937 resultados para cell level


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The TCR is an alpha beta heterodimer, a part of the multimeric structure through which physiological T-cell activation occurs. The expression of TCR alpha chain is greatly diminished in a beta-chain-deficient mutant Jurkat cell line (J.RT3-T3.5). The relationship between the expression of the TCR alpha and beta chains has been examined by stable transfection of a series of TCR beta-chain mutant constructs into this mutant cell line. The level of alpha-chain transcript was dramatically upregulated by the expression of the beta chain and specifically by a transcript of the beta-chain variable region alone, including a transcript in which the ATG start codon was mutated. The downregulation of the endogenous alpha-chain transcripts in mutants cells lacking complete beta-chain transcripts occurred primarily at the posttranscriptional level. This evidence for a regulatory function of the TCR beta-chain gene represents an unusual regulatory pathway in which the transcript of one gene is required for the optimal expression of another gene.


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Human adipose mesenchymal stem cells are a heterogeneous population, where cell cultures derived from single cell-expanded clones present varying degrees of differential plasticity. This work focuses on the immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory properties of these cells. To this end, 5 single cell clones were isolated (generally called 1.X and 3.X) from 2 volunteers. Regarding the expression level of the lineage-characteristic surface antigens, clones 1.10 and 1.22 expressed the lowest amounts, while clones 3.10 and 3.5 expressed more CD105 than the rest and clone 1.7 expressed higher amounts of CD73 and CD44. Regarding cytokine secretion, all clones were capable of spontaneously releasing high levels of IL-6 and low to moderate levels of IL-8. These differences can be explained in part by the distinct methylation profile exhibited by the clones. Furthermore and after lipopolysaccharide stimulation, clone 3.X produced the highest amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, while clones 1.10 and 1.22 highly expressed IL-4 and IL-5. In co-culture experiments, clones 1.X are altogether more potent inhibitors than clones 3.X for proliferation of total, CD3+T, CD4+T and CD8+T lymphocytes and NK cells. The results of this work indicates that adipose stem cell population is heterogeneous in cytokine production profile, and that isolation, characterization and selection of the appropriate cell clone is a more exact method for the possible treatment of different patients or pathologies.


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Unlike fish and amphibians, mammals do not regenerate retinal neurons throughout life. However, neurogenic potential may be conserved in adult mammal retina and it is necessary to identify the factors that regulate retinal progenitor cells (RPC) proliferative capacity to scope their therapeutic potential. Müller cells can be progenitors for retinal neuronal cells and can play an essential role in the restoration of visual function after retinal injury. Some members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4, are related to progenitor cells proliferation. Müller cells are important in retinal regeneration and stable cell lines are useful for the study of retinal stem cell biology. Our purpose was to obtain a Müller-derived cell line with progenitor characteristics and potential interest in regeneration processes. We obtained and characterized a murine Müller-derived cell line (MU-PH1), which proliferates indefinitely in vitro. Our results show that (i) MU-PH1 cells expresses the Müller cell markers Vimentin, S-100, glutamine synthetase and the progenitor and stem cell markers Nestin, Abcg2, Ascl1, α-tubulin and β-III-tubulin, whereas lacks the expression of CRALBP, GFAP, Chx10, Pax6 and Notch1 markers; (ii) MU-PH1 cell line stably express the photoreceptor markers recoverin, transducin, rhodopsin, blue and red/green opsins and also melanopsin; (iii) the presence of opsins was confirmed by the recording of intracellular free calcium levels during light stimulation; (iv) MU-PH1 cell line also expresses the melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors; (v) MU-PH1 cells express TLR1, 2, 4 and 6 mRNA; (vi) MU-PH1 express TLR2 at cell surface level; (vii) Candida albicans increases TLR2 and TLR6 mRNA expression; (viii) C. albicans or TLR selective agonists (Pam(3)CysSK(4), LPS) did not elicit morphological changes nor TNF-α secretion; (ix) C. albicans and Pam(3)CysSK(4) augmented MU-PH1 neurospheres formation in a statistically significant manner. Our results indicate that MU-PH1 cell line could be of great interest both as a photoreceptor model and in retinal regeneration approaches and that TLR2 may also play a role in retinal cell proliferation.


