987 resultados para Variation intra-populationnelle
Our understanding of the distribution of worldwide human genomic diversity has greatly increased over recent years thanks to the availability of large data sets derived from short tandem repeats (STRs), insertion deletion polymorphisms (indels) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A concern, however, is that the current picture of worldwide human genomic diversity may be inaccurate because of biases in the selection process of genetic markers (so-called 'ascertainment bias'). To evaluate this problem, we first compared the distribution of genomic diversity between these three types of genetic markers in the populations from the HGDP-CEPH panel for evidence of bias or incongruities. In a second step, using a very relaxed set of criteria to prevent the intrusion of bias, we developed a new set of unbiased STR markers and compared the results against those from available panels. Contrarily to recent claims, our results show that the STR markers suffer from no discernible bias, and can thus be used as a baseline reference for human genetic diversity and population differentiation. The bias on SNPs is moderate compared to that on the set of indels analysed, which we recommend should be avoided for work describing the distribution of human genetic diversity or making inference on human settlement history.
Understanding the evolution of intraspecific variance is a major research question in evolutionary biology. While its importance to processes operating at individual and population levels is well-documented, much less is known about its role in macroevolutionary patterns. Nevertheless, both experimental and theoretical evidence suggest that the intraspecific variance is susceptible to selection, can transform into interspecific variation and, therefore, is crucial for macroevolutionary processes. The main objectives of this thesis were: (l) to investigate which factors impact evolution of intraspecific variation in Polygonaceae and determine if evolution of intraspecific variation influences species diversification; and (2) to develop a novel comparative phylogenetic method to model evolution of intraspecific variation. Using the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae, as a study system, I demonstrated which life-history and ecological traits are relevant to the evolution of intraspecific variation. I analyzed how differential intraspecific variation drives species diversification patterns. I showed with computer simulations the shortcomings of existing comparative methods with respect to intraspecific variation. I developed a novel comparative model that readily incorporates the intraspecific variance into phylogenetic comparative methods. The obtained results are complimentary, because they affect both empirical and methodological aspects of comparative analysis. Overall, I highlight that intraspecific variation is an important contributor to the macroevolutionary patterns and it should be explicitly considered in the comparative phylogenetic analysis. - En biologie évolutive comprendre l'évolution de la variance intraspécifique est un axe de recherche majeur. Bien que l'importance de cette variation soit bien documentée au niveau individuel et populationnel, on en sait beaucoup moins sur son rôle au niveau macroévolutif. Néanmoins, des preuves expérimentales et théoriques suggèrent que la variance intraspécifique est sensible à la sélection et peut se transformer en variation interspécifique. Par conséquent, elle est cruciale pour mieux comprendre les processus macroévolutifs. Les principaux objectifs de ma thèse étaient : (i) d'enquêter sur les facteurs qui affectent l'évolution de la variation intraspécifique chez les Polygonaceae et de déterminer si l'évolution de cette dernière influence la diversification des espèces, et (2) de développer une nouvelle méthode comparative permettant de modéliser l'évolution de la variation intraspécifique dans un cadre phylogénétique. En utilisant comme système d'étude la famille du sarrasin, les Polygonacées, je démontre que les traits d'histoire de vie sont pertinents pour comprendre l'évolution de la variation intraspécifique. J'ai également analysé l'influence de la variation intraspécifique au niveau de la diversification des espèces. J'ai ensuite démontré avec des données simulées les limites des méthodes comparatives existantes vis à vis de la variation intraspécifique. Finalement, j'ai développé un modèle comparatif qui intègre facilement la variance intraspécifique dans les méthodes comparatives phylogénétiques existantes. Les résultats obtenus lors de ma thèse sont complémentaires car ils abordent aspects empiriques et méthodologiques de l'analyse comparative. En conclusion, je souligne que la variation intraspécifique est un facteur important en macroévolution et qu'elle doit être explicitement considérée lors d'analyses comparatives phylogénétiques.
Differences in seasonal migratory behaviours are thought to be an important component of reproductive isolation in many organisms. Stable isotopes have been used with success in estimating the location and qualities of disjunct breeding and wintering areas. However, few studies have used isotopic data to estimate the movements of hybrid offspring in species that form hybrid zones. Here, we use stable hydrogen to estimate the wintering locations and migratory patterns of two common and widespread migratory birds, Audubon's (Setophaga auduboni) and myrtle (S. coronata) warblers, as well as their hybrids. These two species form a narrow hybrid zone with extensive interbreeding in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, which has been studied for over four decades. Isotopes in feathers grown on the wintering grounds or early on migration reveal three important patterns: (1) Audubon's and myrtle warblers from allopatric breeding populations winter in isotopically different environments, consistent with band recovery data and suggesting that there is a narrow migratory transition between the two species, (2) most hybrids appear to overwinter in the south-eastern USA, similar to where myrtle warblers are known to winter, and (3) some hybrid individuals, particularly those along the western edge of the hybrid zone, show Audubon's-like isotopic patterns. These data suggest there is a migratory divide between these two species, but that it is not directly coincident with the centre of the hybrid zone in the breeding range. We interpret these findings and discuss them within the context of previous research on hybrid zones, speciation and migratory divides.
