929 resultados para Vitamin d


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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES:Recently, three novel non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants received approval for reimbursement in Portugal for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). It is therefore important to evaluate the relative cost-effectiveness of these new oral anticoagulants in Portuguese AF patients. METHODS: A Markov model was used to analyze disease progression over a lifetime horizon. Relative efficacy data for stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic), bleeding (intracranial, other major bleeding and clinically relevant non-major bleeding), myocardial infarction and treatment discontinuation were obtained by pairwise indirect comparisons between apixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban using warfarin as a common comparator. Data on resource use were obtained from the database of diagnosis-related groups and an expert panel. Model outputs included life years gained, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), direct healthcare costs and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). RESULTS:Apixaban provided the most life years gained and QALYs. The ICERs of apixaban compared to warfarin and dabigatran were €5529/QALY and €9163/QALY, respectively. Apixaban was dominant over rivaroxaban (greater health gains and lower costs). The results were robust over a wide range of inputs in sensitivity analyses. Apixaban had a 70% probability of being cost-effective (at a threshold of €20 000/QALY) compared to all the other therapeutic options. CONCLUSIONS:Apixaban is a cost-effective alternative to warfarin and dabigatran and is dominant over rivaroxaban in AF patients from the perspective of the Portuguese national healthcare system. These conclusions are based on indirect comparisons, but despite this limitation, the information is useful for healthcare decision-makers.


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Des études précédentes ont montré qu’une carence en vitamine E prédispose à la myopathie du poulet de chair. L’effet d’un ajout de vitamine E dans la diète commerciale sur la dégénérescence des fibres musculaires de la poitrine et de la cuisse a été étudié chez les poulets de chair. Des poulets mâles ROSS 308 (n = 1100) ont été assignés de façon aléatoire à deux traitements alimentaires (aliment commercial + 25 à 50 mg de vitamine E surajouté par kg vs aliment commercial + 0 mg de vitamine E supplémentaire). Les poulets ont été répartis sur 10 parquets (cinq répétitions par traitement). Le poids corporel et la consommation d’aliment ont été mesurés hebdomadairement. Aux jours j28, j35, j42 et j49, du sang a été prélevé pour mesurer le niveau de vitamine E et l’activité de la créatine kinase (CK). Les muscles Pectoralis superficialis et Adductor magnus ont été prélevés pour des analyses histologiques aux jours j28, j42 et j49; les fibres dégénérées ont été dénombrées sur chaque muscle prélevé. La concentration plasmatique de vitamine E était plus élevée dans le groupe supplémenté (P = 0.001). L’activité de la CK n’était pas différente dans les deux groupes (P = 0.20) mais très élevée, et n’était pas toujours en relation avec les dommages musculaires, à cause de grandes fluctuations de la CK entre les individus du même groupe. Le nombre de fibres endommagées était plus élevé dans le muscle Pectoralis superficialis (poitrine) que dans le muscle Adductor magnus (cuisse) dans les deux groupes; il y avait aussi moins de fibres dégénérées à j28 dans la poitrine des poulets qui ont reçus la diète supplémentée. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’ajout de vitamine E à la diète conventionnelle augmente le niveau de vitamine E dans le plasma et dans les tissus, diminue le nombre de fibres dégénérées dans la poitrine des jeunes poulets sans pour autant modifier la conversion alimentaire. La mesure de l’activité plasmatique de la CK ne saurait suffire à elle seule pour détecter précocement la myopathie nutritionnelle dans les élevages de poulets de chair.