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The circulating blood exerts a force on the vascular endothelium, termed fluid shear stress (FSS), which directly impacts numerous vascular endothelial cell (VEC) functions. For example, high rates of linear and undisturbed (i.e. laminar) blood flow maintains a protective and quiescent VEC phenotype. Meanwhile, deviations in blood flow, which can occur at vascular branchpoints and large curvatures, create areas of low, and/or oscillatory FSS, and promote a pro-inflammatory, pro-thrombotic and hyperpermeable phenotype. Indeed, it is known that these areas are prone to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Herein, we show that cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4D (PDE4D) activity is increased by FSS in human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) and that this activation regulates the activity of cAMP-effector protein, Exchange Protein-activated by cAMP-1 (EPAC1), in these cells. Importantly, we also show that these events directly and critically impact HAEC responses to FSS, especially when FSS levels are low. Both morphological events induced by FSS, as measured by changes in cell alignment and elongation in the direction of FSS, and the expression of critical FSS-regulated genes, including Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and thrombomodlin (TM), are mediated by EPAC1/PDE4D signaling. At a mechanistic level, we show that EPAC1/PDE4D acts through the vascular endothelial-cadherin (VECAD)/ platelet-cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM1)/vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) mechanosensor to activate downstream signaling though Akt. Given the critical role of PDE4D in mediating these effects, we also investigated the impact of various patterns of FSS on the expression of individual PDE genes in HAECs. Notably, PDE2A was significantly upregulated in response to high, laminar FSS, while PDE3A was upregulated under low, oscillatory FSS conditions only. These data may provide novel therapeutic targets to limit FSS-dependent endothelial cell dysfunction (ECD) and atherosclerotic development.


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Sister chromatid cohesion, mediated by the cohesin complex, is essential for faithful mitosis. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that the surveillance mechanism that governs mitotic fidelity, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), is not robust enough to halt cell division when cohesion loss occurs prematurely. The mechanism behind this poor response is not properly understood. Using developing Drosophila brains, we show that full sister chromatid separation elicits a weak checkpoint response resulting in abnormal mitotic exit after a short delay. Quantitative live-cell imaging approaches combined with mathematical modeling indicate that weak SAC activation upon cohesion loss is caused by weak signal generation. This is further attenuated by several feedback loops in the mitotic signaling network. We propose that multiple feedback loops involving cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) gradually impair error-correction efficiency and accelerate mitotic exit upon premature loss of cohesion. Our findings explain how cohesion defects may escape SAC surveillance.


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Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is an autosomal recessive chronic hemolytic anemia, caused by homozygosity for the HBB:c.20A>T mutation. The disease presents with high clinical heterogeneity, stroke being the most devastating manifestation. This study aimed to identify genetic modulators of severe hemolysis and stroke risk in children with SCA, as well as understand their consequences at the hemorheological level. Sixty-six children with SCA were categorised according to their degree of cerebral vasculopathy (Stroke/Risk/Control). Relevant data were collected from patients’ medical records. Several polymorphic regions in genes related to vascular cell adhesion and tonus were characterized by molecular methodologies. Data analyses were performed using R software. Several in silico tools (e.g. TFBind, MatInspector) were applied to investigate the main variant consequences. Some genetic variants in vascular adhesion molecule-1 gene promoter and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene were associated with higher levels of hemolysis and stroke events. They modify important transcription factor binding sites or disturb the corresponding protein structure/function. Our findings emphasize the relevance of the genetic variants in modulating the degree of hemolysis and development of cerebral vasculopathy due to their effect on gene expression, modification of protein biological activities related with erythrocyte/endothelial interactions and consequent hemorheological abnormalities in SCA.


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IRT1 and IRT2 are members of the Arabidopsis ZIP metal transporter family that are specifically induced by iron deprivation in roots and act as heterologous suppressors of yeast mutations inhibiting iron and zinc uptake. Although IRT1 and IRT2 are thought to perform redundant functions as root-specific metal transporters, insertional inactivation of the IRT1 gene alone results in typical symptoms of iron deficiency causing severe leaf chlorosis and lethality in soil. The irt1 mutation is characterized by specific developmental defects, including a drastic reduction of chloroplast thylakoid stacking into grana and lack of palisade parenchyma differentiation in leaves, reduced number of vascular bundles in stems, and irregular patterns of enlarged endodermal and cortex cells in roots. Pulse labeling with 59Fe through the root system shows that the irt1 mutation reduces iron accumulation in the shoots. Short-term labeling with 65Zn reveals no alteration in spatial distribution of zinc, but indicates a lower level of zinc accumulation. In comparison to wild-type, the irt1 mutant responds to iron and zinc deprivation by altered expression of certain zinc and iron transporter genes, which results in the activation of ZIP1 in shoots, reduction of ZIP2 transcript levels in roots, and enhanced expression of IRT2 in roots. These data support the conclusion that IRT1 is an essential metal transporter required for proper development and regulation of iron and zinc homeostasis in Arabidopsis.