Aim: Gas6 is known to be elevated in sepsis, correlating with the severity of infection and¦organ failure. We aimed to investigate the performance of Gas6 plasma levels at¦admission to predict the risk of mortality in a cohort of septic patients.¦Methods: We used prospectively collected data and plasma samples from the "Sepsis¦Cohorte Romande". Gas6 level was measured by ELISA at admission and expressed in¦percentage relative to its level in a pool of normal plasma.¦Results: Non-survivors (n=21) presented higher Gas6 levels than survivors (n=73) (median¦258% vs 164%, IQR 194 and 117 respectively) (p=0.0027). Gas6 correlated positively with¦different cytokines and was the best mortality predictor, as shown by the ROC curves area.¦In patients with septic shock (n=66), using 249% as a cut-off value, Gas6 measurement¦had a specificity of 67% and a sensitivity of 81% for predicting mortality. ROC curve area¦was 0.75. Positive and negative predictive values were 57% and 87%, respectively.¦Conclusion: Thus, Gas6 plasma level at admission might be a useful tool to predict¦mortality in patients with septic shock. Although Gas6 hold promise as an early sepsis¦marker, its precise implication in sepsis remains to be elucidated. Our observation should¦be further investigated in larger prospective clinical trials.
Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) is the most frequently used mechanical circulatory support. Repeated trauma on the aortic wall has been reported as a cause of balloon perforation by endothelial denudation of atheromatous plaque. This study analyses the effect of IABP on the endothelium of the calf aorta. In 12 calves (mean weight: 72 +/- 6 kg) an IABP was inserted by femoral route and left during 6 hours on internal mode with a frequency of 80 cycles/min. The animals were sacrificed after the procedure (n = 4), at postoperative day (POD) 7 (n = 4), and at POD 14 (n = 4). In the aorta facing the balloon, nine transmural samples were taken proximally (n = 3), at mid height (n = 3) and distally (n = 3), for histological analysis of the percentage of aortic surface covered with endothelium. The percentage of aortic surface covered with endothelium at POD 0, 7 and 14 was proximally: 72.5 +/- 27.5%, 83.7 +/- 16.9% and 93.3 +/- 8.9% respectively; at mid-height: 50.8 +/- 30.7%, 65 +/- 25% and 95 +/- 5%; and distally: 31.4 +/- 20.1%, 48.3 +/- 34.4% and 85 +/- 10%. A large portion of the aortic endothelium is abraded after 6 hours of IAB pumping. This effect is more important at the distal level of the aorta. After two weeks, most of the endothelium has regenerated.
Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) and Nyssomyia neivai (Pinto) are morphologically very close and both present great variation in some structures. The objective of this study is a description of the variation among the females of these species in populations from the States of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The morphological structures studied were the number of horizontal teeth in the cibarium and the number of rings and the shape of the terminal knob of the spermathecae. The spermatheca rings are significantly more numerous in N. intermedia than in N. neivai and the simple shape of the terminal knob predominated in both species. Regarding the cibarium, eight to eleven teeth have been found in both species, with up to twelve teeth in the latter. The number of horizontal teeth and the shape of the terminal knob of the spermathecae were variable throughout the populations of both species and all structures were polymorphic in the populations studied.
We apply a multilevel hierarchical model to explore whether anaggregation fallacy exists in estimating the income elasticity of healthexpenditure by ignoring the regional composition of national healthexpenditure figures. We use data for 110 regions in eight OECD countriesin 1997: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden andUnited Kingdom. In doing this we have tried to identify two sources ofrandom variation: within countries and between-countries. Our resultsshow that: 1- Variability between countries amounts to (SD) 0.5433, andjust 13% of that can be attributed to income elasticity and the remaining87% to autonomous health expenditure; 2- Within countries, variabilityamounts to (SD) 1.0249; and 3- The intra-class correlation is 0.5300. Weconclude that we have to take into account the degree of fiscaldecentralisation within countries in estimating income elasticity ofhealth expenditure. Two reasons lie behind this: a) where there isdecentralisation to the regions, policies aimed at emulating diversitytend to increase national health care expenditure; and b) without fiscaldecentralisation, central monitoring of finance tends to reduce regionaldiversity and therefore decrease national health expenditure.
