997 resultados para brake even point


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Pd1-xInx thin films (0.4 < x < 0.56) were prepared by radio frequency sputtering from a multi-zone target. The properties of these Hume-Rothery alloys were studied by X-ray diffractometry, electron probe microanalysis and scanning tunneling microscopy. The diffraction spectra were analyzed to obtain the intensity ratio of the (100) superlattice line to the (200) normal line, together with the variations of the lattice constant. The results ape explained quantitatively by a model based on point defects, i.e. Pd vacancies in In-rich films and Pd antisite atoms in Pd-rich films. In-rich films grow preferentially in the [100] direction while Pd-rich films grow preferentially in the [110] direction. The grains in indium-rich sputtered films appear to be enclosed in an atomically thick, indium-rich layer. The role of texture and the influence of point defects on electrical resistivity is also reported. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Limited.


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Current hypertension guidelines point to the necessity of achieving sustained and strict blood pressure control in every hypertensive patient. To reach this goal the patient should comply both with hygienic measures and pharmacologic treatment. This remains a difficult task, particularly since hypertension is generally asymptomatic and since any therapeutic intervention might adversely alter the patient's quality of life. Long-term persistence with antihypertensive therapy is facilated when the treatment is initiated with well tolerated antihypertensive agents, especially blockers of the renin-angiotensin system. Having a normal blood pressure during treatment is also an important determinant of persistence. This explains the growing interest for fixed-dose combinations, which have the main advantage to be at the same time efficient and well tolerated. These simple to use preparations have even gained acceptance as first-line drug regimen.


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BACKGROUND: A point mutation at the locus 3243 of the mitonchondrial DNA (mtDNA) is associated with either the MIDD syndrome (maternally inherited diabetes, deafness), the MELAS syndrome (myopathy, encephalitis, lactic acidosis, stroke) or cardiac, digestive, endocrine or exocrine dysfunctions. We report a peculiar maculopathy in two patients with an mtDNA 3243 mutation. HISTORY AND SIGNS: Case 1: A visually asymptomatic 40-year-old woman was examined for screening of diabetic retinopathy. Visual acuity was 10 / 10 in both eyes. Case 2: A 54-year-old woman with deafness and diabetes complained of visual loss. Visual acuity was 6 / 10 for the right eye and 0.5 / 10 for the left eye. Both patients exhibited a chorioretinal areolar atrophy. Case 1 was followed over 15 years and exhibited a slow progression of the maculopathy with moderate loss of visual acuity to 6 / 10 in both eyes, but marked handicap from the annular scotoma. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: None. CONCLUSION: Both patients presented a perimacular annular retinal atrophy. Patients harbouring mtDNA 3243 mutation should be examined for the presence of a maculopathy, even if they are asymptomatic. Conversely, the finding of such a geographic maculopathy should suggest the possibility of a point mutation at the locus 3243 of the mitochondrial DNA, especially in the presences of diabetes mellitus and/or deafness


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Audit report on the City of Center Point, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2009


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In the traditional actuarial risk model, if the surplus is negative, the company is ruined and has to go out of business. In this paper we distinguish between ruin (negative surplus) and bankruptcy (going out of business), where the probability of bankruptcy is a function of the level of negative surplus. The idea for this notion of bankruptcy comes from the observation that in some industries, companies can continue doing business even though they are technically ruined. Assuming that dividends can only be paid with a certain probability at each point of time, we derive closed-form formulas for the expected discounted dividends until bankruptcy under a barrier strategy. Subsequently, the optimal barrier is determined, and several explicit identities for the optimal value are found. The surplus process of the company is modeled by a Wiener process (Brownian motion).