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La Vitamine K (VK) est largement reconnue pour son rôle dans la coagulation sanguine toutefois, de plus en plus de travaux indiquent son implication dans la fonction cérébrale. La VK est requise pour l'activation de différentes protéines, par exemple la protéine Gas6, et la ménaquinone-4 (MK-4), le principal vitamère K dans le cerveau, est impliquée dans le métabolisme des sphingolipides. Dans un rapport précédent, nous avons montré qu'un régime alimentaire faible en VK tout au long de la vie était associé à des déficits cognitifs chez des rats âgés. La warfarine sodique est un puissant antagoniste de la VK qui agit en bloquant le cycle de la VK, provoquant un «déficit relatif de VK » au niveau cellulaire. À la lumière du rôle émergent de la VK dans le cerveau, la warfarine pourrait représenter un facteur de risque pour la fonction cérébrale. Ce travail est donc pertinente en raison de la forte proportion d'adultes traîtés à la warfarine sodique. Dans la présente étude, 14 rats mâles Wistar ont été traités avec 14 mg de warfarine/kg /jour (dans l'eau potable) et des injections sous-cutanées de VK (85 mg/kg), 3x/sem, pendant 10 semaines. Quatorze rats témoins ont été traités avec de l'eau normale et injectés avec une solution saline. Les rats ont été soumis à différents tests comportementaux après quoi les niveaux de phylloquinone, MK-4, sphingolipides (cérébroside, sulfatide, sphingomyéline, céramide et gangliosides), et les sous-types de gangliosides (GT1b, GD1a, GM1, GD1b), ont été évalués dans différentes régions du cerveau. Comparativement aux rats du groupe contrôle, les rats traités à la warfarine présentaient des latences plus longues au test de la piscine de Morris (p <0,05) ainsi qu'une hypoactivité et un comportement exploratoire plus faible au test de « l’open field » (p <0,05). Le traitement par warfarine a également entraîné une diminution spectaculaire du niveau de MK-4 dans toutes les régions du cerveau (p <0,001), une altération des concentrations de sphingolipidiques, en particulier dans le cortex frontal et le mésencéphale (p <0,05), et une perte de différences régionales sphingolipidiques, notamment pour les gangliosides. Le traitement par warfarine a été associé à un niveau inférieur de GD1a dans l'hippocampe et un niveau supérieur de GT1b dans le cortex préfrontal et le striatum. En conclusion, la déficience en VK induite par warfarine altère les niveaux de VK et sphingolipides dans le cerveau, avec de potentiels effets néfastes sur les fonctions cérébrales.


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The potential to increase the concentrations of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in milk fat was investigated by studying the effects of feeding a xylose-treated, whole cracked linseed supplement ( rich in alpha-linolenic acid) to dairy cows. Also the effect of increasing the dietary intake of vitamin E on the vitamin E status of milk was investigated. The effect of pasteurisation on milk fatty acid composition was also examined. Using a 3 x 2 factorial design, a total of 60 Holstein dairy cows were fed a total mixed ration based on grass silage supplemented with one of three levels of whole cracked linseed (78, 142 or 209 g . kg(-1) diet dry matter (DM); designated LL, ML or HL, respectively) in combination with one of two levels of additional dietary vitamin E intake ( 6 or 12 g vitamin E . animal(-1) . day(-1); designated LE or HE, respectively). Increasing lipid supplementation reduced (P < 0.01) diet DM intake and milk yield, and increased (P < 0.001) the overall content of oleic, vaccenic, alpha-linolenic and conjugated linoleic acids, and total PUFAs and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). Myristic and palmitic acids in milk fat were reduced ( P < 0.001) through increased lipid supplementation. While α-linolenic acid concentrations were substantially increased this acid only accounted for 0.02 of total fatty acids in milk at the highest level of supplementation (630 g α-linolenic acid &BULL; animal(-1) &BULL; day(-1) for HL). Conjugated linoleic acid concentrations in milk fat were almost doubled by increasing the level of lipid supplementation (8.9, 10.4 and 16.1 g &BULL; kg(-1) fatty acids for LL, ML and HL, respectively). Although milk vitamin E contents were generally increased there was no benefit (P > 0.05) of increasing vitamin E intake from 6 to 12 g . animal(-1) . day(-1). The fatty acid composition of milk was generally not affected by pasteurisation.


