987 resultados para Welin, P. O.: Kansallispyhäkkö : Turun tuomiokirkko 1300-2000
The Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life is planned to become a comprehensive catalogue of all known species of organisms on Earth. Rapid progress has been made recently and this, the twelfth edition of the Annual Checklist, contains 1,404,038 species. Please note that this is probably just slightly over 2/3 of the world's known species. This means that for many groups it continues to be deficient, and users will notice that many species are still missing from the Catalogue. The present Catalogue is compiled with sectors provided by 115 taxonomic databases from around the world. Many of these contain taxonomic data and opinions from extensive networks of specialists, so that the complete work contains contributions from more than 3,000 specialists from throughout the taxonomic profession. Species 2000 and ITIS teams peer review databases, select appropriate sectors and integrate the sectors into a single coherent catalogue with a single hierarchical classification. It is planned to introduce alternative taxonomic treatments and alternative classifications, but an important feature is that for those users who wish to use it, a single preferred catalogue, based on peer reviews, will continue to be provided.
The Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist contains contributions from 99 databases with information on 1,347,224 species and 92,306 infraspecific taxa, and also includes 895,441 synonyms and 366,401 common names
The objective biomization method developed by Prentice et al. (1996) for Europe was extended using modern pollen samples from Beringia and then applied to fossil pollen data to reconstruct palaeovegetation patterns at 6000 and 18,000 14C yr bp. The predicted modern distribution of tundra, taiga and cool conifer forests in Alaska and north-western Canada generally corresponds well to actual vegetation patterns, although sites in regions characterized today by a mosaic of forest and tundra vegetation tend to be preferentially assigned to tundra. Siberian larch forests are delimited less well, probably due to the extreme under-representation of Larix in pollen spectra. The biome distribution across Beringia at 6000 14C yr bp was broadly similar to today, with little change in the northern forest limit, except for a possible northward advance in the Mackenzie delta region. The western forest limit in Alaska was probably east of its modern position. At 18,000 14C yr bp the whole of Beringia was covered by tundra. However, the importance of the various plant functional types varied from site to site, supporting the idea that the vegetation cover was a mosaic of different tundra types.
An improved understanding of present-day climate variability and change relies on high-quality data sets from the past 2 millennia. Global efforts to model regional climate modes are in the process of being validated against, and integrated with, records of past vegetation change. For South America, however, the full potential of vegetation records for evaluating and improving climate models has hitherto not been sufficiently acknowledged due to an absence of information on the spatial and temporal coverage of study sites. This paper therefore serves as a guide to high-quality pollen records that capture environmental variability during the last 2 millennia. We identify 60 vegetation (pollen) records from across South America which satisfy geochronological requirements set out for climate modelling, and we discuss their sensitivity to the spatial signature of climate modes throughout the continent. Diverse patterns of vegetation response to climate change are observed, with more similar patterns of change in the lowlands and varying intensity and direction of responses in the highlands. Pollen records display local-scale responses to climate modes; thus, it is necessary to understand how vegetation–climate interactions might diverge under variable settings. We provide a qualitative translation from pollen metrics to climate variables. Additionally, pollen is an excellent indicator of human impact through time. We discuss evidence for human land use in pollen records and provide an overview considered useful for archaeological hypothesis testing and important in distinguishing natural from anthropogenically driven vegetation change. We stress the need for the palynological community to be more familiar with climate variability patterns to correctly attribute the potential causes of observed vegetation dynamics. This manuscript forms part of the wider LOng-Term multi-proxy climate REconstructions and Dynamics in South America – 2k initiative that provides the ideal framework for the integration of the various palaeoclimatic subdisciplines and palaeo-science, thereby jump-starting and fostering multidisciplinary research into environmental change on centennial and millennial timescales.
The p-nitrophenol phosphomonoesterase assay (pNPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. pNPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of organic P sources in the soil. We report here on a series of experiments with the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum that highlight components of accepted methodology that might impinge on the reliability of the assay. These include the loss of pNPPase after filtration, inaccuracies in measuring wall-associated enzyme and the ample pool of intracellular pNPPase can be mistakenly measured as external pNPPase if cells are accidentally damaged.
