992 resultados para aves marinhas
Passerine spermatozoa exhibit apomorphies that distinguish them from non-passerine neognaths and palaeognaths. The acrosome is longer than the nucleus (excepting the suboscines, most Corvida, and a few Passerida). A perforatorium and endonuclear canals are absent. The proximal centriole is absent (except in the suboscines). The distal centriole is secondarily short, contrasting with its elongate condition in palaeognaths and Galloanserae. In the Passerida a single mitochondrial strand winds extensively along the axoneme (restricted to the anterior axoneme in suboscines and Corvida). A fibrous, or amorphous, periaxonemal sheath, seen in palaeognaths and many non-passerines, respectively, is absent. The acrosome in Myrmecocichla formicivora and Philetairus socius is bipartite: an acrosome core is surmounted by an acrosome crest; the core is ensheathed by a layer which is a posterior extension of the crest. The acrosome helix is a lateral extension of the crest and the crest layer with (Myrmecocichla) or without (Philetairus) protrusion of material of the acrosome core into it. In M. formicivora, as in other muscicapoids, a fibrous helix is intertwined with at least the more proximal region of the mitochondrial helix. The fibrous helix is absent at maturity in Philetairus and other described passeroid spermatozoa with the possible exception of Passer italiae. In Philetairus a granular helix precedes the mitochondrial helix.
The study of birds represents an important tool for the understanding of the processes involved in behavioral and morphological patterns. The species we have studied belongs to Thamnophilidae family, the third largest family restricted to the Neotropic ecozone. They are popularly known as antbirds and comprise 209 species. A large portion of the species has cryptic behavior, making the acoustic communication an important tool for maintaining contact among birds. Herpsilochmus pectoralis Sclater 1857 has evident sexual dimorphism, measured between 10 and 12 cm height and it is found in forest fragments in the Northeast and it is also categorized as vulnerable to extinction process. This study was conducted in three sandbank fragments on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. With the help of tape recordings between 2006 and 2012 it was possible to describe and characterize the sing of H. pectoralis. The sing from male birds has more and longer length than the female sing (16% of dimorphism). No differences were found in the dominant frequency between the sexes. We describe four types of calls from this species repertoire. Through capturing with ornithological nets between 2009 and 2012 it was possible to describe and compare the morphology of H. pectoralis. The species have shown lower corporal mass in the dry season. The young birds showed morphometric similarities in comparison to adults. The species has no accentuated dimorphism in their morphometric characteristics. The young ones with flying capabilities have morphometric characteristics of adults, even though they do not show a characteristic adult plumage. The moult pattern in the species is a characteristic of tropical birds, but it shows short reproductive period, typical of temperate species. Even being in the tropical region, the species suffers with seasonal rainfall, which influences their reproductive phenology and moult (remex and rectrix) cycle. Thus, this dissertation provides information on the biology of H. pectoralis to support the understanding of the relationship of this species to the environment and also to know the variations of morphology and vocal aspects, in order to understand patterns and general characteristics of Thamnophilidae.
The thrush beach, Mimus gilvus (Aves: Mimidae) is a passerine widely distributed in Central and South America. In Brazil occurs mainly in the areas of the resting and vegetation near the beach. In southeastern Brazil this species has disappeared, mainly due to urbanization. Many attributes of their reproductive biology are unknown, especially in relation to reproductive success. During the years 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2014-2015 were made visits to the area of restinga forest in Centro de Lançamento da Barreira do Inferno (CLBI), located between the cities of Natal and Parnamirim-RN (5 ° 54'S 35 ° 10'W ) where they were made systematic searches to trying describe reproductive biology of the characteristics of M. gilvus, estimate their reproductive success using the Mayfield method, and identify the main factors that influence their reproductive success in environment the resting. For this, forty fifth active nests monitored were used. Only during the breeding season of 2011-2012 and 2014-2015 were made systematic visits to the study area. The reproductive period ranged August to March. Clutch size ranged from two, three and six eggs (n = 22). Broods of two eggs were more common, with an average of eggs laid per nest of 2 ± 0,51 (n = 20 nests). The incubation period was approximately 13 ± 1,9 days (n = 11 nests). The period of stay of the nestlings was approximately 11 ± 1,6 days (n = 9 nests). With approximately 11 days old the nestlings were able to leave the nest. The apparent success was 37,8% and the success estimated by Mayfield method was 26,6%. Predation was the main cause of loss of nests in the study area. The daily survival rates (TDS) were obtained from 0,9593 incubation and 0,9313 for nestling period respectively. Survival estimates for each period was 0,5827 for incubation and 0,4571 for nestling period. The cumulative average rainfall for each month influenced negatively the hatching rates of M. gilvus nests. In addition, the number hatch eggs among the most rainy season (rainy season) and the period of lowest rainfall (dry season) were different. The number of lost nests of M. gilvus was lower in scrubs than cactus, which may account for the largest number of nests of this species found in scrubs. Survival rates in nestling period were lower compared with the incubation period. The fact that the survival rates nests of M. gilvus be lower in the nestling period compared to the incubation period may result from increased activity of adults during this phase of the nest, which in turn would increase predation rates. M. gilvus seems to avoid the rainy season during their reproduction, concentrated most of their nests in periods of low rainfall.
