968 resultados para adventitious roots


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In Amazonian floodplains the trees are exposed to extreme flooding of up to 230 days a year. Waterlogging of the roots and stems affects growth and metabolic activity of the trees. An increased leaf fall in the aquatic period and annual increment rings in the wood indicate periodical growth reductions. The present study aims at documenting seasonal changes of metabolism and vitality of adult trees in the annual cycle as expressed by changes of leaf nitrogen content. Leaves of six tree species common in floodplains in Central Amazonia and typical representants of different growth strategies were collected every month between May 1994 and June 1995 in the vicinity of Manaus, Brazil. Mean leaf nitrogen content varied between 1.3% and 3.2% in the non-flooded trees. Three species showed significantly lower Ν content in the flooded period (p=0.05, 0.001, 0.001), the difference ranging 20-25% lower than in the non-flooded period. Two species showed no significant difference while Nectandra amazonum showed 32% more Ν in the flooded season (p=0.001). Leaf nitrogen content was generally high when new leaves were flushed (in the flooded period) and decreased continuously thereafter in all species. Three species showed an additional peak of nitrogen during the first month of the terrestrial phase, in leaves which had flushed earlier, indicating that flooding may disturb nitrogen uptake.


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The cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is the most intensively commercialized ornamental fish from the Rio Negro Basin (Amazonas State, Brasil). Analysis of the stomach and gut contents of fish caught in their natural habitats show conclusively that the cardinal is essentially a predator, feeding on the mesofauna that adheres to submerged litter, roots and waterplants. Microcrustacea and chironomid larvae (Diptera) were the most frequently ingested prey, while algae intake was relatively infrequent. It is argued that the relatively small size of the cardinals captured in their natural habitat is due to the annual migrations imposed by the inundation cycles, rather than to resource limitation, because it is known from earlier investigations of similar habitats, that these plant substrates are densely colonized by the aquatic mesofauna. Cardinals raised in captivity are larger and have higher rates of growth.


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1300 ppm (1.3 g / L), water and ethanol extracts prepared from stems or roots of Picrolemma sprucei Hook. f. were lethal (85-90 % mortality) in vitro to Haemonchus contortus (Barber Pole Worm) larvae, a gastrointestinal nematode parasite found in domestic and wild ruminants. Neosergeolide and isobrucein B were isolated in 0.0083 and 0.0070 % yield from dry, ground P. sprucei stems (0.89 kg). Neosergeolide, isobrucein B and the anthelmintic drug standard levamisole all caused comparable mortality rates (68-77 %) in vitro to H. contortus at similar concentrations (81-86 ppm). The anthelmintic activity of P. sprucei infusions (teas), alcohol extracts, and neosergeolide and isobrucein B, has therefore been demonstrated for the first time.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo


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Long term applications of leguminous green mulch could increase mineralizable nitrogen (N) beneath cupuaçu trees produced on the infertile acidic Ultisols and Oxisols of the Amazon Basin. However, low quality standing cupuaçu litter could interfere with green mulch N release and soil N mineralization. This study compared mineral N, total N, and microbial biomass N beneath cupuaçu trees grown in two different agroforestry systems, north of Manaus, Brazil, following seven years of different green mulch application rates. To test for net interactions between green mulch and cupuaçu litter, dried gliricidia and inga leaves were mixed with senescent cupuaçu leaves, surface applied to an Oxisol soil, and incubated in a greenhouse for 162 days. Leaf decomposition, N release and soil N mineralization were periodically measured in the mixed species litter treatments and compared to single species applications. The effect of legume biomass and cupuaçu litter on soil mineral N was additive implying that recommendations for green mulch applications to cupuaçu trees can be based on N dynamics of individual green mulch species. Results demonstrated that residue quality, not quantity, was the dominant factor affecting the rate of N release from leaves and soil N mineralization in a controlled environment. In the field, complex N cycling and other factors, including soil fauna, roots, and microclimatic effects, had a stronger influence on available soil N than residue quality.


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In this study, the metabolomics characterization focusing on the carotenoid composition of ten cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes cultivated in southern Brazil by UV-visible scanning spectrophotometry and reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography was performed. Cassava roots rich in -carotene are an important staple food for populations with risk of vitamin A deficiency. Cassava genotypes with high pro-vitamin A activity have been identified as a strategy to reduce the prevalence of deficiency of this vitamin. The data set was used for the construction of a descriptive model by chemometric analysis. The genotypes of yellow-fleshed roots were clustered by the higher concentrations of cis--carotene and lutein. Inversely, cream-fleshed roots genotypes were grouped precisely due to their lower concentrations of these pigments, as samples rich in lycopene (redfleshed) differed among the studied genotypes. The analytical approach (UV-Vis, HPLC, and chemometrics) used showed to be efficient for understanding the chemodiversity of cassava genotypes, allowing to classify them according to important features for human health and nutrition.