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Plasmodium and Theileria parasites are obligate intracellular protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa. Theileria infection of bovine leukocytes induces transformation of host cells and infected leukocytes can be kept indefinitely in culture. Theileria-dependent host cell transformation has been the subject of interest for many years and the molecular basis of this unique phenomenon is quite well understood. The equivalent life cycle stage of Plasmodium is the infection of mammalian hepatocytes, where parasites reside for 2-7 days depending on the species. Some of the molecular details of parasite-host interactions in P. berghei-infected hepatocytes have emerged only very recently. Similar to what has been shown for Theileria-infected leukocytes these data suggest that malaria parasites within hepatocytes also protect their host cell from programmed cell death. However, the strategies employed to inhibit host cell apoptotic pathways appear to be different to those used by Theileria. This review discusses similarities and differences at the molecular level of Plasmodium- and Theileria-induced regulation of the host cell survival machinery.


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While the isolated responses of marine phytoplankton to climate warming and to ocean acidification have been studies intensively, studies on the combined effect of both aspects of Global Change are still scarce. Therefore, we performed a mesocosm experiment with a factorial combination of temperature (9 and 15°C) and pCO2 (560 ppm and 1400 ppm) with a natural autumn plankton community from the western Baltic Sea. Temporal trajectories of total biomass and of the biomass of the most important higher taxa followed similar patterns in all treatments. When averaging over the entire time course, phytoplankton biomass decreased with warming and increased with CO2 under warm conditions. The contribution of the two dominant higher phytoplankton taxa (diatoms and cryptophytes) and of the 4 most important species (3 diatoms, 1 cryptophyte) did not respond to the experimental treatments. Taxonomic composition of phytoplankton showed only responses at the level of subdominant and rare species. Phytoplankton cell sizes increased with CO2 addition and decreased with warming. Both effects were stronger for larger species. Warming effects were stronger than CO2 effects and tended to counteract each other. Phytoplankton communities without calcifying species and exposed to short-term variation of COO2 seem to be rather resistant to ocean acidification.


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The cell cycle is one of the most fundamental processes within a cell. Phase-dependent expression and cell-cycle checkpoints require a high level of control. A large number of genes with varying functions and modes of action are responsible for this biology. In a targeted exploration of the FANTOM2-Variable Protein Set, a number of mouse homologs to known cell-cycle regulators as well as novel members of cell-cycle families were identified. Focusing on two prototype cell-cycle families, the cyclins and the NIMA-related kinases (NEKs), we believe we have identified all of the mouse members of these families, 24 cyclins and 10 NEKs, and mapped them to ENSEMBL transcripts. To attempt to globally identify all potential cell cycle-related genes within mouse, the MGI (Mouse Genome Database) assignments for the RIKEN Representative Set (RPS) and the results from two homology-based queries were merged. We identified 1415 genes with possible cell-cycle roles, and 1758 potential paralogs. We comment on the genes identified in this screen and evaluate the merits of each approach.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 is thought to escape cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) recognition through either self-inhibition of synthesis or by blockade of proteasomal degradation by the glycine-alanine repeat (GAr) domain. Here we show that EBNA1 has a remarkably varied cell type-dependent stability. However, these different degradation rates do not correspond to the level of major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted presentation of EBNA1 epitopes. In spite of the highly stable expression of EBNA1 in B cells, CTL epitopes derived from this protein are efficiently processed and presented to CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we show that EBV-infected B cells can readily activate EBNA1-specific memory T cell responses from healthy virus carriers. Functional assays revealed that processing of these EBNA1 epitopes is proteasome and transporter associated with antigen processing dependent. We also show that the endogenous presentation of these epitopes is dependent on the newly synthesized protein rather than the long-lived stable EBNA1. Based on these observations, we propose that defective ribosomal products, not the full-length antigen, are the primary source of endogenously processed CD8(+) T cell epitopes front EBNA1.