The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) comprises the most polymorphic loci in animals. MHC plays an important role during the first steps of the immune response in vertebrates. In humans, MHC molecules (also named human leukocyte antigens, HLA) were initially regarded as class I or class II molecules. Each of them, presents to different T cells subsets. MHC class I molecules, are heterodimers in which the heavy chain (alpha) has three extracellular domains, two of which (alpha 1 and alpha 2) are polymorphic and conform the antigen recognition sites (ARS). The ARS is thought to be subjected to balancing selection for variability, which is the cause of the very high polymorphism of the MHC molecules. Different pathogenic epitopes would be the evolutionary force causing balancing selection. MHC class I genes have been completely sequenced (α1 and α2 protein domains) and thoroughly studied in Gallus gallus (chicken) as well as in mammals. In fact, the MHC locus was first defined in chicken, specifically in the highly consanguineous variety „Leghorn‟. It has been found that, in the case of chickens the MHC genetic region is considerably smaller than it is in mammals (remarkably shorter introns were found in chickens), and is organized quite differently. The noteworthy presence of short introns in chickens; supported the hypothesis that chicken‟s MHC represented a „minimal essential MHC‟. Until now, it has been assumed that chicken (order Galliformes) MHC was similar to all species included in the whole class Aves...
Desde su origen en el Jurásico, las aves adquieren una preponderancia en los ecosistemas alcanzando cerca de 10000 especies en la actualidad, una diversidad sin parangón entre los vertebrados terrestres. Desde los comienzos de las ciencias naturales, las aves fueron uno de los grupos animales más estudiados, lo que las ha llevado a ser sin duda uno de los mejor conocidos en términos de su ecología y distribución geográfica. En los últimos años, esta vasta acumulación de conocimiento ha posibilitado el surgimiento de nuevos análisis para conocer sus patrones de diversidad y las causas subyacentes a los mismos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la abundancia de trabajos relacionados con diversos aspectos de su biología y el creciente auge de la aplicación de técnicas moleculares, son pocos los trabajos que integren las diversas fuentes de información en una perspectiva macroevolutiva. Asimismo, muchos trabajos suelen considerar el registro fósil de las aves como deficiente o poco representativo, siendo también escasos los estudios paleoecológicos con implicaciones sobre la evolución de este grupo. Considerando lo anterior, esta tesis doctoral se plantea como objetivo fundamental determinar cómo los diversos patrones y procesos macroevolutivos de las aves modernas (Neornithes) han sido influidos por los cambios climáticos y procesos geológicos que han acaecido en la Tierra a lo largo del Cenozoico. Por lo tanto, el presente proyecto de tesis se constituye como un reto importante en la integración de toda la información disponible para construir un marco histórico que logre explicar procesos evolutivos de innovación adaptativa responsables de la importante disparidad ecológica que observamos actualmente en las aves...