A presente investigação tem como objectivo analisar a evolução do comércio intra-sectorial nas relações bilaterais entre Portugal e os países da União Europeia durante o período de 1995-2008 para os sectores: 31 e 34 e o impacto sobre das principais variáveis explicativas: diferença do rendimento per capita, diferença das dotações relativas, valor mínimo do rendimento per capita, valor máximo do rendimento per capita, BORDER (adjacência/fronteira), distância geográfica e dimensão do mercado (das economias) sobre o comércio intra-sectorial. A intensidade e a contribuição do comércio intra-sectorial é medida em termos absolutos e relativos através do índice proposto por Grubel e Lloyd (1975); a desagregação do comércio intra-sectorial horizontal e vertical é efectuada utilizando o critério de Abd-EL-Rahman (1991) e Grenaway et al. (1994) aplicado ao índice de Grubel e Lloyd. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o comércio intra-sectorial vertical representa maior peso no total do comércio intra-sectorial nas relações bilaterais entre Portugal e a União Europeia, para ambos os sectores tanto em termos absolutos como em termos relativos. Em termos dos resultados econométricos verificou-se que a variável, proxy diferença do consumo eléctrico per capita utilizada para medir as dotações relativas possui um efeito negativo sobre o comércio intra-sectorial. As variáveis dimensão do mercado e valor mínimo do rendimento per capita apresentam um impacto positivo sobre o comércio intra-sectorial.
Purpose: To determine whether the need for retreatment after an initial phase of 3 monthly intravitreal injections of ranibizumab shows an intra-individual regular rhythm and to what degree it varies between different patients. Methods: Prospective study with 42 patients with exudative AMD, treatment naïve. Loading dose of 3 monthly doses of ranibizumab (0,5 mg), followed by a 12 months pro re nata (PRN) regimen according to early exudative signs on HD-OCT Cirrus, Zeiss. The follow-up visits were intensified (week 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, etc after each injection) in order to detect recurrences early, and injection followed within 3 days in cases of subretinal fluid, cysts, or central thickness increase of>50microns. Intervals were calculated between injections for the 12 month follow-up with PRN treatment. Variability was expressed as standard deviation (SD). Results: Visual acuity (VA) improved from a mean ETDRS score of 61.6 (SD 10.8) at baseline to 68.0 (SD 10.2) at month 3 and to 74.7(SD 9.0) at month 12. The 15 patients who have already completed the study showed maintenance of the VA improvement. Central foveal thickness improved from a mean value of 366 microns (baseline) to 253 microns (month 3), well maintained thereafter. Mean number of injections was 8.8 (SD 3.5,range 0-12) per 12 months of follow-up (after 3 doses), with mean individual treatment-recurrence (TR) intervals ranging from 28->365 days (mean 58). Intraindividual variability of TR intervals (SD) was 7.1 days as a mean value (range 1.7¡V22.6). It ranged within 20% of the mean intra-individual interval for 30 (91%) and within 15% for 21 patients (64%). The first interval was within 1 week of the mean intra-individual interval in 64% and within 2 weeks in 89% of patients. Conclusions: The majority of AMD patients showed a relatively stable rhythm for PRN injections of ranibizumab after initial loading phase, associated with excellent functional/anatomical results. The initial interval last loading dose-first recurrence may have a predictive value for further need of treatment, potentially facilitating follow-up and patient care.
Variation in protein sequence and gene expression each contribute to phenotypic diversity, and may be subject to similar selective pressures. Eusocial insects are particularly useful for investigating the evolutionary link between protein sequence and condition-dependent patterns of gene expression because gene expression plays a central role in determining differences between eusocial insect sexes and castes. We investigated the relationship between protein coding sequence evolution and gene expression patterns in the fire ants Solenopsis invicta, S. richteri, and their hybrids to gain greater insight into how selection jointly operates on gene expression and coding sequence. We found that genes with high expression variability within castes and sexes were frequently differentially expressed between castes and sexes, as well as between species and hybrids. These results indicate that genes showing high variation in expression in one context also tend to show high variation in expression in other contexts. Our analyses further revealed that variation in both intra- and interspecific gene expression was positively associated with rate of protein sequence evolution in Solenopsis. This suggests that selective constraints on a gene operate both at the level of protein sequence and at the level of gene expression regulation. Overall, our study provides one of the strongest demonstrations that selective constraints mediate both protein sequence evolution and gene expression variability across different biological contexts and timescales.
