Characterization of a new murine retinal cell line (MU-PH1) with glial, progenitor and photoreceptor characteristics

Autoria(s): Gómez-Vicente, Violeta; Flores, Ana; Lax Zapata, Pedro; Murciano, Celia; Yáñez, Alberto; Gil, María Luisa; Cuenca, Nicolás; Gozalbo, Daniel; Maneu, Victoria

Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Fisiología, Genética y Microbiología

Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Óptica, Farmacología y Anatomía

Neurobiología del Sistema Visual y Terapia de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (NEUROVIS)






Unlike fish and amphibians, mammals do not regenerate retinal neurons throughout life. However, neurogenic potential may be conserved in adult mammal retina and it is necessary to identify the factors that regulate retinal progenitor cells (RPC) proliferative capacity to scope their therapeutic potential. Müller cells can be progenitors for retinal neuronal cells and can play an essential role in the restoration of visual function after retinal injury. Some members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, TLR2, TLR3 and TLR4, are related to progenitor cells proliferation. Müller cells are important in retinal regeneration and stable cell lines are useful for the study of retinal stem cell biology. Our purpose was to obtain a Müller-derived cell line with progenitor characteristics and potential interest in regeneration processes. We obtained and characterized a murine Müller-derived cell line (MU-PH1), which proliferates indefinitely in vitro. Our results show that (i) MU-PH1 cells expresses the Müller cell markers Vimentin, S-100, glutamine synthetase and the progenitor and stem cell markers Nestin, Abcg2, Ascl1, α-tubulin and β-III-tubulin, whereas lacks the expression of CRALBP, GFAP, Chx10, Pax6 and Notch1 markers; (ii) MU-PH1 cell line stably express the photoreceptor markers recoverin, transducin, rhodopsin, blue and red/green opsins and also melanopsin; (iii) the presence of opsins was confirmed by the recording of intracellular free calcium levels during light stimulation; (iv) MU-PH1 cell line also expresses the melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors; (v) MU-PH1 cells express TLR1, 2, 4 and 6 mRNA; (vi) MU-PH1 express TLR2 at cell surface level; (vii) Candida albicans increases TLR2 and TLR6 mRNA expression; (viii) C. albicans or TLR selective agonists (Pam(3)CysSK(4), LPS) did not elicit morphological changes nor TNF-α secretion; (ix) C. albicans and Pam(3)CysSK(4) augmented MU-PH1 neurospheres formation in a statistically significant manner. Our results indicate that MU-PH1 cell line could be of great interest both as a photoreceptor model and in retinal regeneration approaches and that TLR2 may also play a role in retinal cell proliferation.

This work was supported by MICINN (BFU2009-07793/BFI, RETICS RD07/0062/0012) ONCE and Fundación Médica Mutua Madrileña. VGV is a MICINN-Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow.


Experimental Eye Research. 2013, 110: 125-135. doi:10.1016/j.exer.2012.12.006

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Palavras-Chave #Retina #Progenitor cells #Müller #Photoreceptors #TLR2 #Biología Celular #Fisiología #Farmacología