El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (MNCN-CSIC) data de 1776, momento en que se constituyó como Real Gabinete de Historia Natural con la adquisición de las colecciones de Pedro Franco Dávila (1711-1786). Posee una colección de mamíferos y aves formada por unos 57.000 especímenes preparados como pieles, fluidos, esqueletos y especímenes montados entre otros, provenientes principalmente del territorio español y de áreas de influencia colonial (América del Sur y Centroamérica, Guinea Ecuatorial, Filipinas y Marruecos). La colección de especímenes montados está compuesta por 3415 ejemplares que abarcan periodos desde el siglo XVIII hasta el XX, entre los que cabe destacar algunos ejemplares extintos. Las naturalizaciones más reconocidas, formando generalmente grupos biológicos, están realizadas por los hermanos Benedito. También cabe subrayar algún ejemplar de Rowland Ward Ltd. Las colecciones del museo han sufrido numerosos avatares y deterioros que han ocasionado pérdidas de ejemplares y daños diversos como ataques de plagas, desmembramientos, disociación, etc. Además, los ejemplares destinados a exposición poseen una estructura compleja y gran variedad de materiales diferentes en su constitución, lo que origina problemas técnicos para conservar íntegramente su morfología. Pero el problema más grave y acuciante es la falta de espacio y asignación económica, conservándose la gran mayoría de los ejemplares en unos almacenes en Arganda del Rey que no reúnen las condiciones medioambientales idóneas para su salvaguarda, por lo que siguen deteriorándose a pesar de haber sido restaurados. Actualmente varios de estos ejemplares requieren de operaciones de recuperación. Hoy en día en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid se están aplicando tratamientos de conservación preventiva y la intención de la presente tesis doctoral es investigar sobre aquellos criterios museísticos y de conservación y restauración que permitan establecer, a través de procedimientos científicos, los protocolos de actuación en el caso de las colecciones de aves y mamíferos de modo que complementen los trabajos ya realizados por esta institución...
Este artículo se propone analizar la escena del cresmólogo intruso en Aves, revalorizando la comedia aristofánica como fuente de conocimiento histórico. Este análisis se centra en la práctica oracular como una técnica de producción escrita vinculada a la autoridad religiosa. De esta manera, se exploran dos campos de estudios, como la comedia antigua y la adivinación griega, cuyo vínculo no ha sido explorado en profundidad. Para dar cuenta del momento crítico de la institución oracular durante la Guerra del Peloponeso, se reconstruyen perspectivas sobre dicho fenómeno en otras fuentes como Tucídides o Demóstenes. Esto no solo ofrece una mirada «cómica» sobre la adivinación, sino que también permite comprender la práctica oracular como técnica y, en consecuencia, qué elementos de su funcionamiento podían ser manipulados.
[PT] As tartarugas marinhas sao anima is com um ciclo de vida complexo, caracterizado pela exploração de diferentes habitats de alimentação ao longo do seu desenvolvimento. Estas espécies efectuam extensas migrações entre as áreas de alimentação e as praias de postura, mostrando a sua incrível capacidade de orientação.
Desde tempos remotos que as macroalgas marinhas são utilizadas por comunidades humanas, nomeadamente as orientais, como parte importante da sua dieta alimentar. A composição química das diferentes macroalgas marinhas (algas castanhas – Phaeophyta, algas vermelhas – Rhodophyta e algas verdes – Chlorophyta) confirma que além de terem um valor nutricional satisfatório podem ser uma fonte muito interessante de compostos bioativos como, por exemplo, os compostos fenólicos. Quimicamente os compostos fenólicos caracterizam-se por apresentarem um ou mais grupos hidroxilo ligados a um anel aromático. Estes compostos englobam desde moléculas simples até moléculas poliméricas de grandes dimensões. A maioria dos compostos fenólicos apresenta atividade antioxidante. O interesse pelo estudo de metabolitos secundários das macroalgas com propriedades antioxidantes surgiu, numa primeira fase, como uma tentativa de encontrar substitutos para os antioxidantes sintéticos usados como aditivos alimentares (nomeadamente o BHA e o BHT) que demonstravam possuir efeitos carcinogénicos. No entanto, rapidamente a comunidade científica reconheceu que a aplicação de novos compostos fenólicos naturais é muito mais vasta. Sabe-se hoje que é crucial para a promoção da saúde de um indivíduo que se verifique a manutenção do equilíbrio entre a produção de radicais livres e as respetivas defesas antioxidantes. Quando esse equilíbrio se altera e ocorre uma acumulação de radicais livres no organismo, este entra em stress oxidativo, situação que pode conduzir a danos dos lípidos celulares, proteínas e ácidos nucleicos, o que favorece o aparecimento de diversas doenças e acelera o envelhecimento celular. Assim, atualmente existe um crescente interesse por parte da indústria farmacêutica e da indústria da cosmética no estudo dos compostos fenólicos isolados de macroalgas. De entre estes, destacam-se os florotaninos, que para além das propriedades antioxidantes têm demonstrado possuir outras atividades farmacológicas importantes, tais como atividade antibacteriana, anti-viral, antineoplásica, anti-hipertensora e anti-diabética. Este trabalho consiste numa revisão bibliográfica sobre os diversos compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante isolados de macroalgas marinhas e que demonstraram vantagens na sua incorporação, quer em formulações cosméticas, quer em medicamentos, debatendo as suas ações farmacológicas, mecanismos de ação e possíveis aplicações futuras.