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With the aim of reducing the degree of saturation and increasing the C18:1 cis fatty acid content of milk fat, the effects of feeding high levels of whole cracked rapeseed to dairy cows was investigated together with the effect of increasing dietary intake of vitamin E on the vitamin E content of milk. Using a 3 x 3 factorial design, 90 Holstein dairy cows were fed one of three levels of whole cracked rapeseed (0 (ZR), 134 (MR) and 270 g . kg(-1) diet dry matter (DM) (HR)) in combination with one of three intakes of supplementary vitamin E (0 (ZE), 2 (ME) and 4 g . cow(-1) . d(-1) (HE)). Supplementing with up to almost 2 kg . d(-1) of rapeseed oil (diet HR) significantly (P < 0.001) increased C18: 1cis in milk fat, from 181 (ZR) to over 400 g &BULL; kg(-1) (HR) of total milk fatty acids. Concentrations of C18: 0, C18: 2 and C18: 3 fatty acids were also increased ( P < 0.001) but by a much lesser degree, and the saturated fatty acids C4: 0 to C16: 0 decreased substantially. Vitamin E supplementation increased ( P < 0.01) milk vitamin E concentrations from 1.29 (ZE) to 1.68 mg &BULL; kg(-1) whole milk (HE). Thus substantial changes in milk fat composition with potentially beneficial effects on human health were achieved and without any adverse effects on milk taste. However, these improvements must be offset against the substantial reductions ( P < 0.001) observed in voluntary feed DM consumption (ZR, 20.6; HR, 15.2 kg DM . d(-1)), milk yield (ZR, 22.9; HR, 13.2 kg . d(-1)) and milk fat concentration (ZR, 42.1; HR, 33.4 g . kg(-1)) which would not be commercially sustainable unless a considerable premium was paid for this modified milk. It seems likely that the optimum dose of dietary rapeseed is lower than used in this study.


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A feedlot trial was conducted to determine the effect of dietary vitamin A concentration and roasted soybean (SB) inclusion on carcass characteristics, adipose tissue cellularity, and muscle fatty acid composition. Angus-crossbred steers (n = 168; 295 +/- 1.8 kg) were allotted to 24 pens (7 steers each). Four treatments, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, were investigated: no supplemental vitamin A, no roasted soybeans (NANS); no vitamin A, roasted SB (20% of the diet on a DM basis; NASB); with supplemental (2,700 IU/kg) vitamin A, no roasted SB (WANS); and with supplemental vitamin A, roasted SB (WASB). Diets included high moisture corn, 5% corn silage, 10 to 20% supplement, and 20% roasted SB in the SB treatments on a DM basis. The calculated vitamin A concentration in the basal diet was < 1,300 IU/kg of DM. Blood samples (2 steers/pen) were collected for serum vitamin A determination. Steers were slaughtered after 168 d on feed. Carcass characteristics and LM composition were determined. Fatty acid composition of LM was analyzed, and adipose cellularity in the i.m. and s.c. depots was determined. No vitamin A x SB interactions were detected (P > 0.10) for cattle performance, carcass composition, or muscle fatty acid composition. Low vitamin A diets (NA) did not affect (P > 0.05) ADG, DMI, or G:F. Quality grade tended (P = 0.07) to be greater in NA steers. Marbling scores and the percentage of carcasses grading > or = Choice(-) were 10% greater for NA steers, although these trends were not significant (P = 0.11 and 0.13, respectively). Backfat thickness and yield grade were not affected (P > 0.26) by vitamin A supplementation. Composition of the LM was not affected (P > 0.15) by vitamin A or SB supplementation. Serum retinol at slaughter was 44% lower (P < 0.01) for steers fed NA than for steers supplemented with vitamin A (23.0 vs. 41.1 microg/dL). A vitamin A x SB interaction occurred (P < 0.05) for adipose cellularity in the i.m. depot; when no SB was fed, vitamin A supplementation decreased cell density and increased cell size. However, when SB was fed, vitamin A supplementation did not affect adipose cellularity. Adipose cellularity at the s.c. depot was not affected (P > 0.18) by vitamin A or SB treatments. Fatty acid profile of the LM was not affected by vitamin A (P > 0.05), but SB increased (P < 0.05) PUFA (7.88 vs. 4.30 g/100 g). It was concluded that feeding NA tended to increase marbling without affecting back-fat and yield grade. It appeared that NA induced hyperplasia in the i.m. but not in the s.c. fat depot.