This study represents the most extensive analysis of batch-to-batch variations in spray paint samples to date. The survey was performed as a collaborative project of the ENFSI (European Network of Forensic Science Institutes) Paint and Glass Working Group (EPG) and involved 11 laboratories. Several studies have already shown that paint samples of similar color but from different manufacturers can usually be differentiated using an appropriate analytical sequence. The discrimination of paints from the same manufacturer and color (batch-to-batch variations) is of great interest and these data are seldom found in the literature. This survey concerns the analysis of batches from different color groups (white, papaya (special shade of orange), red and black) with a wide range of analytical techniques and leads to the following conclusions. Colored batch samples are more likely to be differentiated since their pigment composition is more complex (pigment mixtures, added pigments) and therefore subject to variations. These variations may occur during the paint production but may also occur when checking the paint shade in quality control processes. For these samples, techniques aimed at color/pigment(s) characterization (optical microscopy, microspectrophotometry (MSP), Raman spectroscopy) provide better discrimination than techniques aimed at the organic (binder) or inorganic composition (fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) or elemental analysis (SEM - scanning electron microscopy and XRF - X-ray fluorescence)). White samples contain mainly titanium dioxide as a pigment and the main differentiation is based on the binder composition (Csingle bondH stretches) detected either by FTIR or Raman. The inorganic composition (elemental analysis) also provides some discrimination. Black samples contain mainly carbon black as a pigment and are problematic with most of the spectroscopic techniques. In this case, pyrolysis-GC/MS represents the best technique to detect differences. Globally, Py-GC/MS may show a high potential of discrimination on all samples but the results are highly dependent on the specific instrumental conditions used. Finally, the discrimination of samples when data was interpreted visually as compared to statistically using principal component analysis (PCA) yielded very similar results. PCA increases sensitivity and could perform better on specific samples, but one first has to ensure that all non-informative variation (baseline deviation) is eliminated by applying correct pre-treatments. Statistical treatments can be used on a large data set and, when combined with an expert's opinion, will provide more objective criteria for decision making.
A procedure using a chirobiotic V column is presented which allows separation of the enantiomers of citalopram and its two N-demethylated metabolites, and of the internal standard, alprenolol, in human plasma. Citalopram, demethylcitalopram and didemethylcitalopram, as well as the internal standard, were recovered from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction. The limits of quantification were found to be 5 ng/ml for each enantiomer of citalopram and demethylcitalopram, and 7.5 ng/ml for each enantiomer of didemethylcitalopram. Inter- and intra-day coefficients of variation varied from 2.4% to 8.6% for S- and R-citalopram, from 2.9% to 7.4% for S- and R-demethylcitalopram, and from 5.6% to 12.4% for S- and R- didemethylcitalopram. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from 10 different patients treated with citalopram. This method allows accurate quantification for each enantiomer and is, therefore, well suited for pharmacokinetic and drug interaction investigations. The presented method replaces a previously described highly sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatography procedure using an acetylated 3-cyclobond column which, because of manufactural problems, is no longer usable for the separation of the enantiomers of citalopram and its demethylated metabolites.
A competição intraespecífica e a ausência de hospedeiros podem comprometer o sucesso de programas de controle biológico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes densidades de fêmeas (1, 3, 6 e 9 fêmeas/ 100 ovos) e da ausência de hospedeiro no parasitismo de Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Observou-se aumento no parasitismo de ovos de S. frugiperda por T. remus a partir da densidade 3 fêmeas/ 100 ovos tanto em condições de laboratório (18%) quanto em campo (32%), embora o parasitismo causado por densidades maiores que 1 fêmea/100 ovos não foi significativamente diferente. Todavia, isso não causou superparasitismo. Por outro lado, o número de fêmeas produzidas na progênie diminuiu (39%) com a maior densidade de fêmeas sob condições de laboratório. Contudo, não verificou-se diferença significativa sob condições de campo. Mesmo após 9 dias de ausência de hospedeiro não houve redução nos índices de parasitismo, permanecendo em torno de 95 ovos parasitados/fêmea/dia. Todavia, no décimo dia pode-se observar redução (40%) no número médio de ovos parasitados. Desse modo, a liberação de três fêmeas por 100 ovos é adequada para se obter elevados níveis de parasitismo.
This paper provides a quantitative evaluation of the intra--cohortredistributive elements of the United States social security system in thecontext of a computable general equilibrium model. I determine how thewell--being of individuals that differ across {\sl gender, race} and {\sl education}is affected by government social security policy. I find that females, whitesand non--college graduates stand less to gain (lose) from reductions(increases) in the size of social security than males, non--whites andcollege graduates, respectively. Differences in mortality risk and laborproductivity translate into differences in the magnitudes of capitalaccumulation and labor supply distortions, that are responsible for theobserved welfare difference between types. Results imply that the currentprogram is lifetime progressive across gender and education, yet lifetimeregressive across race.