We aimed to evaluate the classification of arm circumference (AC) in pre-school children by using National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS/CDC-2000) and World Health Organization (WHO-2006) references. We evaluated 205 children: weight, height and AC were assessed and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The BMI values were classified into Z-scores by the WHO referential. The AC was classified into Z-cores by two references, comparing the whole-sample value and among groups (tercis) of BMI Z-score. The correlation was also evaluated between differences of AC with BMI Z-score. The WHO referential classified the AC in Z-scores greater than the NCHS/CDC, which is more specific and less sensitive than the NCHS/CDC for lean children and at the same time more sensitive and less specific for children with overweight. In conclusion, a significant difference in the AC classification occurs according to the referential used.
Dendropsophus gaucheri is a recently described species which inhabits open areas of the eastern part of the Guiana Shield and is currently assigned to the D. parviceps species group based on the presence of a subocular cream spot. Herein we investigate its phylogenetic position including material from the type locality and newly documented populations from Suriname and Brazil based on mtDNA sequences. The species, as well as D. riveroi which is assigned to the D. minimus species group, were recovered nested within the D. microcephalus species group which implies the paraphyly of the three Dendropsophus species groups. Such result, along with other evidences, highlights the need for a thorough revision of the genus. The genetic distances among D. gaucheri samples studied are low confirming their conspecificity and suggesting recent connections among populations from open areas currently isolated by rainforest in the lowlands of the Guiana Shield.
This paper analyzes the most significant events occurring in Brazil`s educational, social and political areas over the last half century, viewed against a background of relevant worldwide events. The hypothesis presented here is that the relations between the country`s educational policies, the demands of the various segments of academia, and the public school system have always been strained. This strain has contributed positively to the evolution of academic knowledge and production, to the design of more modern curricular projects by institutional authorities, and to the initial recognition of the specific construction of school knowledge by the school system itself. However, the interaction of these major institutions lacks a crucial element-one that would lead to an effective change in the education of science teachers and produce a positive impact on Brazil`s schools-namely, the wholehearted participation of science teachers themselves. With this analysis, we intend to contribute by offering some perspectives and proposals for science teacher education in Brazil.
We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, man p ett fruktbart sätt kan göra de kommunala arkiven (och ev. andra arkiv) användbara i ämnet samhällskunskap A p gymnasiet. Detta test sker utifrån ett pedagogiskt undervisningsmaterial, närmare bestämt en portfölj tillsammans med en undervisningsplanering i samhällskunskap p gymnasiet. För denna uppsats har en forskarpraktiserande metod använts. Den används för att kunna uppnå syftet med skapandet av ett pedagogiskt undervisningsmaterial (portföljen) för gymnasieungdomar i samhällskunskap A. Utgångspunkterna för undersökningen är för det fösta att samhällskunskap är idag ett tvärvetenskapligt ämne som t.ex. består av ekonomi och politik och historia, geografi m.m. Den andra är att ingen forskare, enligt min vetskap, tidigare har genomfört ett projekt där kommunarkiven har involverats i samhällkunskap. Däremot använder lärare och forskare arkivinformation inom ämnen såsom historia och geografi. Källorna i undersökningen är läromedlet Reflex A, styrdokumenten och arkivhandlingar från 1878, 1970-2000 och forskning från pedagoger och arkivpedagoger. Denna forskning har legat till grund för den framtagna undervisningsplaneringen samt den pedagogiska portföljen. Arbetet gick ut p att skapa en portfölj med arkivhandlingar som skulle användas i samhällkunskap A. De övergripande målen som ex styrdokumenten visa p att det finns inga direkta konkreta direktiv som sa att läraren inte kunde använda arkivhandlingar. Det står tydligt att eleverna skall ha ett dåtida, nutida och framtida perspektiv och att de skall lära sig använda flera källor samt vara källkritiska. Resultatet är även det som finns i portföljen och är portföljen med dess handbok. Introduceringen av arkiven sker utifrån ett pedagogiskt undervisningsmaterial och en undervisningsplanering. Det krävs emellertid att läraren får den tid för att sammanställa ett fungerande material för användandet av arkiven i undervisningen.
Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att visa hur män och kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund framställs i svenska så kallade invandrarfilmer från år 2000. De frågeställningar jag arbetat utifrån är: Hur porträtteras män samt kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund i de svenska ”invandrarfilmerna” från år 2000? Vilka stereotyper kan man tänkas finna? Har det skett någon förändring i hur män och kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund porträtterats i svensk film? För att få svar p frågorna har jag genomfört textanalyser av fem filmer - Jalla! Jalla! av Josef Fares, Före stormen av Reza Parsa, Vingar av glas av Reza Bagher, Det nya landet av Geir Hansteen Jörgensen samt Bastarderna i paradiset av Luis R. Vera - utifrån teorier om genus, ”ras” och etnicitet. Teorierna har jag hämtat från bland andra Anthony Giddens, Yvonne Hirdman, Laura Mulvey, Paulina de los Reyes, Charles Ramírez Berg och Stuart Hall. Dessutom har jag jämfört filmerna med Rochelle Wrights studie av svenska filmer med invandrarkaraktärer från 1970-1990-talet för att se om det har skett någon förändring i gestaltningen av personer från andra delar av världen. Analyserna har visat att trots att filmerna från år 2000 är regisserade av personer som själva har invandrarbakgrund, så gestaltas invandrarna generellt sätt utifrån grova stereotyper. Det mest framträdande dragen i stereotyperna är att dessa, oavsett kön, gestaltas som avvikande samt som en del i en familjegrupp. Invandrarmän framställs som barnsliga, våldsbenägna, aggressiva samt som förtryckande gentemot kvinnor. Invandrarkvinnor framställs som konstiga, maktlösa, isolerade, okunniga offer samt som underordnad gentemot män. De filmer som delvis avviker, och som därmed uppvisar förändringar jämfört med tidigare filmer, är Före stormen och Det nya landet. I Före stormen har man nämligen kastat om könsrollerna. Invandrarmannen är underordnad gentemot kvinnorna, samtidigt som han gestaltas som en helt vanlig individ. I Det nya landet gestaltar man invandrarmän p ett mer positivt sätt. Fastän dessa gestaltas som grova stereotyper, revideras de p ett ptagligt sätt. De omarbetas genom att man tillskriver invandrare fördjupade egenskaper som är oförutsägbara under filmens gång. Vidare attribuerar man dem en logik som bidrar till att åskådarna nu får tillgång till att se p invandrarmän ur ett annat perspektiv, bortom den ensidiga stereotypbilden.
The print- and mailroom at Gefle Dagblad (GD-tyck) is handling an increasing amount of commercial jobsalong with the newspaper production. Investments have above all been done in the mailroom to be able tooffer commercial costumers a higher degree of finishing and there are plans to expand further in the commercialmarket. GD-tryck is of the opinion that they need to secure the quality of their production to be ableto do such expansion, which is the reason why a quality system of some kind may be appropriate. Howeverthere are no plans to certify such a quality system according to ISO 9001:2000.In this exam report the present methods of working have been analysed from a quality perspective.Suggestions on how GD-tryck should be working with quality development is presented in the fields whereshortage of quality has been discovered. The suggestions taken together do not form a quality system butcan be looked at as ideas of approach to quality fields that have to be developed if a working quality systemshall be accomplished.Many of the quality fields that have been discussed do not have anything to do with technical qualitydirectly but are in some degree requirements for a working quality system. It also feels urgent to illustratethese fields in this exam report when most people at GD seems to place quality as identical with technicalquality. Technical quality is also a quality field where GD-tryck has few concrete problems today and theyalready produce printed matters of a high quality. Afact that might make it difficult to adopt a quality systemas the benefits of such a system is not obvious.
Den relativt nya företeelsen BrandME – I am the brand är en eTjänst som fungerar som ett virtuellt provrum och därmed gör det möjligt att kunna prova p kläder virtuellt. Till sin hjälp har man bland annat använt sig av 3D-grafik samt databaser. BrandME är en produkt av det kanadensiska företaget My Virtual Model, ett företag som har arbetat med att sätta standarder för virtuell identitet sedan år 2000.Då denna företeelse är relativ ny, skapar detta utrymme för undersökning och bedömning om huruvida välutvecklad och välanpassad BrandME är. Undersökningens syfte är att utvärdera BrandME för att sedan kunna fastställa nyttan med denna eTjänst. Under utvärderingen koncentrerar vi oss dels p användbarheten hos BrandME och dels p utformningen av BrandME.