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To determine the effect of duration of dietary vitamin A restriction on site of fat deposition in growing cattle, 60 Holstein steers (BW = 218.4 ± 6.55 kg) were fed a diet based on high-moisture corn with 2,200 IU supplemental vitamin A/kg DM (C) or no supplemental vitamin A for a long (243 d; LR) or short (131 d; SR) restriction prior to harvest at 243 d. The SR steers were fed the C diet for the first 112 d. Steers were penned individually and fed for ad libitum intake. Jugular vein blood samples for serum retinol analysis were collected on d 1, 112, and 243. Carcass samples were collected for composition analysis. Subcutaneous fat samples were collected for fatty acid composition. Fat samples from the i.m. and s.c. depot were collected to measure adipocyte size and density. Feedlot performance (ADG, DMI, and G:F) was not affected (P > 0.05) by vitamin A restriction. On d 243, the i.m. fat content of the LM was 33% greater (P < 0.05) for LR than for SR and C steers (5.6 vs. 3.9 and 4.2% ether extract, respectively). Depth of back fat and KPH percentage were not affected (P = 0.44 and 0.80, respectively) by vitamin A restriction. Carcass weight, composition of edible carcass, and yield grade were similar among treatments (P > 0.10). Liver retinol (LR = 6.1, SR = 6.5, and C = 44.7 µg/g; P < 0.01) was reduced in LR and SR vs. C steers. On d 243, LR and SR steers had similar serum retinol concentrations, and these were lower (P < 0.01) than those of C steers (LR = 21.2, SR = 25.2, and C = 36.9 µg/dL). Intramuscular adipose cellularity (adipocyte/mm2 and mean adipocyte diameter) on d 112 and d 243 was not affected (P > 0.10) by vitamin A restriction. Restricting vitamin A intake for 243 d increased i.m fat percentage without affecting s.c. or visceral fat deposition, feedlot performance, or carcass weight. Restricting vitamin A intake for 131 d at the end of the finishing period appears to be insufficient to affect the site of fat deposition in Holstein steers.


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Lipid oxidation leads to meat spoilage and has been reported to cause adverse changes in the flavour and texture of poultry meat. Vitamin E has been found to be effective in delaying lipid oxidation. The aim of this study was to determine whether the vitamin E supplementation of chicken feed influences the consumers' perception of the quality of chicken meat under normal display and storage conditions. Untrained consumers (n 32) evaluated cooked breast meat from chickens (both corn fed and wheat fed) supplemented with 75 250 or 500 mg/kg vitamin E and after storage at 4&DEG; C for 4 and 7 d. Factorial analysis found an interaction between vitamin E treatment and storage day upon the perceived juiciness (P = 0.023) and tenderness (P = 0.041) of the chicken meat. Perceptions of quality relative to vitamin E level were more evident on day 4 than day 7. When the two cereal types were compared, the time-related subgroup effects were observed only in meat from corn-fed chickens supplemented with either 75 or 250 mg/kg, which was perceived to be juicier (P = 0.018) and more tender (P = 0.020) than that supplemented at the 500 mg/kg level. These results imply that the two lower concentrations of vitamin E have some advantages over 500 mg/kg, but for optimal consumer acceptance of corn-fed chicken meat, we suggest that 250 mg/kg vitamin E should be added to corn-fed poultry feed. There was no evidence to suggest any advantages in changing the current amount of vitamin E (75 mg/kg) used to rear wheat-fed birds.