An effective hygiene and sanitation inspection of meat and meat products is essential for its production and commercialization. For this reason, the national and international standards responsible for these products quality control employs microbiological analyses methods as quality control tools. In December of 2012, it was included in the Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) website, a Microbiological Scope of food and water, which presents the replacement of some methods proposed by the Normative Instruction 62. Some of these methodologies are considered rapid, practical and convenient. However, other methodologies were still replaced by conventional ones, which presents disadvantages as incorrect interpretations of the microorganism phenotypical and biochemical characteristics, leading to the misinterpretation of test results. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive, practical and illustrative guidebook of microbiological analysis for in natura poultry cuts. The methods addressed in this guide are the official standards analysis required by the poultry cuts legislation, which are the Escherichia coli count, the thermotolerant coliforms count, the aerobic plate count and the detection of Salmonella spp. The approached methodologies for these analysis will be the AOAC 998.08, the Normative Instruction 62 and the ISO 4833-1:2013 and ISO 6579:2002, respectively. In these events, it is expected to obtain an enlightening and approved guidebook evaluated by laboratory technicians, which will help reduce the analytical subjectivity leading to a more reliable interpretation of the test results.
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo la comparación de la diversidad de aves en dos sitios de la ciudad de Managua: 1. Arboretum Alain Meyrat y 2. Jardín Botánico y Vivero Santa Elena. A la vez, se identificaron las acciones y actividades antropogénicas que ejercen presión en las aves, valorando paralelamente la cultura ambientalista de la población aledaña a cada sitio. En ambos sitios se establecieron dos puntos de conteo de aves, los cuales fueron visitados con una frecuencia de dos días a la semana entre los meses de agosto y diciembre del año 2014 y febrero y abril del año 2015. En los dos sitios se observaron 263 individuos agrupados en 47 especies, 40 géneros, 21 familias y 11 órdenes. Tanto los valores de riqueza de especie como de diversidad calculada por el índice de Shannon-Wiener fueron significativamente mayores en el Arboretum Alain Meyrat comparados con el Jardín Botánico y Vivero Santa Elena. Sin embargo la composición de especies no varió marcadamente entre los dos sitios. A pesar de esto,es posible que las aves hayan preferido el Arboretum porque la composición florística es más diversa. La mayoría de las especies observadas prefieren hábitats abiertos, borde de bosque, sistemas agroforestales y áreas urbanas, exceptuando para algunos mayormente reportados en la literatura en bosques secundarios e interior de bosques como Pachyramphus aglaiae,Trogon melanocephalus y Cholorostilbon canivetii. En su mayoría, las especies pertenecían al gremio alimenticio insectívoro –frugívoro. El 95 %de los pobladores aledaños y estudiantes manifestaron, a través de sus respuestas a encuestas estructuradas, que no se ha promovido ninguna acción de protección de la biodiversidad en sus barrios. Además, 5% de los mismos exteriorizaron que en su momentose habían hecho jornadas de reforestación.
Some quality defects can cause changes in attributes of the meat, among these we can detach the PSE meat (Pale, Soft and Exudative). The PSE meat is pale, flaccid and exudative and result from sudden pH decrease while the carcass is still under high temperature. The identification of PSE meat has been done by measuring pH and L* (Lightness). However, studies suggest that a more precise evaluation of the kinetics of pH and temperature decrease has to be conducted to better understand the etiology of PSE meat in poultry. The aim of this study was to obtain the glycolytic curve for normal and PSE meat of chicken, through the pH, L* and CRA (water holding capacity) analysis. This experiment was conducted with carcasses obtained from a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 35) of Cobb lineage, 50 days old, from the same batch of creation and with the same pre-slaughter fasting time (10h). Samples of breast fillets were obtained from carcasses randomly collected immediately at the output of pre-cooling chiller, and the analysis of pH, temperature and L * were conducted in the same in times 1h35, 2h35, 3h35, 5h35, 8h35, 11h35, 14h35, 17h35, 20h35, 23h35 and 25h35 post mortem. The CRA analyzes were performed at the time of 25h35 post mortem. The pH measurements indicated that only from the 04 time (8h35 post mortem) was possible to verify an indicative of stabilization, being that PSE meat pH was 5,69±0,07, and normal meat was 5,93±0,09. The final pH (25h35 post mortem) was 5,98±0,06 and L* 57,30± 2,39 for normal meat, while for PSE meat the result was 5,72±0,06 and L* 59,44±1,51. To CRA, the average of the samples (67,19±3.13 and 64,45± 2.66) showed a difference between the normal chicken fillets and PSE respectively. The data found in this study are consistent with those reported by own research group in another slaughterhouse and contradicts similar works, but made at room temperature, indicating that for chickens under commercial conditions the resolution of rigor mortis occurs after 8h35 post mortem.
