided Software Engineering tools based on evolutionary algorithms.


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Tutkimuksen selvitettiin miten skenaarioanalyysia voidaan käyttää uuden teknologian tutkimisessa. Työssä havaittiin, että skenaarioanalyysin soveltuvuuteen vaikuttaa eniten teknologisen muutoksen taso ja saatavilla olevan tiedon luonne. Skenaariomenetelmä soveltuu hyvin uusien teknologioiden tutkimukseen erityisesti radikaalien innovaatioiden kohdalla. Syynä tähän on niihin liittyvä suuri epävarmuus, kompleksisuus ja vallitsevan paradigman muuttuminen, joiden takia useat muut tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmät eivät ole tilanteessa käyttökelpoisia. Työn empiirisessä osiossa tutkittiin hilaverkkoteknologian tulevaisuutta skenaarioanalyysin avulla. Hilaverkot nähtiin mahdollisena disruptiivisena teknologiana, joka radikaalina innovaationa saattaa muuttaa tietokonelaskennan nykyisestä tuotepohjaisesta laskentakapasiteetin ostamisesta palvelupohjaiseksi. Tällä olisi suuri vaikutus koko nykyiseen ICT-toimialaan erityisesti tarvelaskennan hyödyntämisen ansiosta. Tutkimus tarkasteli kehitystä vuoteen 2010 asti. Teorian ja olemassa olevan tiedon perusteella muodostettiin vahvaan asiantuntijatietouteen nojautuen neljä mahdollista ympäristöskenaariota hilaverkoille. Skenaarioista huomattiin, että teknologian kaupallinen menestys on vielä monen haasteen takana. Erityisesti luottamus ja lisäarvon synnyttäminen nousivat tärkeimmiksi hilaverkkojen tulevaisuutta ohjaaviksi tekijöiksi.


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We consider the numerical treatment of the optical flow problem by evaluating the performance of the trust region method versus the line search method. To the best of our knowledge, the trust region method is studied here for the first time for variational optical flow computation. Four different optical flow models are used to test the performance of the proposed algorithm combining linear and nonlinear data terms with quadratic and TV regularization. We show that trust region often performs better than line search; especially in the presence of non-linearity and non-convexity in the model.


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Regulation has in many cases been delegated to independent agencies, which has led to the question of how democratic accountability of these agencies is ensured. There are few empirical approaches to agency accountability. We offer such an approach, resting upon three propositions. First, we scrutinize agency accountability both de jure (accountability is ensured by formal rights of accountability 'fora' to receive information and impose consequences) and de facto (the capability of fora to use these rights depends on resources and decision costs that affect the credibility of their sanctioning capacity). Second, accountability must be evaluated separately at political, operational and managerial levels. And third, at each level accountability is enacted by a system of several (partially) interdependent fora, forming together an accountability regime. The proposed framework is applied to the case of the German Bundesnetzagentur's accountability regime, which shows its suitability for empirical purposes. Regulatory agencies are often considered as independent, yet accountable. This article provides a realistic framework for the study of accountability 'regimes' in which they are embedded. It emphasizes the need to identify the various actors (accountability fora) to which agencies are formally accountable (parliamentary committees, auditing bodies, courts, and so on) and to consider possible relationships between them. It argues that formal accountability 'on paper', as defined in official documents, does not fully account for de facto accountability, which depends on the resources possessed by the fora (mainly information-processing and decision-making capacities) and the credibility of their sanctioning capacities. The article applies this framework to the German Bundesnetzagentur.


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Accountability and transparency are of growing importance in contemporary governance. The academic literature have broadly studied the two concepts separately, defining and redefining them, and including them into various framework, sometimes mistakenly using them as synonyms. The relationship between the two concepts has, curiously, only been studied by a few scholars with preliminary approaches. This theoretical paper will focus on both concepts, trying first to describe them taking into account the various evolutions in the literature and the recent evolutions as well as the first attempts to link the two concepts. In order to show a new approach linking the concepts, four cases from the Swiss context will be portrayed and will demonstrate the necessity to reconsider the relationship between transparency and accountability. Consequently, a new framework, based on Fox's framework (2007) will be presented and theoretically delimited.


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Concurrent aims to be a different type of task distribution system compared to what MPI like system do. It adds a simple but powerful application abstraction layer to distribute the logic of an entire application onto a swarm of clusters holding similarities with volunteer computing systems. Traditional task distributed systems will just perform simple tasks onto the distributed system and wait for results. Concurrent goes one step further by letting the tasks and the application decide what to do. The programming paradigm is then totally async without any waits for results and based on notifications once a computation has been performed.


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Clúster format per una màquina principal HEAD Node més 19 nodes de càlcul de la gama SGI13 Altix14 XE Servers and Clusters, unides en una topologia de màster subordinat, amb un total de 40 processadors Dual Core i aproximadament 160Gb de RAM.


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Accountability and transparency are of growing importance in contemporary governance. The academic literature have broadly studied the two concepts separately, defining and redefining them, and including them into various framework, sometimes mistakenly using them as synonyms. The relationship between the two concepts has, curiously, only been studied by a few scholars with preliminary approaches. This theoretical paper will focus on both concepts, trying first to describe them taking into account the various evolutions in the literature and the recent evolutions as well as the first attempts to link the two concepts. In order to show a new approach linking the concepts, four cases from the Swiss context will be portrayed and will demonstrate the necessity to reconsider the relationship between transparency and accountability. Consequently, a new framework, based on Fox's framework (2007) will be presented and theoretically delimited.