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BACKGROUND: Enriching poultry meat with long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) can increase low population intakes of LC n-3 PUFA, but fishy taints can spoil reheated meat. This experiment determined the effect of different amounts of LC n-3 PUFA and vitamin E in the broiler diet on the fatty acid composition and sensory characteristics of the breast meat. Ross 308 broilers (120) were randomly allocated to one of five treatments from 21 to 42 days of age. Diets contained (g kg−1) 0, 9 or 18 LC n-3 PUFA (0LC, 9LC, 18LC), and 100, 150 or 200 mg LD--tocopherol acetate kg−1 (E). The five diets were 0LC100E, 9LC100E, 18LC100E, 18LC150E, 18LC200E, with four pens per diet, except 18LC100E (eight pens). Breast meat was analysed for fatty acids (uncooked) and sensory analysis by R-index (reheated). RESULTS: LC n-3 PUFA content (mg kg−1 meat) was 514 (0LC100E) and 2236 (9LC and 18LC). Compared with 0LC100E, meat from 18LC100E and 18LC150E tasted significantly different, while 23% of panellists detected fishy taints in 9LC100E and 18LC200E. CONCLUSION: Chicken meat can be enriched with nutritionally meaningful amounts of LC n-3 PUFA, but > 100 mg dl--tocopherol acetate kg−1 broiler diet is needed to protect reheated meat from oxidative deterioration. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry


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Few attempts have been made to improve the activity of plant compounds with low antimicrobial efficacy. (+)-Catechin, a weak antimicrobial tea flavanol, was combined with putative adjuncts and tested against different species of bacteria. Copper(II) sulphate enhanced (+)-catechin activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but not Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis or Escherichia coli. Attempts to raise the activity of (+)-catechin against two unresponsive species, S. aureus and E. coli, with iron(II) sulphate, iron(III) chloride, and vitamin C, showed that iron(II) enhanced (+)-catechin against S. aureus, but not E. coli; neither iron(III) nor combined iron(II) and copper(II), enhanced (+)-catechin activity against either species. Vitamin C enhanced copper(II) containing combinations against both species in the absence of iron(II). Catalase or EDTA added to active samples removed viability effects suggesting that active mixtures had produced H2O2via the action of added metal(II) ions. H2O2 generation by (+)-catechin plus copper(II) mixtures and copper(II) alone could account for the principal effect of bacterial growth inhibition following 30 minute exposures as well as the antimicrobial effect of (+)-catechin–iron(II) against S. aureus. These novel findings about a weak antimicrobial flavanol contrast with previous knowledge of more active flavanols with transition metal combinations. Weak antimicrobial compounds like (+)-catechin within enhancement mixtures may therefore be used as efficacious agents. (+)-Catechin may provide a means of lowering copper(II) or iron(II) contents in certain crop protection and other products.


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BACKGROUND: Monitoring of fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake is fraught with difficulties. Available dietary assessment methods are associated with considerable error, and the use of biomarkers offers an attractive alternative. Few studies to date have examined the use of plasma biomarkers to monitor or predict the F&V intake of volunteers consuming a wide range of intakes from both habitual F&V and manipulated diets. OBJECTIVE: This study tested the hypothesis that an integrated biomarker calculated from a combination of plasma vitamin C, cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) had more power to predict F&V intake than each individual biomarker. METHODS: Data from a randomized controlled dietary intervention study [FLAVURS (Flavonoids University of Reading Study); n = 154] in which the test groups observed sequential increases of 2.3, 3.2, and 4.2 portions of F&Vs every 6 wk across an 18-wk period were used in this study. RESULTS: An integrated plasma biomarker was devised that included plasma vitamin C, total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoids, and FRAP values, which better correlated with F&V intake (r = 0.47, P < 0.001) than the individual biomarkers (r = 0.33, P < 0.01; r = 0.37, P < 0.001; and r = 0.14, respectively; P = 0.099). Inclusion of urinary potassium concentration did not significantly improve the correlation. The integrated plasma biomarker predicted F&V intake more accurately than did plasma total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration, with the difference being significant at visit 2 (P < 0.001) and with a tendency to be significant at visit 1 (P = 0.07). CONCLUSION: Either plasma total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration or the integrated biomarker could be used to distinguish between high- and moderate-F&V consumers. This trial was registered at www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN47748735.