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Introduction: The posterior inclination of the tibial component is an important factor that can affect the success of total knee arthroplasty. It can reduce the posterior impingement and thus increase the range of flexion, but it may also induce instability in flexion, anterior impingement between the polyethylene of postero-stabilizing knee prosthesis, and anterior conflict with the cortical bone and the stem. Although the problem is identified, there is still a debate on the ideal inclination angle and the surgical technique to avoid an excessive posterior inclination. The aim of this study was to predict the effect of a posterior inclination of the tibial component on the contact pattern on the tibial insert, using a numerical musculoskeletal model of the knee joint. Methods: A 3D finite element model of the knee joint was developed to simulate an active and loaded squat movement after total knee arthroplasty. Flexion was actively controlled by the quadriceps muscle and muscle activations were estimated from EMG data and were synchronized by a feedback algorithm. Two inclinations of the tibial tray were considered: a posterior inclination of 0° or 10°. During the entire range of flexion, the following quantities were calculated: the tibiofemoral and patello-femoral contact force, and the contact pattern on polyethylene insert. The antero-posterior displacement of the contact pattern was also measured. Abaqus 6.7 was used for all analyses. Results: The tibio-femoral and patello-femoral contact forces increased during flexion and reached respectively 4 and 7 BW (bodyweight) at 90° of flexion. They were slightly affected by the inclination of the tibial tray. Without posterior inclination, the contact pattern on the tibial insert remained centered. The contact pressure was lower than 5 MPa below 60° of flexion, but exceeded 20 MPa at 90° of flexion. The posterior inclination displaced the contact point posteriorly by 2 to 4 mm. Conclusion: The inclination of the tibial tray displaced the contactpattern towards the posterior border of the tibial insert. However, even for 10° of inclination, the contact center remained far from the posterior border (12 mm). There was no instability predicted for this movement.


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Le développement des cellules B est constitué d'une première phase qui se déroule dans la moelle en absence d'antigène et d'une deuxième phase qui se déroule dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires et qui débute uniquement en présence d'antigène. Cette deuxième partie est extrêmement importante et doit être très bien régulée pour lutter efficacement contre les pathogènes, ainsi que pour éviter de nombreuses maladies de type auto-immunes. Ce travail est basé à l'origine sur l'étude de souris mutantes dans lesquelles une protéine des cellules T est modifiée, impliquant une très forte activation des cellules B en absence d'antigène et de manière non spécifique. Ces souris constituent donc un outil de travail très intéressant pour étudier tout d'abord le mécanisme aboutissant à l'activation des cellules B dans ce contexte particulier. De plus comme ces souris contiennent énormément de cellules sécrétant des anticorps, à savoir les plasmocytes, il est facile d'étudier leur phénotype. Cela nous a permis de démontrer qu'un récepteur membranaire, CD93 est exprimé à leur surface. Cette observation a ensuite été confirmée dans des souris normales, de type sauvage. L'utilisation de ce marqueur de surface nous a permis de caractériser plus en détail les étapes du développement des plasmocytes. De plus nous avons tenté de trouver la fonction jouée par cette molécule à la surface de ces cellules, en utilisant des souris dans lesquelles ce récepteur a été supprimé. Si les premières étapes de l'activation des cellules B étaient normales, ces souris n'étaient par contre pas capables de produire des anticorps à long-terme dans le sang. Nous avons pu montrer que la survie des plasmocytes en l'absence de CD93 est moins efficace dans la moelle, probablement du au fait qu'en absence de cette molécule, les plasmocytes ont plus de difficultés à adhérer dans ce que l'on appelle des niches de survie. Nous avons essayé ensuite de déterminer si CD93 peut être utilisé comme cible thérapeutique dans le cadre de maladies auto-immunes ou de lymphomes. Bien que CD93 soit exprimé à la surface des cellules d'intérêt dans les souris souffrant de lupus, il n'a pas été possible de les éliminer avec un anticorps dirigé contre CD93. De plus nous n'avons pas pu mettre en évidence l'expression de CD93 à la surface des plasmocytes humains induits in vitro. SUMMARY : Antigen dependent B cell activation is a key aspect of the adaptive immunity which is involved in the efficient response against pathogens, but also in vaccination and in numerous pathologies. The aim of this project was to investigate two key aspects of the late B cell development, namely the role of costimulatory molecules in the immunological synapse between T and B cells and the characterization of a new plasma cell marker, CD93. This work was initially based on the study of the LatY136F mutant mouse. The latter harbors a point mutation in the LAT adaptor protein which is involved in T cell receptor signaling. As a consequence of this mutation, CD4 T cells in the periphery expand strongly and are polarized in a TH2 manner leading to a normal but exaggerated B cell response. For this reason, these mice provide a useful tool to investigate different aspects of the late B cell development. The first part of the project was focused on the role played by costimulatory molecules in LotY136F CD4 T cell mediated B cell activation. In vitro studies showed that CD80/CD86, IL-4 and LFA-1 were required for LatY136FT cells to activate B cells whereas CD40 and IcosL were not necessary. In vivo we showed that CD80/CD86 was required for initial T cell expansion whereas CD40 and IcosL deficiency led to a less efficient B cell activation. The large amount of plasma cells present in LatY136F mice allows investigating in more details their phenotype and CD93 was found to be expressed on their surface, This observation was confirmed in wild type B cells activated either in vivo or in vitro with T-independent or T-dependent antigens. Moreover we found that CD93 expression can occur either before CD138/Blimp-1 induction or after, showing that two independent pathways can lead to the formation of CD93/CD138 double positive population, which was shown to be the more mature. Indeed, their phenotype correlated with modified transcriptional network, high isotype switched antibody secretion and cell cycle arrest. Analysis of CD93 deficient mice demonstrated that the initial B cell activation after immunization was normal, but also showed that these mice failed to maintain a high antibody secretion level at later time points both after primary and boost immunization. This was shown to be due to a less efficient survival of the long-lived plasma cells in the bone marrow niches, most likely related with a defective adhesion process in absence of CD93. We investigated the possibility to use CD93 as a target to treat plasma cell pathologies, but even if this molecule is expressed on cells of interest in the bone marrow of lupus mice, it was not possible to deplete them using anti-CD93 antibodies. Moreover we were not able to show its expression on the surface of in vitro activated B cells and multiple myeloma cell lines of human origin. In conclusion, our data helped understand both the mechanisms leading to the polyclonal B cell activation occurring in the LatY136F KI mouse and the role played by CD93 on the surface of plasma cells, which could potentially open the way to therapeutic application.