Brazil is home to one of the richest avifaunas the world, which is subject to high levels of environmental degradation, in particular forest fragmentation. The Atlantic Forest biome depicts this history of devastation and today remains as small isolated fragments on highly degraded landscapes. This project aimed to evaluate the effects of forest fragmentation in an area with Atlantic Forest remnants in northern Paraná (Brazil) on the distribution and the organization of assemblage of forest birds and tested the hypothesis that the structure of the assembly in the fragments is different than expected by chance. We did four qualitative samplings of birds in three sets of forest fragments in the landscape, each with three fragments: large, medium and small. The method applied in the sampling was point counts along transects, traveled randomly for four hours in each fragment. Samples were taken in two periods: from September to November / 2013, and between March and May / 2014. The structure of the meeting was assessed by rates of co-occurring species (Checkerboard and CScore) and α diversity patterns (wealth) and β (turnover of species), while the landscape structure was analyzed from the parameters: area, distance between fragments, fractal dimension, edge density, fragment shape index and nuclear area index. The null hypothesis of no structure in the assembly of birds in the landscape was tested with null models from the co-occurrence indexes. The effects of landscape structure on the assembly of the structure were analyzed by the Mantel test and principal component analysis (PCA). The assembly of the structure in the landscape showed a pattern of spatiotemporal organization significantly different from that expected by chance, revealing a structure most influenced by segregation of the species. The fragments showed significant differences in richness, unlike sets of fragments, indicating relative homogeneity in the landscape structure. The differences between the size and the distance between the fragments significantly influenced the patterns of organization of the meeting of forest birds in the landscape and patterns of α and β diversity, indicating that the higher the fragment and smaller distances between them, more the standard of species cooccurrence is different than expected by chance. Thus, the fragmented landscape of remnants of the northern Paraná Atlantic Forest still has availability of environmental resources and physical characteristics that allow a persistent organizational structure of the assembly of forest birds in space over time.
Atualmente a segurança e qualidade alimentar surge como umas das maiores preocupações da indústria alimentar, isto deve-se a uma maior exigência dos consumidores, ao aumento do receio devido a recentes crises de segurança alimentar e consequentemente ao maior grau de exigência do quadro regulamentar aplicável ao sector Agroindustrial. Este facto levou ao aparecimento de vários referenciais normativos, entre eles aparece a norma BRC, uma norma reconhecida internacionalmente. A implementação e certificação de um sistema de gestão de segurança alimentar reconhecido internacionalmente é uma das metodologias mais eficazes de as empresas do sector alimentar garantirem a eficácia dos processos relacionados com a qualidade e segurança alimentar aumentando assim a confiança dos consumidores e clientes e consequentemente a sua competitividade num mercado global. Foi nesta base que foi desenvolvido o presente projeto, que consistiu na preparação de uma pequena e média empresa de abate e transformação de aves para a implementação do referencial BRC – Global Standard for food safety – Issue 6, July 2011, British Retail Consortium, London A preparação para implementação deste referencial foi elaborada em diferentes fases: numa primeira fase procedeu-se à realização de uma auditoria de diagnóstico, de modo a avaliar os procedimentos em comparação com os requisitos da norma. Verificaram-se nesta fase 45 não conformidades, com base nas quais foi elaborado um plano de ações e alterações em concordância das necessidades identificadas de forma a cumprir os requisitos da norma. O sistema de gestão BRC na empresa em estudo encontra-se atualmente totalmente planeado e estruturado estando igualmente definida a estrutura documental necessária ao cumprimento dos requisitos da norma. A certificação da empresa segundo o referencial BRC versão 6 no prazo previsto não foi possível mas este projeto contribuiu para que que esta venha a ser bem-sucedida, tendo sido definida a base processual e documental necessária para o efeito.