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We have employed an inverse engineering strategy based on quantitative proteome analysis to identify changes in intracellular protein abundance that correlate with increased specific recombinant monoclonal antibody production (qMab) by engineered murine myeloma (NSO) cells. Four homogeneous NSO cell lines differing in qMab were isolated from a pool of primary transfectants. The proteome of each stably transfected cell line was analyzed at mid-exponential growth phase by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and individual protein spot volume data derived from digitized gel images were compared statistically. To identify changes in protein abundance associated with qMab clatasets were screened for proteins that exhibited either a linear correlation with cell line qMab or a conserved change in abundance specific only to the cell line with highest qMab. Several proteins with altered abundance were identified by mass spectrometry. Proteins exhibiting a significant increase in abundance with increasing qMab included molecular chaperones known to interact directly with nascent immunoglobulins during their folding and assembly (e.g., BiP, endoplasmin, protein disulfide isomerase). 2D-PAGE analysis showed that in all cell lines Mab light chain was more abundant than heavy chain, indicating that this is a likely prerequisite for efficient Mab production. In summary, these data reveal both the adaptive responses and molecular mechanisms enabling mammalian cells in culture to achieve high-level recombinant monoclonal antibody production. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Changes in gene expression are associated with switching to an autoprotected phenotype in response to environmental and physiological stress. Ubiquitous molecular chaperones from the heat shock protein (HSP) superfamily confer neuronal protection that can be blocked by antibodies. Recent research has focused on the interactions between the molecular sensors that affect the increased expression of neuroprotective HSPs above constitutive levels. An examination of the conditions under which the expression of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) was up regulated in a hypoxia and anoxia tolerant tropical species, the epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum), revealed that up-regulation was dependent on exceeding a stimulus threshold for an oxidative stressor. While hypoxic-preconditioning confers neuroprotective changes, there was no increase in the level of Hsp70 indicating that its increased expression was not associated with achieving a neuroprotected state in response to hypoxia in the epaulette shark. Conversely, there was a significant increase in Hsp70 in response to anoxic-preconditioning, highlighting the presence of a stimulus threshold barrier and raising the possibility that, in this species, Hsp70 contributes to the neuroprotective response to extreme crises, such as oxidative stress. Interestingly, there was a synergistic effect of coincident stressors on Hsp70 expression, which was revealed when metabolic stress was superimposed upon oxidative stress. Brain energy charge was significantly lower when adenosine receptor blockade, provided by treatment with aminophylline, was present prior to the final anoxic episode, under these circumstances, the level of Hsp70 induced was significantly higher than in the pair-matched saline treated controls. An understanding of the molecular and metabolic basis for neuroprotective switches, which result in an up-regulation of neuroprotective Hsp70 expression in the brain, is needed so that intervention strategies can be devised to manage CNS pathologies and minimise damage caused by ischemia and trauma. In addition, the current findings indicate that measurements of HSP expression per se may provide a useful correlate of the level of neuroprotection achieved in the switch to an autoprotected phenotype.


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We have previously developed replicon vectors derived from the Australian flavivirus Kunjin that have a unique noncytopathic nature and have been shown to direct prolonged high-level expression of encoded heterologous genes in vitro and in vivo and to induce strong and long-lasting immune responses to encoded immunogens in mice. To facilitate further applications of these vectors in the form of virus-like particles (VLPs), we have now generated a stable BHK packaging cell line, tetKUNCprME, carrying a Kunjin structural gene cassette under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. Withdrawal of tetracycline from the medium resulted in production of Kunjin structural proteins that were capable of packaging transfected and self-amplified Kunjin replicon RNA into the secreted VLPs at titers of up to 1.6 x 10(9) VLPs per ml. Furthermore, secreted KUN replicon VLPs from tetKUNCprME cells could be harvested continuously for as long as 10 days after RNA transfection, producing a total yield of more than 1010 VLPs per 106 transfected cells. Passaging of VLPs on Vero cells or intracerebral injection into 2- to 4-day-old suckling mice illustrated the complete absence of any infectious Kunjin virus. tetKUNCprME cells were also capable of packaging replicon RNA from closely and distantly related flaviviruses, West Nile virus and dengue virus type 2, respectively. The utility of high-titer KUN replicon VLPs was demonstrated by showing increasing CD8(+)-T-cell responses to encoded foreign protein with increasing doses of KUN VLPs. A single dose of 2.5 x 10(7) VLPs carrying the human respiratory syncytial virus M2 gene induced 1,400 CD8 T cells per 10(6) splenocytes in an ex vivo gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assay. The packaging cell line thus represents a significant advance in the development of the noncytopathic Kunjin virus replicon-based gene expression system and may be widely applicable to the basic studies of flavivirus RNA packaging and virus assembly as well as to the development of gene expression systems based on replicons from different flaviviruses.