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The evaluation of the quality and impact of journals as a starting point to systematise the quality of research is an indirect method commonly used for obtaining information for systematic and major evaluation efforts, such as those needed for public tenders to aid projects and research groups. Nevertheless, this method runs into an important obstacle: preparing rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences is considerably more complex than for those on experimental, biomedical or technological sciences. Cultural, linguistic and territorial components of research in the humanities and social sciences radically question the international rankings. Within this context, the article presents the experience of a study-in-progress whose intention is to evaluate the rankings of journals in the humanities and social sciences published in 1997 by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Even thought an attempt was made to bring this type of titles closer to the Catalan community of researchers, the initiative has been frequently surrounded by controversy and criticism and, at the present, does not enjoy the needed recognition of the Catalan academic sector.


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Aim: Conduct a search and analytic review of literature regarding attributes of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Advance Directive in order to identify the experiences and the best care strategies for older adults resident in nursing homes or long term institutions. Methodology: An extensive electronic search was undertaken in the following databases: Pubmed (via Ovid search), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL, via EBHOST), psychINFO and Cochrane. After analyzing and eliminating duplicates and professional's point of view (19), 144 titles were considered relevant: 28 opinion papers, 94 descriptive/qualitative studies or predictive studies, 17 experimental and five systematic reviews. Most of them were produced in North America and only 10 were in French. Results: With regard to European experiences, studies are scarce and further research could benefit from North American evidence. Contrary to Europe, nurses in North America play a major role in the process of care planning. The major findings were related to the poor efficacy of the completion of Advance Directives, even in presence of a substantial variety of implementation strategies. The evidence supports interventions that conceptualize ACP as a process, with an emphasis on the ascertainment of patients' values and beliefs and the necessity to include the family or loved ones from the beginning of the process in order to favor the expression and sharing of one's life perspectives and priorities in care. The most relevant findings were associated with the conceptualization of the ACP as a change in health behaviors which needs an involvement in different stages to overcome a variety of barriers. Conclusion: Rigorous research in ACP for the older adults in Swiss nursing homes that promote respect and dignity in this frail population is needed. How to best achieve patients and families goals should be the focus of nursing intervention and research in this domain.