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Vegetables are critical for human health as they are a source of multiple vitamins including vitamin E (VTE). In plants, the synthesis of VTE compounds, tocopherol and tocotrienol, derives from precursors of the shikimate and methylerythritol phosphate pathways. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for alpha-tocopherol content in ripe fruit have previously been determined in an Solanum pennellii tomato introgression line population. In this work, variations of tocopherol isoforms (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) in ripe fruits of these lines were studied. In parallel all tomato genes structurally associated with VTE biosynthesis were identified and mapped. Previously identified VTE QTL on chromosomes 6 and 9 were confirmed whilst novel ones were identified on chromosomes 7 and 8. Integrated analysis at the metabolic, genetic and genomic levels allowed us to propose 16 candidate loci putatively affecting tocopherol content in tomato. A comparative analysis revealed polymorphisms at nucleotide and amino acid levels between Solanum lycopersicum and S. pennellii candidate alleles. Moreover, evolutionary analyses showed the presence of codons evolving under both neutral and positive selection, which may explain the phenotypic differences between species. These data represent an important step in understanding the genetic determinants of VTE natural variation in tomato fruit and as such in the ability to improve the content of this important nutriceutical.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine whether low maternal dietary intake of vitamin C and low maternal plasma ascorbic acid (AA) concentrations are associated with an increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).
METHODS: Cases were 67 women with GDM meeting National Diabetes Data Group criteria. Controls were 260 women without such a diagnosis. Maternal dietary vitamin C consumption during the periconceptional period and during pregnancy was assessed using a 121-item, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Maternal plasma AA concentrations were determined using automated enzymatic procedures on specimens collected during the intrapartum period.
RESULTS: Mean maternal daily consumption of vitamin C and plasma AA concentrations were 10% and 31% lower, respectively, among GDM cases as compared with controls (130.7 +/- 10.2 vs. 145 +/- 4.9 mg/d, P = .190; 36 +/- 2.0 vs. 53 +/- 1.0 micromol/L, P <.001). After controlling for maternal age, race, prepregnancy adiposity, family history of type 2 diabetes, energy intake and income, women reporting low daily vitamin C intake (< 70 mg/d), as compared with the other women, experienced a 3.7-fold increased risk of GDM (odds ratio [OR] = 3.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7-8.2). There was a linear relation in risk of GDM with decreasing concentrations of plasma AA (P for linear trend <.001). After adjusting for confounders, women in the lowest quartile (< 42.6 micromol/L), as compared with women in the highest quartile (> 63.3 micromol/L), experienced > 12-fold increased risk of GDM (OR = 12.8, 95% CI 3.5-46.2). CONCLUSION: Low maternal dietary vitamin C intake and low plasma AA concentrations are associated with an increased risk of GDM. Large, prospective, cohort studies are needed to further evaluate the potential beneficial role of vitamin C and other antioxidants in the prevention of impaired glucose tolerance in pregnancy.


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Fish oil replacement in aquaculture feeds results in major modifications to the fatty acid makeup of cultured fish. Therefore, in vivo fatty acid biosynthesis has been a topic of considerable research interest. Evidence suggests that pyridoxine (vitamin B6) plays a role in fatty acid metabolism, and in particular, the biosynthesis of LC-PUFA has been demonstrated in mammals. However, there is little information on the effects of dietary pyridoxine availability in fish fed diets lacking LC-PUFA. This study demonstrates a relationship between dietary pyridoxine supplementation and fatty acid metabolism in rainbow trout. In particular, the dietary pyridoxine level was shown to modulate and positively stimulate the activity of the fatty acid elongase and &Delta;-6 and &Delta;-5 desaturase enzymes, deduced by the whole-body fatty acid balance method. This activity was insufficient to compensate for a diet lacking in LC-PUFA but does highlight potential strategies to maximize this activity in cultured fish, especially when fish oil is replaced with vegetable oils.