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There have been ethnoveterinary reports from around the world investigating plant usage in therapeutic protocols; however, there is no information regarding the ethnoveterinary practices in Brazilian Amazonia. The objective of this work was to register and document the ethnoveterinary knowledge of the inhabitants of the Island of Marajó, eastern Amazonia, Brazil. In the study, interviews were conducted with 50 individuals, with the application of semi-structured questionnaires that were quantitatively analyzed using descriptive statistic methods of frequency distribution. Use-value was calculated to determine the most important species. Samples of plants that were reported to have medicinal value were collected and identified by botanical classification. Fifty plants, distributed among 48 genera and 34 families, were indicated for 21 different medicinal uses. The family Asteraceae had the largest number of reported species; Carapa guianensis Aubl., Copaifera martii Hayne, Crescentia cujete L., Caesalpinia ferrea Mart., Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Jatropha curcas L. and Momordica charantia L. were species with highest use- value. The plant parts that were more commonly utilized for the preparation of ethnoveterinary medicines were the leaves (56%), bark (18%), roots (14%), seeds (14%) and fruit (8%). With regard to usage, tea was reported as a usage method by 56% of the informants; most preparations (90.9%) utilized only a single plant. In addition to medicinal plants, informants reported using products of animal and mineral origin. The present study contributed to the construction of an inventory of Marajó Island's ethnoveterinary plants, which might be the basis for future scientific validation studies.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial


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The objective of this work was to assess the fine-root (≤ 2 mm diameter) production dynamics of two forest regrowths at different ages. Fine-root production was monitored by the ingrowth core method in one 18-year-old site (2 ha) and one 10-year-old site (0.5 ha), both localized in the Apeú region, Northern Pará State, Brazil. The sites were abandoned after successive shifting cultivation, beginning in 1940. Monthly production of live fine-root was similar between sites and was influenced by rainfall seasonality, with higher production during the dry season than the wet season for mass and length. However, mortality in terms of mass was higher in the 10-year-old site than in the 18-year-old site. The seasonality influenced mortality only in the 18-year old site following the pattern observed for live fine-root. The influence seasonal on mortality in terms of length was different between sites, with higher mortality during the wet season in the 10-year-old site and higher mortality during the dry season in the 18-year-old site. Specific root length was higher during the wet season and at the 10-year-old site. Fine-root production was not influenced by the chronosequence of the sites studied, probably fine-root production may have already stabilized in the sites or it depended more on climate and soil conditions. The production of fine-roots mass and length were indicators that generally showed the same pattern.


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This data article is referred to the research article entitled The role of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polysaccharides in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots under postharvest physiological deterioration by Uarrota et al. (2015). Food Chemistry 197, Part A, 737746. The stress duo to PPD of cassava roots leads to the formation of ROS which are extremely harmful and accelerates cassava spoiling. To prevent or alleviate injuries from ROS, plants have evolved antioxidant systems that include non-enzymatic and enzymatic defence systems such as ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and polysaccharides. In this data article can be found a dataset called newdata, in RData format, with 60 observations and 06 variables. The first 02 variables (Samples and Cultivars) and the last 04, spectrophotometric data of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, tocopherol, total proteins and arcsined data of cassava PPD scoring. For further interpretation and analysis in R software, a report is also provided. Means of all variables and standard deviations are also provided in the Supplementary tables (data.long3.RData, data.long4.RData and meansEnzymes.RData), raw data of PPD scoring without transformation (PPDmeans.RData) and days of storage (days.RData) are also provided for data analysis reproducibility in R software.


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The reproductive success of tropical amphibians is influenced by factors such as body size and the characteristics of breeding sites. Data on reproductive biology are important for the understanding of population dynamics and the maintenance of species. The objectives of the present study were to examine the abundance of Ameerega trivittata, analyze the use of microhabitats by calling males and the snout-vent length (SVL) of breeding males and females, the number of tadpoles carried by the males and mature oocytes in the females, as well as the relationship between the SVL of the female and both the number and mean size of the mature oocytes found in the ovaries. Three field trips were conducted between January and September, 2009. A total of 31 plots, with a mean area of 2.3 ha, were surveyed, resulting in records of 235 individuals, with a mean density of 3.26 individuals per hectare. Overall, 66.1% of the individuals sighted were located in the leaf litter, while 17.4% were perched on decaying tree trunks on the forest floor, 15.7% on the aerial roots of Cecropia trees, and 0.8% on lianas. Males were observed transporting a mean of 10.8 tadpoles on their backs. A significant correlation was found between the size of the females and the mean diameter of the oocytes. New data were collected on the size of oocytes and no pattern was found in the type of perches used by calling males of the different Ameerega species.


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Orchidaceae is one of the largest botanical families, with approximately 780 genera. Among the genera of this family, Catasetum currently comprises 166 species. The aim of this study was to characterize the root anatomy of eight Catasetum species, verifying adaptations related to epiphytic habit and looking for features that could contribute to the vegetative identification of such species. The species studied were collected at the Portal da Amazônia region, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The roots were fixed in FAA 50, cut freehand, and stained with astra blue/fuchsin. Illustrations were obtained with a digital camera mounted on a photomicroscope. The roots of examined species shared most of the anatomical characteristics observed in other species of the Catasetum genus, and many of them have adaptations to the epiphytic habit, such as presence of secondary thickening in the velamen cell walls, exodermis, cortex, and medulla. Some specific features were recognized as having taxonomic application, such as composition of the thickening of velamen cell walls, ornamentation of absorbent root-hair walls, presence of tilosomes, composition and thickening of the cortical cell walls, presence of mycorrhizae, endodermal cell wall thickening, the number of protoxylem poles, and composition and thickening of the central area of the vascular cylinder. These traits are important anatomical markers to separate the species within the genus and to generate a dichotomous identification key for Catasetum. Thus, providing a useful tool for taxonomists of this group


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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Dissertação de mestrado em Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioentrepreneurship


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas